20 resultados para Indicators of efficacy and efficiency

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Temporal and spatial patterns in parasite assemblages were examined to evaluate the degree of movement and connectivity of post-recruitment life-history stages of a large, non-diadromous tropical estuarine teleost, king threadfin Polydactylus macrochir, collected from 18 locations across northern Australia. Ten parasites types (juvenile stages of two nematodes and seven cestodes, and adults of an acanthocephalan) were deemed to be suitable for use as biological tags, in that they were considered to have a long residence time in the fish, were relatively easy to find and were morphologically very different to each other which aided discrimination. Univariate and discriminant function analysis of these parasites revealed little difference in temporal replicates collected from five locations, suggesting that the parasite communities were stable over the timeframes explored. Univariate, discriminant function, and BrayCurtis similarity analyses indicated significant spatial heterogeneity, with BrayCurtis classification accuracies ranging from 55 to 100% for locations in north-western and northern Australia, 24 to 88% in the Gulf of Carpentaria, and 39 to 88% on the east coast of Queensland. Few differences were observed among locations separated by <200 km. The observed patterns of parasite infection are in agreement with concurrent studies of movement and connectivity of P. macrochir in that they indicate a complex population structure across northern Australia. These results should be considered when reviewing the management arrangements for this species.


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An adaptive conjoint analysis was use to evaluate stakeholders' opinion of welfare indicators for ship-transported sheep and cattle, both onboard and in pre-export depots. In consultations with two nominees of each identified stakeholder group (government officials, animal welfare representatives, animal scientists, stockpersons, producers/pre-export depot operators, exporters/ship owners and veterinarians), 18 potential indicators were identified Three levels were assigned to each using industry statistics and expert opinion, representing those observed on the best and worst 5% of voyages and an intermediate value. A computer-based questionnaire was completed by 135 stakeholders (48% of those invited). All indicators were ranked by respondents in the assigned order, except fodder intake, in which case providing the amount necessary to maintain bodyweight was rated better than over or underfeeding, and time in the pre-export assembly depot, in which case 5 days was rated better than 0 or 10 days. The respective Importance Values (a relative rating given by the respondent) for each indicator were, in order of declining importance: mortality (8.6%), clinical disease incidence (8.2%), respiration rate (6.8%), space allowance (6.2%), ammonia levels (6.1%), weight change (6.0%), wet bulb temperature (6.0%), time in assembly depot (5.4%), percentage of animals in hospital pen (5.4%), fodder intake (5.2%), stress-related metabolites (5.0%), percentage of feeding trough utilised (5.0%), injuries (4.8%), percentage of animals able to access food troughs at any one time (4.8%), percentage of animals lying down (4.7%), cortisol concentration (4.5Y.), noise (3.9y.), and photoperiod (3.4%). The different stakeholder groups were relatively consistent in their ranking of the indicators, with all groups nominating the some top two and at least five of the top seven indicators. Some of the top indicators, in particular mortality, disease incidence and temperature, are already recorded in the Australian industry, but the study identified potential new welfare indicators for exported livestock, such as space allowance and ammonia concentration, which could be used to improve welfare standards if validated by scientific data. The top indicators would also be useful worldwide for countries engaging in long distance sea transport of livestock.


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Increase water use efficiency and productivity, and reduce energy and water usage and costs, of dairy and fodder enterprises, to reduce costs of milk production.


