63 resultados para Crabgrass - Herbicides responde

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Quilpie mesquite (Prosopis velutina) is an invasive woody weed that is believed to have been introduced into south-west Queensland in the 1930s. Following the withdrawal of 2,4,5-T, research on P. pallida resulted in revised recommendations for control of all Prosopis spp. in Queensland. Adoption of many of these recommendations for Quilpie mesquite control produced substandard results. Following a pilot trial, a shade-house experiment was conducted to determine the differences in susceptibility of two species of mesquite, P. velutina and P. pallida, to commonly available herbicides. It was hypothesized that P. velutina was less susceptible than P. pallida, based upon claims that the registered chemical recommendations for Prosopis spp. were not sufficiently effective on P. velutina. Nine foliar herbicide treatments were applied to potted shade-house plants. Treatment effects indicated differing susceptibility between the two species. P. velutina consistently showed less response to metsulfuron, fluroxypyr, 2,4-D/picloram and triclopyr/picloram, compared to the glyphosate formulations, where negligible differences occurred between the two species. The response to glyphosate was poor at all rates in this experiment. Re-application of herbicides to surviving plants indicated that susceptibility can decrease when follow-up application is in autumn and the time since initial application is short. The relationship between leaf structure and the volume of spray adhering to a plant was assessed across species. The herbicide captured by similar-sized plants of each species differed, with P. pallida retaining a greater volume of herbicide.


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This paper reports a field study undertaken to determine if the foliar application of herbicides fluroxypyr (150 mL 100 L-1 a.i.) and metsulfuron-methyl (12 g 100 L-1 a.i.) were capable of reducing the germination and viability of Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob. (Siam weed) seeds at three different stages of maturity. After foliar application of fluroxypyr germination of mature seeds was reduced by 88% and intermediate and immature seeds were reduced by 100%, compared to the control. Fluroxypyr also reduced the viability of mature, intermediate and immature seeds by 79, 89 and 67% respectively, compared to the control. Metsulfuron-methyl reduced germination of intermediate and immature seeds by 53 and 99% respectively compared to the control. Viability was also reduced by 74 and 96% respectively, compared to the control. Mature seeds were not affected by metsulfuron-methyl as germination and viability increased by 2% and 1% respectively, as compared to the control. These results show that these herbicides are capable of reducing the amount of viable seed entering the seed bank. However depending on the treatment and stage of seed development a percentage of seeds on the plants will remain viable and contribute to the seed bank. This information is of value to Siam weed eradication teams as plants are most easily located and subsequently treated at the time of flowering. Knowledge of the impact of control methods on seeds at various stages of development will help determine the most suitable chemical control option for a given situation.


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Twenty three herbicides including the current registered herbicides were screened for activity on pre-emergent, juvenile and mature plants of the weedy Sporobolus grass species Sporobolus pyramidalis P.Beauv. and Sporobolus fertilis (Steud.) Clayton. No new herbicides trialled effectively controlled mature plants. Propaquizafop, fluazifop-P-hutyI, flupropanate, haloxyfop-R-methyl ester, glyphosate-ipa and clethodim + haloxyfop-R-methyl ester mix showed good activity on juvenile plants while atrazine, flupropanate, dithiopyr and imazapyr where effective as pre-emergent herbicides. Further work needs to be done to define the recommended application rates for juvenile and pre-emergent plant stages and to determine the selectivity of these herbicides on native and exotic pasture grasses.


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This project will develop better understanding of resistance to glyphosate, paraquat and Group I herbicides to better inform weed management. The project will develop a range of tools for farm advisors to improve their confidence in decision making with respect to reducing the risk of glyphosate, Group I and paraquat resistance. These will include risk assessments, case studies and scenario exploring tools. The project will discuss with commercial providers the potential for new herbicide registrations. The project will establish farm advisor learning groups to work on the application of the research in local areas where resistance is already a major problem and to improve adoption of research outcomes from this and other projects.


