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em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Species of Liposcelis psocids have emerged as major pests of stored grain in Australia in recent years. Several populations have been detected with high resistance to phosphine, the major chemical treatment. Highest resistance has been detected in the cosmopolitan species Liposcelis bostrychophila. As part of a national resistance management strategy to maintain the viability of phosphine, we are developing minimum effective dosage regimes (concentration x time) required to control all life stages of resistant L. bostrychophila at a range of grain temperatures. Four concentrations of phosphine, 0.1, 0.17, 0.3 aid 1 mg/L, were evaluated for their effectiveness against strongly resistant L. bostrychophila at a series of fumigation temperatures: 20, 25, 30 and 35°C. Results were recorded as the least number of days taken to achieve population extinction. We found that, at any fixed concentration of phosphine, time to population extinction decreased as fumigation temperature increased from 20 to 30°C. For example, at 0.1 mg/L, it took more than 14 days at 20°C to completely control these insects, whereas at 30°C it took only seven days. Increase in fumigation temperature from 25OC to 30°C dramatically reduced the exposure period needed to achieve population extinction of resistant psocids. For example, a dose of 0.17 mg/L over six days at 30°C completely controlled strongly resistant L. bostrychophila populations that can survive at 1 mg/L and 25°C over the same exposure period. Findings from our study will be used to formulate recommendations for registered dosage rates and fumigation periods for use in Australia.


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In recent years many sorghum producers in the more marginal (<600 mm annual rainfall) cropping areas of Qld and northern NSW have utilised skip row configurations in an attempt to improve yield reliability and reduce sorghum production risk. But will this work in the long run? What are the trade-offs between productivity and risk of crop failure? This paper describes a modelling and simulation approach to study the long-term effects of skip row configurations. Detailed measurements of light interception and water extraction from sorghum crops grown in solid, single and double skip row configurations were collected from three on-farm participatory research trials established in southern Qld and northern NSW. These measurements resulted in changes to the model that accounted for the elliptical water uptake pattern below the crop row and reduced total light interception associated with the leaf area reduction of the skip configuration. Following validation of the model, long-term simulation runs using historical weather data were used to determine the value of skip row sorghum production as a means of maintaining yield reliability in the dryland cropping regions of southern Qld and northern NSW.


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Degree of dominance of phosphine resistance was investigated in adults of Rhyzopertha dominica F and Sitophilus oryzae L. Efficacy of the grain fumigant phosphine depends on both concentration and exposure period, which raises the possibility that dominance levels vary with exposure period. New and published data were used to test this possibility in adults of R dominica and S oryzae fumigated for periods of up to 144 h. The concentrations required for control of homozygous resistant and susceptible strains and their F1 hybrids decreased with increasing exposure period. For both species the response lines for the homozygous resistant and susceptible strains and their F1 hybrids were parallel. Therefore, neither dominance level nor resistance factor was affected by exposure period. Resistance was incompletely recessive and the level of dominance, calculated at 50% mortality level, was -0.59 for R dominica and -0.65 for S oryzae. The resistant R dominica strain was 30.9 times more resistant than the susceptible strain, compared with 8.9 times for the resistant S oryzae strain. The results suggest that developing discriminating doses for detecting heterozygote adults of either species will be difficult.


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SUMMARY Seasonal conditions in the pre to post natal period and selected periods before and during wool growth were described using climatic measures and estimates of the quality and quantity of pasture on offer derived from a validated pasture production model (GRASP). The variation in greasy and clean fleece weight, yield, staple length, fibre diameter, neck and side wrinkle score of Merinos grazing Mitchell grass in north west Queensland was explained in terms of these pasture and climatic measures and animal characteristics such as reproductive status, age and skin area. Multiple regression equations predicting clean and greasy fleece weight from the proportion of days in the wool growth period that the green pool in the pasture was less than one kg/ha, the percentage utilisation of the pasture, age, reproductive status and skin area of the ewes explained 87% and 79% of the variation respectively. Equations with similar predictors explained 58-85% of the variation of the other components. The inclusion of pasture conditions in the pre to post natal period did not significantly improve the predictions of the animal’s later performance. 22nd Biennial Conference.


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A trial was undertaken to evaluate the effect of microwaves on seed mortality of three weed species. Seeds of rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora R.Br.), parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorous L.) and bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia L.) were buried at six depths (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40 cm) in coarse sand maintained at one of two moisture levels, oven dry or wet (field capacity), and then subjected to one of five microwave radiation durations of (0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 min). Significant interactions between soil moisture level, microwave radiation duration, seed burial depth and species were detected for mortality of seeds of all three species. Maximum seed mortality of rubber vine (88%), parthenium (67%) and bellyache bush (94%) occurred in wet soil irradiated for 16 min. Maximum seed mortality of rubber vine and bellyache bush seeds occurred in seeds buried at 2.5 cm depth whereas that of parthenium occurred in seeds buried at 10 cm depth. Maximum soil temperatures of 114.1 and 87.5°C in dry and wet soil respectively occurred at 2.5 cm depth following 16 min irradiation. Irrespective of the greater soil temperatures recorded in dry soil, irradiating seeds in wet soil generally increased seed mortality 2.9-fold compared with dry soil. Moisture content of wet soil averaged 5.7% compared with 0.1% for dry soil. Results suggest that microwave radiation has the potential to kill seeds located in the soil seed bank. However, many factors, including weed species susceptibility, determine the effectiveness of microwave radiation on buried seeds. Microwave radiation may be an alternative to conventional methods at rapidly depleting soil seed banks in the field, particularly in relatively wet soils that contain long lived weed seeds.


