38 resultados para Geodynamic implications

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Resistance to phosphine was characterised in strains of rice weevil, Sirophilus oryzae, and the psocids Liposcelis entomophila and L. decolor from China and Australia. Mixed-age cultures (containing all life stages) of insects were tested using a flow-through apparatus. The criterion of response was 'time to population extinction' defined as the exposure period, in days, at which 100% mortality of adults and no live progeny were achieved. Chinese S. oryzae took 11 and 7 days for population extinction at 200 and 700 ppm phosphine, respectively, compared with the Australian strain, which was controlled in 7 and 5 days, respectively. Similarly, the Chinese strains L. Enfornophila and L. decolor were generally more difficult to control than the corresponding Australian strains. The Chinese strains of L. decolor showed resistance levels stronger than any grain storage insect pest species so far detected in Australia. This research allows us to evaluate the likely significance of potential new resistance to the Australian grain industry and to prepare effective fumigation dosages and resistance management strategies to combat new strong resistances before they emerge here.


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Traps baited with synthetic aggregation pheromone and fermenting bread dough were used to monitor seasonal incidence and abundance of the ripening fruit pests, Carpophilus hemipterus (L.), C. mutilatus Erichson and C. davidsoni Dobson in stone fruit orchards in the Leeton district of southern New South Wales during five seasons (1991-96). Adult beetles were trapped from September-May, but abundance varied considerably between years with the amount of rainfall in December-January having a major influence on population size and damage potential during the canning peach harvest (late February-March). Below average rainfall in December-January was associated with mean trap catches of < 10 beetles/trap/week in low dose pheromone traps during the harvest period in 1991/92 and 1993/94 and no reported damage to ripening fruit. Rainfall in December-January 1992/93 was more than double the average and mean trap catches ranged from 8-27 beetles/week during the harvest period with substantial damage to the peach crop. December-January rainfall was also above average in 1994/95 and 1995/96 and means of 50-300 beetles/trap/week were recorded in high dose pheromone traps during harvest periods. Carpophilus spp. caused economic damage to peach crops in both seasons. These data indicate that it may be possible to predict the likelihood of Carpophilus beetle damage to ripening stone fruit in inland areas of southern Australia, by routine pheromone-based monitoring of beetle populations and summer temperatures and rainfall.


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Fusarium wilt of cotton, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend. f. sp. vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyd. & Hans, was first identified in 1892 in cotton growing in sandy acid soils in Alabama (8). Although the disease was soon discovered in other major cotton-producing areas, it did not become global until the end of the next century. After its original discovery, Fusarium wilt of cotton was reported in Egypt (1902) (30), India (1908) (60), Tanzania (1954) (110), California (1959) (33), Sudan (1960) (44), Israel (1970) (27), Brazil (1978) (5), China (1981) (17), and Australia (1993) (56). In addition to a worldwide distribution, Fusarium wilt occurs in all four of the domesticated cottons, Gossypium arboretum L., G. barbadense L., G. herbaceum L., and G. hirsutum L. (4,30). Disease losses in cotton are highly variable within a country or region. In severely infested fields planted with susceptible cultivars, yield losses can be high. In California, complete crop losses in individual fields have been observed (R. M. Davis, unpublished). Disease loss estimates prepared by the National Cotton Disease Council indicate losses of over 109,000 bales (227 kg or 500 lb) in the United States in 2004 (12).


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Melaleuca densispicata Byrnes is an uncommon species with a limited distribution, comprising disjunct populations in inland southern Queensland and northern New South Wales, Australia. It is a dense, woody shrub, 2–4 m in height, which exhibits a marked 'clumping' growth habit. It has thick, papery bark and displays many white flowers during spring or early summer. Although it has long been known to exist, M. densispicata was only formally described in 1984, and very little is currently known about its ecology or specific management requirements. There are only seven known subpopulations of the species across its range. A major population at the western limit of its distribution occurs on Currawinya National Park (28°52'S, 144°30'E). Here, it is locally abundant and listed as a noteworthy plant species under the Management Plan (Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service 2001). This study aimed to identify patterns in the distribution of M. densispicata in Currawinya National Park, describe its ecological niche and role, and provide management recommendations for the species within the study area. Recent anecdotal observations of recruitment failure in south-western Queensland (Peter McRae, QPWS, October 2004, pers. comm.; Dick O'Connell, local grazier, July 2005 pers. comm.) caused additional emphasis to be placed on the examination of recruitment and recruitment factors.


