8 resultados para 090205 Hybrid Vehicles and Powertrains

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Hybridization is an important biological phenomenon that can be used to understand the evolutionary process of speciation of plants and their associated pests and diseases. Interactions between hybrid plants and the herbivores of the parental taxa may be used to elucidate the various cues being used by the pests for host location or other processes. The chemical composition of plants, and their physical foliar attributes, including leaf thickness, trichome density, moisture content and specific leaf weight were compared between allopatric pure and commercial hybrid species of Corymbia, an important subtropical hardwood taxon. The leaf-eating beetle Paropsis atomaria, to which the pure taxa represented host (C. citriodora subsp. variegata) and non-host (C. torelliana) plants, was used to examine patterns of herbivory in relation to these traits. Hybrid physical foliar traits, chemical profiles, and field and laboratory beetle feeding preference, while showing some variability, were generally intermediate to those exhibited by parent taxa, thus suggesting an additive inheritance pattern. The hybrid susceptibility hypothesis was not supported by our field or laboratory studies, and there was no strong relationship between adult preference and larval performance. The most-preferred adult host was the sympatric taxon, although this species supported the lowest larval survival, while the hybrid produced significantly smaller pupae than the pure species. The results are discussed in relation to plant chemistry and physical characteristics. The findings suggest a chemical basis for host selection behavior and indicate that it may be possible to select for resistance to this insect pest in these commercially important hardwood trees.


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Salinity is an increasingly important issue in both rural and urban areas throughout much of Australia. The use of recycled/reclaimed water and other sources of poorer quality water to irrigate turf is also increasing. Hybrid Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt Davey), together with the parent species C. dactylon, are amongst the most widely used warm-season turf grass groups. Twelve hybrid Bermudagrass genotypes and one accession each of Bermudagrass (C. dactylon), African Bermudagrass (C. transvaalensis) and seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Sw.) were grown in a glasshouse experiment with six different salinity treatments applied hydroponically through the irrigation water (ECW = <0.1, 6, 12, 18, 24 or 30 dSm-1) in a flood-and-drain system. Each pot was clipped progressively at 2-weekly intervals over the 12-week experimental period to determine dry matter production; leaf firing was rated visually on 3 occasions during the last 6 weeks of salinity treatment. At the end of the experiment, dry weights of roots and crowns below clipping height were also determined. Clipping yields declined sharply after about the first 6 weeks of salinity treatment, but then remained stable at substantially lower levels of dry matter production from weeks 8 to 12. Growth data over this final 4-week experimental period is therefore a more accurate guide to the relative salinity tolerance of the 15 entries than data from the preceding 8 weeks. Based on these data, the 12 hybrid Bermudagrass genotypes showed moderate salinity tolerance, with FloraDwarfM, 'Champion Dwarf', NovotekM and 'TifEagle' ranking as the most salt tolerant and 'Patriot', 'Santa Ana', 'Tifgreen' and TifSport M the least tolerant within the hybrid group. Nevertheless, Santa Ana, for example, maintained relatively strong root growth as salinity increased, and so may show better salt tolerance in practice than predicted from the growth data alone. The 12 hybrid Bermudagrasses and the single African Bermudagrass genotype were all ranked above FloraTeXM Bermudagrass in terms of salt tolerance. However, seashore paspalum, which is widely acknowledged as a halophytic species showing high salt tolerance, ranked well above all 14 Cynodon genotypes in terms of salinity tolerance.


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The stay-green drought adaptation mechanism has been widely promoted as a way of improving grain yield and lodging resistance in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and as a result has been the subject of many physiological and genetic studies. The relevance of these studies to elite sorghum hybrids is not clear given that they sample a limited number of environments and were conducted using inbred lines or relatively small numbers of experimental F-1 hybrids. In this study we investigated the relationship between stay-green and yield using data from breeding trials that sampled 1668 unique hybrid combinations and 23 environments whose mean yields varied from 2.3 to 10.5 t ha(-1). The strength and direction of the association between stay-green and grain yield varied with both environment and genetic background (male tester). The majority of associations were positive, particularly in environments with yields below 6 t ha(-1). As trial mean yield increased above 6 t ha(-1) there was a trend toward an increased number of negative associations; however, the number and magnitude of the positive associations were larger. Given that post-flowering drought is very commonly experienced by sorghum crops world wide and average yields are 1.2 and 2.5 t ha(-1) for the world and Australia, respectively, our results indicate that selection for stay-green in elite sorghum hybrids may be broadly beneficial for increasing yield in a wide range of environments.


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Drought during grain filling is a common challenge for sorghum production in north-eastern Australia, central-western India, and sub-Saharan Africa. We show that the stay-green drought adaptation trait enhances sorghum grain yield under post-anthesis drought in these three regions. A positive relationship between stay-green and yield was generally found in breeding trials in north-eastern Australia that sampled 1668 unique hybrid combinations and 23 environments. Physiological studies in Australia also found that introgressing four individual stay-green (Stg1–4) quantitative trait loci (QTLs) into a senescent background reduced water demand before flowering and hence increased water supply during grain filling, resulting in higher grain yield relative to the senescent control. Studies in India found that various Stg QTLs affected both transpiration and transpiration efficiency, although these effects depended on the interaction between genetic background (S35 and R16) and individual QTLs. The yield variation unexplained by harvest index was related to transpiration efficiency in S35 (R2 = 0.29) and R16 (R2 = 0.72), and was related to total water extracted in S35 (R2 = 0.41) but not in R16. Finally, sixty-eight stay-green enriched lines were evaluated in six countries in sub-Saharan Africa during the 2013/14 season. Analysis of the data from Kenya indicates that stay-green and grain size were positively correlated at two sites: Kiboko (high yielding, r2=0.25) and Masongaleni (low yielding, r2=0.37). Together, these studies suggest that stay-green is a beneficial trait for sorghum production in the semi-arid tropics and is a consequence of traits altering the plant water budget.


