90 resultados para Weed communities


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The critical crop-weed competition period in a dry-seeded rice system is an important consideration in formulating weed management strategies. Field experiments were conducted in the summer seasons of 2012 and 2013 at the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, to determine the extent of yield loss in two different rice cultivars (PR 114 and PR 115) with different periods of weed interference. Twelve weed control timings were used to identify critical periods of weed competition in dry-seeded rice. PR 114, a long-duration rice cultivar (145 d) having slower initial growth than PR 115 (125 d), was more prone to yield losses. In both years, 100% yield loss was observed where weeds were not controlled throughout the season. In weed-free plots, the grain yield of PR 114 was 6.39-6.80 t ha-1, for PR 115, it was 6.49-6.87 t ha-1. Gompertz and logistic equations fitted to yield data in response to increasing periods of weed control and weed interference showed that, PR 114 had longer critical periods than PR 115. Critical weed-free periods to achieve 95% of weed-free yield for PR 114 was longer than for PR 115 by 31 days in 2012 and 26 days in 2013. Weed infestation also influenced the duration of critical periods. Higher weed pressure in 2012 than in 2013 increased the duration of the critical period of crop-weed competition in that year. The identification of critical crop-weed competition periods for different cultivars will facilitate improved decision-making regarding the timing of weed control and the adoption of cultivars having high weed-suppressing abilities. This will also contribute to the development of integrated weed management in dry-seeded rice systems.


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Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae) commonly known as mikania, is a major invasive alien plant (IAP) in the tropical humid agricultural and forest zones of the Asia-Pacific region. This fast-growing Neotropical vine is able to smother plants in agricultural ecosystems, agroforestry and natural habitats, reducing productivity and biodiversity. Fungal pathogens were first investigated for the classical biological control of this weed in 1996. This resulted in the selection and screening of the highly host-specific and damaging rust pathogen, Puccinia spegazzinii (Pucciniales). It was first released in India and China in 2005/6, although it is not believed to have established. Since then, it has been released successfully in Taiwan, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Fiji and most recently Vanuatu. The rust has established and is spreading rapidly after applying lessons learned from the first releases on the best rust pathotype and release strategy. In PNG, direct monitoring of vegetation change has demonstrated that the rust is having a significant impact on M. micrantha, with no unpredicted non-target impacts. Despite this, the authorities in many countries where mikania is a problem remain cautious about releasing the rust. In Western Samoa, introduction of the rust was not pursued because of a conflict of interest, and the perception that mikania suppresses even worse weeds. For some, ‘pathophobia’ is still a major obstacle. In Indonesia, where insects for weed CBC have been introduced, pathogens will currently not be considered. In other countries such as Bhutan and Myanmar, there are no baseline data on the presence and impact of IAPs and, with no history of CBC, no institutional framework for implementing this approach. Malaysia has a well-developed framework, but capacity needs to be built in the country. Overall, it remains critical to have champions at decision making levels. Hence, even with an effective ‘off-the-shelf’ agent available, implementation of mikania CBC still requires significant inputs tailored to the countries’ specific needs.