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Options for the integrated management of white blister (caused by Albugo candida) of Brassica crops include the use of well timed overhead irrigation, resistant cultivars, programs of weekly fungicide sprays or strategic fungicide applications based on the disease risk prediction model, Brassica(spot)(TM). Initial systematic surveys of radish producers near Melbourne, Victoria, indicated that crops irrigated overhead in the morning (0800-1200 h) had a lower incidence of white blister than those irrigated overhead in the evening (2000-2400 h). A field trial was conducted from July to November 2008 on a broccoli crop located west of Melbourne to determine the efficacy and economics of different practices used for white blister control, modifying irrigation timing, growing a resistant cultivar and timing spray applications based on Brassica(spot)(TM). Growing the resistant cultivar, 'Tyson', instead of the susceptible cultivar, 'Ironman', reduced disease incidence on broccoli heads by 99 %. Overhead irrigation at 0400 h instead of 2000 h reduced disease incidence by 58 %. A weekly spray program or a spray regime based on either of two versions of the Brassica(spot)(TM) model provided similar disease control and reduced disease incidence by 72 to 83 %. However, use of the Brassica(spot)(TM) models greatly reduced the number of sprays required for control from 14 to one or two. An economic analysis showed that growing the more resistant cultivar increased farm profit per ha by 12 %, choosing morning irrigation by 3 % and using the disease risk predictive models compared with weekly sprays by 15 %. The disease risk predictive models were 4 % more profitable than the unsprayed control.


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A field study was established to evaluate oxadiargyl and pendimethalin during the wet seasons in Bangladesh in 2012 and 2013. The study evaluated the following treatments: oxadiargyl applied at 80, 120, and 160 g ai ha−1; pendimethalin at 800, 1200, and 1600 g ai ha−1; partial weedy; and weed-free. Rice plant density was greatly affected by weed control treatment. Lower density and lower uniformity of the rice plant stand occurred as a result of increased rates of herbicides. Increased rates of pendimethalin were more toxic than increased rates of oxadiargyl. Both herbicides effectively controlled Digitaria ciliaris, Echinochloa colona, and Phyllanthus niruri; however, they were unable to control Murdannia nudiflora. Oxadiargyl controlled Cyperus rotundus across rates by 31–55%, but pendimethalin was completely ineffective on it, and higher rates of both herbicides had no effect in controlling this weed. Both herbicides at higher rates reduced total weed biomass significantly. Among herbicide treatments, the highest yield (3.7–4.0 t ha−1) was recorded in plots treated with oxadiargyl at 160 g ai ha−1 and the lowest yield (2.4–2.8 t ha−1) was in plots treated with pendimethalin at 1600 g ai ha−1. Results from our study suggest that a higher rate of oxadiargyl can increase yield by suppressing weeds in dry-seeded rice systems. Similar to the results of oxadiargyl, pendimethalin at higher rates also greatly suppressed weeds; however, yield decreased due to phytotoxicity to rice seedlings.


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The estimation of feed efficiency in beef cattle should be undertaken in the environment where the genetic potential of the animal is to be expressed. Consequently if cattle are to be pasture fed, there is a requirement for accurate feed intake measurements on individual animals in the field. This in turn requires the use of accurate faecal marker delivery systems.


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Nitrogen (N) is the largest agricultural input in many Australian cropping systems and applying the right amount of N in the right place at the right physiological stage is a significant challenge for wheat growers. Optimizing N uptake could reduce input costs and minimize potential off-site movement. Since N uptake is dependent on soil and plant water status, ideally, N should be applied only to areas within paddocks with sufficient plant available water. To quantify N and water stress, spectral and thermal crop stress detection methods were explored using hyperspectral, multispectral and thermal remote sensing data collected at a research field site in Victoria, Australia. Wheat was grown over two seasons with two levels of water inputs (rainfall/irrigation) and either four levels (in 2004; 0, 17, 39 and 163 kg/ha) or two levels (in 2005; 0 and 39 kg/ha N) of nitrogen. The Canopy Chlorophyll Content Index (CCCI) and modified Spectral Ratio planar index (mSRpi), two indices designed to measure canopy-level N, were calculated from canopy-level hyperspectral data in 2005. They accounted for 76% and 74% of the variability of crop N status, respectively, just prior to stem elongation (Zadoks 24). The Normalised Difference Red Edge (NDRE) index and CCCI, calculated from airborne multispectral imagery, accounted for 41% and 37% of variability in crop N status, respectively. Greater scatter in the airborne data was attributable to the difference in scale of the ground and aerial measurements (i.e., small area plant samples against whole-plot means from imagery). Nevertheless, the analysis demonstrated that canopy-level theory can be transferred to airborne data, which could ultimately be of more use to growers. Thermal imagery showed that mean plot temperatures of rainfed treatments were 2.7 °C warmer than irrigated treatments (P < 0.001) at full cover. For partially vegetated fields, the two-Dimensional Crop Water Stress Index (2D CWSI) was calculated using the Vegetation Index-Temperature (VIT) trapezoid method to reduce the contribution of soil background to image temperature. Results showed rainfed plots were consistently more stressed than irrigated plots. Future work is needed to improve the ability of the CCCI and VIT methods to detect N and water stress and apply both indices simultaneously at the paddock scale to test whether N can be targeted based on water status. Use of these technologies has significant potential for maximising the spatial and temporal efficiency of N applications for wheat growers. ‘Ground–breaking Stuff’- Proceedings of the 13th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, 10-14 September 2006, Perth, Western Australia.