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BACKGROUND: In spite of the extensive use of phosphine fumigation around the world to control insects in stored grain, and the knowledge that grain sorbs phosphine, the effect of concentration on sorption has not been quantified. A laboratory study was undertaken, therefore, to investigate the effect of phosphine dose on sorption in wheat. Wheat was added to glass flasks to achieve filling ratios of 0.25-0.95, and the flasks were sealed and injected with phosphine at 0.1-1.5 mg L-1 based on flask volume. Phosphine concentration was monitored for 8 days at 25°C and 55% RH. RESULTS: When sorption occurred, phosphine concentration declined with time and was approximately first order, i.e. the data fitted an exponential decay equation. Percentage sorption per day was directly proportional to filling ratio, and was negatively correlated with dose for any given filling ratio. Based on the results, a tenfold increase in dose would result in a halving of the sorption constant and the percentage daily loss. Wheat was less sorptive if it was fumigated for a second time. CONCLUSIONS: The results have implications for the use of phosphine for control of insects in stored wheat. This study shows that dose is a factor that must be considered when trying to understand the impact of sorption on phosphine concentration, and that there appears to be a limit to the capacity of wheat to sorb phosphine.


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To maximize the information commonly collected from otoliths, the effect of DNA extraction on the estimation of age with otoliths was evaluated by comparing sagittal otolith samples from common coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) for clarity and ageing discrepancies in DNA-extracted and untreated control otoliths. The DNA extraction process had no significant effect, indicating that archived otoliths can be used as a source of DNA while retaining their utility for age estimation.


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Plant tissue culture has been used for a number of years to produce micropropagated strawberry plants for planting into runner growing beds in the Stanthorpe (Queensland) and Bothwell (Tasmania) regions. This process has allowed the rapid release of new cultivars from the LAWS (Late Autumn, Winter, Spring) breeding program into the current runner production system. Micro-propagation in vitro allows plants to be produced during the autumn and winter months, when mother plants would normally be in a fruit production phase in the field in Queensland. The plants produced are of a high health status when they are planted. The subsequent arrival and build up of various diseases in the runner fields are closely monitored. Using tissue culture for the first generation reduces the time the plants spend in the field by twelve months, reducing disease incidence. To date, any disease outbreak has been successfully managed using early detection and rapid response methods.


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Rainfall variability is a challenge to sustainable and pro. table cattle production in northern Australia. Strategies recommended to manage for rainfall variability, like light or variable stocking, are not widely adopted. This is due partly to the perception that sustainability and profitability are incompatible. A large, long-term grazing trial was initiated in 1997 in north Queensland, Australia, to test the effect of different grazing strategies on cattle production. These strategies are: (i) constant light stocking (LSR) at long-term carrying capacity (LTCC); (ii) constant heavy stocking (HSR) at twice LTCC; (iii) rotational wet-season spelling (R/Spell) at 1.5 LTCC; (iv) variable stocking (VAR), with stocking rates adjusted in May based on available pasture; and (v) a Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) variable strategy, with stocking rates adjusted in November, based on available pasture and SOI seasonal forecasts. Animal performance varied markedly over the 10 years for which data is presented, due to pronounced differences in rainfall and pasture availability. Nonetheless, lighter stocking at or about LTCC consistently gave the best individual liveweight gain (LWG), condition score and skeletal growth; mean LWG per annum was thus highest in the LSR (113 kg), intermediate in the R/Spell (104 kg) and lowest in the HSR(86 kg). MeanLWGwas 106 kg in the VAR and 103 kg in the SOI but, in all years, the relative performance of these strategies was dependent upon the stocking rate applied. After 2 years on the trial, steers from lightly stocked strategies were 60-100 kg heavier and received appreciable carcass price premiums at the meatworks compared to those under heavy stocking. In contrast, LWG per unit area was greatest at stocking rates of about twice LTCC; mean LWG/ha was thus greatest in the HSR (21 kg/ha), but this strategy required drought feeding in four of the 10 years and was unsustainable. Although LWG/ha was lower in the LSR (mean 14 kg/ha), or in strategies that reduced stocking rates in dry years like the VAR(mean 18 kg/ha) and SOI (mean 17 kg/ha), these strategies did not require drought feeding and appeared sustainable. The R/Spell strategy (mean 16 kg/ha) was compromised by an ill-timed fire, but also performed satisfactorily. The present results provide important evidence challenging the assumption that sustainable management in a variable environment is unprofitable. Further research is required to fully quantify the long-term effects of these strategies on land condition and profitability and to extrapolate the results to breeder performance at the property level.


