117 resultados para Aquaculture and Fisheries


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Horse and Cattle Brands in Queensland since 1872 to current year 2015


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This stock assessment provides detailed results for the most common sharks encountered by Queensland commercial fishers. These sharks come from the whaler (Carcharhinidae) and hammerhead (Sphyrnidae) families and comprise sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon taylori and R. oligolinx), the milk shark (R. acutus), the creek whaler (Carcharhinus fitzroyensis), the hardnose shark (C. macloti), the spot-tail shark (C. sorrah), the Australian blacktip shark (C. tilstoni), the common blacktip shark (C. limbatus), the spinner shark (C. brevipinna), bull and pigeye sharks (C. leucas and C. amboinensis), the winghead shark (Eusphyra blochii), the scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) and the great hammerhead (S. mokarran). Reef sharks were excluded because fishery observer data indicated that they were largely spatially segregated from sharks caught in the inshore net fisheries. The three common species of reef sharks in Queensland, which are all whaler sharks, are the grey reef shark Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, the blacktip reef shark C. melanopterus and the whitetip reef shark Triaenodon obesus.


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An independent desk review of the document entitled “Stock assessment of whaler and hammerhead sharks (Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae) in Queensland” commissioned by the Queensland’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries was undertaken during January 15-February 12, 2016.


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As climate change continues to impact socio-ecological systems, tools that assist conservation managers to understand vulnerability and target adaptations are essential. Quantitative assessments of vulnerability are rare because available frameworks are complex and lack guidance for dealing with data limitations and integrating across scales and disciplines. This paper describes a semi-quantitative method for assessing vulnerability to climate change that integrates socio-ecological factors to address management objectives and support decision-making. The method applies a framework first adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and uses a structured 10-step process. The scores for each framework element are normalized and multiplied to produce a vulnerability score and then the assessed components are ranked from high to low vulnerability. Sensitivity analyses determine which indicators most influence the analysis and the resultant decision-making process so data quality for these indicators can be reviewed to increase robustness. Prioritisation of components for conservation considers other economic, social and cultural values with vulnerability rankings to target actions that reduce vulnerability to climate change by decreasing exposure or sensitivity and/or increasing adaptive capacity. This framework provides practical decision-support and has been applied to marine ecosystems and fisheries, with two case applications provided as examples: (1) food security in Pacific Island nations under climate-driven fish declines, and (2) fisheries in the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia. The step-wise process outlined here is broadly applicable and can be undertaken with minimal resources using existing data, thereby having great potential to inform adaptive natural resource management in diverse locations.


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Large quantities of tailor, Pomatomus saltatrix, are caught by recreational and commercial fishers in coastal waters off New South Wales and Queensland. Juvenile tailor were subject to increasing fishing mortality in Moreton Bay (Queensland) in the mid 1980s. A tagging programme, involving State Government fisheries biologists and amateur fishing clubs, was established in 1986 to examine the movement, growth rate and fisheries exploitation of juvenile tailor (<270 mm fork length) in Moreton Bay. Of 2173 juvenile tailor tagged in Moreton Bay during February-July and December 1987, 237 were recaptured over a period of 30 months, representing a recapture rate of 11%. This was a high recapture rate compared with those in similar finfish tagging studies carried out in Moreton Bay. The recaptured fish moved relatively short distances (mean plus or minus s.d., 10.2 plus or minus 15.0 km; maximum distance, 85 km). Growth data were unreliable. Estuaries such as Moreton Bay function as nursery areas for tailor prior to their movement onto open surf beaches as adult fish. A legal minimum length for tailor was introduced on the basis of this study.


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Data from surveys of recreational anglers fishing on three estuaries in eastern Australia reveal highly skewed distributions of catches with many zeros. Such data may be analysed using a two component approach involving a binary (zero/non-zero catch) response and the non-zero catches. A truncated regression model was effective in analysing the non-zero catches. Covariates were incorporated in the modelling, and their critical assessment has led to improved measures of fishing effort for this recreational fishery.


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A large weevil was found infesting macadamia nuts on the Atherton Tableland during the 1994/95 season. It was unrepresented in various Australian insect collections but thought to belong to the genus Sigastus. This paper reports some preliminary studies on its biology, pest status and control. From 4-6 weeks after first nut-set adult females commence laying single eggs through the husk, after first scarifying an oviposition site. The nut stalk is then cleaved leading to rapid abscission. Nuts were generally attacked up until hard shell formation. Weevil larvae consumed whole kernels, with % survival higher and larval duration shorter in larger nuts. Infestation rates increased with increasing nut diameter, reaching 72.8% of fallen nuts by mid-October. A crop loss of 30% could be attributed to weevils in an unsprayed orchard. However, adult weevils are very susceptible to both carbaryl and methidathion sprays. In addition, exposure of infested nuts to full sunlight over several weeks kills 100% of larvae. Crops should be surveyed for weevil damage from the 5-10 mm diameter stage until mid-December. Methidathion used as an initial spray for fruitspotting bugs should provide control. Organic growers are advised to sweep infested nuts into mown interrows where solarisation will kill larvae.


