em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Solvent extracts of cultures of the fungus Paecilomyces varioti are toxic to sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Different components of the culture extracts were isolated and bioassayed with L. cuprina. The component with most toxicity was purified and identified from its proton magnetic resonance spectrum as viriditoxin, a known antibiotic metabolite of the fungus. The insecticidal properties of viriditoxin were then evaluated. Mean LCso values for first instar larvae of organophosphate susceptible and resistant strains of L. cuprina were 7.5 and 8.4 ppm respectively. Pilot implant trials in sheep demonstrated that the compound provided protection for 9-17 weeks against both strains of L. cuprina. No adverse effects on the trial sheep were detected.


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The influence of a once only administration of a metabolite of vitamin D3 (HY [middle dot] D(R)-25-hydroxy vitamin D3) on myofibrillar meat tenderness in Australian Brahman cattle was studied. Ninety-six Brahman steers of three phenotypes (Indo-Brazil, US and US/European) and with two previous hormonal growth promotant (HGP) histories (implanted or not implanted with Compudose(R)) were fed a standard feedlot ration for 70 d. Treatment groups of 24 steers were offered daily 10 g/head HY [middle dot] D(R) (125 mg 25-hydroxyvitamin D3) for 6, 4, or 2 d before slaughter. One other group of 24 steers was given the basal diet without HY [middle dot] D(R). Feed lot performance, blood and muscle samples and carcass quality data were collected at slaughter. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron and Vitamin D3 metabolites were measured in plasma and longissimus dorsi muscle. Warner-Bratzler (WB) shear force (peak force, initial yield) and other objective meat quality measurements were made on the longissimus dorsi muscle of each steer after ageing for 1, 7 and 14 d post-mortem at 0-2 [deg]C.There were no significant effects of HY [middle dot] D(R) supplements on average daily gain (ADG, 1.28-1.45 kg/d) over the experimental period. HY [middle dot] D(R) supplements given 6 d prior to slaughter resulted in significantly higher (P (R)) by phenotype/HGP interaction for peak force (P = 0.028), in which Indo-Brazil steers without previous HGP treatment responded positively (increased tenderness) to HY [middle dot] D(R) supplements at 2 d when compared with Indo-Brazil steers previously given HGP. There were no significant effects of treatment on other phenotypes. HY [middle dot] D(R) supplements did not affect muscle or plasma concentrations of calcium, potassium or sodium, but did significantly decrease plasma magnesium and iron concentrations when given 2 d before slaughter. There were no detectable amounts of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the blood or muscle of any cattle at slaughter.


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Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae) is a weed of national significance in Australia. Among the several arthropod agents introduced into Australia to control populations of P. hysterophorus biologically, Epiblema strenuana Walker (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is the most widespread and abundant agent. By intercepting the normal transport mechanisms of P. hysterophorus, the larvae of E. strenuana drain nutrients, other metabolic products, and energy, and place the host plant under intense metabolic stress. In this study, determinations of total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) levels and carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of fixed products in different parts of the plant tissue, including the gall, have been made to establish the function of gall as a sink for the nutrients. Values of δ13C and δ15N in galls were significantly different than those in proximal and distal stems, whereas the TNC levels were insignificant, when measured in the total population of P. hysterophorus, regardless of plant age. However, carbon, nitrogen, and TNC signatures presented significant results, when assayed in different developmental stages of P. hysterophorus. Carbon isotope ratios in galls were consistently more negative than those from the compared plant organs. Nitrogen isotope ratios in galls, on the contrary, were either similar to or less negative than the compared plant organs, especially within a single host-plant stage population (i.e., either rosette, preflowering, or flowering stage). TNC levels varied within compared plant populations. The stem distal to the gall functioned more efficiently as a nodal channel than the stem proximal to the gall, especially in the translocation of nitrogenous nutrients. Our findings indicate that the gall induced by E. strenuana functions as a sink for the assayed nutrients, although some variations have been observed in the patterns of nutrient mobilization. By creating a sink for the nutrients in the gall, E. strenuana is able to place the overall plant metabolism under stress, and this ability indicates E. strenuana has the necessary potential for use as a biological-control agent.


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The tropical marine sponge Acanthella cavernosa (Dendy) converts potassium [14C] cyanide to axisonitrile-3 (1); this precursor is also used for the synthesis of axisothiocyanate-3 (2) suggesting that isocyanides are precursors to isothiocyanates in A. cavernosa. Likewise, potassium [14C] thiocyanate is used for the synthesis of axisothiocyanate-3; unexpectedly this precursor also labelled axisonitrile-3. These results demonstrate either an interconversion between cyanide and thiocyanate prior to secondary metabolite formation or that the secondary metabolites can themselves be interconverted. Specimens of the dorid nudibranch Phyllidiellu pustulosa, preadapted to a diet of A. cavernosa, fed on 14C-labelled sponges and were subsequently found to contain the radioactive terpenes (1) and (2). Specimens of P. pustulosa, which had not expressed a dietary preference for A. cavernosa in the field, did not generally feed in aquarium tests with 14C-labelled sponges and, therefore, provided non-radioactive extracts. Since control experiments demonstrated the inability of P. pustulosa to synthesise the metabolites de novo, we therefore conclude that P. pustulosa acquires secondary metabolites by dietary transfer from A. cavernosa.


