100 resultados para Exponential growth


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Bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypifolia L. (Euphorbiaceae)) is a serious weed of dry tropical regions of northern Australia, with the potential to spread over much of the tropical savannah. It is well adapted to the harsh conditions of the dry tropics, defoliating during the dry season and rapidly producing new leaves with the onset of the wet season. In this study we examined the growth and biomass allocation of the three Queensland biotypes Queensland Green, Queensland Bronze and Queensland Purple) under three water regimes (water-stressed, weekly watering and constant water). Bellyache bush plants have a high capacity to adjust to water stress. The impact of water stress was consistent across the three biotypes. Water stressed plants produced significantly less biomass compared to plants with constant water, increased their biomass allocation to the roots and increased biomass allocation to leaf material. Queensland Purple plants allocated more resources to roots and less to shoots than Queensland Green (Queensland Bronze being intermediate). Queensland Green produced less root biomass than the other two biotypes.


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Key message Eucalyptus pellita demonstrated good growth and wood quality traits in this study, with young plantation grown timber being suitable for both solid and pulp wood products. All traits examined were under moderate levels of genetic control with little genotype by environment interaction when grown on two contrasting sites in Vietnam. Context Eucalyptus pellita currently has a significant role in reforestation in the tropics. Research to support expanded of use of this species is needed: particularly, research to better understand the genetic control of key traits will facilitate the development of genetically improved planting stock. Aims This study aimed to provide estimates of the heritability of diameter at breast height over bark, wood basic density, Kraft pulp yield, modulus of elasticity and microfibril angle, and the genetic correlations among these traits, and understand the importance of genotype by environment interactions in Vietnam. Methods Data for diameter and wood properties were collected from two 10-year-old, open-pollinated progeny trials of E. pellita in Vietnam that evaluated 104 families from six native range and three orchard sources. Wood properties were estimated from wood samples using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Data were analysed using mixed linear models to estimate genetic parameters (heritability, proportion of variance between seed sources and genetic correlations). Results Variation among the nine sources was small compared to additive variance. Narrow-sense heritability and genetic correlation estimates indicated that simultaneous improvements in most traits could be achieved from selection among and within families as the genetic correlations among traits were either favourable or close to zero. Type B genetic correlations approached one for all traits suggesting that genotype by environment interactions were of little importance. These results support a breeding strategy utilizing a single breeding population advanced by selecting the best individuals across all seed sources. Conclusion Both growth and wood properties have been evaluated. Multi-trait selection for growth and wood property traits will lead to more productive populations of E. pellita both with improved productivity and improved timber and pulp properties.


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Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold (Apocynaceae) is an invasive woody weed that has formed large infestations at several locations in northern Australia. Understanding the reproductive biology of C. thevetia is vital to its management. This paper reports results of a shade house experiment that determined the effects of light conditions (100% or 30% of natural light) and plant densities (one, two, four or eight plants per plot) on the growth, time to flowering and seed formation, and monthly pod production of two C. thevetia biotypes (peach and yellow). Shaded plants were significantly larger when they reached reproductive maturity than plants grown under natural light. However, plants grown under natural light flowered earlier (268 days compared with 369 days) and produced 488 more pods per pot (a 5-fold increase) over 3 years. The yellow biotype was slightly taller at reproductive maturity but significantly taller and with significantly greater aboveground biomass at the end of the study. Both biotypes flowered at a similar time under natural light and low plant densities but the yellow biotype was quicker to seed (478 versus 498 days), produced significantly more pods (364 versus 203 pods) and more shoot growth (577 g versus 550 g) than the peach biotype over 3 years. Higher densities of C. thevetia tended to significantly reduce the shoot and root growth by 981 g and 714 g per plant across all light conditions and biotypes over 3 years and increase the time taken to flower by 140 days and produce seeds by 184 days. For land managers trying to prevent establishment of C. thevetia or to control seedling regrowth once initial infestations have been treated, this study indicates that young plants have the potential to flower and produce seeds within 268 and 353 days, respectively. However, with plant growth and reproduction most likely to be slower under field conditions, annual surveillance and control activities should be sufficient to find and treat plants before they produce seeds and replenish soil seed banks. The most at-risk part of the landscape may be open areas that receive maximum sunlight, particularly within riparian habitats where plants would consistently have more favourable soil moisture conditions.