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Cultural practices alter patterns of crop growth and can modify dynamics of weed-crop competition, and hence need to be investigated to evolve sustainable weed management in dry-seeded rice (DSR). Studies on weed dynamics in DSR sown at different times under two tillage systems were conducted at the Agronomic Research Farm, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. A commonly grown fine rice cultivar 'Super Basmati' was sown on 15th June and 7th July of 2010 and 2011 under zero-till (ZT) and conventional tillage (CONT) and it was subjected to different durations of weed competition [10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 days after sowing (DAS) and season-long competition]. Weed-free plots were maintained under each tillage system and sowing time for comparison. Grassy weeds were higher under ZT while CONT had higher relative proportion of broad-leaved weeds in terms of density and biomass. Density of sedges was higher by 175% in the crop sown on the 7th July than on the 15th June. Delaying sowing time of DSR from mid June to the first week of July reduced weed density by 69 and 43% but their biomass remained unaffected. Tillage systems had no effect on total weed biomass. Plots subjected to season-long weed competition had mostly grasses while broad-leaved weeds were not observed at harvest. In the second year of study, dominance of grassy weeds was increased under both tillage systems and sowing times. Significantly less biomass (48%) of grassy weeds was observed under CONT than ZT in 2010; however, during 2011, this effect was non-significant. Trianthema portulacastrum and Dactyloctenium aegyptium were the dominant broad-leaved and grassy weeds, respectively. Cyperus rotundus was the dominant sedge weed, especially in the crop sown on the 7th July. Relative yield loss (RYL) ranged from 3 to 13% and 7 to16% when weeds were allowed to compete only for 20 DAS. Under season-long weed competition, RYL ranged from 68 to 77% in 2010 and 74 to80% in 2011. The sowing time of 15th June was effective in minimizing weed proliferation and rectifying yield penalty associated with the 7th July sowing. The results suggest that DSR in Pakistan should preferably be sown on 15th June under CONT systems and weeds must be controlled before 20 DAS to avoid yield losses. Successful adoption of DSR at growers' fields in Pakistan will depend on whether growers can control weeds and prevent shifts in weed population from intractable weeds to more difficult-to-control weeds as a consequence of DSR adoption.


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Reducing crop row spacing and delaying time of weed emergence may provide crops a competitive edge over weeds. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of crop row spacing (11, 15, and 23-cm) and weed emergence time (0, 20, 35, 45, 55, and 60 days after wheat emergence; DAWE) on Galium aparine and Lepidium sativum growth and wheat yield losses. Season-long weed-free and crop-free treatments were also established to compare wheat yield and weed growth, respectively. Row spacing and weed emergence time significantly affected the growth of both weed species and wheat grain yields. For both weed species, the maximum plant height, shoot biomass, and seed production were observed in the crop-free plots, and delayed emergence decreased these variables. In weed-crop competition plots, maximum weed growth was observed when weeds emerged simultaneously with the crop in rows spaced 23-cm apart. Less growth of both weed species was observed in narrow row spacing (11-cm) of wheat as compared with wider rows (15 and 23-cm). These weed species produced less than 5 seeds plant-1 in 11-cm wheat rows when they emerged at 60 DAWE. Presence of weeds in the crop especially at early stages was devastating for wheat yields. Therefore, maximum grain yield (4.91tha-1) was recorded in the weed-free treatment at 11-cm row spacing. Delay in time of weed emergence and narrow row spacing reduced weed growth and seed production and enhanced wheat grain yield, suggesting that these strategies could contribute to weed management in wheat.


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Weed management is the major challenge to the success of dry-seeded rice (DSR). A field study was conducted during the dry seasons of 2013 and 2014at the International Rice Research Institute to evaluate the performance of herbicides combined with mechanical weeding in DSR. The lowest weed density and biomass were found in the treatment oxadiazon followed by (fb) fenoxaprop+ethoxysulfuron fb 2,4-D fb mechanical weeding (MW) at 42 days after sowing (DAS). However, this treatment had similar weed density and biomass to the treatments oxadiazon fb bispyribac-sodium fb fenoxaprop+ethoxysulfuron fb 2,4-D,oxadiazon fb bispyribac-sodium fb 2,4-D, and oxadiazon fb MW (28 DAS) fb MW (42 DAS). The highest weed density and biomass were recorded in the treatment oxadiazon fb MW (28 DAS) and oxadiazon fb 2,4-D. Higher grain yield (5.3-5.8tha-1) was produced in the plots that received oxadiazon fb fenoxaprop+ethoxysulfuron fb 2,4-D fb MW(42 DAS) and oxadiazon fb bispyribac-sodium fb fenoxaprop+ethoxysulfuron fb 2,4-D. The results of this study provide sustainable weed management options to farmers growing DSR.