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The distribution and nutritional profiles of sub-tidal seagrasses from the Torres Strait were surveyed and mapped across an area of 31,000 km2. Benthic sediment composition, water depth, seagrass species type and nutrients were sampled at 168 points selected in a stratified representative pattern. Eleven species of seagrass were present at 56 (33.3%) of the sample points. Halophila spinulosa, Halophila ovalis, Cymodocea serrulata and Syringodium isoetifolium were the most common species and these were nutrient profiled. Sub-tidal seagrass distribution (and associated seagrass nutrient concentrations) was generally confined to northern-central and south-western regions of the survey area (


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Aphids can cause substantial damage to cereals, oilseeds and legumes through direct feeding and through the transmission of plant pathogenic viruses. Aphid-resistant varieties are only available for a limited number of crops. In Australia, growers often use prophylactic sprays to control aphids, but this strategy can lead to non-target effects and the development of insecticide resistance. Insecticide resistance is a problem in one aphid pest of Australian grains in Australia, the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae). Molecular analyses of field-collected samples demonstrate that amplified E4 esterase resistance to organophosphate insecticides is widespread in Australian grains across Australia. Knockdown resistance to pyrethroids is less abundant, but has an increased frequency in areas with known frequent use of these insecticides. Modified acetylcholinesterase resistance to dimethyl carbamates, such as pirimicarb, has not been found in Australia, nor has resistance to imidacloprid. Australian grain growers should consider control options that are less likely to promote insecticide resistance, and have reduced impacts on natural enemies. Research is ongoing in Australia and overseas to provide new strategies for aphid management in the future.


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Root system characteristics are of fundamental importance to soil exploration and below-ground resource acquisition. Root architectural traits determine the in situ space-filling properties of a root system or root architecture. The growth angle of root axes is a principal component of root system architecture that has been strongly associated with acquisition efficiency in many crop species. The aims of this study were to examine the extent of genotypic variability for the growth angle and number of seminal roots in 27 current Australian and 3 CIMMYT wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes, and to quantify using fractal analysis the root system architecture of a subset of wheat genotypes contrasting in drought tolerance and seminal root characteristics. The growth angle and number of seminal roots showed significant genotypic variation among the wheat genotypes with values ranging from 36 to 56 (degrees) and 3 to 5 (plant-1), respectively. Cluster analysis of wheat genotypes based on similarity in their seminal root characteristics resulted in four groups. The group composition reflected to some extent the genetic background and environmental adaptation of genotypes. Wheat cultivars grown widely in the Mediterranean environments of southern and western Australia generally had wider growth angle and lower number of seminal axes. In contrast, cultivars with superior performance on deep clay soils in the northern cropping region, such as SeriM82, Baxter, Babax, and Dharwar Dry exhibited a narrower angle of seminal axes. The wheat genotypes also showed significant variation in fractal dimension (D). The D values calculated for the individual segments of each root system suggested that, compared to the standard cultivar Hartog, the drought-tolerant genotypes adapted to the northern region tended to distribute relatively more roots in the soil volume directly underneath the plant. These findings suggest that wheat root system architecture is closely linked to the angle of seminal root axes at the seedling stage. The implications of genotypic variation in the seminal root characteristics and fractal dimension for specific adaptation to drought environment types are discussed with emphasis on the possible exploitation of root architectural traits in breeding for improved wheat cultivars for water-limited environments.


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The introgression of domestic dog genes into dingo populations threatens the genetic integrity of 'pure' dingoes. However, dingo conservation efforts are hampered by difficulties in distinguishing between dingoes and hybrids in the field. This study evaluates consistency in the status of hybridisation (i.e. dingo, hybrid or dog) assigned by genetic analyses, skull morphology and visual assessments. Of the 56 south-east Queensland animals sampled, 39 (69.6%) were assigned the same status by all three methods, 10 (17.9%) by genetic and skull methods, four (7.1%) by genetic and visual methods; and two (3.6%) by skull and visual methods. Pair-wise comparisons identified a significant relationship between genetic and skull methods, but not between either of these and visual methods. Results from surveying 13 experienced wild dog managers showed that hybrids were more easily identified by visual characters than were dingoes. A more reliable visual assessment can be developed through determining the relationship between (1) genetics and phenotype by sampling wild dog populations and (2) the expression of visual characteristics from different proportions and breeds of domestic dog genes by breeding trials. Culling obvious hybrids based on visual characteristics, such as sable and patchy coat colours, should slow the process of hybridisation.