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Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Hack. ex Arechav. (common name, serrated tussock) occupies large areas of south-eastern Australia and has considerable scope for expansion in the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales. This highly invasive grass reduces pasture productivity and has the potential to severely affect the region’s economy by decreasing the livestock carrying capacity of grazing land. Other potential consequences of this invasion include increased fuel loads and displacement of native plants, thereby threatening biodiversity. Rural property owners in the Northern Tablelands were sent a mail questionnaire that examined use of measures to prevent new outbreaks of the weed. The questionnaire was sent to professional farmers as well as lifestyle farmers (owners of rural residential blocks and hobby farms) and 271 responses were obtained (a response rate of 18%). Key findings were respondents’ limited capacity to detect N. trichotoma, and low adoption of precautions to control seed spread by livestock, vehicles and machinery. This was particularly the case among lifestyle farmers. There have been considerable recent changes to biosecurity governance arrangements in New South Wales, and now is an ideal time for regulators and information providers to consider how to foster regional communities’ engagement in biosecurity, including the adoption of measures that have the capacity to curtail the spread of N. trichotoma.


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Increased productivity in sorghum has been achieved in the developed world using hybrids. Despite their yield advantage, introduced hybrids have not been adopted in Ethiopia due to the lack of adaptive traits, their short plant stature and small grain size. This study was conducted to investigate hybrid performance and the magnitude of heterosis of locally adapted genotypes in addition to introduced hybrids in three contrasting environments in Ethiopia. In total, 139 hybrids, derived from introduced seed parents crossed with locally adapted genotypes and introduced R lines, were evaluated. Overall, the hybrids matured earlier than the adapted parents, but had higher grain yield, plant height, grain number and grain weight in all environments. The lowland adapted hybrids displayed a mean better parent heterosis (BPH) of 19%, equating to 1160 kg ha− 1 and a 29% mean increase in grain yield, in addition to increased plant height and grain weight, in comparison to the hybrids derived from the introduced R lines. The mean BPH for grain yield for the highland adapted hybrids was 16% in the highland and 52% in the intermediate environment equating to 698 kg ha− 1 and 2031 kg ha− 1, respectively, in addition to increased grain weight. The magnitude of heterosis observed for each hybrid group was related to the genetic distance between the parental lines. The majority of hybrids also showed superiority over the standard check varieties. In general, hybrids from locally adapted genotypes were superior in grain yield, plant height and grain weight compared to the high parents and introduced hybrids indicating the potential for hybrids to increase productivity while addressing farmers' required traits.


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Differences in morphology have provided a basis for detecting natural interspecific hybridisation in forest trees for decades but have come to prominence again more recently as a means for directly measuring gene flow from planted forests. Here we examined the utility of seedling morphology for hybrid discrimination in three hybrid groups relevant to the monitoring of gene flow from plantings of Corymbia (L.D. Pryor & L.A.S. Johnson ex Brooker) taxa in subtropical Australia. Thirty leaf and stem characters were assessed on 907 8-month old seedlings from four parental and six hybrid taxa grown in a common garden. Outbred F1 hybrids between spotted gums (Corymbia citriodora subspecies variegata, C. citriodora subspecies citriodora and Corymbia henryi) tended to more closely resemble their maternal Corymbia torelliana parent and the most discriminating characters were the ratio of blade length to maximum perpendicular width, the presence or absence of a lignotuber, and specific leaf weight. Assignment of individuals into genealogical classes based on a multivariate model limited to a set of the more discriminating and independent characters was highest in the hybrid group, where parental taxa were genetically most divergent. Overall power to resolve among outbred F1 hybrids from both parental taxa was low to moderate, but this may not be a limitation to its likely major application of identifying hybrids in seedlots from native spotted gum stands. Advanced generation hybrids (outbred F2 and outbred backcrosses) were more difficult to resolve reliably due to the higher variances of hybrid taxa and the tendency of backcrosses to resemble their recurrent parents. Visual assessments of seedling morphology may provide a filter allowing screening of the large numbers needed to monitor gene flow, but will need to be combined with other hybrid detection methods to ensure hybrids are detected.


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This report presents the process and outcomes of a five year project, which employed genetics and breeding approach for integrating disease resistance,agronomy and quality traits that enhances sustainable productivity improvement in sweet corn production. The report outlines a molecular markers based approach to introgress quantitative traits loci that are believed to contribute to resistance to downy mildew, a potentially devastating disease that threatens sweet corn and other similar crops. It also details the approach followed to integrate resistances for other major diseases such as southern rust (caused by Puccinia polysora Underw), Northern Corn Leaf Blight (Exserohilum turcicum) with improved agronomy and eating quality. The report explains the importance of heterosis (hybrid vigour) and combining ability in the development of useful sweet corn hybrids. It also explains the relevance of parental performance to predict its breeding value and the performance of its hybrids.