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Lower water availability coupled with labor shortage has resulted in the increasing inability of growers to cultivate puddled transplanted rice (PTR). A field study was conducted in the wet season of 2012 and dry season of 2013 to evaluate the performance of five rice establishment methods and four weed control treatments on weed management, and rice yield. Grass weeds were higher in dry-seeded rice (DSR) as compared to PTR and nonpuddled transplanted rice (NPTR). The highest total weed density (225-256plantsm-2) and total weed biomass (315-501gm-2) were recorded in DSR while the lowest (102-129plantsm-2 and 75-387gm-2) in PTR. Compared with the weedy plots, the treatment pretilachlor followed by fenoxaprop plus ethoxysulfuron plus 2,4-D provided excellent weed control. This treatment, however, had a poor performance in NPTR. In both seasons, herbicide efficacy was better in DSR and wet-seeded rice. PTR and DSR produced the maximum rice grain yields. The weed-free plots and herbicide treatments produced 84-614% and 58-504% higher rice grain yield, respectively, than the weedy plots in 2012, and a similar trend was observed in 2013.


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Forest recovery has been extensively evaluated using plant communities but fewer studies have been conducted on soil fauna. This study reports the status of soil nematode communities during natural re-establishment after deforestation in a subtropical forest in southwestern China. Soil nematode communities of two secondary succession stages, shrub-grassland and secondary forest, were compared with those of virgin forest. Shrub-grassland had higher herbivore relative abundance but lower fungivore and bacterivore relative abundance than forests. Between secondary and virgin forest, the latter had higher abundance of bacterivores. Shrub-grassland had lower nematode diversity, generic richness, maturity index and trophic diversity index than virgin forest, whereas there were no differences in these indices between secondary forest and virgin forest. The small differences in nematode community structures between secondary forest and virgin forest suggest that soil nematode communities recovered to a level close to that of the undisturbed forest after up to 50 years of natural succession.


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Dry direct-seeded rice (DSR) faces with complex weed problems particularly when farmers missed pre-emergence herbicide applications. Thus, an effective and strategic weed control in DSR is often required with available options of post-emergence herbicides. In such situations, tank mixtures of herbicides may provide broad spectrum weed control in DSR. Field experiments were conducted in the wet seasons of 2013 and 2014 to study weed control in response to tank mixtures of herbicides currently applied in DSR in South Asia. Results revealed that the tank mixtures of the currently available herbicides (azimsulfuron plus bispyribac or fenoxaprop, bispyribac plus fenoxaprop, and azimsulfuron plus bispyribac plus fenoxaprop; all applied as post-emergence) rarely resulted in antagonistic effects. Highest weed control efficiency (∼98%) was recorded with the tank mixture of azimsulfuron plus bispyribac plus fenoxaprop during both the years. This treatment also produced highest grain yield (7.2 t ha−1 in 2013 and 7.9 t ha−1in 2014), which was similar to the grain yield in the plots treated with the tank mix of azimsulfuron plus fenoxaprop, pendimethalin (applied as pre-emergence) followed by (fb) bispyribac, pendimethalin fb fenoxaprop, as well as pendimethalin fb azimsulfuron. Plots treated with the post-emergence application of single herbicide (i.e., azimsulfuron, bispyribac, or fenoxaprop) had lower grain yield (3.0–5.2 t ha−1 in 2013 to 3.5–6.1 t ha−1in 2014) than all the sequential herbicide treatments and tank mixtures (azimsulfuron plus fenoxaprop and azimsulfuron plus bispyribac), owing to a broad spectrum weed control. The study suggested that if farmers missed the pre-emergence application of herbicides (e.g., pendimethalin) due to erratic rains or due to other reasons, good weed control and high yield can still be obtained with tank mix applications of azimsulfuron plus fenoxaprop or azimsulfuron plus bispyribac plus fenoxaprop in DSR.


