11 resultados para Augusto, Emperador de Roma, 63 a.C.-14 d.C.

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The influence of a once only administration of a metabolite of vitamin D3 (HY [middle dot] D(R)-25-hydroxy vitamin D3) on myofibrillar meat tenderness in Australian Brahman cattle was studied. Ninety-six Brahman steers of three phenotypes (Indo-Brazil, US and US/European) and with two previous hormonal growth promotant (HGP) histories (implanted or not implanted with Compudose(R)) were fed a standard feedlot ration for 70 d. Treatment groups of 24 steers were offered daily 10 g/head HY [middle dot] D(R) (125 mg 25-hydroxyvitamin D3) for 6, 4, or 2 d before slaughter. One other group of 24 steers was given the basal diet without HY [middle dot] D(R). Feed lot performance, blood and muscle samples and carcass quality data were collected at slaughter. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron and Vitamin D3 metabolites were measured in plasma and longissimus dorsi muscle. Warner-Bratzler (WB) shear force (peak force, initial yield) and other objective meat quality measurements were made on the longissimus dorsi muscle of each steer after ageing for 1, 7 and 14 d post-mortem at 0-2 [deg]C.There were no significant effects of HY [middle dot] D(R) supplements on average daily gain (ADG, 1.28-1.45 kg/d) over the experimental period. HY [middle dot] D(R) supplements given 6 d prior to slaughter resulted in significantly higher (P (R)) by phenotype/HGP interaction for peak force (P = 0.028), in which Indo-Brazil steers without previous HGP treatment responded positively (increased tenderness) to HY [middle dot] D(R) supplements at 2 d when compared with Indo-Brazil steers previously given HGP. There were no significant effects of treatment on other phenotypes. HY [middle dot] D(R) supplements did not affect muscle or plasma concentrations of calcium, potassium or sodium, but did significantly decrease plasma magnesium and iron concentrations when given 2 d before slaughter. There were no detectable amounts of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the blood or muscle of any cattle at slaughter.


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A study was undertaken from 2004 to 2007 to investigate factors associated with decreased efficacy of metalaxyl to manage damping-off of cucumber in Oman. A survey over six growing seasons showed that growers lost up to 14.6% of seedlings following application of metalaxyl. No resistance to metalaxyl was found among Pythium isolates. Damping-off disease in the surveyed greenhouses followed two patterns. In most (69%) greenhouses, seedling mortality was found to occur shortly after transplanting and decrease thereafter (Phase-I). However, a second phase of seedling mortality (Phase-II) appeared 9-14 d after transplanting in about 31% of the surveyed greenhouses. Analysis of the rate of biodegradation of metalaxyl in six greenhouses indicated a significant increase in the rate of metalaxyl biodegradation in greenhouses, which encountered Phase-II damping-off. The half-life of metalaxyl dropped from 93 d in soil, which received no previous metalaxyl treatment to 14 d in soil, which received metalaxyl for eight consecutive seasons, indicating an enhanced rate of metalaxyl biodegradation after repeated use. Multiple applications of metalaxyl helped reduce the appearance of Phase-II damping-off. This appears to be the first report of rapid biodegradation of metalaxyl in greenhouse soils and the first report of its association with appearance of a second phase of mortality in cucumber seedlings.


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Distributions of lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), in litter of a compacted earth floor broiler house in southeastern Queensland, Australia, were studied over two flocks. Larvae were the predominant stage recorded. Significantly low densities occurred in open locations and under drinker cups where chickens had complete access, whereas high densities were found under feed pans and along house edges where chicken access was restricted. For each flock, lesser mealworm numbers increased at all locations over the first 14 d, especially under feed pans and along house edges, peaking at 26 d and then declining over the final 28 d. A life stage profile per flock was devised that consisted of the following: beetles emerge from the earth floor at the beginning of each flock, and females lay eggs, producing larvae that peak in numbers at 3 wk; after a further 3 to 4 wk, larvae leave litter to pupate in the earth floor, and beetles then emerge by the end of the flock time. Removing old litter from the brooder section at the end of a flock did not greatly reduce mealworm numbers over the subsequent flock, but it seemed to prevent numbers increasing, while an increase in numbers in the grow-out section was recorded after reusing litter. Areas under feed pans and along house edges accounted for 5% of the total house area, but approximately half the estimated total number of lesser mealworms in the broiler house occurred in these locations. The results of this study will be used to determine optimal deployment of site-specific treatments for lesser mealworm control.