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Data on catch sizes, catch rates, length-frequency and age composition from the Australian east coast tailor fishery are analysed by three different population dynamic models: a surplus production model, an age-structured model, and a model in which the population is structured by both age and length. The population is found to be very heavily exploited, with its ability to reproduce dependent on the fishery’s incomplete selectivity of one-year-old fish. Estimates of recent harvest rates (proportion of fish available to the fishery that are actually caught in a single year) are over 80%. It is estimated that only 30–50% of one-year-old fish are available to the fishery. Results from the age-length-structured model indicate that both exploitable biomass (total mass of fish selected by the fishery) and egg production have fallen to about half the levels that prevailed in the 1970s, and about 40% of virgin levels. Two-year-old fish appear to have become smaller over the history of the fishery. This is assumed to be due to increased fishing pressure combined with non-selectivity of small one-year-old fish, whereby the one-year-old fish that survive fishing are small and grow into small two-year-old fish the following year. An alternative hypothesis is that the stock has undergone a genetic change towards smaller fish; the true explanation is unknown. The instantaneous natural mortality rate of tailor is hypothesised to be higher than previously thought, with values between 0.8 and 1.3 yr–1 consistent with the models. These values apply only to tailor up to about three years of age, and it is possible that a lower value applies to fish older than three. The analysis finds no evidence that fishing pressure has yet affected recruitment. If a recruitment downturn were to occur, however, under current management and fishing pressure there is a strong chance that the fishery would need a complete closure for several years to recover, and even then recovery would be uncertain. Therefore it is highly desirable to better protect the spawning stock. The major recommendations are • An increase in the minimum size limit from 30cm to 40cm in order to allow most one-year-old fish to spawn, and • An experiment on discard mortality to gauge the proportion of fish between 30cm and 40cm that are likely to survive being caught and released by recreational line fishers (the dominant component of the fishery, currently harvesting roughly 1000t p.a. versus about 200t p.a. from the commercial fishery).


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Although migration patterns for various life history stages of the chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii) have been previously presented, there has been limited comparison of spatial variation in biological parameters. Based on data from research surveys; size ranges of juveniles, subadults and adults on the Agulhas Bank were estimated and presented spatially. The bulk of the results appear to largely support the current acceptance of the life cycle with an annual pattern of squid hatching in the east, migrating westwards to offshore feeding grounds on the Central and Western Agulhas Bank and the west coast and subsequent return migration to the eastern inshore areas to spawn. The number of adult animals in deeper water, particularly in autumn in the central study area probably represents squid spawning in deeper waters and over a greater area than is currently targeted by the fishery. The distribution of life history stages and different feeding areas does not rule out the possibility that discrete populations of L. reynaudii with different biological characteristics inhabit the western and eastern regions of the Agulhas Bank. In this hypothesis, some mixing of the populations does occur but generally squid from the western Agulhas Bank may occur in smaller numbers, grow more slowly and mature at a larger size. Spawning occurs on the western portion of the Agulhas Bank, and juveniles grow and mature on the west coast and the central Agulhas Bank. Future research requirements include the elucidation of the age structure of chokka squid both spatially and temporally, and a comparison of the statolith chemistry and genetic characterisation between adults from different spawning areas across the Agulhas Bank.


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The Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries in collaboration with the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation and Yuruga Nursery Pty Ltd have been conducting research into the development of five native foliage products. The three species and two cultivars being developed for commercial production are: Grevillea baileyana, Lomatia fraxinifolia, Athertonia diversifolia, Stenocarpus 'Forest Lace' and Stenocarpus 'Forest Gem'. Previous research involved an evaluation of 21 species from which these five were selected based on market comments, post harvest life and ability to grow under a range of climatic conditions. Lomatia fraxinifolia, Grevillea baileyana and Athertonia diversifolia are all native to north Queensland rainforests. Stenocarpus 'Forest Gem' and Stenocarpus 'Forest Lace' are hybrids and have been selected by Yuruga Nursery Pty Ltd. Both Stenocarpus cultivars are protected by Plant Breeders Rights. Current research into the commercial development of these species involves: market research, post harvest trials, field trials and grower training. Two field trials have been established on the Atherton Tablelands, one in the high rainfall zone at Yungaburra and the other in the low rainfall zone west of Mareeba. Field trials will evaluate the effects of fertiliser rates and pruning techniques on yield. Pests and diseases will be identified and appropriate control measures tested on trial plants. Vase life evaluations have also been carried out and the results indicate that the five foliages have exceptional vase life. All five products are being sold on the Australian domestic market in small volumes at this stage; it is anticipated that sales will significantly increase in the coming years. A number of leading exporters have indicated that the foliages may also meet the requirements of export markets. Stenocarpus 'Forest Gem' is similar in appearance to Persoonia longifolia (Barker Bush), which is a bush-picked foliage currently exported from Australia to a number of overseas markets.


