9 resultados para Groundwater Nitrate isotopes Nitrification Denitrification

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Long-term environmental sustainability and community acceptance of the shrimp farming industry in Australia requires on-going development of efficient cost-effective effluent treatment options. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a shrimp farm treatment system containing finfish and vertical artificial substrates (VAS). This was achieved by (1) quantifying the individual and collective effects of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) and VASs on water and sediment quality, and (2) comparing the retention of N in treatment systems with and without the presence of finfish (M. cephalus and the siganid Siganus nebulosus (Quoy & Gaimard)), where light was selectively removed. Artificial substrates were found to significantly improve the settlement of particulate material, regardless of the presence of finfish. Mullet actively resuspended settled solids and reduced the production of nitrate when artificial substrates were absent. However, appreciable nitrification was observed when mullet were present together with artificial substrates. The total quantity of N retained by the mullet was found to be 1.8– 2.4% of the incoming pond effluent N. It was estimated that only 21% of the pond effluent N was available for mullet consumption. When S. nebulosus was added, total finfish N retention increased from 1.8% to 3.9%, N retention by mullet also improved (78±16 to 132±21-mg N day−1 before and after siganid addition respectively). Presence of filamentous macroalgae (Enteromorpha spp.) was found to improve the removal of N from pond effluent relative to treatments where light was excluded. Denitrification was also a significant sink for N (up to 24% N removed). Despite the absence of algal productivity and greater availability of nitrate, denitrification was not higher in treatments where light was excluded. Mullet were found to have no effect on the rates of denitrification but significantly reduced macroalgal growth on the surface of the water. When mullet were absent, excessive macroalgal growth led to reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations and nitrification. This study concludes that the culture of mullet alone in shrimp farm effluent treatment systems does not result in significant retention of N but can contribute to the control of macroalgal biomass. To improve N retention and removal, further work should focus on polyculturing a range of species and also on improving denitrification.


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The DAYCENT biogeochemical model was used to investigate how the use of fertilizers coated with nitrification inhibitors and the introduction of legumes in the crop rotation can affect subtropical cereal production and N2O emissions. The model was validated using comprehensive multi-seasonal, high-frequency dataset from two field investigations conducted on an Oxisol, which is the most common soil type in subtropical regions. Different N fertilizer rates were tested for each N management strategy and simulated under varying weather conditions. DAYCENT was able to reliably predict soil N dynamics, seasonal N2O emissions and crop production, although some discrepancies were observed in the treatments with low or no added N inputs and in the simulation of daily N2O fluxes. Simulations highlighted that the high clay content and the relatively low C levels of the Oxisol analyzed in this study limit the chances for significant amounts of N to be lost via deep leaching or denitrification. The application of urea coated with a nitrification inhibitor was the most effective strategy to minimize N2O emissions. This strategy however did not increase yields since the nitrification inhibitor did not substantially decrease overall N losses compared to conventional urea. Simulations indicated that replacing part of crop N requirements with N mineralized by legume residues is the most effective strategy to reduce N2O emissions and support cereal productivity. The results of this study show that legumes have significant potential to enhance the sustainable and profitable intensification of subtropical cereal cropping systems in Oxisols.


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Alternaria leaf blight is the most prevalent disease of cotton in northern Australia. A trial was conducted at Katherine Research Station, Northern Territory, Australia, to determine the effects of foliar application of potassium nitrate (KNO3) on the suppression of Alternaria leaf blight of cotton. Disease incidence, severity and leaf shedding were assessed at the bottom (1-7 nodes), middle (8-14 nodes) and the top (15+ nodes) of plants at weekly intervals from 7 July to 22 September 2004. Disease incidence, severity and shedding at the middle canopy level were significantly higher for all treatments than those from bottom and top canopies. Foliar KNO3, applied at 13 kg/ha, significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the mean disease incidence, severity and leaf shedding assessed during the trial period. KNO 3 significantly (P < 0.001) reduced the disease severity and leaf shedding at the middle canopy level. Almost all leaves in the middle canopy became infected in the first week of July in contrast to infection levels of 50-65% at the bottom and top of the canopy. Disease severity and leaf shedding in the middle canopy were significantly (P < 0.05) lower in KNO 3-treated plots than the control plots from the second and third weeks of July to the second and third weeks of August. This study demonstrates that foliar application of KNO3 may be effective in reducing the effect of Alternaria leaf blight of cotton in northern Australia.