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Three anaerobic ponds used to store and treat piggery wastes were fully covered with permeable materials manufactured from polypropylene geofabric, polyethylene shade cloth and supported straw. The covers were assessed in terms of efficacy in reducing odour emission rates over a 40-month period. Odour samples were collected from the surface of the covers, the surface of the exposed liquor and from the surface of an uncovered (control) pond at one of the piggeries. Relative to the emission rate of the exposed liquor at each pond, the polypropylene, shade cloth and straw covers reduced average emission rates by 76%, 69% and 66%, respectively. At the piggery with an uncovered control pond, the polypropylene covers reduced average odour emission rates by 50% and 41%, respectively. A plausible hypothesis, consistent with likely mechanisms for the odour reduction and the olfactometric method used to quantifying the efficacy of the covers, is offered.


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The combined efficacy of spinosad and chlorpyrifos-methyl was determined against four storage psocid pests belonging to genus Liposcelis. This research was undertaken because of the increasing importance of these psocids in stored grain and the problem of finding grain protectants to control resistant strains. Firstly, mortality and reproduction were determined for adults exposed to wheat freshly treated with either spinosad (0.5 and 1 mg kg-1) or chlorpyrifos-methyl (2.5, 5 and 10 mg kg-1) or combinations of spinosad and chlorpyrifos-methyl at 30°C and 70% RH. There were significant effects of application rate of spinosad and chlorpyrifos-methyl, both individually and in combination, on adult mortality and progeny reduction of all four psocids. Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel and L. decolor (Pearman) responded similarly, with incomplete control of adults and progeny at both doses of spinosad but complete control in all chlorpyrifos-methyl and combined treatments. In L. entomophila (Enderlein) and L. paeta Pearman, however, complete control of adults and progeny was only achieved in the combined treatments, with the exception of spinosad 0.5 mg kg-1 plus chlorpyrifos-methyl 2.5 mg kg-1 against L. entomophila. Next, combinations of spinosad (0.5 and 1 mg kg-1) and chlorpyrifos-methyl (2.5, 5 and 10 mg kg-1) in bioassays after 0, 1.5 and 3 months storage of treated wheat were evaluated. The best treatment was 1 mg kg -1 of spinosad plus 10 mg kg-1 of chlorpyrifos-methyl, providing up to 3 months of protection against infestations of all four Liposcelis spp. on wheat.


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Insecticides are used by growers to control Frankliniella occidentalis (western flower thrips) in Australian vegetable crops. However, limited information was available on the efficacy of some insecticides used against F. occidentalis and data on new insecticides that could be included in a resistance management program were required. The efficacy of 16 insecticides in controlling F. occidentalis was tested in four small plot trials in chillies and capsicums. Spinosad, fipronil and methamidophos were effective against adults and larvae. Spirotetramat had no efficacy against adults but was very effective against larvae. Pyridalyl was moderately effective against larvae. Methidathion showed limited effectiveness. Abamectin, amorphous silica, bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, emamectin benzoate, endosulfan, imidacloprid, methomyl and insecticidal soap were not effective. Laboratory bioassays on F. occidentalis collected from the field trials showed resistance to bifenthrin but not to the other insecticides tested. The trials demonstrated that some insecticides permitted for use against F. occidentalis are not effective and identified a number of insecticides, including the new ones spirotetramat and pyridalyl, that are effective and that could be used to manage the pest within a resistance management program.


