9 resultados para Average comparisons

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Researchers developing climate-based forecasts, workshops, software tools and information to aid grazier decisions undertook an evaluation study to enhance planning and benchmark impact. One hundred graziers in Western Queensland were randomly selected from 7 shires and surveyed by mail and telephone (43 respondents) to explore levels of knowledge and use of climate information, practices and information needs. We found 36% of respondents apply the Southern Oscillation Index to property decisions but 92% were unaware El Niño Southern Oscillation’s predictive signal in the region is greater for pasture growth than rainfall, suggesting they may not recognise the potential of pasture growth forecasts. Almost 75% of graziers consider they are conservative or risk averse in their attitude to managing their enterprise. Mail respondents (n= 20) if given a 68%, on average, probability of exceeding median rainfall forecast may change a decision; almost two-thirds vary stocking rate based on forage available, last year’s pasture growth or the Southern Oscillation Index; the balance maintain a constant stocking rate strategy; 90% have access to a computer; 75% to the internet and 95% have a fax. This paper presents findings of the study and draws comparisons with a similar study of 174 irrigators in the Northern Murray-Darling Basin (Aust. J. Exp. Ag. 44, 247-257). New insights and information gained are helping the team better understand client needs and plan, design and extend tools and information tailored to grazier knowledge, practice, information needs and preferences. Results have also provided a benchmark against which to measure project impact and have influenced the team to make important changes to their project planning, activities and methods for transferring technology tailored to grazier preferences.


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Botryosphaeria rhodina (anamorph Lasiodiplodia theobromae) is a common endophyte and opportunistic pathogen on more than 500 tree species in the tropics and subtropics. During routine disease surveys of plantations in Australia and Venezuela several isolates differing from L. theobromae were identified and subsequently characterized based upon morphology and ITS and EF1-a nucleotide sequences. These isolates grouped into three strongly supported clades related to but different from the known taxa, B. rhodina and L. gonubiensis, These have been described here as three new species L. venezuelensis sp. nov., L. crassispora sp. nov. and L. rubropurpurea sp. nov. The three could be distinguished easily from each other and the two described species of Lasiodiplodia, thus confirming phylogenetic separations. Furthermore all five Lasiodiplodia spp. now recognized separated from Diplodia spp. and Dothiorella spp. with 100% bootstrap support.


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The Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina initiates more than 85% of fly strikes on sheep in Australia with an estimated average annual cost of A$280 million to the Australian wool industry. LuciTrap® is a commercially available, selective trap for L. cuprina consisting of a plastic bucket with multiple fly entry cones and a synthetic attractant. The impact of LuciTrap on populations of L. cuprina on sheep properties in five Australian states was evaluated by comparing L. cuprina populations on paired properties with and without LuciTraps over seasons when significant fly populations could be expected. Twenty-four comparisons (trials) were conducted over four years. During times of ‘higher fly density’ (when the 48 h geometric mean of trap catches on the control property was greater than five L. cuprina), the overall geometric mean trap catches for control and trapped properties differed significantly (P<0.001) with mean trap catches of 19.4 and 7.74 L. cuprina respectively. The selectivity of the LuciTrap was confirmed with 59% of all trapped flies being L. cuprina. Chrysomya spp. and Calliphora spp. constituted 9.3% and 1.1% of the catches with a variety of other flies (mainly Sarcophagidae and Muscidae) providing the remainder (31%). L. sericata was only trapped in Tasmania and made up 7.7% of the Lucilia spp. catch in this State. Seventy-two percent of the trapped L. cuprina were female. The deployment of LuciTrap on sheep properties at one trap per 100 sheep from the beginning of the anticipated fly season suppressed the populations of L. cuprina by 60% compared to matched control properties. The LuciTrap is a selective and easy to use fly trap and constitutes an effective, non-insecticidal tool for use in integrated management programs for L. cuprina.


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Fine-textured hybrid bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy] cultivars have been widely used for golf putting greens and lawn bowls greens in warm-climate areas for more than 40 years. During the past decade, the choice of cultivar for professional turfgrass managers has been expanded by a range of secondgeneration hybrid bermudagrasses, which differ from the first-generation cultivars ‘Tifgreen’ and ‘Tifdwarf ’ in their management requirements. In this paper, we present comparative morphological and developmental data for seven cultivars (Champion Dwarf, FloraDwarf, MS-Supreme, Novotek, Tifdwarf, TifEagle, Tifgreen) grown in spaced plant and sward experiments at Cleveland, Australia (27º32’S lat, 153º15’E long, 25 masl). The four ‘ultradwarf ’ cultivars (Champion Dwarf, MS-Supreme, FloraDwarf, TifEagle) showed slower vertical extension and produced fewer inflorescences than Tifdwarf, Tifgreen, and Novotek. However, in terms of the length of stolon internodes and their overall rate of lateral spread, Champion Dwarf, FloraDwarf, and TifEagle were comparable to Tifdwarf; MS-Supreme (with longer internodes) spread faster laterally, though slower than Tifgreen (which had the longest stolon internodes). In unmown swards, the four ultradwarfs produced shorter leaves than Tifgreen, Tifdwarf, and Novotek, but only Champion Dwarf produced significantly narrower leaves than Tifgreen, Tifdwarf, and Novotek, with TifEagle leaves also significantly narrower than those of Tifgreen and Novotek. Minimum threshold temperatures for growth were approximately 9° to 10°C (air temperature) and 15° to 16°C at 10 cm soil depth.


