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em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Background: Plotless density estimators are those that are based on distance measures rather than counts per unit area (quadrats or plots) to estimate the density of some usually stationary event, e.g. burrow openings, damage to plant stems, etc. These estimators typically use distance measures between events and from random points to events to derive an estimate of density. The error and bias of these estimators for the various spatial patterns found in nature have been examined using simulated populations only. In this study we investigated eight plotless density estimators to determine which were robust across a wide range of data sets from fully mapped field sites. They covered a wide range of situations including animal damage to rice and corn, nest locations, active rodent burrows and distribution of plants. Monte Carlo simulations were applied to sample the data sets, and in all cases the error of the estimate (measured as relative root mean square error) was reduced with increasing sample size. The method of calculation and ease of use in the field were also used to judge the usefulness of the estimator. Estimators were evaluated in their original published forms, although the variable area transect (VAT) and ordered distance methods have been the subjects of optimization studies. Results: An estimator that was a compound of three basic distance estimators was found to be robust across all spatial patterns for sample sizes of 25 or greater. The same field methodology can be used either with the basic distance formula or the formula used with the Kendall-Moran estimator in which case a reduction in error may be gained for sample sizes less than 25, however, there is no improvement for larger sample sizes. The variable area transect (VAT) method performed moderately well, is easy to use in the field, and its calculations easy to undertake. Conclusion: Plotless density estimators can provide an estimate of density in situations where it would not be practical to layout a plot or quadrat and can in many cases reduce the workload in the field.


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Volatile chemical compounds responsible for the aroma of wine are derived from a number of different biochemical and chemical pathways. These chemical compounds are formed during grape berry metabolism, crushing of the berries, fermentation processes (i.e. yeast and malolactic bacteria) and also from the ageing and storage of wine. Not surprisingly, there are a large number of chemical classes of compounds found in wine which are present at varying concentrations (ng L-1 to mg L-1), exhibit differing potencies, and have a broad range of volatilities and boiling points. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics as a rapid and low-cost technique to measure volatile compounds in Riesling wines. Samples of commercial Riesling wine were analyzed using an NIR instrument and volatile compounds by gas chromatography (GC) coupled with selected ion monitoring mass spectrometry. Correlation between the NIR and GC data were developed using partial least-squares (PLS) regression with full cross validation (leave one out). Coefficients of determination in cross validation (R 2) and the standard error in cross validation (SECV) were 0.74 (SECV: 313.6 μg L−1) for esters, 0.90 (SECV: 20.9 μg L−1) for monoterpenes and 0.80 (SECV: 1658 ?g L-1) for short-chain fatty acids. This study has shown that volatile chemical compounds present in wine can be measured by NIR spectroscopy. Further development with larger data sets will be required to test the predictive ability of the NIR calibration models developed.


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The use of near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging and hyperspectral image analysis for distinguishing between hard, intermediate and soft maize kernels from inbred lines was evaluated. NIR hyperspectral images of two sets (12 and 24 kernels) of whole maize kernels were acquired using a Spectral Dimensions MatrixNIR camera with a spectral range of 960-1662 nm and a sisuChema SWIR (short wave infrared) hyperspectral pushbroom imaging system with a spectral range of 1000-2498 nm. Exploratory principal component analysis (PCA) was used on absorbance images to remove background, bad pixels and shading. On the cleaned images. PCA could be used effectively to find histological classes including glassy (hard) and floury (soft) endosperm. PCA illustrated a distinct difference between glassy and floury endosperm along principal component (PC) three on the MatrixNIR and PC two on the sisuChema with two distinguishable clusters. Subsequently partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was applied to build a classification model. The PLS-DA model from the MatrixNIR image (12 kernels) resulted in root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) value of 0.18. This was repeated on the MatrixNIR image of the 24 kernels which resulted in RMSEP of 0.18. The sisuChema image yielded RMSEP value of 0.29. The reproducible results obtained with the different data sets indicate that the method proposed in this paper has a real potential for future classification uses.


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A study was performed to investigate the value of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) as an alternate method to analytical techniques for identifying QTL associated with feed quality traits. Milled samples from an F6-derived recombinant inbred Tallon/Scarlett population were incubated in the rumen of fistulated cattle, recovered, washed and dried to determine the in-situ dry matter digestibility (DMD). Both pre- and post-digestion samples were analysed using NIRS to quantify key quality components relating to acid detergent fibre, starch and protein. This phenotypic data was used to identify trait associated QTL and compare them to previously identified QTL. Though a number of genetic correlations were identified between the phenotypic data sets, the only correlation of most interest was between DMD and starch digested (r = -0.382). The significance of this genetic correlation was that the NIRS data set identified a putative QTL on chromosomes 7H (LOD = 3.3) associated with starch digested. A QTL for DMD occurred in the same region of chromosome 7H, with flanking markers fAG/CAT63 and bPb-0758. The significant correlation and identification of this putative QTL, highlights the potential of technologies like NIRS in QTL analysis.


