3 resultados para International Society for Folk Narrative Research, ISFNR
em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture
Green bean production accounts for 2.4% of the total value of Australian vegetable production and was Australia's tenth largest vegetable crop in 2008-2009 by value. Australian green bean production is concentrated in Queensland (51%) and Tasmania (34%) where lost productivity as a direct result of insect damage is recognised as a key threat to the industry (AUSVEG, 2011). Green beans attract a wide range of insect pests, with thrips causing the most damage to the harvestable product, the pod. Thrips populations were monitored in green bean crops in the Gatton Research Facility, Lockyer Valley, South-east Queensland, Australia from 2002-2011. Field trials were conducted to identify the thrips species present, to record fluctuation in abundance during the season and assess pod damage as a direct result of thrips. Thirteen species of thrips were recorded during this time on bean plantings, with six dominant species being collected during most of the growing season: Frankliniella occidentalis, F. schultzei, Megalurothrips usitatus, Pseudanaphothrips achaetus, Thrips imaginis and T. tabaci. Thrips numbers ranged from less than one thrips per flower to as high as 5.39 thrips per flower. The highest incidence of thrips presence found in October/November 2008, resulted in 10.74% unmarketable pods due to thrips damage, while the lowest number of thrips recorded in April 2008 caused a productivity loss of 36.65% of pods as a result of thrips damage.
Fusarium wilt of banana, caused by the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), is one of the most destructive diseases of banana. A particularly virulent strain of the pathogen, tropical race 4 (TR4), presents an emerging threat to banana producing regions throughout the world. No commercially acceptable banana cultivar is resistant to TR4 and, as with all strains of the Fusarium wilt pathogen, there is no effective chemical control. Genetic resistance to TR4 has been observed in the diploid wild banana Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis, which has consequently received attention as a potential source of Fusarium resistance genes. The aim of this research was to determine the pattern of inheritance of the resistance trait by screening plants for resistance to Foc subtropical race 4 (SR4) and TR4. Our results showed that the F1 progeny of self-fertilized malaccensis plants challenged in pot trials against SR4 (VCGs 0120, 0129, 01211) and TR4 (VCG 01213/16) segregated for resistance according to a Mendelian ratio of 3:1 which is consistent with a single dominant gene hypothesis.
Changes in the circumstances of the Australian pineapple industry left growers with a leadership vacuum, limited technical support and no funds for conducting research and marketing. Inspirational leadership training together with regular district farm meetings were used to assist the Australian pineapple industry to successfully adapt to these challenges. All growers were assigned to one of a number of regional grower study groups and regular on-farm meetings commenced to facilitate communication between growers, transfer of technology, awareness of industry affairs and an opportunity to become involved in industry business. A leader was appointed within each study group and these leaders attended a leadership course consisting of three, three-day modules. These original course graduates formed the nucleus of a new grower representative group which subsequently instigated levies to fund research and marketing. Two more courses have since been conducted to provide the depth of leadership to satisfy the growers' desire to rotate industry leadership on a regular basis.