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Experiments involving row spacing and tillage, originally established in Mackay and Ingham in 2001, were planted to a second cycle of sugarcane in 2006 following a soybean break. Despite large yield differences, economic analysis indicated that there would be little difference in gross margins because of the much higher costs of the tilled system. It is concluded that without GPS guidance, as was the case with these experiments, cane yields are likely to be reduced with no tillage but these problems may well be overcome by implementing minimum strategic tillage to remove compaction from the planting row.


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Evaluation of a series of spotted gum (Corymbia citirodora) progeny trials, established in the subtropical region of Queensland, Australia, was undertaken to provide information for the development of advanced-generation breeding populations suitable for pulp production. Measurements of growth at two ages were combined with assessments of wood density and pulp yield from a selected sample of provenances to provide comparisons between provenances, to generate genetic parameter estimates and to predict genetic gain potential. Although growth at this age was moderate relative to other eucalypts, the near-infrared predictions of average wood density of 756 kg m(-3) and pulp yield of 55% indicate the species has considerable potential as a pulpwood crop. A pulp productivity breeding objective was used to identify production populations using a range of selection trait weightings to determine potential genetic gain for pulp productivity. Genetic parameters indicated (1) levels of genetic control were moderate for all traits and higher for wood property traits, (2) genetic improvements could be achieved by selection among and within provenances with greater levels of improvement available from selection within populations, (3) genotype by environment interactions were negligible, (4) genetic correlations between traits were favourable, and (5) selection of volume production alone would maximise improvements in pulp productivity.


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Mango is an important horticultural fruit crop and breeding is a key strategy to improve ongoing sustainability. Knowledge of breeding values of potential parents is important for maximising progress from breeding. This study successfully employed a mixed linear model methods incorporating a pedigree to predict breeding values for average fruit weight from highly unbalanced data for genotypes planted over three field trials and assessed over several harvest seasons. Average fruit weight was found to be under strong additive genetic control. There was high correlation between hybrids propagated as seedlings and hybrids propagated as scions grafted onto rootstocks. Estimates of additive genetic correlation among trials ranged from 0.69 to 0.88 with correlations among harvest seasons within trials greater than 0.96. These results suggest that progress from selection for broad adaptation can be achieved, particularly as no repeatable environmental factor that could be used to predict G x E could be identified. Predicted breeding values for 35 known cultivars are presented for use in ongoing breeding programs.


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Wild dogs (Canis lupus dingo and hybrids) are routinely controlled to protect beef cattle from predation yet beef producers are sometimes ambivalent as to whether wild dogs are a significant problem or not. This paper reports the loss of calves between birth and weaning in pregnancy-tested herds located on two beef cattle properties in south-central and far north Queensland for up to 4 consecutive years. Comparisons of lactation failures (identified when dams that previously tested pregnant were found non-lactating at weaning) were made between adjoining test herds grazed in places with or without annual (or twice annual) wild dog poison baiting programs. No correlation between wild dog relative abundance and lactation failures was apparent. Calf loss was frequently higher (three in 7 site-years, 11–32%) in baited areas than in non-baited areas (9% in 1 of 7 site-years). Predation loss of calves (in either area) only occurred in seasons of below-average rainfall, but was not related to herd nutrition. These data suggest that controlling wild dogs to protect calves on extensive beef cattle enterprises is unnecessary in most years because wild dogs do not routinely prey on calves. In those seasons when wild dog predation might occur, baiting can be counter-productive. Baiting appears to produce perturbations that change the way surviving or re-colonising wild dog populations select and handle prey and/or how they interact with livestock.


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Snapper (Pagrus auratus) is widely distributed throughout subtropical and temperate southern oceans and forms a significant recreational and commercial fishery in Queensland, Australia. Using data from government reports, media sources, popular publications and a government fisheries survey carried out in 1910, we compiled information on individual snapper fishing trips that took place prior to the commencement of fisherywide organized data collection, from 1871 to 1939. In addition to extracting all available quantitative data, we translated qualitative information into bounded estimates and used multiple imputation to handle missing values, forming 287 records for which catch rate (snapper fisher−1 h−1) could be derived. Uncertainty was handled through a parametric maximum likelihood framework (a transformed trivariate Gaussian), which facilitated statistical comparisons between data sources. No statistically significant differences in catch rates were found among media sources and the government fisheries survey. Catch rates remained stable throughout the time series, averaging 3.75 snapper fisher−1 h−1 (95% confidence interval, 3.42–4.09) as the fishery expanded into new grounds. In comparison, a contemporary (1993–2002) south-east Queensland charter fishery produced an average catch rate of 0.4 snapper fisher−1 h−1 (95% confidence interval, 0.31–0.58). These data illustrate the productivity of a fishery during its earliest years of development and represent the earliest catch rate data globally for this species. By adopting a formalized approach to address issues common to many historical records – missing data, a lack of quantitative information and reporting bias – our analysis demonstrates the potential for historical narratives to contribute to contemporary fisheries management.