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NeEstimator v2 is a completely revised and updated implementation of software that produces estimates of contemporary effective population size, using several different methods and a single input file. NeEstimator v2 includes three single-sample estimators (updated versions of the linkage disequilibrium and heterozygote-excess methods, and a new method based on molecular coancestry), as well as the two-sample (moment-based temporal) method. New features include the following: (i) an improved method for accounting for missing data; (ii) options for screening out rare alleles; (iii) confidence intervals for all methods; (iv) the ability to analyse data sets with large numbers of genetic markers (10000 or more); (v) options for batch processing large numbers of different data sets, which will facilitate cross-method comparisons using simulated data; and (vi) correction for temporal estimates when individuals sampled are not removed from the population (Plan I sampling). The user is given considerable control over input data and composition, and format of output files. The freely available software has a new JAVA interface and runs under MacOS, Linux and Windows.


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Attention is directed at land application of piggery effluent (containing urine, faeces, water, and wasted feed) as a potential source of water resource contamination with phosphorus (P). This paper summarises P-related properties of soil from 0-0.05 m depth at 11 piggery effluent application sites, in order to explore the impact that effluent application has had on the potential for run-off transport of P. The sites investigated were situated on Alfisol, Mollisol, Vertisol, and Spodosol soils in areas that received effluent for 1.5-30 years (estimated effluent-P applications of 100-310000 kg P/ha in total). Total (PT), bicarbonate extractable (PB), and soluble P forms were determined for the soil (0-0.05 m) at paired effluent and no-effluent sites, as well as texture, oxalate-extractable Fe and Al, organic carbon, and pH. All forms of soil P at 0-0.05 m depth increased with effluent application (PB at effluent sites was 1.7-15 times that at no-effluent sites) at 10 of the 11 sites. Increases in PB were strongly related to net P applications (regression analysis of log values for 7 sites with complete data sets: 82.6 % of variance accounted for, p <0.01). Effluent irrigation tended to increase the proportion of soil PT in dilute CaCl2-extractable forms (PTC: effluent average 2.0 %; no-effluent average 0.6%). The proportion of PTC in non-molybdate reactive forms (centrifuged supernatant) decreased (no-effluent average, 46.4 %; effluent average, 13.7 %). Anaerobic lagoon effluent did not reliably acidify soil, since no consistent relationship was observed for pH with effluent application. Soil organic carbon was increased in most of the effluent areas relative to the no-effluent areas. The four effluent areas where organic carbon was reduced had undergone intensive cultivation and cropping. Current effluent management at many of the piggeries failed to maximise the potential for waste P recapture. Ten of the case-study effluent application areas have received effluent-P in excess of crop uptake. While this may not represent a significant risk of leaching where sorption retains P, it has increased the risk of transport of P by run-off. Where such sites are close to surface water, run-off P loads should be managed.


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Beef producers have expressed concern that cattle moved from one location to another do not always perform as well as comparable local cattle. Research station records and field trial data were examined to determine the effect of relocation on growth rate using data sets for animals of different age and liveweight at relocation and of different genotypes. 21st Biennial Conference. 8-12 July University of Queensland, Brisbane.


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Sorghum ergot, caused predominantly by Claviceps africana Frederickson, Mantle, de Milliano, is a significant threat to the sorghum industry worldwide. The objectives of this study were firstly, to identify molecular markers linked to ergot resistance and to two pollen traits, pollen quantity (PQ) and pollen viability (PV), and secondly, to assess the relationship between the two pollen traits and ergot resistance in sorghum. A genetic linkage map of sorghum RIL population R931945-2-2 x IS 8525 (resistance source) was constructed using 303 markers including 36 SSR, 117 AFLP™, 148 DArT™ and two morphological trait loci. Composite interval mapping identified nine, five, and four QTL linked to molecular markers for percentage ergot infection (PCERGOT), PQ and PV, respectively, at a LOD >2.0. Co-location/linkage of QTL were identified on four chromosomes while other QTL for the three traits mapped independently, indicating that both pollen and non pollen-based mechanisms of ergot resistance were operating in this sorghum population. Of the nine QTL identified for PCERGOT, five were identified using the overall data set while four were specific to the group data sets defined by temperature and humidity. QTL identified on SBI-02 and SBI-06 were further validated in additional populations. This is the first report of QTL associated with ergot resistance in sorghum. The markers reported herein could be used for marker-assisted selection for this important disease of sorghum.


