5 resultados para Exceptional

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries in collaboration with the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation and Yuruga Nursery Pty Ltd have been conducting research into the development of five native foliage products. The three species and two cultivars being developed for commercial production are: Grevillea baileyana, Lomatia fraxinifolia, Athertonia diversifolia, Stenocarpus 'Forest Lace' and Stenocarpus 'Forest Gem'. Previous research involved an evaluation of 21 species from which these five were selected based on market comments, post harvest life and ability to grow under a range of climatic conditions. Lomatia fraxinifolia, Grevillea baileyana and Athertonia diversifolia are all native to north Queensland rainforests. Stenocarpus 'Forest Gem' and Stenocarpus 'Forest Lace' are hybrids and have been selected by Yuruga Nursery Pty Ltd. Both Stenocarpus cultivars are protected by Plant Breeders Rights. Current research into the commercial development of these species involves: market research, post harvest trials, field trials and grower training. Two field trials have been established on the Atherton Tablelands, one in the high rainfall zone at Yungaburra and the other in the low rainfall zone west of Mareeba. Field trials will evaluate the effects of fertiliser rates and pruning techniques on yield. Pests and diseases will be identified and appropriate control measures tested on trial plants. Vase life evaluations have also been carried out and the results indicate that the five foliages have exceptional vase life. All five products are being sold on the Australian domestic market in small volumes at this stage; it is anticipated that sales will significantly increase in the coming years. A number of leading exporters have indicated that the foliages may also meet the requirements of export markets. Stenocarpus 'Forest Gem' is similar in appearance to Persoonia longifolia (Barker Bush), which is a bush-picked foliage currently exported from Australia to a number of overseas markets.


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To assess their utility for profitable wastewater bioremediation, banana prawns, Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) merguiensis (de Man), were stocked at low densities (1 – 5 m-2) and grown without supplemental feeding in five commercial-prawn-farm settlement ponds (0.3 to 6.0 ha). The prawns free-ranged in the variously designed ponds for 160 to 212 days after stocking as PL15. Survival estimates ranged from 12% to 60% with production of 50 – 528 kg ha-1. Over 1150 kg of marketable product was produced in the study. Exceptional growth was monitored at one farm where prawns reached an average size of 17g in 80 days. Nutrients in water flowing into (8 - 40 ML d-1) and out of the settlement pond at that farm were assessed twice weekly along with routine water quality measurements. Only small differences in water qualities were detected between waters running into and out of this settlement pond. Total nitrogen levels gradually increased from 1 - 1.5 mg L-1 early in the season to over 3 mg L-1 towards the end of the season. Total phosphorus levels similarly rose from 0.1 - 0.2 mg L-1 to 0.3 - 0.4 mg L-1 in the middle of the season, but fell to 0.2 – 0.3 mg L-1 towards the end when approximately 12,000 prawns were harvested with a total weight of 175 kg. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were detected in the overall acceptability of prawns harvested from each of the 5 settlement ponds in small-scale consumer sensory analyses. The prawns from settlement ponds were rated similarly to banana prawns grown with commercial diets at two other establishments. Microbiological analyses of prawns from all farms showed bacterial levels to be well within food-grade standards and lower than prawns produced in a normal growout pond. These results demonstrate that high quality food grade banana prawns can be produced in these wastewater treatment systems.


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Hoop pine is a native species and a well-established commercial plantation tree in Queensland that produces a premium grade, quality tropical softwood. It is valued for uniform, knot-free timber with exceptional quality, and used for many commercially important wood products. Hoop pine has a well-established market and is in demand both nationally and internationally. High-grade sawn hoop pine serves the upper end of the domestic market, taking advantage of long lengths of clear wood, and exports include sawn wood and woodchip.


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BACKGROUND: Diets high in fruit and vegetables are known to have significant health benefits. This is in part due to the presence of phytochemicals, which possess potential protective health benefits. This study focuses on the ability of strawberries to be bred for higher anthocyanin content. This is a major contributor to the characteristic colour and nutritional value of ripe strawberries, together with phenolic acids, ascorbic acid and total antioxidant capacity. RESULTS: Anthocyanins in five commercial strawberry cultivars and three breeding lines were assessed. This led to the discovery of one breeding line (BL 2006-221) as an exceptional source of anthocyanins (approximate to 1 g kg1 fresh weight), with approximately double the levels of current commercial cultivars. Temperature was shown to influence anthocyanin extraction, with 40 degrees C being the best extraction temperature using the accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) method. Hue angle and anthocyanin concentration showed a good correlation (r2 = 0.69). CONCLUSION: The new breeding line BL 2006-221 has the potential to be used in the development of phytochemically rich strawberry cultivars. Using hue angle as a screening tool for total anthocyanin concentration and extraction of anthocyanins from strawberries by ASE at 40 degrees C would support such cultivar development. (c) 2012 Commonwealth of Australia


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In order to meet the world’s growing energy demand and reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from fossil fuel combustion, renewable plant-based feedstocks for biofuel production must be considered. The first-generation biofuels, derived from starches of edible feedstocks, such as corn, create competition between food and fuel resources, both for the crop itself and the land on which it is grown. As such, biofuel synthesized from non-edible plant biomass (lignocellulose) generated on marginal agricultural land will help to alleviate this competition. Eucalypts, the broadly defined taxa encompassing over 900 species of Eucalyptus, Corymbia, and Angophora are the most widely planted hardwood tree in the world, harvested mainly for timber, pulp and paper, and biomaterial products. More recently, due to their exceptional growth rate and amenability to grow under a wide range of environmental conditions, eucalypts are a leading option for the development of a sustainable lignocellulosic biofuels. However, efficient conversion of woody biomass into fermentable monomeric sugars is largely dependent on pretreatment of the cell wall, whose formation and complexity lend itself toward natural recalcitrance against its efficient deconstruction. A greater understanding of this complexity within the context of various pretreatments will allow the design of new and effective deconstruction processes for bioenergy production. In this review, we present the various pretreatment options for eucalypts, including research into understanding structure and formation of the eucalypt cell wall.