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The effectiveness of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid was evaluated against four psocid pests of stored grain. This research was undertaken because of the growing importance of psocids in stored grain and the need to identify methods for their control. The mortality and reproduction of adults of Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel, L. entomophila (Enderlein), L. decolor (Pearman) and L. paeta Pearman in wheat treated with imidacloprid were determined. There were five application rates (0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10 mg AI kg -1 grain) and an untreated control. There were significant effects of application rate on both adult mortality and reproduction for all four species, but the effect of imidacloprid was sometimes more pronounced on reproduction. Imidacloprid was most effective against L. bostrychophila, with 100% adult mortality after 7 d at 5 mg AI kg-1, 14 d at 2 mg AI kg-1 and 28 d at 0.5 and 1 mg AI kg-1. No live progeny were produced at 2 mg AI kg-1. For L. decolor, there was 100% adult mortality after 28 d at 10 mg AI kg-1 and no live progeny were produced at 2 mg AI kg-1. For L. entomophila, there was 100% adult mortality after 14 d at 10 mg AI kg-1 and 28 d at 2 and 5 mg AI kg-1. No live progeny were produced at 10 mg AI kg-1. At 10 mg AI kg-1 there was 100% mortality of L. paeta adults after 28 d exposure and no live progeny developed. Because reproduction at some application rates occurred only in the first 14 d of exposure, it is concluded that the application rate leading to population extinction was 1 mg AI kg-1 for L. bostrychophila, 2 mg AI kg-1 for L. decolor and L. entomophila and 5 mg AI kg -1 for L. paeta. This study shows that imidacloprid has potential as a grain protectant to control all four Liposcelis species in stored grain.


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Sufficient evidence tended to indicate that at least four factors can negatively influence broiler performance when offered sorghum-based diets; in particular energy utilisation of sorghum in young birds. It was proposed that mainly CT would further influence sorghum grain AME values when consumed by young chicks (0-7 and 7-14 d old). Overall, birds consuming sorghum-based diets during the starter phase (0-21 d), did not match the performance of birds offered wheat-based diets. The use of phytase enzymes in sorghum-based diets tended to improve bird performance. However, reducing the obtained AME of sorghum grains by -0.8 MJ during the 0-21 d period appears to be a practical solution.


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A restriction analysis of PCR (PCR-REA) amplified apxIVA gene has been suggested as an alternative method for serotyping of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae by Jaglic et al. [Jaglic, Z., Svastova, P., Rychlik, I., Nedbalcova, K., Kucerova, Z., Pavlik, I., Bartos, M., 2004. Differentiation of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae by PCR-REA based on sequence variability of the apxIVA gene and by ribotyping. Vet. Microbiol. 103, 63-69]. The current study investigated whether this alternative method could distinguish between the reference strains of serovars 13-15 and the value of the method when applied to 47 field isolates representing serovars 1-3, 5, 7-9, 12 and 15 as well as non-typable isolates. The reference strains of serovars 13 and 14 had the same sized product after the apxIVA PCR, while the product for serovar 15 was of different size compared to all the other serovar reference strains. The CfoI digest profiles of the reference serovars 13 and 14 strains were different from each other and from all other serovars. The HpaII digest profiles of these two serovars were very similar to each other, but both were distinctively different from the other serovar profiles. The CfoI digest profile of serovar 15 strain was very similar to the serovars 3 and 12 strains except for two faint extra bands for serovar 15. The HpaII digest profiles of serovars 12 and 15 reference strains were identical. The PCR-REA method correctly recognized the serovar of 21 of 43 field isolates. It was concluded that the method was a useful additional tool to support, but could not replace, conventional serotyping.


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Salinity is an increasingly important issue in both rural and urban areas throughout much of Australia. The use of recycled/reclaimed water and other sources of poorer quality water to irrigate turf is also increasing. Hybrid Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt Davey), together with the parent species C. dactylon, are amongst the most widely used warm-season turf grass groups. Twelve hybrid Bermudagrass genotypes and one accession each of Bermudagrass (C. dactylon), African Bermudagrass (C. transvaalensis) and seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Sw.) were grown in a glasshouse experiment with six different salinity treatments applied hydroponically through the irrigation water (ECW = <0.1, 6, 12, 18, 24 or 30 dSm-1) in a flood-and-drain system. Each pot was clipped progressively at 2-weekly intervals over the 12-week experimental period to determine dry matter production; leaf firing was rated visually on 3 occasions during the last 6 weeks of salinity treatment. At the end of the experiment, dry weights of roots and crowns below clipping height were also determined. Clipping yields declined sharply after about the first 6 weeks of salinity treatment, but then remained stable at substantially lower levels of dry matter production from weeks 8 to 12. Growth data over this final 4-week experimental period is therefore a more accurate guide to the relative salinity tolerance of the 15 entries than data from the preceding 8 weeks. Based on these data, the 12 hybrid Bermudagrass genotypes showed moderate salinity tolerance, with FloraDwarfM, 'Champion Dwarf', NovotekM and 'TifEagle' ranking as the most salt tolerant and 'Patriot', 'Santa Ana', 'Tifgreen' and TifSport M the least tolerant within the hybrid group. Nevertheless, Santa Ana, for example, maintained relatively strong root growth as salinity increased, and so may show better salt tolerance in practice than predicted from the growth data alone. The 12 hybrid Bermudagrasses and the single African Bermudagrass genotype were all ranked above FloraTeXM Bermudagrass in terms of salt tolerance. However, seashore paspalum, which is widely acknowledged as a halophytic species showing high salt tolerance, ranked well above all 14 Cynodon genotypes in terms of salinity tolerance.