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This paper reports a field study undertaken to determine if the foliar application of herbicides fluroxypyr (150 mL 100 L-1 a.i.) and metsulfuron-methyl (12 g 100 L-1 a.i.) were capable of reducing the germination and viability of Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob. (Siam weed) seeds at three different stages of maturity. After foliar application of fluroxypyr germination of mature seeds was reduced by 88% and intermediate and immature seeds were reduced by 100%, compared to the control. Fluroxypyr also reduced the viability of mature, intermediate and immature seeds by 79, 89 and 67% respectively, compared to the control. Metsulfuron-methyl reduced germination of intermediate and immature seeds by 53 and 99% respectively compared to the control. Viability was also reduced by 74 and 96% respectively, compared to the control. Mature seeds were not affected by metsulfuron-methyl as germination and viability increased by 2% and 1% respectively, as compared to the control. These results show that these herbicides are capable of reducing the amount of viable seed entering the seed bank. However depending on the treatment and stage of seed development a percentage of seeds on the plants will remain viable and contribute to the seed bank. This information is of value to Siam weed eradication teams as plants are most easily located and subsequently treated at the time of flowering. Knowledge of the impact of control methods on seeds at various stages of development will help determine the most suitable chemical control option for a given situation.


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Abstract Sceliodes cordalis, eggfruit caterpillar, is an important pest of eggplant in Australia but little information was available on its biology. This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature on the development on eggplant of eggs, larvae and pupae. Insects were reared at five constant temperatures from 20.5°C to 30.5°C with a 12:12 L : D photoperiod and the thermal summation model was fitted to the developmental rate data. Developmental zeroes and thermal constants of 11.22°C and 61.32 day-degrees for eggs, 12.03°C and 179.60 day-degrees for larvae, and 14.43°C and 107.03 day-degrees for pupae were determined. Several larvae reared at 20.5°C entered diapause.


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Parasitoid survival and fecundity is generally enhanced with access to carbohydrate food sources. In many agricultural ecosystems, there is often a scarcity of suitable carbohydrates for parasitoids. This study compared the suitability of aphid honeydew and buckwheat nectar as diet for the aphid parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes. Wasp lifespan and egg load were both increased with access to carbohydrates, but no differences were detected between the various carbohydrates diets tested. As aphid honeydew is a sufficient source of nutrition and L.testaceipes is a short-lived species, adding additional sources of carbohydrates like floral nectar strips to the agricultural landscape is unlikely to significantly increase the biological control exerted by L.testaceipes. © 2012 Australian Entomological Society.


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In 2001, the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) was identified in Brisbane, Australia. An eradication program involving broadcast bait treatment with two insect growth regulators and a metabolic inhibitor began in September of that year and is currently ongoing. To gauge the impacts of these treatments on local ant populations, we examined long-term monitoring data and quantified abundance patterns of S. invicta and common local ant genera using a linear mixed-effects model. For S. invicta, presence in pitfalls reduced over time to zero on every site. Significantly higher numbers of S. invicta workers were collected on high-density polygyne sites, which took longer to disinfest compared with monogyne and low-density polygyne sites. For local ants, nine genus groups of the 10 most common genera analyzed either increased in abundance or showed no significant trend. Five of these genus groups were significantly less abundant at the start of monitoring on high-density polygyne sites compared with monogyne and low-density polygyne sites. The genus Pheidole significantly reduced in abundance over time, suggesting that it was affected by treatment efforts. These results demonstrate that the treatment regime used at the time successfully removed S. invicta from these sites in Brisbane, and that most local ant genera were not seriously impacted by the treatment. These results have important implications for current and future prophylactic treatment efforts, and suggest that native ants remain in treated areas to provide some biological resistance to S. invicta.


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Abstract Biochar has significant potential to improve crop performance. This study examined the effect of biochar application on the photosynthesis and yield of peanut crop grown on two soil types. The commercial peanut cultivar Middleton was grown on red ferrosol and redoxi-hydrosol (Queensland, Australia) amended with a peanut shell biochar gradient (0, 0.375, 0.750, 1.50, 3.00 and 6.00 %, w/w, equivalent up to 85 t ha−1) in a glasshouse pot experiment. Biomass and pod yield, photosynthesis-[CO2] response parameters, leaf characteristics and soil properties (carbon, nitrogen (N) and nutrients) were quantified. Biochar significantly improved peanut biomass and pod yield up to 2- and 3-folds respectively in red ferrosol and redoxi-hydrosol. A modest (but significant) biochar-induced improvement of the maximumelectron transport rate and saturating photosynthetic rate was observed for red ferrosol. This response was correlated to increased leaf N and accompanied with improved soil available N and biological N fixation. Biochar application also improved the availability of other soil nutrients, which appeared critical in improving peanut performance, especially on infertile redoxihydrosol. Our study suggests that application of peanut shell derived biochar has strong potential to improve peanut yield on red ferrosol and redoxi-hydrosol. Biochar soil amendment can affect leaf N status and photosynthesis, but the effect varied with soil type.