9 resultados para 154-929

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The immunogenicity of P97 adhesin repeat region R1 (P97R1) of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, an important pathogenesis-associated region of P97, was evaluated in mice as a mucosal vaccine. Mice were immunized orally with attenuated Salmonella typhimurium aroA strain CS332 harbouring a eukaryotic or prokaryotic expression vector encoding IP97R1. Local and systemic immune responses were analysed by ELISA on mouse sera, lung washes and splenocyte supernatants following splenocyte stimulation with specific antigens in vitro. Although no P97R1-specific antibody responses were detected in serum and lung washes, significant gamma interferon was produced by P97R1-stimulated splenocytes from mice immunized orally with S. typhimurium aroA harbouring either expression system, indicating induction of a cell-mediated immune response. These results suggested that live bacterial vectors carrying DNA vaccines or expressing heterologous antigens preferentially induce a Th1 response. Surprisingly, however, mice immunized with the vaccine carrier S. typhimurium aroA CS332 induced serum IgG, but not mucosal IgA, against P97R1 or S. typhimurium aroA CS332 whole-cell lysate, emphasizing the importance of assessing the suitability of attenuated S. typhimurium antigen-carrier delivery vectors in the mouse model prior to their evaluation as potential vaccines in the target species, which in this instance was pigs.


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Fusarium wilt of banana is a potentially devastating disease throughout the world. Options for control of the causal organism, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) are limited. Suppressive soil sites have previously been identified where, despite the presence of Foc, Fusarium wilt does not develop. In order to understand some aspects of this disease suppression, endophytic Fusarium oxysporum isolates were obtained from banana roots. These isolates were genetically characterized and compared with an isolate of Fusarium oxysporum previously identified as being capable of suppressing Fusarium wilt of banana in glasshouse trials. Three additional isolates were selected for glasshouse trials to assess suppression of Fusarium wilt in two different cultivars of banana, Cavendish and Lady Finger. One isolate (BRIP 29089) was identified as a potential biocontrol organism, reducing the disease severity of Fusarium wilt in Lady Finger and Cavendish cultivars. Interestingly, one isolate (BRIP 45952) increased Fusarium wilt disease severity on Cavendish. The implications of an isolate of Fusarium oxysporum, non-pathogenic on banana, increasing disease severity and the potential role of non-pathogenic isolates of Fusarium oxysporum in disease complexes are discussed.


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The aim of the pedigree-based genome mapping project is to investigate and develop systems for implementing marker assisted selection to improve the efficiency of selection and increase the rate of genetic gain in breeding programs. Pedigree-based whole genome marker application provides a vehicle for incorporating marker technologies into applied breeding programs by bridging the gap between marker-trait association and marker implementation. We report on the development of protocols for implementation of pedigree-based whole genome marker analysis in breeding programs within the Australian northern winter cereals region. Examples of applications from the Queensland DPI&F wheat and barley breeding programs are provided, commenting on the use of microsatellites and other types of molecular markers for routine genomic analysis, the integration of genotypic, phenotypic and pedigree information for targeted wheat and barley lines, the genomic impacts of strong selection pressure in case study pedigrees, and directions for future pedigree-based marker development and analysis.


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The application of attenuated vaccines for the prevention of chicken coccidiosis has increased exponentially in recent years. In Eimeria infections, protective immunity is thought to rely on a strong cell mediated response with antibodies supposedly playing a minor role. However, under certain conditions antibodies seem to be significant in protection. Furthermore, antibodies could be useful for monitoring natural exposure of flocks to Eimeria spp. and for monitoring the infectivity of live vaccines. Our objective was to investigate the chicken antibody response to the different parasite lifecycle stages following infection with an attenuated strain of Eimeria tenella. Western blotting analysis of parasite antigens prepared from the lining of caeca infected with the attenuated strain of E. tenella revealed two dominant antigens of 32 and 34 kDa, apparently associated with trophozoites and merozoites that were present at high concentrations between 84 and 132 h post-infection. When cryosections of caeca infected with E. tenella were probed with IgY purified from immune birds the most intense reaction was observed with the asexual stages. Western blotting analysis of proteins of purified sporozoites and third generation merozoites and absorption of stage-specific antibodies from sera suggested that a large proportion of antigens is shared by the two stages. The time-courses of the antibody response to sporozoite and merozoite antigens were similar but varied depending on the inoculation regime and the degree of oocyst recirculation.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a critical virulence determinant in Pasteurella multocida and a major antigen responsible for host protective immunity. In other mucosal pathogens, variation in LPS or lipooligosaccharide structure typically occurs in the outer core oligosaccharide regions due to phase variation. P. multocida elaborates a conserved oligosaccharide extension attached to two different, simultaneously expressed inner core structures, one containing a single phosphorylated 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo) residue and the other containing two Kdo residues. We demonstrate that two heptosyltransferases, HptA and HptB, add the first heptose molecule to the Kdo1 residue and that each exclusively recognizes different acceptor molecules. HptA is specific for the glycoform containing a single, phosphorylated Kdo residue (glycoform A), while HptB is specific for the glycoform containing two Kdo residues (glycoform B). In addition, KdkA was identified as a Kdo kinase, required for phosphorylation of the first Kdo molecule. Importantly, virulence data obtained from infected chickens showed that while wild-type P. multocida expresses both LPS glycoforms in vivo, bacterial mutants that produced only glycoform B were fully virulent, demonstrating for the first time that expression of a single LPS form is sufficient for P. multocida survival in vivo. We conclude that the ability of P. multocida to elaborate alternative inner core LPS structures is due to the simultaneous expression of two different heptosyltransferases that add the first heptose residue to the nascent LPS molecule and to the expression of both a bifunctional Kdo transferase and a Kdo kinase, which results in the initial assembly of two inner core structures.