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Soil biogeochemical cycles are largely mediated by microorganisms, while fire significantly modifies biogeochemical cycles mainly via altering microbial community and substrate availability. Majority of studies on fire effects have focused on the surface soil; therefore, our understanding of the vertical distribution of microbial communities and the impacts of fire on nitrogen (N) dynamics in the soil profile is limited. Here, we examined the changes of soil denitrification capacity (DNC) and denitrifying communities with depth under different burning regimes, and their interaction with environmental gradients along the soil profile. Results showed that soil depth had a more pronounced impact than the burning treatment on the bacterial community size. The abundance of 16S rRNA and denitrification genes (narG, nirK, and nirS) declined exponentially with soil depth. Surprisingly, the nosZ-harboring denitrifiers were enriched in the deeper soil layers, which was likely to indicate that the nosZ-harboring denitrifiers could better adapt to the stress conditions (i.e., oxygen deficiency, nutrient limitation, etc.) than other denitrifiers. Soil nutrients, including dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total soluble N (TSN), ammonium (NH4 +), and nitrate (NO3 −), declined significantly with soil depth, which probably contributed to the vertical distribution of denitrifying communities. Soil DNC decreased significantly with soil depth, which was negligible in the depths below 20 cm. These findings have provided new insights into niche separation of the N-cycling functional guilds along the soil profile, under a varied fire disturbance regime.


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Weeds are a hidden foe for crop plants, interfering with their functions and suppressing their growth and development. Yield losses of ∼34 are caused by weeds among the major crops, which are grown worldwide. These yield losses are higher than the losses caused by other pests in the crops. Sustainable weed management is needed in the wake of a huge decline in crop outputs due to weed pressure. A diversity in weed management tools ensures sustainable weed control and reduces chances of herbicide resistance development in weeds. Allelopathy as a tool, can be importantly used to combat the challenges of environmental pollution and herbicide resistance development. This review article provides a recent update regarding the practical application of allelopathy for weed control in agricultural systems. Several studies elaborate on the significance of allelopathy for weed management. Rye, sorghum, rice, sunflower, rape seed, and wheat have been documented as important allelopathic crops. These crops express their allelopathic potential by releasing allelochemicals which not only suppress weeds, but also promote underground microbial activities. Crop cultivars with allelopathic potentials can be grown to suppress weeds under field conditions. Further, several types of allelopathic plants can be intercropped with other crops to smother weeds. The use of allelopathic cover crops and mulches can reduce weed pressure in field crops. Rotating a routine crop with an allelopathic crop for one season is another method of allelopathic weed control. Importantly, plant breeding can be explored to improve the allelopathic potential of crop cultivars. In conclusion, allelopathy can be utilized for suppressing weeds in field crops. Allelopathy has a pertinent significance for ecological, sustainable, and integrated weed management systems.


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Establishment of the rumen microbiome can be affected by both early-life dietary measures and rumen microbial inoculation. This study used a 2 × 3 factorial design to evaluate the effects of inclusion of dietary fat type and the effects of rumen inoculum from different sources on ruminal bacterial communities present in early stages of the lambs’ life. Two different diets were fed ad libitum to 36 pregnant ewes (and their lambs) from 1 month pre-lambing until weaning. Diets consisted of chaffed lucerne and cereal hay and 4% molasses, with either 4% distilled coconut oil (CO) provided as a source of rumen-active fat or 4% Megalac® provided as a source of rumen-protected fat (PF). One of three inoculums was introduced orally to all lambs, being either (1) rumen fluid from donor ewes fed the PF diet; (2) rumen fluid from donor ewes fed CO; or (3) a control treatment of MilliQ-water. After weaning at 3 months of age, each of the six lamb treatment groups were grazed in spatially separated paddocks. Rumen bacterial populations of ewes and lambs were characterised using 454 amplicon pyrosequencing of the V3/V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. Species richness and biodiversity of the bacterial communities were found to be affected by the diet in ewes and lambs and by inoculation treatment of the lambs. Principal coordinate analysis and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) showed between diet differences in bacterial community groups existed in ewes and differential bacterial clusters occurred in lambs due to both diet and neonatal inoculation. Diet and rumen inoculation acted together to clearly differentiate the bacterial communities through to weaning, however the microbiome effects of these initial early life interventions diminished with time so that rumen bacterial communities showed greater similarity 2 months after weaning. These results demonstrate that ruminal bacterial communities of newborn lambs can be altered by modifying the diet of their mothers. Moreover, the rumen microbiome of lambs can be changed by diet while they are suckling or by inoculating their rumen, and resulting changes in the rumen bacterial microbiome can persist beyond weaning.


