8 resultados para Gill epithelium

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The parasites of some decapod crustaceans are known to cause sterilisation of their hosts, and can thus have an important impact on the population dynamics of infested species. Blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus) collected in three areas around Moreton Bay, Australia were examined for the presence of epizoic barnacles in their branchial chambers and on their carapace. Of the 952 crabs inspected 92% were infested with Octolasmis spp. The mean number of barnacles (predominantly Octolasmis warwickii) per carapace and gill chamber (mainly O. angulata) were 2.35 and 71.1, respectively. Barnacle infestation of gills was found to differ significantly by area, season and sex with the deeper offshore areas exhibiting the highest number of barnacles. The distribution within the hosts showed barnacles were more likely to be distributed in areas closer to the inhalant aperture. Highest abundances were found on the proximal surface of the hypobranchial side of gills 3, 4 and 5. Host moult stage and parasitism by Sacculina granifera were also found to affect the abundance of epizoic barnacles in some areas.


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Objective: To provide a visual guide for oesophagogastric ulcer scoring and recognition of different morphological changes in the pars oesophagea. Design: Pig stomachs were collected at slaughter and visually evaluated and scored for parakeratosis, erosion and ulceration in the pars oesophagea. Results: A visual and descriptive guide is presented that will aid in the objective assessment and scoring of oesophagogastric ulceration in pigs within the pig health monitoring system (PHMS), namely to the four categories of 0 = normal stomach, 1 = parakeratosis and thickened epithelium, 2 = erosions and 3 = developed ulcers with and without stenosis. Conclusion: A visual guide has been developed that illustrates the full range of morphological changes that can occur in the pars oesophagea of the stomach within the few currently recognised stages of the disease.


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To examine healthy slaughter-age cattle and sheep on-farm for the excretion of Salmonella serovars in faeces and to identify possible risk factors using a questionnaire. The study involved 215 herds and flocks in the four eastern states of Australia, 56 with prior history of salmonellosis. Production systems examined included pasture beef cattle, feedlot beef cattle, dairy cattle, prime lambs and mutton sheep and animals were all at slaughter age. From each herd or flock, 25 animals were sampled and the samples pooled for Salmonella culture. All Salmonella isolated were serotyped and any Salmonella Typhimurium isolates were phage typed. Questionnaires on each production system, prepared in Epi Info 6.04, were designed to identify risk factors associated with Salmonella spp excretion, with separate questionnaires designed for each production system. Salmonellae were identified in all production systems and were more commonly isolated from dairies and beef feedlots than other systems. Statistical analysis revealed that dairy cattle were significantly more likely to shed Salmonella in faeces than pasture beef cattle, mutton sheep and prime lambs (P < 0.05). A wide diversity of Salmonella serovars, all of which have been isolated from humans in Australia, was identified in both cattle and sheep. Analysis of the questionnaires showed access to new arrivals was a significant risk factor for Salmonella excretion on dairy properties. For beef feedlots, the presence of large numbers of flies in the feedlot pens or around stored manure were significant risk factors for Salmonella excretion. Dairy cattle pose the highest risk of all the slaughter-age animals tested. Some of the identified risk factors can be overcome by improved management practices, especially in relation to hygiene.


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Diel activity patterns of tropical fish assemblages in turbid, mangrove-dominated estuaries remain largely undocumented, leading to uncertainty about ecological processes in these systems. To capture active fishes by day and night, gill nets were set perpendicular to mangrove shorelines, in six northeastern Australian estuaries during 13 bimonthly trips. Fish were sampled with eight large mesh (102-151 mm) nets, set for 6 hrs (1500-2100), and checked hourly (1146 day, 635 dusk, 872 night checks). Four smaller mesh (19-51 mm) nets were also set for 1 hr before and after sunset (77 day, 78 night checks). Of 157 total species, 22 were netted exclusively before sunset and 47 exclusively after sunset. All of the top 26 species were present both day and night, but of these, 46% were primarily nocturnal (diel index > 0.65). An average of 77.2 fish hr−1 were netted by day vs 171.4 by night. Within the 400 km coastal region, assemblages differed between two northern wave-dominated (WD) estuaries and four southern tide-dominated ('I'D) estuaries. In all six estuaries Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) dominated night assemblages. In 'I'D estuaries, night assemblages were also dominated by Thryssa hamiltoni Gray, 1835 and Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw, 1804); while in WD estuaries Herklotsichthys castelnaui (Ogilby, 1897), Leiognathus equulus (Forsskål, 1775), and Megalops cyprinoids (Broussonet, 1782) were dominant at night. Nocturnal species included planktivores and carnivores, while daytime assemblages were dominated by detritivores (Mugillidae). Higher night catch rates are attributed to increased activity by mobile fishes moving from mangrove to adjacent habitats to forage, especially immediately post-sunset. Although day-night diets and forage resources have yet to be compared in mangrove systems, previously unrecognized trophic relationships involving variation in diel activity among important fishery species (Centropomidae, polynemidae, Carangidae) and their prey may be key ecological processes in these tropical mangrove estuaries. A proposed hypothesis explaining diel variation in mangrove fish assemblages of tropical estuaries is presented through a conceptual model.