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The original pasture ecosystems of southern inland Queensland ranged from treeless grasslands on cracking clays through grassy woodlands of varying density on a great range of soil types to those competing at the dynamic edges of forests and scrubs. Fire, both wild and aboriginal-managed, was a major factor, along with rainfall extremes, in shaping the pastures and tree:grass balance. Seedling recruitment was driven by rainfall extremes, availability of germinable seed and growing space, with seed availability and space being linked to the timing and intensity of recent fires and rain. The impact of insects, diseases, severe wind and hailstorms on recruitment should not be underestimated. The more fertile soils had denser grass growth, greater fire frequency and thinner tree cover than infertile soils, except where trees were so dense that grass growth was almost eliminated. The pastures were dominated by perennial tussock grasses of mid-height but included a wide array of minor herbaceous species whose abundance was linked to soil type and recent seasonal conditions. Many were strongly perennial with Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Cyperaceae and Goodeniaceae most common in an environment, which can experience effective rainfall at any time of year. The former grassland communities that are now productive farming lands are not easily returned to their original composition. However, conservation of remnant examples of original pasture types is very achievable provided tree density is controlled, prescribed burning and grazing are used and rigorous control of invasive, exotic species is undertaken. This should be done with a clear understanding that significant short-and medium-term fluctuations in botanical composition are normal.


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In Chapter 1, the literature relating to rabies virus and the rabies like lyssaviruses is reviewed. In Chapter 2, data are presented from 1170 diagnostic submissions for ABLV testing by fluorescent antibody test (Centocor FAT). All 27 non-bat submissions were ABLV-negative. Of 1143 bat accessions 74 (16%) were ABLV-positive, including 69 of 974 (7.1%) flying foxes (Pteropus spp.), 5 of 7 (71.4%) Saccolaimus flaviventris (Yellow-bellied sheathtail bats), none of 151 other microchiropteran bats, and none of 11 unidentified bats. Statistical analysis of data from 868 wild Black, Grey-headed, Little Red and Spectacled flying foxes (Pteropus alecto, P. poliocephalus, P. scapulatus, and P. conspicillatus) indicated that three factors; species, health status and age were associated with significant (p< 0.001) differences in the proportion of ABLV-positive bats. Other factors including sex, whether the bat bit a person or animal, region, year, and season submitted, were not associated with ABLV. Case data for 74 ABLV-positive bats, including the circumstances in which they were found and clinical signs, is presented. In Chapter 3, the aetiological diagnosis was investigated for 100 consecutive flying fox submissions with neurological signs. ABLV (32%), spinal and head injuries (29%), and neuro-angiostrongylosis (18%) accounted for most neurological syndromes in flying foxes. No evidence of lead poisoning was found in unwell (n=16) or healthy flying foxes (n=50). No diagnosis was reached for 16 cases, all of which were negative for ABLV by TaqMan PCR. The molecular diversity of ABLV was examined in Chapter 4 by sequencing 36 bases of the leader sequence, the entire N gene, and start of the P gene of 28 isolates from pteropid bats and 3 isolates from Yellow-bellied sheathtail (YBST) bats. Phylogenetic analysis indicated all ABLV isolates clustered together as a discrete group within the Lyssavirus genera closely related to rabies virus and European bat lyssavirus-2 isolates. The ABLV lineage consisted of two variants; one (ybst-ABLV) consisted of isolates only from YBST bats, the other (pteropid-ABLV) was common to Black, Grey-headed and Little Red flying foxes. No associations were found between the sequences and either the geographical location or year found, or individual flying fox species. In Chapter 5, 15 inocula prepared from the brains or salivary glands of naturally-infected bats were evaluated by intracerebral (IC) and footpad (FP) inoculation of Quackenbush mice in order to select and characterize a highly virulent inoculum for further use in bats (Inoculum 5). In Chapter 6, nine Grey-headed flying foxes were inoculated with 105.2 to 105.5 MICED50 of Inoculum 5 divided into four sites, left footpad, pectoral muscle, temporal muscle and muzzle. Another bat was inoculated with half this dose divided into the footpad and pectoral muscle only. Seven of 10 bats developed clinical disease of 1 to 4 days duration between PI-days 10 and 19 and were shown to be ABL-positive by FAT, HAM immunoperoxidase staining, virus isolation in mice, and TaqMan PCR. Five of the seven bats displayed overt aggression, one died during a seizure, and one showed intractable agitation, pacing, tremors, and ataxia. Viral antigen was demonstrated throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems and in the epithelial cells of the submandibular salivary glands (n=4). All affected bats had mild to moderate non-suppurative meningoencephalitis and severe ganglioneuritis. No ABLV was detected in three bats that remained well until the end of the experiment on day 82. One survivor developed a strong but transient antibody response. In Chapter 7, the relative virulence of inocula prepared from the brains and salivary glands of experimentally infected flying foxes was evaluated in mice by IC and FP inoculation and TaqMan assay. The effects in mice were correlated to the TaqMan CT value and indicated a crude association between virulence and CT value that has potential application in the selection of inocula. In Chapter 8, 36 Black and Grey-headed flying foxes were vaccinated with one (day 0) or two (+ day 28) doses of Nobivac rabies vaccine and co-vaccinated with keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH). All bats responded to the Nobivac vaccine with a rabies-RFFIT titer > 0.5 IU/mL that is nominally indicative of protective immunity. Plasma from bats with rabies titres >2 IU/mL had cross-neutralising ABLV titres >1:154. A specifically developed ELISA detected a strong but transient response to KLH.