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A laboratory experiment compared germination of the invasive exotic grass Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Rudge) Nees and the native H. acutigluma (Steud.) Gilliland. Seeds of both species were exposed to combinations of light (constant dark, alternating dark/light or constant light), temperature (constant or alternating) and nitrate regimes (with or without the addition of KNO3). Three seed lots of H. amplexicaulis (fresh, two adn four months old) and one of H. acutigluma (fresh seed) were tested. A significant temperature x light x nitrate x seed lot interaction occured. At a constant temperature very few seeds of either H. amplexicaulis or H. acutigluma germinated, regardless of the light regime or addition of KNO3. Generally, maximum germination occurred under a combination of alternating temperature, the presence of light (either constant or alternating) and the addition of KNO3. The exception was four month stored H. amplexicaulis seed, which reached maximum germinaction without the need for KNO3. Fresh seed of both H. amplexicaulis and H. acutigluma exhibited similar germination requirements. These findings suggest that conditions that buffer seeds from light and/or temperature fluctuations could reduce germination and possibly extend the life of seed banks of both H. amplexicaulis and H. acutigluma. Conversely, for land managers trying to control the exotic H. amplexicaulis, activities that create more favourable conditions for germination may help deplete seed banks faster.


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Global cereal production will need to increase by 50% to 70% to feed a world population of about 9 billion by 2050. This intensification is forecast to occur mostly in subtropical regions, where warm and humid conditions can promote high N2O losses from cropped soils. To secure high crop production without exacerbating N2O emissions, new nitrogen (N) fertiliser management strategies are necessary. This one-year study evaluated the efficacy of a nitrification inhibitor (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate—DMPP) and different N fertiliser rates to reduce N2O emissions in a wheat–maize rotation in subtropical Australia. Annual N2O emissions were monitored using a fully automated greenhouse gas measuring system. Four treatments were fertilized with different rates of urea, including a control (40 kg-N ha−1 year−1), a conventional N fertiliser rate adjusted on estimated residual soil N (120 kg-N ha−1 year−1), a conventional N fertiliser rate (240 kg-N ha−1 year−1) and a conventional N fertiliser rate (240 kg-N ha−1 year−1) with nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) applied at top dressing. The maize season was by far the main contributor to annual N2O emissions due to the high soil moisture and temperature conditions, as well as the elevated N rates applied. Annual N2O emissions in the four treatments amounted to 0.49, 0.84, 2.02 and 0.74 kg N2O–N ha−1 year−1, respectively, and corresponded to emission factors of 0.29%, 0.39%, 0.69% and 0.16% of total N applied. Halving the annual conventional N fertiliser rate in the adjusted N treatment led to N2O emissions comparable to the DMPP treatment but extensively penalised maize yield. The application of DMPP produced a significant reduction in N2O emissions only in the maize season. The use of DMPP with urea at the conventional N rate reduced annual N2O emissions by more than 60% but did not affect crop yields. The results of this study indicate that: (i) future strategies aimed at securing subtropical cereal production without increasing N2O emissions should focus on the fertilisation of the summer crop; (ii) adjusting conventional N fertiliser rates on estimated residual soil N is an effective practice to reduce N2O emissions but can lead to substantial yield losses if the residual soil N is not assessed correctly; (iii) the application of DMPP is a feasible strategy to reduce annual N2O emissions from sub-tropical wheat–maize rotations. However, at the N rates tested in this study DMPP urea did not increase crop yields, making it impossible to recoup extra costs associated with this fertiliser. The findings of this study will support farmers and policy makers to define effective fertilisation strategies to reduce N2O emissions from subtropical cereal cropping systems while maintaining high crop productivity. More research is needed to assess the use of DMPP urea in terms of reducing conventional N fertiliser rates and subsequently enable a decrease of fertilisation costs and a further abatement of fertiliser-induced N2O emissions.