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This paper is the first of a series that investigates whether new cropping systems with permanent raised beds (PRBs) or Flat land could be successfully used to increase farmers' incomes from rainfed crops in Lombok in Eastern Indonesia. This paper discusses the rice phase of the cropping system. Low grain yields of dry-seeded rice (Oryza sativa) grown on Flat land on Vertisols in the rainfed region of southern Lombok, Eastern Indonesia, are probably mainly due to (a) erratic rainfall (870-1220 mm/yr), with water often limiting at sensitive growth stages, (b) consistently high temperatures (average maximum - 31 C), and (c) low solar radiation. Farmers are therefore poor, and labour is hard and costly, as all operations are manual. Two replicated field experiments were run at Wakan (annual rainfall = 868 mm) and Kawo (1215 mm) for 3 years (2001/2002 to 2003/2004) on Vertisols in southern Lombok. Dry-seeded rice was grown in 4 treatments with or without manual tillage on (a) PRBs, 1.2 m wide, 200 mm high, separated by furrows 300 mm wide, 200 mill deep, with no rice sown in the well-graded furrows, and (b) well-graded Flat land. Excess surface water was harvested from each treatment and used for irrigation after the vegetative stage of the rice. All operations were manual. There were no differences between treatments in grain yield of rice (mean grain yield = 681 g/m(2)) which could be partly explained by total number of tillers/hill and mean panicle length, but not number of productive tillers/hill, plant height or weight of 1000 grains. When the data from both treatments on PRBs and from both treatments on Flat land, each year at each site were analysed, there were also no differences in grain yield of rice (g/m(2)). When rainfall in the wet season up to harvest was over 1000 mm (Year 2; Wakan, Kawo), or plants were water-stressed during crop establishment (Year 1; Wakan) or during grain-fill (Year 3: Kawo), there were significant differences in grain yield (g/1.5 m(2)) between treatments; generally the grain yield (g/1.5 m(2)) on PRBs with or without tillage was less than that on Flat land with or without tillage. However, when the data from both treatments on PRBs and from both treatments on Flat land, each year at each site, were analysed, the greater grain yield of dry-seeded rice on Flat land (mean yield 1 092 g/1.5 m(2)) than that on PRBs (mean 815 g/1.5 m(2)) was mainly because there were 25% more plants on Flat land. Overall when the data in the 2 outer rows and the 2 inner rows on PRBs were each combined, there was a higher number of productive tillers in the combined outer rows (mean 20.7 tillers/hill) compared with that in the combined inner rows on each PRB (mean 18.2 tillers/hill). However, there were no differences in grain yield between combined rows (mean 142 g/m row). Hence with a gap of 500 mm (the distance between the outer rows of plants on adjacent raised beds), plants did not compensate in grain yield for missing plants in furrows. This suggests that rice (a) also sown in furrows, or (b) sown in 7 rows with narrower row-spacing, or (c) sown in 6 rows with slightly wider row-spacing, and narrower gap between outer rows on adjacent beds, may further increase grain yield (g/1.5 m(2)) in this system of PRBs. The growth and the grain yield (y in g/m(2)) of rainfed rice (with rainfall on-site the only source of water for irrigation) depended mainly on the rainfall (x in mm) in the wet season up to harvest (due either to site or year) with y = 1. 1x -308; r(2) = 0.54; p < 0.005. However, 280 mm (i.e. 32%) of the rainfall was not directly used to produce grain (i.e. when y = 0 g/m(2)). Manual tillage did not affect growth and grain yield of rice (g/m(2); g/1.5 m(2)), either on PRB or on Flat land.