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Understanding plant response to herbivory facilitates the prioritisation of guilds of specialist herbivores as biological control agents based on their potential impacts. Prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica ssp. indica) is a weed of national significance in Australia and is a target for biological control. Information on the susceptibility of prickly acacia to herbivory is limited, and there is no information available on the plant organ (i.e. leaf, shoot and root in isolation or in combination) most susceptible to herbivory. We evaluated the ability of prickly acacia seedlings, to respond to different types of simulated herbivory (defoliation, shoot damage, root damage and combinations), at varying frequencies (no herbivory, single, two and three events of herbivory) to identify the type and frequency of herbivory that will be required to reduce the growth and vigour. Defoliation and shoot damage, individually, had a significant negative impact on prickly acacia seedlings. For the defoliation to be effective, more than two defoliation events were required, whereas a single bout of shoot damage was enough to cause a significant reduction in plant vigour. A combination of defoliation + shoot damage had the greatest negative impact. The study highlights the need to prioritise specialist leaf and shoot herbivores as potential biological control agents for prickly acacia.


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Physical and chemical properties of sap and sap concentrations of constitutive alk(en)ylresorcinols were determined in several varieties of mango grown in different locations in Queensland, Australia, over two consecutive cropping seasons. Sap weight from individual fruit, sap pH, percentage of non-aqueous sap and concentrations of constitutive alk(en)ylresorcinols (5-n-heptadecenylresorcinol and 5-n-pentadecylresorcinol) in sap varied significantly among the varieties. 'Calypso', 'Keitt', 'Kensington Pride' and 'Celebration' had the greatest proportion of non-aqueous sap, whereas 'Nam Doc Mai' had the least. The highest concentrations of 5-n-heptadecenylresorcinol were found in the sap of 'Kensington Pride', and the lowest in 'Honey Gold' and 'Nam Doc Mai'. Highest concentrations of 5-n-pentadecylresorcinol were found in sap of 'Calypso' and 'Celebration', and the lowest levels were in 'Honey Gold' and 'Nam Doc Mai'. There was a direct relationship between the percentage of non-aqueous sap and the concentrations of alk(en)ylresorcinols (r(2) = 0.77 for 5-n-heptadecenylresorcinol, and r(2) = 0.87 for 5-n-pentadecylresorcinol). The alk(en)ylresorcinols were distributed mainly in the upper non-aqueous phase of 'Kensington Pride' sap. Growing location also had significant effects on the composition of mango sap but the effects appeared to be related to differences in maturity. Sap removal is necessary to prevent sapburn, but considerable quantities of alk(en)ylresorcinols that assist in protecting the harvested fruit from anthracnose disease are also removed.