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Several species of marine mammals are at risk of extinction from being captured as bycatch in commercial fisheries. Various approaches have been developed and implemented to address this bycatch problem, including devices and gear changes, time and area closures and fisheries moratoria. Most of these solutions are difficult to implement effectively, especially for artisanal fisheries in developing countries and remote regions. Re-zoning of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA) in 2004 closed 33% of the region to extractive activities, including commercial fishing. However, the impact of re-zoning and the associated industry restructuring on a threatened marine mammal, the dugong (Dugong dugon), is difficult to quantify. Accurate information on dugong bycatch in commercial nets is unavailable because of the large geographic extent of the GBRWHA, the remoteness of the region adjacent to the Cape York Peninsula where most dugongs occur and the artisanal nature of the fishery. In the face of this uncertainty, a spatial risk-assessment approach was used to evaluate the re-zoning and associated industry restructuring for their ability to reduce the risk of dugong bycatch from commercial fisheries netting. The new zoning arrangements appreciably reduced the risk of dugong bycatch by reducing the total area where commercial netting is permitted. Netting is currently not permitted in 67% of dugong habitats of high conservation value, a 56% improvement over the former arrangements. Re-zoning and industry restructuring also contributed to a 22% decline in the spatial extent of conducted netting. Spatial risk assessment approaches that evaluate the risk of mobile marine mammals from bycatch are applicable to other situations where there is limited information on the location and intensity of bycatch, including remote regions and developing countries where resources are limited.


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Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries Library achieved a significant breakthrough in the provision of Open Access to Australian publicly funded research with the launch of its eResearch Archive (eRA). With more than one thousand publication records, journal articles, conferences papers and research reports now available to farmers, industry representatives, academics, researchers, students and members of the public throughout the world, the archive is the first web accessible multidisciplinary science institutional repository produced by an Australian government department.


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The status of biocontrol of Chromolaena odorata, a weed of significant agricultural importance in Papua New Guinea, is assessed. Chromolaena is confirmed present in 391 sites in 12 of the 20 provinces of PNG. A collaborative project on the biocontrol of chromolaena involving the PNG National Agricultural Research Institute and the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries began in1998, with funding from ACIAR. Three agents, the moth Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata, which has established only in Morobe Province, the stem-galling fly Cecidochares connexa, which has established in all 12 provinces and the leaf mining fly Calycomyza eupatorivora, which is currently being monitored for establishment, have been introduced. Cecidochares connexa has been the most effective of the agents so far and it has spread more than 100 km in five years from some release sites. Preliminary field data have shown that the numbers of galls per plant have increased, coupled with a decrease in plant height and percent plant cover. In parts of New Ireland and Sandaun provinces, C. connexa has controlled chromolaena, resulting in the regeneration of natural vegetation. In addition, some food gardens have been re-established where chromolaena had once taken over. Consequently, food production has increased and income generated from selling agricultural produce has increased two fold. There is also less time spent in clearing chromolaena from food gardens and plantations. The effectiveness of C. connexa has brought relief to many communities, which are helping in the distribution of the gall fly to other areas affected by chromolaena.


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This publication, which is the final report to the Torres Strait Cooperative Research Centre, provides an overview of all the research that was conducted as part of the Torres Strait CRC Task 1.5 - Towards Ecologically Sustainable Management of the Torres Strait Prawn Fishery The objectives of the task were: To develop cost-effective protocols to monitor and quantify the bycatch and environmental impacts of commercial prawn trawling. To monitor the status of target species using both fishery dependent and fishery independent data. To develop biological reference points for target species and undertake management strategy evaluation, in particular a risk assessment of fishing at various levels of fishing mortality. This report focuses on the second component of objective 1 and details a comparative analysis of bycatch samples collected from areas of the Torres Strait that were both closed and open to prawn trawl fishing. The report also reviews the research conducted in relation to objectives 2 and 3 which are detailed in a separate report, Stock Assessment of the Torres Strait Tiger Prawn Fishery (Penaeus esculentus).