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A series of metabolism experiments investigated the recovery of continuous-, intravenously infused chromium complexed with ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (CrEDTA) and lithium sulphate in the urine of cattle with a view to using the markers to estimate urine and metabolite output in grazing cattle. The recovery of Cr in urine from these infusions was similar (90%) in metabolism trials when cattle consumed three very contrasting diets: high-grain formulated pellet, lucerne hay (Medicago sativa) or low-quality native grass hay (predominantly Heteropogon contortus). By contrast, Li recovery in urine averaged 46.3 +/- 0.40% and 72.6 +/- 0.43% for native pasture and lucerne hays, respectively, but was not constant across days. There was negligible transfer of Cr from CrEDTA in blood serum to the rumen or faeces, whereas appreciable quantities of infused Li were found in both. The ratio of urine volume estimated by spot samples and marker dilution of Cr, to urine volume measured gravimetrically, was 1.05. In grazing studies using rumen-fistulated (RF) steers grazing seven different tropical and temperate grass and legume pastures, the ratio of concentrations of purine derivatives (PD) to Cr in spot samples of urine was shown to vary diurnally in the range of 49% to 157% of the average 24 h value. This finding indicated the need for regular sampling of urine to achieve an accurate average value for the PD: Cr ratio in urine for use in estimating urinary PD excretion and hence microbial protein production in the rumen. It was concluded that continuous, intravenous infusion of CrEDTA resulted in a constant recovery of Cr in the urine of cattle across diets and, provided an intensive sampling regime was followed to account for diurnal variation, it would be suitable as a marker to estimate urine volume and urinary output of PD in grazing cattle.


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Phosphine is a small redox-active gas that is used to protect global grain reserves, which are threatened by the emergence of phosphine resistance in pest insects. We find that polymorphisms responsible for genetic resistance cluster around the redox-active catalytic disulfide or the dimerization interface of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD) in insects (Rhyzopertha dominica and Tribolium castaneum) and nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans). DLD is a core metabolic enzyme representing a new class of resistance factor for a redox-active metabolic toxin. It participates in four key steps of core metabolism, and metabolite profiles indicate that phosphine exposure in mutant and wild-type animals affects these steps differently. Mutation of DLD in C. elegans increases arsenite sensitivity. This specific vulnerability may be exploited to control phosphine-resistant insects and safeguard food security.


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The present study examines patterns of heritability of plant secondary metabolites following hybridisation among three genetically homogeneous taxa of spotted gum (Corymbia henryi (S.T.Blake) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson, C. citriodora subsp. variegata (F.Muell.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson and C. citriodora (Hook.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson subsp. citriodora (section Maculatae), and their congener C. torelliana (F.Muell.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson (section Torellianae)). Hexane extracts of leaves of all four parent taxa were statistically distinguishable (ANOSIM: global R = 0.976, P = 0.008). Hybridisation patterns varied among the taxa studied, with the hybrid formed with C. citriodora subsp. variegata showing an intermediate extractive profile between its parents, whereas the profiles of the other two hybrids were dominated by that of C. torelliana. These different patterns in plant secondary-metabolite inheritance may have implications for a range of plant-insect interactions.


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In recent years, there has been intense interest in the potential health benefits of dietary derived plant polyphenols and antioxidants. A new variety of Prunus salicina, Queen Garnet plum (QGP), was developed as a high anthocyanin, high antioxidant plum, in a Queensland Government breeding program. Following consumption of 400 mL QGP juice (QGPJ; 1,117 mg anthocyanins) by two healthy male subjects, QGP anthocyanins (cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside) were excreted mainly as methylated and glucuronidated metabolites in urine (0.5% of the ingested dose within 24 h). Furthermore, QGPJ intake resulted in a threefold increase in hippuric acid excretion (potential biomarker for total polyphenols intake and metabolite), an increased urinary antioxidant capacity and a decreased malondialdehyde excretion (biomarker for oxidative stress) within 24 h as compared with the polyphenol-/antioxidant-free control. Results from this pilot study suggest that metabolites, and not the native QGP anthocyanins/polyphenols, are most likely the bioactive compounds in vivo.


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The Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris, is a hindgut-fermenting herbivore. In winter, manatees migrate to warm water overwintering sites where they undergo dietary shifts and may suffer from cold-induced stress. Given these seasonally induced changes in diet, the present study aimed to examine variation in the hindgut bacterial communities of wild manatees overwintering at Crystal River, west Florida. Faeces were sampled from 36 manatees of known sex and body size in early winter when manatees were newly arrived and then in mid-winter and late winter when diet had probably changed and environmental stress may have increased. Concentrations of faecal cortisol metabolite, an indicator of a stress response, were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Using 454-pyrosequencing, 2027 bacterial operational taxonomic units were identified in manatee faeces following amplicon pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V3/V4 region. Classified sequences were assigned to eight previously described bacterial phyla; only 0.36% of sequences could not be classified to phylum level. Five core phyla were identified in all samples. The majority (96.8%) of sequences were classified as Firmicutes (77.3 ± 11.1% of total sequences) or Bacteroidetes (19.5 ± 10.6%). Alpha-diversity measures trended towards higher diversity of hindgut microbiota in manatees in mid-winter compared to early and late winter. Beta-diversity measures, analysed through permanova, also indicated significant differences in bacterial communities based on the season.