12 resultados para BAND TEXTURE FORMATION

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Sharks caught in tropical Australian waters occasionally exhibit tough texture. Two species of Carcharinid shark, originally known as the sorrah shark (Carcharinus sorrah) and the black spot shark (Carcharinus tilstoni), compose the majority of the catch. Experiments were conducted to identify the cause of tough texture and to improve the overall quality of the catch. The possibility that a cold shock reaction may occur was investigated by observing the contraction of fillets under a range of temperature conditions before freezing. The effect of on-board handling practices were evaluated using frozen shark fillets, which had been stored prior to freezing in refrigerated seawater at different rigor stages, temperatures and times as trunks. Fillets were analyzed for nucleotides, lactate, thaw pH, sarcomere length and raw and cooked shear force values. The existence of thaw rigor was also investigated. There was little difference in the texture between the individual strips of a fillet exposed to different temperatures but there were significant differences between individual sharks. A cold shock reaction could not be demonstrated in these species. The main influences on texture were of biological origin. The species, sex and size were found to have significant links with texture of fillets. The quality of the fillets deteriorated quicker during the warmer season and were at their worst if the trunks were kept on deck till post-rigor or held in 15 degree C refrigerated seawater before freezing


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Grain produced from doubled-haploid (DH) wheat lines, developed from a hard- and a soft-grained wheat cultivar, were bulked according to Pinb (puroindoline b) genotypes for an assessment of Chinese fresh noodle texture by a trained taste panel. Each DH line was designated as 'soft' or 'hard' grained, based on a PCR amplification of the wildtype, soft allele, or the mutant, hard allele. Theoretically, the soft and hard grain bulks represented respective Pinb alleles and an independent assortment of unlinked alleles from the parents, Sunco and Chuanyu 12. Grains from the parents and DH lines were grown at 2 locations in Queensland, Australia, and one in Sichuan, China. The grains were milled and processed for a taste panel evaluation in Chengdu, Sichuan. Results suggest the Pinb alleles had a significant effect on noodle softness and explained 30% of the variation; the 'soft' Pinb allele conferred a softer noodle texture. Location had a significant effect on noodle smoothness; wheat grain grown at Biloela, Queensland, produced a smoother noodle texture than grain grown in Sichuan. The effect of location confirms the importance of environment as a variable for this quality character. This investigation exemplifies the utility of Pinb markers for specifically altering Chinese Fresh Noodle texture.


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Glucosinolates are sulphur-containing glycosides found in brassicaceous plants that can be hydrolysed enzymatically by plant myrosinase or non-enzymatically to form primarily isothiocyanates and/or simple nitriles. From a human health perspective, isothiocyanates are quite important because they are major inducers of carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes. Two of the most potent inducers are benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) present in garden cress (Lepidium sativum), and phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) present in watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Previous studies on these salad crops have indicated that significant amounts of simple nitriles are produced at the expense of the isothiocyanates. These studies also suggested that nitrile formation may occur by different pathways: (1) under the control of specifier protein in garden cress and (2) by an unspecified, non-enzymatic path in watercress. In an effort to understand more about the mechanisms involved in simple nitrile formation in these species, we analysed their seeds for specifier protein and myrosinase activities, endogenous iron content and glucosinolate degradation products after addition of different iron species, specific chelators and various heat treatments. We confirmed that simple nitrile formation was predominantly under specifier protein control (thiocyanate-forming protein) in garden cress seeds. Limited thermal degradation of the major glucosinolate, glucotropaeolin (benzyl glucosinolate), occurred when seed material was heated to >120 degrees C. In the watercress seeds, however, we show for the first time that gluconasturtiin (phenylethyl glucosinolate) undergoes a non-enzymatic, iron-dependent degradation to a simple nitrile. On heating the seeds to 120 degrees C or greater, thermal degradation of this heat-labile glucosinolate increased simple nitrile levels many fold.


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Time to first root in cuttings varies under different environmental conditions and understanding these differences is critical for optimizing propagation of commercial forestry species. Temperature environment (15, 25, 30 or 35 +/- A 2A degrees C) had no effect on the cellular stages in root formation of the Slash x Caribbean Pine hybrid over 16 weeks as determined by histology. Initially callus cells formed in the cortex, then tracheids developed and formed primordia leading to external roots. However, speed of development followed a growth curve with the fastest development occurring at 25A degrees C and slowest at 15A degrees C with rooting percentages at week 12 of 80 and 0% respectively. Cutting survival was good in the three cooler temperature regimes (> 80%) but reduced to 59% at 35A degrees C. Root formation appeared to be dependant on the initiation of tracheids because all un-rooted cuttings had callus tissue but no tracheids, irrespective of temperature treatment and clone.


