em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas with a global warming potential 298 times higher than carbon dioxide. Soils are a natural source of N2O, contributing 65% of global emissions. This paper is the first in Australia to measure and compare N2O emissions from pre-plant controlled release (CR) and conventional granular (CV) fertilisers in pineapple production using static PVC chambers to capture N2O emissions. Farm 1 cumulative emissions from the CR fertiliser were 3.22 kg ha-1 compared to 6.09 kg ha-1 produced by the CV. At farm 2 the CV blend emitted 2.36 kg ha-1 in comparison to the CR blend of 2.92 kg ha-1. Daily N2O flux rates showed a relationship of direct response to rainfall and soil moisture availability. High emissions were observed for wheel tracks where increased N2O emissions may be linked to soil compaction and waterlogging that creates anaerobic conditions after rain events. Emission measurements over three months highlighted the inconsistencies found in other studies relative to reducing emissions through controlled release nitrogen. More investigations are required to verify the benefits associated with controlled release fertiliser use in pineapples, placement and seasonal timing to address N2O emissions in pineapples.
The key to better nutrient efficiency is to simultaneously improve uptake and decrease losses. This study sought to achieve this balance using sorbent additions and manure nutrients (spent poultry litter; SL) compared with results obtained using conventional sources (Conv; urea nitrogen, N; and phosphate–phosphorus; P). Two experiments were conducted. Firstly, a phosphorus pot trial involving two soils (sandy and clay) based on a factorial design (Digitaria eriantha/Pennisetum clandestinum). Subsequently, a factorial N and P field trial was conducted on the clay soil (D. eriantha/Lolium rigidum). In the pot trial, sorbent additions (26.2 g of hydrotalcite [HT] g P− 1) to the Conv treatment deferred P availability (both soils) as did SL in the sandy soil. In this soil, P delivery by the Conv treatments declined rapidly, and began to fall behind the HT and SL treatments. Addition of HT increased post-trial Colwell P. In the field trial low HT-rates (3.75 and 7.5 g of HT g P− 1) plus bentonite, allowed dry matter production and nutrient uptake to match that of Conv treatments, and increased residual mineral-N. The SL treatments performed similarly to (or better than) Conv treatments regarding nutrient uptake. With successive application, HT forms may provide better supply profiles than Conv treatments. Our findings, combined with previous studies, suggest it is possible to use manures and ion-exchangers to match conventional N and P source productivity with lower risk of nutrient losses.