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Vegetable cropping systems are often characterised by high inputs of nitrogen fertiliser. Elevated emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) can be expected as a consequence. In order to mitigate N2O emissions from fertilised agricultural fields, the use of nitrification inhibitors, in combination with ammonium based fertilisers, has been promoted. However, no data is currently available on the use of nitrification inhibitors in sub-tropical vegetable systems. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on N2O emissions and yield from broccoli production in sub-tropical Australia. Soil N2O fluxes were monitored continuously (3 h sampling frequency) with fully automated, pneumatically operated measuring chambers linked to a sampling control system and a gas chromatograph. Cumulative N2O emissions over the 5 month observation period amounted to 298 g-N/ha, 324 g-N/ha, 411 g-N/ha and 463 g-N/ha in the conventional fertiliser (CONV), the DMPP treatment (DMPP), the DMMP treatment with a 10% reduced fertiliser rate (DMPP-red) and the zero fertiliser (0N), respectively. The temporal variation of N2O fluxes showed only low emissions over the broccoli cropping phase, but significantly elevated emissions were observed in all treatments following broccoli residues being incorporated into the soil. Overall 70–90% of the total emissions occurred in this 5 weeks fallow phase. There was a significant inhibition effect of DMPP on N2O emissions and soil mineral N content over the broccoli cropping phase where the application of DMPP reduced N2O emissions by 75% compared to the standard practice. However, there was no statistical difference between the treatments during the fallow phase or when the whole season was considered. This study shows that DMPP has the potential to reduce N2O emissions from intensive vegetable systems, but also highlights the importance of post-harvest emissions from incorporated vegetable residues. N2O mitigation strategies in vegetable systems need to target these post-harvest emissions and a better evaluation of the effect of nitrification inhibitors over the fallow phase is needed.


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Soil biogeochemical cycles are largely mediated by microorganisms, while fire significantly modifies biogeochemical cycles mainly via altering microbial community and substrate availability. Majority of studies on fire effects have focused on the surface soil; therefore, our understanding of the vertical distribution of microbial communities and the impacts of fire on nitrogen (N) dynamics in the soil profile is limited. Here, we examined the changes of soil denitrification capacity (DNC) and denitrifying communities with depth under different burning regimes, and their interaction with environmental gradients along the soil profile. Results showed that soil depth had a more pronounced impact than the burning treatment on the bacterial community size. The abundance of 16S rRNA and denitrification genes (narG, nirK, and nirS) declined exponentially with soil depth. Surprisingly, the nosZ-harboring denitrifiers were enriched in the deeper soil layers, which was likely to indicate that the nosZ-harboring denitrifiers could better adapt to the stress conditions (i.e., oxygen deficiency, nutrient limitation, etc.) than other denitrifiers. Soil nutrients, including dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total soluble N (TSN), ammonium (NH4 +), and nitrate (NO3 −), declined significantly with soil depth, which probably contributed to the vertical distribution of denitrifying communities. Soil DNC decreased significantly with soil depth, which was negligible in the depths below 20 cm. These findings have provided new insights into niche separation of the N-cycling functional guilds along the soil profile, under a varied fire disturbance regime.


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Ammonia volatilised and re-deposited to the landscape is an indirect N2O emission source. This study established a relationship between N2O emissions, low magnitude NH4 deposition (0–30  kg N ha − 1 ), and soil moisture content in two soils using in-vessel incubations. Emissions from the clay soil peaked ( < 0.002 g N [ g soil ] − 1 min − 1 ) from 85 to 93% WFPS (water filled pore space), increasing to a plateau as remaining mineral-N increased. Peak N2O emissions for the sandy soil were much lower ( < 5 × 10 − 5 μg N [ g soil ] − 1 min − 1 ) and occurred at about 60% WFPS, with an indistinct relationship with increasing resident mineral N due to the low rate of nitrification in that soil. Microbial community and respiration data indicated that the clay soil was dominated by denitrifiers and was more biologically active than the sandy soil. However, the clay soil also had substantial nitrifier communities even under peak emission conditions. A process-based mathematical denitrification model was well suited to the clay soil data where all mineral-N was assumed to be nitrified ( R 2 = 90 % ), providing a substrate for denitrification. This function was not well suited to the sandy soil where nitrification was much less complete. A prototype relationship representing mineral-N pool conversions (NO3− and NH4+) was proposed based on time, pool concentrations, moisture relationships, and soil rate constants (preliminary testing only). A threshold for mineral-N was observed: emission of N2O did not occur from the clay soil for mineral-N <70 mg ( kg of soil ) − 1 , suggesting that soil N availability controls indirect N2O emissions. This laboratory process investigation challenges the IPCC approach which predicts indirect emissions from atmospheric N deposition alone.