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Pimelea poisoning is an ongoing, periodically serious problem for cattle producers in inland Australia. The annual native plants of the Thymelaeaceae family that cause the problem are widespread and animal management is currently the main means of minimizing poisoning. However, there are situations in the higher rainfall parts of the natural distribution area of these plants where farming and quite intensive property development do occur and here the use of selective herbicides may be an option. This research looked for herbicides that could be considered for registration for Pimelea control, bearing in mind the large potential costs involved if used over large areas. Group I hormone herbicides (for example 2,4-D) were quite effective as was metsulfuron-methyl and glyphosate at doses commonly registered for use on broad-leafed weeds. On the basis of minimizing costs and quickly suppressing seed-set, metsulfuron-methyl at 3.5e5 g a.i. ha1 and 2,4-D at 375e500 g a.i. ha1 were the most promising. Where medic (Medicago spp.) persistence is vital, 2,4-DB at 240e300 g a.i. ha1 could be used and glyphosate at 1 kg a.i. ha1 would be effective on fallowed ground if costwas not an overriding concern.


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Mikania micrantha Kunth (mikania vine) is a highly invasive tropical weed that was first discovered in Australia in 1997, and has been the target of a nationally cost-shared weed eradication program since 2003. Field crews have been effectively treating the weed with herbicide solutions containing 1 g a.i. L−1 of fluroxypyr. During the eradication program there have been limited opportunities to test alternative foliar herbicides or rates. A newly discovered infestation provided sufficient immature vines to compare the effectiveness of eight herbicide treatments.


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The adoption of dry direct seeding of rice in many Asian countries has resulted in increased interest among weed scientists to improve weed management strategies, because of the large and complex weed flora associated with dry-seeded rice (DSR). Tillage and cover cropping practices can be integrated into weed management strategies as these have been known to affect weed emergence for several ecological reasons. A study was conducted in the summer seasons of 2012 and 2013 at the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, to evaluate the effects of tillage, cover cropping, and herbicides on weed growth and grain yield of DSR. Most of the weed species (Echinochloa crus-galli, Echinochloa colona, Eleusine indica, and Euphorbia hirta) under study tended to populate the cover crop (CC) treatment more than the no-cover crop (no-CC) treatment. Zero tillage (ZT) resulted in higher weed densities of most of the weed species studied. The interaction effects of these treatments suggest that lesser herbicide efficacy in ZT and CC plots led to higher weed pressure and weed biomass. Grain yield was significantly higher in the conventional tillage system (2.40–3.32 t ha−1), because of lesser weed pressure, than in ZT (2.08–2.73 t ha−1). Almost all weed species increased in number and biomass production in the second year (2013) compared with the preceding year. Herbicide application (pendimethalin followed by bispyribac-sodium) alone, though significantly increased DSR grain yield over that of the unsprayed check, resulted in lesser grain yield compared with the weed-free check (5.07–5.12 t ha−1) by 14% and 27% in 2012 and 2013, respectively. This was mainly due to the buildup of biomass by weeds that escaped from herbicide application. The study reveals that conservation practices such as ZT can form an important component of integrated weed management in DSR, provided that herbicide efficacy be improved by adjusting rate and time of herbicide application in such systems.


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Dry-seeded rice (DSR) is an emerging resource-conserving technology in many Asian countries, but weeds remain the major threat to the production of DSR systems. A field study was conducted in 2012 and 2013 at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Baños, Philippines, to evaluate the performance of sole and sequential applications of preemergence (oxadiazon and pendimethalin), early postemergence (butachlor + propanil and thiobencarb + 2,4-D), and late postemergence herbicides (bispyribac-sodium and fenoxaprop + ethoxysulfuron) with different modes of action in comparison to manual weeding in DSR. The sequential applications of all preemergence and postemergence herbicides reduced weed density and biomass by 80–100% compared to the nontreated plots. The sole application of postemergence herbicides reduced weed density by only 44–54% and weed biomass by 51–61%, whereas oxadiazon alone reduced weed density and biomass by 96–100%. All herbicide treatments and manual weeding significantly affected tiller number, biomass, crop growth rate, agronomic indices, yield-contributing parameters (panicle density and filled grains), and yield (biological and grain) of rice. The highest grain yield was obtained in the manually weeded plots (5.9–6.1 t ha−1) and the plots treated with oxadiazon alone (5.4–5.6 t ha−1) and oxadiazon followed by postemergence herbicides (5.2–5.8 t ha−1). The lowest paddy yield (0.22 t ha−1) was achieved in the nontreated plots followed by the plots treated with the sole application of bispyribac-sodium and fenoxaprop + ethoxysulfuron. The results suggest that oxadiazon is the best broad-spectrum and economically effective herbicide when applied alone or in combination with other effective postemergence herbicides with different modes of action, depending on the weed species present in the field.