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Exotic and invasive woody vines are major environmental weeds of riparian areas, rainforest communities and remnant natural vegetation in coastal eastern Australia, where they smother standing vegetation, including large trees, and cause canopy collapse. We investigated, through glasshouse resource manipulative experiments, the ecophysiological traits that might facilitate faster growth, better resource acquisition and/or utilization and thus dominance of four exotic and invasive vines of South East Queensland, Australia, compared with their native counterparts. Relative growth rate was not significantly different between the two groups but water use efficiency (WUE) was higher in the native species while the converse was observed for light use efficiency (quantum efficiency, AQE) and maximum photosynthesis on a mass basis (Amax mass). The invasive species, as a group, also exhibited higher respiration load, higher light compensation point and higher specific leaf area. There were stronger correlations of leaf traits and greater structural (but not physiological) plasticity in invasive species than in their native counterparts. The scaling coefficients of resource use efficiencies (WUE, AQE and respiration efficiency) as well as those of fitness (biomass accumulated) versus many of the performance traits examined did not differ between the two species-origin groups, but there were indications of significant shifts in elevation (intercept values) and shifts along common slopes in many of these relationships – signalling differences in carbon economy (revenue returned per unit energy invested) and/or resource usage. Using ordination and based on 14 ecophysiological attributes, a fair level of separation between the two groups was achieved (51.5% explanatory power), with AQE, light compensation point, respiration load, WUE, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio, in decreasing order, being the main drivers. This study suggests similarity in trait plasticity, especially for physiological traits, but there appear to be fundamental differences in carbon economy and resource conservation between native and invasive vine species.


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A highly polymorphic genetic locus of Stout Whiting was examined for evidence of geographical subdivision amongst samples collected from three locales in southern Queensland waters. Statistical indicators of subdivision were not significantly different from zero, suggesting that it is unlikely that the Stout Whiting resource in southern Queensland is genetically subdivided into separate stocks. It is recommended that the full-scale genetic program not proceed and that the resource be managed as a single stock.


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Retrofitting nurseries to increase water use efficiency and evaluate 4 soil moisture sensors for irrigation scheduling.


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As the importance of plant-based antioxidants to human health becomes clearer there is a rapidly expanding search for rich sources of these compounds. Much attention is currently focussed on the antioxidant potential of ellagic acid (EA). Making assessment difficult is that EA occurs in different forms: free EA, EA glycosides and polymeric ellagitannins. The overall structure of these forms has a pronounced effect on their antioxidant efficiency and is responsible for widely differing reactivity, solubility and hence bioavailability properties. Often associated with EA is vitamin C which also contributes to the plant foods total antioxidant activity. Previous studies have suggested that ascorbic acid may have protective effects on the polyphenol content of plants. With a view to gaining evidence that the bioactive forms of vitamin C influence EA content, several fruits with a range of EA and vitamin C contents were examined. To facilitate a more detailed assessment of the selected fruits antioxidant potential the relative proportions of EA forms were also determined. In strawberries and boysenberries EA content was predominantly in the polymeric form (21% and 12% free EA plus EA glycoside vs total EA levels for strawberry and boysenberry respectively), while in Kakadu plum it was mainly in the free form (70% of total EA). An increasing percentage of dehydroascorbic acid (9 to 14% of total vitamin C) indicating enhanced transformation of ascorbic acid to its oxidative degradation product together with stable free EA levels (≈ 950 mg/100 g DW) over the 4 month frozen storage period for the Kakadu plum samples are consistent with a possible protective effect of EA by ascorbic acid.