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Reducing crop row spacing and delaying time of weed emergence may provide crops a competitive edge over weeds. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of crop row spacing (11, 15, and 23-cm) and weed emergence time (0, 20, 35, 45, 55, and 60 days after wheat emergence; DAWE) on Galium aparine and Lepidium sativum growth and wheat yield losses. Season-long weed-free and crop-free treatments were also established to compare wheat yield and weed growth, respectively. Row spacing and weed emergence time significantly affected the growth of both weed species and wheat grain yields. For both weed species, the maximum plant height, shoot biomass, and seed production were observed in the crop-free plots, and delayed emergence decreased these variables. In weed-crop competition plots, maximum weed growth was observed when weeds emerged simultaneously with the crop in rows spaced 23-cm apart. Less growth of both weed species was observed in narrow row spacing (11-cm) of wheat as compared with wider rows (15 and 23-cm). These weed species produced less than 5 seeds plant-1 in 11-cm wheat rows when they emerged at 60 DAWE. Presence of weeds in the crop especially at early stages was devastating for wheat yields. Therefore, maximum grain yield (4.91tha-1) was recorded in the weed-free treatment at 11-cm row spacing. Delay in time of weed emergence and narrow row spacing reduced weed growth and seed production and enhanced wheat grain yield, suggesting that these strategies could contribute to weed management in wheat.


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Dry-seeded rice (DSR) is an emerging resource-conserving technology in many Asian countries, but weeds remain the major threat to the production of DSR systems. A field study was conducted in 2012 and 2013 at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Baños, Philippines, to evaluate the performance of sole and sequential applications of preemergence (oxadiazon and pendimethalin), early postemergence (butachlor + propanil and thiobencarb + 2,4-D), and late postemergence herbicides (bispyribac-sodium and fenoxaprop + ethoxysulfuron) with different modes of action in comparison to manual weeding in DSR. The sequential applications of all preemergence and postemergence herbicides reduced weed density and biomass by 80–100% compared to the nontreated plots. The sole application of postemergence herbicides reduced weed density by only 44–54% and weed biomass by 51–61%, whereas oxadiazon alone reduced weed density and biomass by 96–100%. All herbicide treatments and manual weeding significantly affected tiller number, biomass, crop growth rate, agronomic indices, yield-contributing parameters (panicle density and filled grains), and yield (biological and grain) of rice. The highest grain yield was obtained in the manually weeded plots (5.9–6.1 t ha−1) and the plots treated with oxadiazon alone (5.4–5.6 t ha−1) and oxadiazon followed by postemergence herbicides (5.2–5.8 t ha−1). The lowest paddy yield (0.22 t ha−1) was achieved in the nontreated plots followed by the plots treated with the sole application of bispyribac-sodium and fenoxaprop + ethoxysulfuron. The results suggest that oxadiazon is the best broad-spectrum and economically effective herbicide when applied alone or in combination with other effective postemergence herbicides with different modes of action, depending on the weed species present in the field.


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Cyperus iria is a weed of rice with widespread occurrence throughout the world. Because of concerns about excessive and injudicious use of herbicides, cultural weed management approaches that are safe and economical are needed. Developing such approaches will require a better understanding of weed biology and ecology, as well as of weed response to increases in crop density and nutrition. Knowledge of the effects of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on crop-weed competitive interactions could also help in the development of integrated weed management strategies. The present study was conducted in a screenhouse to determine the effects of rice planting density (0, 5, 10, and 20 plants pot−1) and N rate (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha−1) on the growth of C. iria. Tiller number per plant decreased by 73–88%, leaf number by 85–94%, leaf area by 85–98%, leaf biomass by 92–99%, and inflorescence biomass by 96–99% when weed plants were grown at 20 rice plants pot−1 (i.e., 400 plants m−2) compared with weed plants grown alone. All of these parameters increased when N rates were increased. On average, weed biomass increased by 118–389% and rice biomass by 121–275% with application of 50–150 kg N ha−1, compared to control. Addition of N favored weed biomass production relative to rice biomass. Increased N rates reduced the root-to-shoot weight ratio of C. iria. Rice interference reduced weed growth and biomass and completely suppressed C. iria when no N was applied at high planting densities (i.e., 20 plants pot−1). The weed showed phenotypic plasticity in response to N application, and the addition of N increased the competitive ability of the weed over rice at densities of 5 and 10 rice plants pot−1 compared with 20 plants pot−1. The results of the present study suggest that high rice density (i.e., 400 plants m−2) can help suppress C. iria growth even at high N rates (150 kg ha−1).