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Dry direct-seeded rice (DSR) faces with complex weed problems particularly when farmers missed pre-emergence herbicide applications. Thus, an effective and strategic weed control in DSR is often required with available options of post-emergence herbicides. In such situations, tank mixtures of herbicides may provide broad spectrum weed control in DSR. Field experiments were conducted in the wet seasons of 2013 and 2014 to study weed control in response to tank mixtures of herbicides currently applied in DSR in South Asia. Results revealed that the tank mixtures of the currently available herbicides (azimsulfuron plus bispyribac or fenoxaprop, bispyribac plus fenoxaprop, and azimsulfuron plus bispyribac plus fenoxaprop; all applied as post-emergence) rarely resulted in antagonistic effects. Highest weed control efficiency (∼98%) was recorded with the tank mixture of azimsulfuron plus bispyribac plus fenoxaprop during both the years. This treatment also produced highest grain yield (7.2 t ha−1 in 2013 and 7.9 t ha−1in 2014), which was similar to the grain yield in the plots treated with the tank mix of azimsulfuron plus fenoxaprop, pendimethalin (applied as pre-emergence) followed by (fb) bispyribac, pendimethalin fb fenoxaprop, as well as pendimethalin fb azimsulfuron. Plots treated with the post-emergence application of single herbicide (i.e., azimsulfuron, bispyribac, or fenoxaprop) had lower grain yield (3.0–5.2 t ha−1 in 2013 to 3.5–6.1 t ha−1in 2014) than all the sequential herbicide treatments and tank mixtures (azimsulfuron plus fenoxaprop and azimsulfuron plus bispyribac), owing to a broad spectrum weed control. The study suggested that if farmers missed the pre-emergence application of herbicides (e.g., pendimethalin) due to erratic rains or due to other reasons, good weed control and high yield can still be obtained with tank mix applications of azimsulfuron plus fenoxaprop or azimsulfuron plus bispyribac plus fenoxaprop in DSR.


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Clearing woodlands is practised world-wide to increase crop and livestock production, but can result in unintended consequences including woody regrowth and land degradation. The pasture response of 2 eucalypt woodlands in the central Queensland rangelands to killing trees with herbicides, in the presence or absence of grazing and regular spring burning, was recorded over 7 or 8 years to determine the long-term sustainability of these common practices. Herbage mass and species composition plus tree dynamics were monitored in 2 replicated experiments at each site. For 8 years following herbicide application, killing Eucalyptus populnea F. Muell. (poplar box) trees resulted in a doubling of native pasture herbage mass from that of the pre-existing woodland, with a tree basal area of 8.7 m2 ha-1. Conversely, over 7 years with a similar range of seasons, killing E. melanophloia F. Muell. (silver-leaved ironbark) trees of a similar tree basal area had little impact on herbage mass grown or on pasture composition for the first 4 years before production then increased. Few consistent changes in pasture composition were recorded after killing the trees, although there was an increase in the desirable grasses Dichanthium sericeum (R. Br.) A. Camus (Queensland bluegrass) and Themeda triandra Forssk. (kangaroo grass) when grazed conservatively. Excluding grazing allowed more palatable species of the major grasses to enhance their prominence, but seasonal conditions still had a major influence on their production in particular years. Pasture crown basal area was significantly higher where trees had been killed, especially in the poplar box woodland. Removing tree competition did not have a major effect on pasture composition that was independent of other management impositions or seasons, and it did not result in a rapid increase in herbage mass in both eucalypt communities. The slow pasture response to tree removal at one site indicates that regional models and economic projections relating to tree clearing require community-specific inputs.