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The primary aim of this study was to determine the relationship between telomere length and age in a range of marine invertebrates including abalone (Haliotis spp) oysters (Saccostrea glomerata), spiny lobsters (Sagmariasus verreauxi formerly Jasus verreauxi and Jasus edwardsii) and school prawns (Metapenaeus macleayi). Additionally, this relationship was studied in a vertebrate organism using the freshwater fish Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus). Telomere length differences between tissues were also examined in some species such as Saccostrea glomerata, Sagmariasus verreauxi and Bidyanus bidyanus. In some cases cultured specimens of known age were used and this is quoted in the spreadsheets. For other wild-caught specimens where age was not known, size was used as a proxy for age. This may be a broad size class, or be determined by shell size or carapace length depending on the organism. Each spreadsheet contains raw data of telomere length estimates from Terminal Restriction Fragment Assays (TRF) for various individuals of each species including appropriate details such as age or size and tissue. Telomere length estimates are given in base pairs (bp). In most cases replicate experiments were conducted on groups of samples three times but on a small number of occasions only two replicate experiments were conducted. Further description of the samples can be found in final report of FRDC 2007/033. The arithmetic average for each individual (sample ID) across the two or three replicate experiments is also given. Bidyanus bidyanus (SilverPerch) Two sheets are contained within. a) Comparison of telomere length between different tissues (heart, liver and muscle) within the three year old age class - two replicate experiments were conducted. b) Comparison of telomere length between fish of different but known ages (0.25, 1, 2, and 3 years old) in each of three tissues, heart, liver and muscle – three replicate experiments were conducted per tissue. Haliotis spp (Abalone species) Three species were tested. H. asinina Telomere length was compared in two age classes-11 month and 18 month old abalone using muscle tissue from the foot. Within gel-variation was also estimated using a single sample run three times on one gel (replicate experiment). H. laevigata x H. rubra hybrids Telomere length was compared in three known age classes – two, three and four years old using muscle tissue from the foot. H. rubra Telomere length was compared in a range of different sized abalone using muscle tissue from the foot. Shell size is also given for each abalone Saccostrea glomerata Three sheets are contained within the file. a) Samples came from Moreton Bay Queensland in 2007. Telomere length was compared in two tissues (gill and mantle) of oysters in three age groups (1, 3 and 4 years) b) Samples came from Moreton Bay Queensland in 2009. Telomere length was compared in three age classes using DNA from gill tissue only c) Samples came from Wallis Lake, New South Wales. Telomere length was estimated from whole body minus the shell from 1 year old oysters, gill tissue of 3 age classes (1.5 years, 3 and 4 years), mantle tissue of two age classes (3 and 4 years). Sagmariasus verreauxi (formerly Jasus verreauxi) Telomere length was estimated from abdomen tissue of puerulus, gill and muscle tissue of 3 year old, large and very large size classes of lobsters. Jasus edwardsii Telomere length was measured in two size classes of lobsters- adults of varying sizes using muscle tissue and puerulus using tissues from the abdomen minus the exoskeleton. Metapenaeus macleayi Telomere length was measured in three size classes of school prawns adults. Muscle tissue was used, minus the exoskeleton.


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Electroreception is an ancient sense found in many aquatic animals, including sharks, which may be used in the detection of prey, predators and mates. Wobbegong sharks (Orectolobidae) and angel sharks (Squatinidae) represent two distantly related families that have independently evolved a similar dorso-ventrally compressed body form to complement their benthic ambush feeding strategy. Consequently, these groups represent useful models in which to investigate the specific morphological and physiological adaptations that are driven by the adoption of a benthic lifestyle. In this study, we compared the distribution and abundance of electrosensory pores in the spotted wobbegong shark (Orectolobus maculatus) with the Australian angel shark (Squatina australis) to determine whether both species display a similar pattern of clustering of sub-dermal electroreceptors and to further understand the functional importance of electroreception in the feeding behaviour of these benthic sharks. Orectolobus maculatus has a more complex electrosensory system than S. australis, with a higher abundance of pores and an additional cluster of electroreceptors positioned in the snout (the superficial ophthalmic cluster). Interestingly, both species possess a cluster of pores (the hyoid cluster, positioned slightly posterior to the first gill slit) more commonly found in rays, but which may be present in all benthic elasmobranchs to assist in the detection of approaching predators.


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ABSTRACT: In 2012, giant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon originally sourced from Joseph Bonaparte Gulf in northern Australia were examined in an attempt to identify the cause of elevated mortalities among broodstock at a Queensland hatchery. Nucleic acid extracted from ethanol-fixed gills of 3 individual shrimp tested positive using the OIE YHV Protocol 2 RT-PCR designed to differentiate yellow head virus (YHV1) from gill-associated virus (GAV, synonymous with YHV2) and the OIE YHV Protocol 3 RT-nested PCR designed for consensus detection of YHV genotypes. Sequence analysis of the 794 bp (Protocol 2) and 359 bp (Protocol 3) amplicons from 2 distinct regions of ORF1b showed that the yellow-head-complex virus detected was novel when compared with Genotypes 1 to 6. Nucleotide identity on the Protocol 2 and Protocol 3 ORF1b sequences was highest with the highly pathogenic YHV1 genotype (81 and 87%, respectively) that emerged in P. monodon in Thailand and lower with GAV (78 and 82%, respectively) that is enzootic to P. monodon inhabiting eastern Australia. Comparison of a longer (725 bp) ORF1b sequence, spanning the Protocol 3 region and amplified using a modified YH30/31 RT-nPCR, provided further phylogenetic evidence for the virus being distinct from the 6 described YHV genotypes. The virus represents a unique seventh YHV genotype (YHV7). Despite the mortalities observed, the role of YHV7 remains unknown.