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Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was found by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to be not fully systemic in naturally infected kava (Piper methysticum) plants in Fiji. Twenty-six of 48 samples (54%) from various tissues of three recently infected plants were CMV-positive compared with 7/51 samples (14%) from three long-term infections (plants affected by dieback for more than 1 year). The virus was also found to have a limited ability to move into newly formed stems. CMV was detected in only 2/23 samples taken from re-growth stems arising from known CMV infected/dieback affected plants. Mechanical inoculation experiments conducted in Fiji indicate that the known kava intercrop plants banana (Musa spp.), pineapple (Ananas comosus), peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and the common weed Mikania micrantha are potential hosts for a dieback-causing strain of CMV It was not possible to transmit the virus mechanically to the common kava intercrop plants taro (Colocasia esculenta), Xanthosoma sp., sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), yam (Dioscorea alata), papaya (Carica papaya) or the weed Momordica charantia. Implications of the results of this research on a possible integrated disease management strategy are discussed.


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The persistence of 1080 in two commonly used fox baits, Foxoff ® and chicken wingettes, was assessed under different climatic and rainfall conditions in central-western New South Wales. The rate of 1080 degradation did not change significantly between the Central Tablelands and the relatively hotter and drier environment of the Western Slopes. Loss of 1080 from wingettes was independent of the rainfall and climate conditions, with wingettes remaining lethal to foxes for, on average, 0.9 weeks. Foxoff ® baits remained lethal for longer than wingettes under all tested conditions, although their rate of degradation increased generally with increasing rainfall. As a result, areas baited with Foxoff® will require longer withholding periods for working dogs than those baited with wingettes, especially during dry periods. Wingettes may have advantages for use in sensitive areas where long-term hazards from toxic baits are undesirable. We found significant variations in 1080 concentration in freshly prepared baits that may result in efficacy, non-target and regulatory concerns for baiting campaigns. As a result, the superior quality control and shelf-stability of manufactured Foxoff® may be important criteria for favouring its use over freshly prepared bait types. However, use strategies for any bait type must ensure that foxes consume lethal doses of 1080 to avoid potential problems such as the development of learned aversion to baits or pesticide resistance.


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Pre-release evaluation of the efficacy of biological control agents is often not possible in the case of many invasive species targeted for biocontrol. In such circumstances simulating herbivory could yield significant insights into plant response to damage, thereby improving the efficiency of agent prioritisation, increasing the chances of regulating the performance of invasive plants through herbivory and minimising potential risks posed by release of multiple herbivores. We adopted this approach to understand the weaknesses herbivores could exploit, to manage the invasive liana, Macfadyena unguis-cati. We simulated herbivory by damaging the leaves, stem, root and tuber of the plant, in isolation and in combination. We also applied these treatments at multiple frequencies. Plant response in terms of biomass allocation showed that at least two severe defoliation treatments were required to diminish this liana's climbing habit and reduce its allocation to belowground tuber reserves. Belowground damage appears to have negligible effect on the plant's biomass production and tuber damage appears to trigger a compensatory response. Plant response to combinations of different types of damage did not differ significantly to that from leaf damage. This suggests that specialist herbivores in the leaf-feeding guild capable of removing over 50% of the leaf tissue may be desirable in the biological control of this invasive species.