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Leaf carbon (C) content, leaf nitrogen (N) content, and C:N ratio are especially useful for understanding plant-herbivore interactions and may be important in developing control methods for the invasive riparian plant Arundo donax L. We measured C content, N content, C:N ratio, and chlorophyll index (SPAD 502 reading) for 768 leaves from A. donax collected over a five year period at several locations in California, Nevada, and Texas. Leaf N was more variable than leaf C, and thus we developed a linear regression equation for estimating A. donax leaf N from the leaf chlorophyll index (SPAD reading). When applied to two independent data sets, the equation (leaf N content % = -0.63 + 0.08 x SPAD) produced realistic estimates that matched seasonal and spatial trends reported from a natural A. donax population. Used in conjunction with the handheld SPAD 502 meter, the equation provides a rapid, non-destructive method for estimating A. donax leaf quality.


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Modeling of cultivar x trial effects for multienvironment trials (METs) within a mixed model framework is now common practice in many plant breeding programs. The factor analytic (FA) model is a parsimonious form used to approximate the fully unstructured form of the genetic variance-covariance matrix in the model for MET data. In this study, we demonstrate that the FA model is generally the model of best fit across a range of data sets taken from early generation trials in a breeding program. In addition, we demonstrate the superiority of the FA model in achieving the most common aim of METs, namely the selection of superior genotypes. Selection is achieved using best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPs) of cultivar effects at each environment, considered either individually or as a weighted average across environments. In practice, empirical BLUPs (E-BLUPs) of cultivar effects must be used instead of BLUPs since variance parameters in the model must be estimated rather than assumed known. While the optimal properties of minimum mean squared error of prediction (MSEP) and maximum correlation between true and predicted effects possessed by BLUPs do not hold for E-BLUPs, a simulation study shows that E-BLUPs perform well in terms of MSEP.


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Three data sets were examined to define the level of interaction of reef associated sharks with the commercial Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery within the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Data were examined from fishery logbooks, an observer program within the fishery and a fishery-independent survey conducted as part of the Effects of Line Fishing (ELF) Experiment. The majority of the identified catch was comprised of grey reef (62-72%), whitetip reef (16-29%) and blacktip reef (6-13%) sharks. Logbook data revealed spatially and temporally variable landings of shark from the GBR. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) through time was stable for the period from 1989 to 2006 with no evidence of increase or decline. Data from observer and ELF data sets indicated no differences in CPUE among regions. The ELF data set demonstrated that CPUE was higher in Marine National Park zones (no fishing) when compared to General Use zones (open to fishing). The ongoing and consistent catches of reef sharks in the fishery and effectiveness of no-fishing zones suggest that management zones within the GBR Marine Park are effective at protecting a portion of the reef shark population from exploitation.


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Background: Sorghum genome mapping based on DNA markers began in the early 1990s and numerous genetic linkage maps of sorghum have been published in the last decade, based initially on RFLP markers with more recent maps including AFLPs and SSRs and very recently, Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers. It is essential to integrate the rapidly growing body of genetic linkage data produced through DArT with the multiple genetic linkage maps for sorghum generated through other marker technologies. Here, we report on the colinearity of six independent sorghum component maps and on the integration of these component maps into a single reference resource that contains commonly utilized SSRs, AFLPs, and high-throughput DArT markers. Results: The six component maps were constructed using the MultiPoint software. The lengths of the resulting maps varied between 910 and 1528 cM. The order of the 498 markers that segregated in more than one population was highly consistent between the six individual mapping data sets. The framework consensus map was constructed using a "Neighbours" approach and contained 251 integrated bridge markers on the 10 sorghum chromosomes spanning 1355.4 cM with an average density of one marker every 5.4 cM, and were used for the projection of the remaining markers. In total, the sorghum consensus map consisted of a total of 1997 markers mapped to 2029 unique loci ( 1190 DArT loci and 839 other loci) spanning 1603.5 cM and with an average marker density of 1 marker/0.79 cM. In addition, 35 multicopy markers were identified. On average, each chromosome on the consensus map contained 203 markers of which 58.6% were DArT markers. Non-random patterns of DNA marker distribution were observed, with some clear marker-dense regions and some marker-rare regions. Conclusion: The final consensus map has allowed us to map a larger number of markers than possible in any individual map, to obtain a more complete coverage of the sorghum genome and to fill a number of gaps on individual maps. In addition to overall general consistency of marker order across individual component maps, good agreement in overall distances between common marker pairs across the component maps used in this study was determined, using a difference ratio calculation. The obtained consensus map can be used as a reference resource for genetic studies in different genetic backgrounds, in addition to providing a framework for transferring genetic information between different marker technologies and for integrating DArT markers with other genomic resources. DArT markers represent an affordable, high throughput marker system with great utility in molecular breeding programs, especially in crops such as sorghum where SNP arrays are not publicly available.


