178 resultados para Cotton production


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Integrated crop production of bananas to manage wilt diseases for improved livelihoods in Indonesia and Australia.


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This project investigates the impact of vegetable production systems on sensitive waterways focusing on the risk of off-site nutrient movement at farm block scale under current management practices. The project establishes a series of case studies in two environmentally important Queensland catchments and conducts a broader survey of partial nutrient budgets across tropical vegetable production. It will deliver tools to growers that can improve fertiliser use efficiency delivering profitability and environmental improvements.


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Hydroponic production systems offer optimal conditions for rapid growth, protection from adverse weather and greater water use efficiency. The most important limitation for hydroponic production production is water borne disease. Water borne disease can rapidly spread causing up to 100% crop failure.


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Design, build and install twelve lysimeters at Kingsthorpe. Undertake deficit irrigation study using lysimeters at Kingsthorpe to determine the response of a wheat crop to deficit irrigation and full irrigation regimes. Prepare and present publications based on the field trials.


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New regional extension project for the cotton/grains farming systems on the Darling Downs and Border Rivers with CRDC and Cotton CRC based on the CRDC/Agri-Science Queensland discussion paper.


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This project focussed on the phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) status of northern cropping soils. Stores of P and K have been depleted by crop removal and limited fertiliser application, with depletion most significant in the subsoil. Soil testing strategies are confounded by slowly available mineral reserves with uncertain availability. The utility of new soil tests was assessed to measure these reserves, their availability to plants quantified and a regional sampling strategy undertaken to identify areas of greatest P and K deficit. Fertiliser application strategies for P and K have been tested and the interactions between these and other nutrients have been determined in a large field program.


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The aims of this project will provide capacity in virology expertise to help protect Australian cotton from virus diseases including both existing and those that pose significant biosecurity threats. This project will also provide continued capacity in virology to support the cotton industry.


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Development of an internet based spatial data delivery and reporting system for the Australian Cotton Industry.


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This is part of a GRDC funded project led by Dr Jeremy Whish of CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences. The project aims to build a root-lesion nematode module into the crop growth simulation program APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator). This will utilise existing nematode and crop data from field, glasshouse and laboratory research led by Dr John Thompson. New data will be collected to validate and extend the model.


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This project aims to examine the possible impact of Tobacco Streak Virus (TSV) on the Australian cotton industry. TSV is transmitted by thrips, causes a disease which has had a significant impact on grain crops in Central Queensland and a preliminary study in 2007 has shown that cotton is also susceptible to field infection in this region, but many questions remain unanswered. This project aims to: • Determine the impact of TSV in “normal” seasons. • Survey New South Wales and Queensland crops and determine alternative weed and crop hosts. • Assess yield-loss in cotton due to TSV, and factors that lead to systemic infection. • Assess thrips vector species present in cotton • Provide extension material on the impact and management of TSV in cotton


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Cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) is a major biosecurity threat to the Australian cotton industry. This proposal seeks cross-industry investment from the cotton (CRDC) and horticulture (HAL) industries to address the threat of exotic whitefly-transmitted viruses. Testing of silverleaf whitefly, the vector of CLCuD, could provide an alternative, cheaper strategy for early warning disease surveillance compared to surveys for disease symptoms. Control of whitefly-transmitted viruses in Australia and overseas will be reviewed to produce an integrated management package for their control in Australia. This will also involve a workshop with key stakeholders and selected overseas participants, to develop a working party to help formulate this package.


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PhD scholarship investigating the relative sensitivity of nitrogen fixation in adapted grain and ley legume species to low soil phosphorus.


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Viral diseases of cotton are of economic significance in many parts of the world and several of these remain biosecurity threats to the Australian cotton industry, including Cotton Leaf Roll Virus (CLRV) from South East Asia. The proposed project will result in a greater understanding of the field symptoms of CLRV in Thailand and diagnostic assays used for its detection. I will also determine if the diagnostic assay being developed for Brazilian CLRDV as part of the CRDC project (11-12FRP00062) may also detect Thailand CLRV. It will provide educational opportunities to increase the knowledge base of staff currently working on cotton virus research and in doing so help to protect the Australian cotton industry from incursions of exotic viruses.