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Divergent genetic selection for wool growth as a single trait has led to major changes in sheep physiology and metabolism, including variations in rumen microbial protein production and uptake of α-amino nitrogen in portal blood. This study was conducted to determine if sheep with different genetic merit for wool growth exhibit distinct rumen bacterial diversity. Eighteen Merino wethers were separated into groups of contrasting genetic merit for clean fleece weight (CFW; low: WG− and high: WG+) and fed a blend of oaten and lucerne chaff diet at two levels of intake (LOI; 1 or 1.5 times maintenance energy requirements) for two seven-week periods in a crossover design. Bacterial diversity in rumen fluid collected by esophageal intubation was characterized using 454 amplicon pyrosequencing of the V3/V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. Bacterial diversity estimated by Phylogenetic distance, Chao1 and observed species did not differ significantly with CFW or LOI; however, the Shannon diversity index differed (P=0.04) between WG+ (7.67) and WG− sheep (8.02). WG+ animals had a higher (P=0.03) proportion of Bacteroidetes (71.9% vs 66.5%) and a lower (P=0.04) proportion of Firmicutes (26.6% vs 31.6%) than WG− animals. Twenty-four specific operational taxonomic units (OTUs), belonging to the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla, were shared among all the samples, whereas specific OTUs varied significantly in presence/abundance (P<0.05) between wool genotypes and 50 varied (P<0.05) with LOI. It appears that genetic selection for fleece weight is associated with differences in rumen bacterial diversity that persist across different feeding levels. Moderate correlations between seven continuous traits, such as methane production or microbial protein production, and the presence and abundance of 17 OTUs were found, indicating scope for targeted modification of the microbiome to improve the energetic efficiency of rumen microbial synthesis and reduce the greenhouse gas footprint of ruminants.


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The ornamental tree 'Cascabela thevetia', from tropical America, has naturalised and formed large infestations at several locations in northern Australia. Some understanding of its ecology and invasiveness was gleaned from a field experiment undertaken in North Queensland. The experiment quantified the growth, time to seed formation and survival of seedlings of the peach biotype growing under light and dense canopy cover within a riparian habitat. Growth, reproduction and survival of young plants varied. Growth was most rapid for seedlings away from, or on the edge of infestations because they were constrained by parent plants. The findings also suggested that land managers have at least 12 months following control to detect new plants, or regrowth, before plants set seed and replenish soil seed banks.


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Knowledge of root dry matter (DM) allocation, in relation to differing vigour conferred by rootstock cultivars, is required to understand the structural relationships between rootstock and scion. We investigated the mass of roots (four size classes up to 23 mm diameter) by coring proximal to five polyembryonic mango rootstock cultivars known to differ in their effects on the vigour and productivity of scion cultivar ‘Kensington Pride’, in a field trial of 13-year-old trees. Significant differences in fine (<0.64 and 0.64–1.88 mm diameter) and small (1.88–7.50 mm) root DM contents were observed between rootstock cultivars. There was a complex relationship between the amount of feeder (fine and small size classes) roots and scion size (trunk cross sectional area, TCSA), with intermediate size trees on rootstock MYP having the most feeder roots, while the smallest trees, on the rootstock Vellaikulamban had the least of these roots. Across rootstock cultivars, tree vigour (TCSA growth rate) was negatively and significantly related to the ratio of fine root DM/scion TCSA, suggesting this may be a useful indicator of the vigour that different rootstocks confer on the scion. In contrast non-ratio root DM and scion TCSA results had no significant relationships. The significant rootstock effects on orchard root growth and tree size could not be predicted from earlier differences in nursery seedling vigour, nor did seedling vigour predict root DM allocation.