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Hybridization is an important biological phenomenon that can be used to understand the evolutionary process of speciation of plants and their associated pests and diseases. Interactions between hybrid plants and the herbivores of the parental taxa may be used to elucidate the various cues being used by the pests for host location or other processes. The chemical composition of plants, and their physical foliar attributes, including leaf thickness, trichome density, moisture content and specific leaf weight were compared between allopatric pure and commercial hybrid species of Corymbia, an important subtropical hardwood taxon. The leaf-eating beetle Paropsis atomaria, to which the pure taxa represented host (C. citriodora subsp. variegata) and non-host (C. torelliana) plants, was used to examine patterns of herbivory in relation to these traits. Hybrid physical foliar traits, chemical profiles, and field and laboratory beetle feeding preference, while showing some variability, were generally intermediate to those exhibited by parent taxa, thus suggesting an additive inheritance pattern. The hybrid susceptibility hypothesis was not supported by our field or laboratory studies, and there was no strong relationship between adult preference and larval performance. The most-preferred adult host was the sympatric taxon, although this species supported the lowest larval survival, while the hybrid produced significantly smaller pupae than the pure species. The results are discussed in relation to plant chemistry and physical characteristics. The findings suggest a chemical basis for host selection behavior and indicate that it may be possible to select for resistance to this insect pest in these commercially important hardwood trees.


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Aim: Resolving the origin of invasive plant species is important for understanding the introduction histories of successful invaders and aiding strategies aimed at their management. This study aimed to infer the number and origin(s) of introduction for the globally invasive species, Macfadyena unguis-cati and Jatropha gossypiifolia using molecular data. Location: Native range: Neotropics; Invaded range: North America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Pacific Islands and Australia. Methods: We used chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSRs) to elucidate the origin(s) of introduced populations and calculated the genetic diversity in native and introduced regions. Results: Strong genetic structure was found within the native range of M. unguis-cati, but no genetic structuring was evident in the native range of J. gossypiifolia. Overall, 27 haplotypes were found in the native range of M. unguis-cati. Only four haplotypes were found in the introduced range, with more than 96% of introduced specimens matching a haplotype from Paraguay. In contrast, 15 haplotypes were found in the introduced range of J. gossypiifolia, with all invasive populations, except New Caledonia, comprising multiple haplotypes. Main conclusions: These data show that two invasive plant species from the same native range have had vastly different introduction histories in their non-native ranges. Invasive populations of M. unguis-cati probably came from a single or few independent introductions, whereas most invasive J. gossypiifolia populations arose from multiple introductions or alternatively from a representative sample of genetic diversity from a panmictic native range. As introduced M. unguis-cati populations are dominated by a single haplotype, locally adapted natural enemies should make the best control agents. However, invasive populations of J. gossypiifolia are genetically diverse and the selection of bio-control agents will be considerably more complex.


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A 2000-03 study to improve irrigation efficiency of grassed urban public areas in northern Australia found it would be difficult to grow most species in dry areas without supplementary watering. Sporoboulus virginicus and sand couch, Zoysia macrantha, were relatively drought-tolerant. Managers of sporting fields, parks and gardens could more than halve their current water use by irrigating over a long cycle, irrigating according to seasonal conditions and using grasses with low water use and sound soil management practices that encourage deep rooting. The use of effluent water provides irrigation and fertiliser cost savings and reduced nitrogen and phosphorus discharge to local waterways. Projected savings are $8000/ha/year in water costs for a typical sporting field.


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Eighty six full-sib Corymbia F1 hybrid families (crosses between C. torelliana and four spotted gum taxa: C. citriodora subsp. variegata, C. citriodora subsp. citriodora, C. henryi and C. maculata), were planted in six trials across six disparate sites in south-eastern Queensland to evaluate their productivity and determine their potential utility for plantation forestry. In each trial, the best-growing 20% of hybrid families grew significantly faster (P=0.05) than open-pollinated seedlots of the parent species Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata, ranging from 107% to 181% and 127% to 287% of the height and diameter respectively. Relative performance of hybrid families growing on more than one site displayed consistency in ranking for growth across sites and analysis showed low genotype-by-environment interaction. Heritability estimates based on female and male parents across two sites at age six years for height and diameter at breast height, were high (0.62±0.28 to 0.64±0.35 and 0.31±0.21 to 0.69±0.37 respectively), and low to moderate (0.03±0.04 to 0.33±0.22) for stem straightness, branch size, incidence of ramicorns, and frost and disease resistance traits at ages one to three years. The proportion of dominance variance for height and diameter had reduced to zero by age six years. Based on these promising results, further breeding and pilot-scale family forestry and clonal forestry deployment is being undertaken. These results have also provided insights regarding the choice of a future hybrid breeding strategy.