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Invasive grasses are among the worst threats to native biodiversity, but the mechanisms causing negative effects are poorly understood. To investigate the impact of an invasive grass on reptiles, we compared the reptile assemblages that used native kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra), and black spear grass (Heteropogon contortus), to those using habitats invaded by grader grass (Themeda quadrivalvis). There were significantly more reptile species, in greater abundances, in native kangaroo and black spear grass than in invasive grader grass. To understand the sources of negative responses of reptile assemblages to the weed, we compared habitat characteristics, temperatures within grass clumps, food availability and predator abundance among these three grass habitats. Environmental temperatures in grass, invertebrate food availability, and avian predator abundances did not differ among the habitats, and there were fewer reptiles that fed on other reptiles in the invaded than in the native grass sites. Thus, native grass sites did not provide better available thermal environments within the grass, food, or opportunities for predator avoidance. We suggest that habitat structure was the critical factor driving weed avoidance by reptiles in this system, and recommend that the maintenance of heterogeneous habitat structure, including clumping native grasses, with interspersed bare ground, and leaf litter are critical to reptile biodiversity.


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Parthenium hysterophorus L., (Asteraceae) commonly known as parthenium weed, is a highly invasive plant that has become a problematic weed of pasture lands in Australia and many other countries around the world. For the management of this weed, an integrated approach comprising biological control and plant competition strategies was tested in southern central Queensland. Two competitive pasture plant species (butterfly pea and buffel grass), selected for their high competitive ability, worked successfully with the biological control agent (Epiblema strenuana Walker) to synergistically reduce the biomass of parthenium weed, by between 62 and 69%. In the presence of biological control agent, the corresponding biomass of competitive plants, butterfly pea and buffel grass increased in comparison to when the biological control agent had been excluded, by 15 and 35%, respectively. This suggests that biological control and competitive plants can complement one another to bring about improved management of parthenium weed in Australia. Further, this approach may be adopted in countries where some of the biological control agents are already present including South Africa, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan and Nepal.


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Invasive grasses are among the worst threats to native biodiversity, but the mechanisms causing negative effects are poorly understood. To investigate the impact of an invasive grass on reptiles, we compared the reptile assemblages that used native kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra), and black spear grass (Heteropogon contortus), to those using habitats invaded by grader grass (Themeda quadrivalvis). There were significantly more reptile species, in greater abundances, in native kangaroo and black spear grass than in invasive grader grass. To understand the sources of negative responses of reptile assemblages to the weed, we compared habitat characteristics, temperatures within grass clumps, food availability and predator abundance among these three grass habitats. Environmental temperatures in grass, invertebrate food availability, and avian predator abundances did not differ among the habitats, and there were fewer reptiles that fed on other reptiles in the invaded than in the native grass sites. Thus, native grass sites did not provide better available thermal environments within the grass, food, or opportunities for predator avoidance. We suggest that habitat structure was the critical factor driving weed avoidance by reptiles in this system, and recommend that the maintenance of heterogeneous habitat structure, including clumping native grasses, with interspersed bare ground, and leaf litter are critical to reptile biodiversity.