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Time to first root in cuttings varies under different environmental conditions and understanding these differences is critical for optimizing propagation of commercial forestry species. Temperature environment (15, 25, 30 or 352C) had no effect on the cellular stages in root formation of the Slash * Caribbean Pine hybrid over 16 weeks as determined by histology. Initially callus cells formed in the cortex, then tracheids developed and formed primordia leading to external roots. However, speed of development followed a growth curve with the fastest development occurring at 25C and slowest at 15C with rooting percentages at week 12 of 80 and 0% respectively. Cutting survival was good in the three cooler temperature regimes (>80%) but reduced to 59% at 35C. Root formation appeared to be dependant on the initiation of tracheids because all un-rooted cuttings had callus tissue but no tracheids, irrespective of temperature treatment and clone.


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Vegetative propagation programs internationally are affected by the significant decline of rooting success as trees mature. This study compared the cellular stages of root formation in stem cuttings from 15-week-old (juvenile) and 9-y-old (mature) stock plants of the slash x Caribbean pine hybrid (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x P. caribaea van hondurensis). The cellular stages of root formation were the same in both juvenile and mature cuttings, beginning with cell divisions of the vascular cambium forming callus tissue. Within the callus, tracheids differentiated and elongated to form root primordia. Roots in juvenile cuttings developed faster than those in mature cuttings and the juvenile cuttings had a much higher rooting percent at the end of the study (92% and 26% respectively). Cuttings of the two juvenile genotypes had more primary roots (5.5 and 3.3) than the three mature genotypes (0.96, 0.18 and 0.07). The roots of juvenile cuttings were more evenly distributed around the basal circumference when compared with those on cuttings from the mature genotypes. Further work is needed to improve understanding of physiological changes with maturation so that the rooting success and the speed of development in cuttings from mature stock plants can be optimised, hence improving genetic gain.


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Industry acceptance of alternative sulphite treatments for preventing blackspot in prawns is limited. This study demonstrated that dipping prawns (Penaeus monodon and Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) in a less concentrated solution for longer times provides better control of blackspot formation than the recommended 2 minute dip in 50 mg/L 4-hexylresorcinol. Protection improved as modified dipping times and solution concentrations increased. Blackspot protection provided by most of the modified dip methods was more effective than a 1 minute dip in 1% sodium metabisulphite. The recommended 2 minute dip method should be limited to 125 kg when used on consecutive 25-kg batches of prawns. Yields increased by less than 10% even after 72-hour exposure in the modified dip. The new dipping method meets most international residue standards when applying the modified treatments evaluated.


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Tension banding castration of cattle is gaining favour because it is relatively simple to perform and is promoted by retailers of the banders as a humane castration method. Two experiments were conducted, under tropical conditions using Bos indicus bulls comparing tension banding (Band) and surgical (Surgical) castration of weaner (7–10 months old) and mature (22–25 months old) bulls with and without pain management (NSAID (ketoprofen) or saline injected intramuscularly immediately prior to castration). Welfare outcomes were assessed using a range of measures; this paper reports on some physiological, morbidity and productivity-related responses to augment the behavioural responses reported in an accompanying paper. Blood samples were taken on the day of castration (day 0) at the time of restraint (0 min) and 30 min (weaners) or 40 min (mature bulls), 2 h, and 7 h; and days 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 post-castration. Plasmas from day 0 were assayed for cortisol, creatine kinase, total protein and packed cell volume. Plasmas from the other samples were assayed for cortisol and haptoglobin (plus the 0 min sample). Liveweights were recorded approximately weekly to 6 weeks and at 2 and 3 months post-castration. Castration sites were checked at these same times to 2 months post-castration to score the extent of healing and presence of sepsis. Cortisol concentrations (mean ± s.e. nmol/L) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the Band (67 ± 4.5) compared with Surgical weaners (42 ± 4.5) at 2 h post-castration, but at 24 h post-castration were greater in the Surgical (43 ± 3.2) compared with the Band weaners (30 ± 3.2). The main effect of ketoprofen was on the cortisol concentrations of the mature Surgical bulls; concentrations were significantly reduced at 40 min (47 ± 7.2 vs. 71 ± 7.2 nmol/L for saline) and 2 h post-castration (24 ± 7.2, vs. 87 ± 7.2 nmol/L for saline). Ketoprofen, however, had no effect on the Band mature bulls, with their cortisol concentrations averaging 54 ± 5.1 nmol/L at 40 min and 92 ± 5.1 nmol/L at 2 h. Cortisol concentrations were also significantly elevated in the Band (83 ± 3.0 nmol/L) compared with Surgical mature bulls (57 ± 3.0 nmol/L) at weeks 2–4 post-castration. The timing of this elevation coincided with significantly elevated haptoglobin concentrations (mg/mL) in the Band bulls (2.97 ± 0.102 for mature bulls and 1.71 ± 0.025 for weaners, vs. 2.10 ± 0.102 and 1.45 ± 0.025 respectively for the Surgical treatment) and evidence of slow wound healing and sepsis in both the weaner (0.81 ± 0.089 not healed at week 4 for Band, 0.13 ± 0.078 for Surgical) and mature bulls (0.81 ± 0.090 at week 4 for Band, 0.38 ± 0.104 for Surgical). Overall, liveweight gains of both age groups were not affected by castration method. The findings of acute pain, chronic inflammation and possibly chronic pain in the mature bulls at least, together with poor wound healing in the Band bulls support behavioural findings reported in the accompanying paper and demonstrate that tension banding produces inferior welfare outcomes for weaner and mature bulls compared with surgical castration.