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In 2001 a scoping study (phase I) was commissioned to determine and prioritise the weed issues of cropping systems with dryland cotton. The main findings were that the weed flora was diverse, cropping systems complex, and weeds had a major financial and economical impact. Phase II 'Best weed management strategies for dryland cropping systems with cotton' focused on improved management of the key weeds, bladder ketmia, sowthistle, fleabane, barnyard grass and liverseed grass.In Phase III 'Improving management of summer weeds in dryland cropping systems with cotton', more information on the seed-bank dynamics of key weeds was gained in six pot and field studies. The studies found that these characteristics differed between species, and even climate in the case of bladder ketmia. Species such as sowthistle, fleabane and barnyard grass emerged predominately from the surface soil. Sweet summer grass was also in this category but also had a significant proportion emerging from 5 cm depth. Bladder ketmia in central Queensland emerged mainly from the top 2 cm, whereas in southern Queensland it emerged mainly from 5 cm. Liverseed grass had its highest emergence from 5 cm below the surface. In all cases the persistence of seed increased with increasing soil depth. Fleabane was also found to be sensitive to soil type with no seedlings emerging in the self-mulching black vertisol soil. A strategic tillage trial showed that burial of fleabane seed, using a disc or chisel plough, to a depth of greater than 2 cm can significantly reduce subsequent fleabane emergence. In contrast, tillage increased barnyard grass emergence and tended to decrease persistence. This research showed that weed management plans can not be blanketed across all weed species, rather they need to be targeted for each main weed species.This project has also resulted in an increased knowledge of how to manage fleabane from the eight experiments; one in wheat, two in sorghum, one in cotton and three in fallow on double knock. For summer crops, the best option is to apply a highly effective fallow treatment prior to sowing the crops. For winter crops, the strategy is the integration of competitive crops, residual herbicide followed by a knockdown to control survivors. This project explored further the usefulness of the double knock tactic for weed control and preventing seed set. Two field and one pot experiments have shown that this tactic was highly effective for fleabane control. Paraquat products provided good control when followed by glyphosate. When 2, 4-D was added in a tank mix with glyphosate and followed by paraquat products, 99-100% control was achieved in all cases. The ideal follow-up times for paraquat products after glyphosate were 5-7 days. The preferred follow-up times for 2, 4-D after glyphosate were on the same day and one day later. The pot trial, which compared a population from a cropping field with previous glyphosate exposure and a population from a non-cropping area with no previous glyphosate herbicide exposure, showed that the pervious herbicide exposure affected the response of fleabane to herbicidal control measures. The web-based brochure on managing fleabane has been updated.Knowledge on management of summer grasses and safe use of residual herbicides was derived from eight field and pot experiments. Residual grass and broadleaf weed control was excellent with atrazine pre-plant and at-planting treatments, provided rain was received within a short interval after application. Highly effective fallow treatments (cultivation and double knock), not only gave excellent grass control in the fallow, also gave very good control in the following cotton. In the five re-cropping experiments, there were no adverse impacts on cotton from atrazine, metolachlor, metsulfuron and chlorsulfuron residues following use in previous sorghum, wheat and fallows. However, imazapic residues did reduce cotton growth.The development of strategies to reduce the heavy reliance on glyphosate in our cropping systems, and therefore minimise the risk of glyphosate resistance development, was a key factor in the research undertaken. This work included identifying suitable tactics for summer grass control, such as double knock with glyphosate followed by paraquat and tillage. Research on fleabane also concentrated on minimising emergence through tillage, and applying the double knock tactic. Our studies have shown that these strategies can be used to prevent seed set with the goal of driving down the seed bank. Utilisation of the strategies will also reduce the reliance on glyphosate, and therefore reduce the risk of glyphosate resistance developing in our cropping systems.Information from this research, including ecological and management data were collected from an additional eight paddock monitoring sites, was also incorporated into the Weeds CRC seed bank model "Weed Seed Wizard", which will be able to predict the impact of different management options on weed populations in cotton and grain farming systems. Extensive communication activities were undertaken throughout this project to ensure adoption of the new strategies for improved weed management and reduced risk for glyphosate resistance.


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R&D to facilitate incorporation of grain and pulse crop phases in Central Queensland irrigated cotton monoculture systems and improve profitability of regional cropping systems.