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This project was designed to provide the structural softwood processing industry with the basis for improved green and dry grading to allow maximise MGP grade yields, consistent product performance and reduced processing costs. To achieve this, advanced statistical techniques were used in conjunction with state-of-the-art property measurement systems. Specifically, the project aimed to make two significant steps forward for the Australian structural softwood industry: • assessment of technologies, both existing and novel, that may lead to selection of a consistent, reliable and accurate device for the log yard and green mill. The purpose is to more accurately identify and reject material that will not make a minimum grade of MGP10 downstream; • improved correlation of grading MOE and MOR parameters in the dry mill using new analytical methods and a combination of devices. The three populations tested were stiffness-limited radiata pine, strength-limited radiata pine and Caribbean pine. Resonance tests were conducted on logs prior to sawmilling, and on boards. Raw data from existing in-line systems were captured for the green and dry boards. The dataset was analysed using classical and advanced statistical tools to provide correlations between data sets and to develop efficient strength and stiffness prediction equations. Stiffness and strength prediction algorithms were developed from raw and combined parameters. Parameters were analysed for comparison of prediction capabilities using in-line parameters, off-line parameters and a combination of in-line and off-line parameters. The results show that acoustic resonance techniques have potential for log assessment, to sort for low stiffness and/or low strength, depending on the resource. From the log measurements, a strong correlation was found between the average static MOE of the dried boards within a log and the predicted value. These results have application in segregating logs into structural and non-structural uses. Some commercial technologies are already available for this application such as Hitman LG640. For green boards it was found that in-line and laboratory acoustic devices can provide a good prediction of dry static MOE and moderate prediction for MOR.There is high potential for segregating boards at this stage of processing. Grading after the log breakdown can improve significantly the effectiveness of the mill. Subsequently, reductions in non-structural volumes can be achieved. Depending on the resource it can be expected that a 5 to 8 % reduction in non structural boards won’t be dried with an associated saving of $70 to 85/m3. For dry boards, vibration and a standard Metriguard CLT/HCLT provided a similar level of prediction on stiffness limited resource. However, Metriguard provides a better strength prediction in strength limited resources (due to this equipment’s ability to measure local characteristics). The combination of grading equipment specifically for stiffness related predictors (Metriguard or vibration) with defect detection systems (optical or X-ray scanner) provides a higher level of prediction, especially for MOR. Several commercial technologies are already available for acoustic grading on board such those from Microtec, Luxscan, Falcon engineering or Dynalyse AB for example. Differing combinations of equipment, and their strategic location within the processing chain, can dramatically improve the efficiency of the mill, the level of which will vary depending of the resource. For example, an initial acoustic sorting on green boards combined with an optical scanner associated with an acoustic system for grading dry board can result in a large reduction of the proportion of low value low non-structural produced. The application of classical MLR on several predictors proved to be effective, in particular for MOR predictions. However, the usage of a modern statistics approach(chemometrics tools) such as PLS proved to be more efficient for improving the level of prediction. Compared to existing technologies, the results of the project indicate a good improvement potential for grading in the green mill, ahead of kiln drying and subsequent cost-adding processes. The next stage is the development and refinement of systems for this purpose.


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The Indo-West Pacific (IWP), from South Africa in the western Indian Ocean to the western Pacific Ocean, contains some of the most biologically diverse marine habitats on earth, including the greatest biodiversity of chondrichthyan fishes. The region encompasses various densities of human habitation leading to contrasts in the levels of exploitation experienced by chondrichthyans, which are targeted for local consumption and export. The demersal chondrichthyan, the zebra shark, Stegostoma fasciatum, is endemic to the IWP and has two current regional International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List classifications that reflect differing levels of exploitation: ‘Least Concern’ and ‘Vulnerable’. In this study, we employed mitochondrial ND4 sequence data and 13 microsatellite loci to investigate the population genetic structure of 180 zebra sharks from 13 locations throughout the IWP to test the concordance of IUCN zones with demographic units that have conservation value. Mitochondrial and microsatellite data sets from samples collected throughout northern Australia and Southeast Asia concord with the regional IUCN classifications. However, we found evidence of genetic subdivision within these regions, including subdivision between locations connected by habitat suitable for migration. Furthermore, parametric FST analyses and Bayesian clustering analyses indicated that the primary genetic break within the IWP is not represented by the IUCN classifications but rather is congruent with the Indonesian throughflow current. Our findings indicate that recruitment to areas of high exploitation from nearby healthy populations in zebra sharks is likely to be minimal, and that severe localized depletions are predicted to occur in zebra shark populations throughout the IWP region.


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OBJECTIVES: 1. Analyse current monitoring and logbook data sets, as well as survey and other information,to establish whether these data provide sufficient power to develop critical indicators of fishery performance. 2. Provide a risk analysis that examines the use of age structure and catch rate information for development of critical indicators, and response rules for those criteria, in the absence of other fishery information. 3. Develop a monitoring program that uses commercial vessels from the fishery to provide independent data.