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Wear resistance and recovery of 8 Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) and hybrid Bermudagrass (C. Dactylon x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davey) cultivars grown on a sandbased soil profile near Brisbane, Australia, were assessed in 4 wear trials conducted over a two year period. Wear was applied on a 7-day or a 14-day schedule by a modified Brinkman Traffic Simulator for 6-14 weeks at a time, either during winter-early spring or during summer-early autumn. The more frequent wear under the 7-day treatment was more damaging to the turf than the 14-day wear treatment, particularly during winter when its capacity for recovery from wear was severely restricted. There were substantial differences in wear tolerance among the 8 cultivars investigated, and the wear tolerance rankings of some cultivars changed between years. Wear tolerance was associated with high shoot density, a dense stolon mat strongly rooted to the ground surface, high cell wall strength as indicated by high total cell wall content, and high levels of lignin and neutral detergent fiber. Wear tolerance was also affected by turf age, planting sod quality, and wet weather. Resistance to wear and recovery from wear are both important components of wear tolerance, but the relative importance of their contributions to overall wear tolerance varies seasonally with turf growth rate.


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Khaya senegalensis, African mahogany, a high-value hardwood, was introduced in the Northern Territory (NT) in the 1950s; included in various trials there and at Weipa, Q in the 1960s-1970s; planted on ex mine sites at Weipa (160 ha) until 1985; revived in farm plantings in Queensland and in trials in the NT in the 1990s; adopted for large-scale, annual planting in the Douglas-Daly region, NT from 2006 and is to have the planted area in the NT extended to at least 20,000 ha. The recent serious interest from plantation growers, including Forest Enterprises Australia Ltd (FEA), has seen the establishment of some large scale commercial plantations. FEA initiated the current study to process relatively young plantation stands from both Northern Territory and Queensland plantations to investigate the sawn wood and veneer recovery and quality from trees ranging from 14 years (NT – 36 trees) to 18-20 years (North Queensland – 31 trees). Field measures of tree size and straightness were complemented with log end splitting assessment and cross-sectional disc sample collection for laboratory wood properties measurements including colour and shrinkage. End-splitting scores assessed on sawn logs were relatively low compared to fast grown plantation eucalypts and did not impact processing negatively. Heartwood proportion in individual trees ranged from 50% up to 92 % of butt cross-sectional disc area for the visually-assessed dark coloured central heartwood and lighter coloured transition wood combined. Dark central heartwood proportion was positively related to tree size (R2 = 0.57). Chemical tests failed to assist in determining heartwood – sapwood boundary. Mean basic density of whole disc samples was 658 kg/m3 and ranged among trees from 603 to 712 kg/m3. When freshly sawn, the heartwood of African mahogany was orange-red to red. Transition wood appeared to be pinkish and the sapwood was a pale yellow colour. Once air dried the heartwood colour generally darkens to pinkish-brown or orange-brown and the effect of prolonged time and sun exposure is to darken and change the heartwood to a red-brown colour. A portable colour measurement spectrophotometer was used to objectively assess colour variation in CIE L*, a* and b* values over time with drying and exposure to sunlight. Capacity to predict standard colour values accurately after varying periods of direct sunlight exposure using results obtained on initial air-dried surfaces decreased with increasing time to sun exposure. The predictions are more accurate for L* values which represent brightness than for variation in the a* values (red spectrum). Selection of superior breeding trees for colour is likely to be based on dried samples exposed to sunlight to reliably highlight wood colour differences. A generally low ratio between tangential and radial shrinkages was found, which was reflected in a low incidence of board distortion (particularly cupping) during drying. A preliminary experiment was carried out to investigate the quality of NIR models to predict shrinkage and density. NIR spectra correlated reasonably well with radial shrinkage and air dried density. When calibration models were applied to their validation sets, radial shrinkage was predicted to an accuracy of 76% with Standard Error of Prediction of 0.21%. There was also a strong predictive power for wood density. These are encouraging results suggesting that NIR spectroscopy has good potential to be used as a non-destructive method to predict shrinkage and wood density using 12mm diameter increment core samples. Average green off saw recovery was 49.5% (range 40 to 69%) for Burdekin Agricultural College (BAC) logs and 41.9% (range 20 to 61%) for Katherine (NT) logs. These figures are about 10% higher than compared to 30-year-old Khaya study by Armstrong et al. (2007) however they are inflated as the green boards were not docked to remove wane prior to being tallied. Of the recovered sawn, dried and dressed volume from the BAC logs, based on the cambial face of boards, 27% could potentially be used for select grade, 40% for medium feature grade and 26% for high feature grades. The heart faces had a slightly higher recovery of select (30%) and medium feature (43%) grade boards with a reduction in the volume of high feature (22%) and reject (6%) grade boards. Distribution of board grades for the NT site aged 14 years followed very similar trends to those of the BAC site boards with an average (between facial and cambial face) 27% could potentially be used for select grade, 42% for medium feature grade, 26% for high feature grade and 5% reject. Relatively to some other subtropical eucalypts, there was a low incidence of borer attack. The major grade limiting defects for both medium and high feature grade boards recovered from the BAC site were knots and wane. The presence of large knots may reflect both management practices and the nature of the genetic material at the site. This stand was not managed for timber production with a very late pruning implemented at about age 12 years. The large amount of wane affected boards is indicative of logs with a large taper and the presence of significant sweep. Wane, knots and skip were the major grade limiting defects for the NT site reflecting considerable amounts of sweep with large taper as might be expected in younger trees. The green veneer recovered from billets of seven Khaya trees rotary peeled on a spindleless lathe produced a recovery of 83% of green billet volume. Dried veneer recovery ranged from 40 to 74 % per billet with an average of 64%. All of the recovered grades were suitable for use in structural ply in accordance to AS/NZ 2269: 2008. The majority of veneer sheets recovered from all billets was C grade (27%) with 20% making D grade and 13% B grade. Total dry sliced veneer recovery from the logs of the two largest logs from each location was estimated to be 41.1%. Very positive results have been recorded in this small scale study. The amount of colour development observed and the very reasonable recoveries of both sawn and veneer products, with a good representation of higher grades in the product distribution, is encouraging. The prospects for significant improvement in these results from well managed and productive stands grown for high quality timber should be high. Additionally, the study has shown the utility of non-destructive evaluation techniques for use in tree improvement programs to improve the quality of future plantations. A few trees combined several of the traits desired of individuals for a first breeding population. Fortunately, the two most promising trees (32, 19) had already been selected for breeding on external traits, and grafts of them are established in the seed orchard.