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Grass and broad-leaved weeds can reduce both yields and product marketability of desmanthus (Desmanthus virgatus) seed crops, even when cultural control strategies are used. Selective herbicides might economically control these weeds, but, prior to this study, the few herbicides tolerated by desmanthus did not control key weed contaminants of desmanthus seed crops. In this study, the tolerance of desmanthus cv. Marc to 55 herbicides used for selective weed control in other leguminous crops was assessed in 1 pot trial and 3 Queensland field trials. One field trial assessed the tolerance of desmanthus seedlings to combinations of the most promising pre-emergent and post emergent herbicides. The pre-emergent herbicides, imazaquin, imazethapyr, pendimethalin, oryzalin and trifluralin, gave useful weed control with very little crop damage. The post-emergent herbicides, haloxyfop, clethodim, propyzamide, carbetamide and dalapon, were safe for controlling grass weeds in desmanthus. Selective post-emergence control of broad-leaved weeds was achieved using bentazone, bromoxynil and imazethapyr. One trial investigated salvaging second-year desmanthus crops from mature perennial weeds, and atrazine, terbacil and hexazinone showed some potential in this role. Overall, our results show that desmanthus tolerates herbicides which collectively control a wide range of weeds encountered in Queensland. These, in combination with cultural weed control strategies, should control most weeds in desmanthus seed crops.


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Calotrope [Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T.Aiton] is an exotic shrub or small tree species that is currently invading the tropical savannahs of northern Australia. A chemical trial involving 11 herbicides and four application methods (foliar, basal bark, cut stump and soil applied) was undertaken to identify effective chemicals to control calotrope. Of the foliar herbicides tested, imazapyr provided 100% mortality at the rates applied, and the higher rate of metsulfuron-methyl killed 100% of the treated plants. The herbicides 2,4-D butyl ester, fluroxypyr, triclopyr and triclopyr/picloram killed greater than 80% of the plants when applied by a basal bark or cut stump (when cut 5cm above ground level) method of application. Plants cut close to ground level (5cm) were controlled more effectively than plants cut 20cm above ground level. Chemical control (foliar and cut stump spraying) is a cost effective tool to treat calotrope densities <800plants/ha. Adoption of pasture management practices that promote perennial grasses, in conjunction with strategic chemical control, would further increase the effectiveness and reduce the costs of controlling vast areas of this weed.


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In dryland cotton cropping systems, the main weeds and effectiveness of management practices were identified, and the economic impact of weeds was estimated using information collected in a postal and a field survey of Southern Queensland and northern New South Wales. Forty-eight completed questionnaires were returned, and 32 paddocks were monitored in early and late summer for weed species and density. The main problem weeds were bladder ketmia (Hibiscus trionum), common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus), barnyard grasses (Echinochloa spp.), liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides) and black bindweed (Fallopia convolvulus), but the relative importance of these differed with crops, fallows and crop rotations. The weed flora was diverse with 54 genera identified in the field survey. Control of weed growth in rotational crops and fallows depended largely on herbicides, particularly glyphosate in fallow and atrazine in sorghum, although effective control was not consistently achieved. Weed control in dryland cotton involved numerous combinations of selective herbicides, several non-selective herbicides, inter-row cultivation and some manual chipping. Despite this, residual weeds were found at 38-59% of initial densities in about 3-quarters of the survey paddocks. The on-farm financial costs of weeds ranged from $148 to 224/ha.year depending on the rotation, resulting in an estimated annual economic cost of $19.6 million. The approach of managing weed populations across the whole cropping system needs wider adoption to reduce the weed pressure in dryland cotton and the economic impact of weeds in the long term. Strategies that optimise herbicide performance and minimise return of weed seed to the soil are needed. Data from the surveys provide direction for research to improve weed management in this cropping system. The economic framework provides a valuable measure of evaluating likely future returns from technologies or weed management improvements.