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Tension-band castration of cattle is gaining favour because it is relatively simple to perform and is promoted by retailers of the devices as a humane castration method. Furthermore, retailers encourage delaying castration to exploit the superior growth rates of bulls compared with steers. Two experiments were conducted, under tropical conditions, comparing tension banding and surgical castration of weaner (7–10 months old) and mature (22–25 months old) Bos indicus bulls with and without pain management (ketoprofen or saline injected intramuscularly immediately prior to castration). Welfare outcomes were assessed using a wide range of measures; this paper reports on the behavioural responses of the bulls and an accompanying paper reports on other measures. Behavioural data were collected at intervals by direct observation and continuously via data loggers on the hind leg of the bulls to 4 weeks post-castration. Tension-banded bulls performed less movement in the crush/chute than the surgically castrated bulls during the procedures (weaner: 2.63 vs. 5.69, P < 0.001; mature: 1.00 vs. 5.94; P < 0.001 for tension-band and surgical castration, respectively), indicating that tension banding was less painful then surgical castration during conduct. To 1.5 h post-castration, tension-banded bulls performed significantly (all P < 0.05) more active behavioural responses indicative of pain compared with surgical castrates, e.g., percentage time walking forwards (weaner: 15.0% vs. 8.1%; mature: 22.3% vs. 15.1%), walking backwards (weaner: 4.3% vs. 1.4%; mature: 2.4% vs. 0.5%), numbers of tail movements (weaner: 21.9 vs. 1.4; mature: 51.5 vs. 39.4) and leg movements (weaner: 12.9 vs. 0.9; mature: 8.5 vs. 1.5), respectively. In contrast, surgically castrated bulls performed more immobile behaviours compared with tension-banded bulls (e.g., standing in mature bulls was 56.6% vs. 34.4%, respectively, P = 0.002). Ketoprofen administration appeared effective in moderating pain-related behaviours in the mature bulls from 1.5 to 3 h, e.g., reducing abnormal standing (0.0% vs. 7.7%, P = 0.009) and increasing feeding (12.7% vs. 0.0%, P = 0.048) in NSAID- and saline-treated bulls, respectively. There were few behavioural differences subsequent to 24 h post-castration, but some limited evidence of chronic pain (3–4 weeks post-castration) with both methods. Interpretation, however, was difficult from behaviours alone. Thus, tension banding is less painful than surgical castration during conduct of the procedures and pain-related behavioural responses differ with castration method (active restlessness in response to tension banding and minimisation of movement in response to surgical castration). Ketoprofen administered immediately prior to castration was somewhat effective in reducing pain, particularly in the mature bulls.


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The marketing of organically labeled prawns is predominately in a cooked or raw frozen form to avoid the development of melanosis (black spot). Certification for organic status prohibits the use of any added chemicals. The application of 60% CO2/40%N2 modified atmosphere to chilled (raw) prawns using two species of prawn was investigated for the ability to control black spot formation. Sensory assessment and microbiological counts were used to determine the end of product shelf life. Modified atmosphere packaged (MAP) prawns exhibited no melanosis for up to 16 days. The high quality life was retained for 12 days; shelf life of 16 days, according to standard microbiological criteria, was achieved, which is more than twice previously reported for non-MAP prawns. Results suggest MAP may be an effective method for the marketing of organically grown prawns as well as those produced by conventional prawn aquaculture without application of the normal chemicals used to prevent black spot. Copyright © 2014 Crown Copyright.


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Many plantation eucalypts are difficult to propagate from cuttings, and their rooted cuttings often possess very few adventitious roots. We microscopically examined the stem anatomy of cuttings from 12 species of eucalypts and we determined whether adventitious root formation in auxin-treated cuttings of four species was limited to particular positions around the vascular tissue. Most species contained a central pith that was arranged in a four-pointed stellate pattern. The surrounding vascular tissue was also arranged in a stellate pattern near the shoot apex but it developed a more rectangular shape at the outer phloem as the stems enlarged radially. Adventitious roots formed at, or slightly peripheral to, the vascular cambium, and they formed at both the corners and the sides of the rectangular-shaped vascular tissue. The study highlighted that auxin-treated eucalypt cuttings can produce roots at multiple positions around the vascular tissue and so propagation methods can aim to produce more than four adventitious roots per rooted cutting. Higher numbers of adventitious roots could improve the root system symmetry, stability, survival and growth rate of clonal eucalypt trees. © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.