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Quality and safety evaluation of agricultural products has become an increasingly important consideration in market/commercial viability and systems for such evaluations are now demanded by customers, including distributors and retailers. Unfortunately, most horticultural products struggle with delivering adequate and consistent quality to the consumer. Removing inconsistencies and providing what the consumer expects is a key factor for retaining and expanding both domestic and international markets. Most commercial quality classification systems for fruit and vegetables are based on external features of the product, for example: shape, colour, size, weight and blemishes. However, the external appearance of most fruit is generally not an accurate guide to the internal or eating quality of the fruit. Internal quality of fruit is currently subjectively judged on attributes such as volatiles, firmness, and appearance. Destructive subjective measures such as internal flesh colour, or objective measures such as extraction of juice to measure sweetness (oBrix) or assessment of dry matter (DM) content are also used, although obviously not for every fruit – just a sample to represent the whole consignment. For avocado fruit, external colour is not a maturity characteristic, and its smell is too weak and appears later in its maturity stage (Gaete-Garreton et al., 2005). Since maturity is a major component of avocado quality and palatability, it is important to harvest mature fruit, so as to ensure that fruit will ripen properly and have acceptable eating quality. Currently, commercial avocado maturity estimation is based on destructive assessment of the %DM, and sometimes percent oil, both of which are highly correlated with maturity (Clark et al., 2003; Mizrach & Flitsanov, 1999). Avocados Australia Limited (AAL (2008)) recommend a minimum maturity standard for its growers of 23 %DM (greater than 10% oil content) for the ‘Hass’ cultivar, although consumer studies indicate a preference for at least 25 %DM (Harker et al., 2007).


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The Executive Committee of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) has recently decided to modify the current definition of virus species (Code of Virus Classification and Nomenclature Rule 3.21) and will soon ask the full ICTV membership (189 voting members) to ratify the proposed controversial change. In this discussion paper, 14 senior virologists, including six Life members of the ICTV, compare the present and proposed new definition and recommend that the existing definition of virus species should be retained. Since the pros and cons of the proposal posted on the ICTV website are not widely consulted, the arguments are summarized here in order to reach a wider audience.