134 resultados para Agricultural industry


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Project aims to develop diagnostic capacity for laurel wilt and associated ambrosia beetle in Australia.


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PARDI provides a platform for stronger economic growth of Pacific island countries. The initiative aims to substantially improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the Pacific. Benefit to Queensland includes: 1) looking at supply chain (value chain) innovations for tropical horticultural commodities in both Queensland and the South Pacific to maintain competitiveness. 2) undertaking research on a product called canarium nut which is grown in the Solomon Islands. It is a new potential high value speciality product (similar to macadamia) in which macadamia industry partners are participating. 3) involvement in specific targeted supply chain business improvement with industry partners.


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Demonstrating environmental performance and sustainability is a strategic priority for the Australian banana industry. Development, delivery and uptake of an EMS will allow the industry to demonstrate this. It will maintain community confidence in the Australian banana industry and its commitment to careful environmental management and the protection of key Australian icons like the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropics and ensure the industry’s right to farm, now and in the future.


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The aim of this project is to construct a large-scale erosion control education and demonstration facility at Redland Research Station. This will be done in collaboration with the Australian turf industry (as members of the steering committee) and consultant researcher Dr Rob Loch (project partner). The project will employ a part-time industry development officer (IDO) for Turf Australia to increase engagement with the project by the target audience. The project’s main strategy is to extend the research results from HAL funded project Optimising Turf Use to Minimise Soil Erosion on Construction Sites TU08033 so that the maximum return on investment can be derived for the turf levy payers and HAL from that study.


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Grey mould, powdery mildew and stem-end rot are major diseases affecting the strawberry industry. Some of the chemicals used are ineffective under wet weather, have limits to the number of applications allowed in a season or may become ineffective in the long-term because of the development of resistance in the fungi. We will assess the effectiveness of the chemicals currently used by the strawberry industry and whether the fruit rot fungi are resistant to these fungicides. We will screen other chemicals that are used to control these diseases in related crops. We will also evaluate new chemicals in collaboration with the crop protectant industry. We will also undertake similar work to control nematodes in strawberry fields.


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Project Objectives: 1. Improving yield and water use efficiency of the wheat crop, the backbone of the Australia grains industry, by better matching management, variety, soil and climate. The aim is thus increasing kg grain/ha per mm evapotranspiration and kg grain/ha per mm rain. 2. Improving land and water productivity and profit by better arrangement of the components of the cropping system. This involves better allocation of farm resources (land, water, machinery, labour) and identifying strategies that account for trade-offs between profit and risk. The aim is thus improving $/ha per year and mm rain in a risk framework.


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The project will produce practical and relevant benchmarks, protocols and recommendations for the adoption of remote sensing technologies for improved in season management and therefore production within the Australian sugar cane industry.


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Monitoring aflatoxin and developing improved peanut drying practices, cadmium management and web based irrigation decision support systems.


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Establish an internet platform where spatially referenced data can be viewed, entered and stored.


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The project uses participatory methods to engage primary producers and advisers in central Queensland, southern Queensland, and north east New South Wales on-farm trials and demonstrations to adapt mixed farming systems to changed climate conditions. The focus is adaptation to climate change but will support abatement of greenhouse gas emissions by building soil carbon, better managing soil nitrogen and soil organic carbon. Data will be collected and integrated with data from Round 1 of the Climate Change Research Program to extend industry understanding beyond a general awareness of ‘climate change’. Nitrous oxide and soil carbon data will help farmers/advisers understand the implications of climate change and develop adaptation strategies for a more sustainable, climate sensitive future.


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Commercialisation and adoption of remote sensing and GIS technologies for improved production forecasting, productivity, quality and paddock- to- plate tracking within the Australian Peanut Industry.


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Producing barley varieties that have incrased grain yield and consistent or higher energy for pigs, as well as resistance to the major diseases of barley.


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PhD scholarship investigating the relative sensitivity of nitrogen fixation in adapted grain and ley legume species to low soil phosphorus.


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This project has delivered outcomes that address major agronomic and crop protection issues closely linked to the profitability and sustainability of cotton production enterprises in CQ. From an agronomic perspective, the CQ environment was always though to support economically viable cotton production in a wide sowing window from the middle of September to early January prior to this research. The ideal positioning of Bollgard II varieties in the CQ planting window was, therefore, critical to the future of the local cotton industry because growers needed baseline information to determine how best to take advantage of the higher yield potential offered by the Bt cotton technology, optimise irrigation water use and fibre characteristics. The project’s outputs include a number of key agronomic findings. Over three growing seasons, Bollgard II crop planted in the traditional sowing window from the middle of September to the end of October consistently produced the highest yields. The project delivers a clear and quantitative assessment of the impacts of planting outside the traditional cropping window - a yield penalty of between 1-4 bales/ha for November and December planted cotton. Whilst yield penalties associated with December-planted crops are clearly linked to declining heat units in the second half of the crop and a cool finish, those associated with November-planted cotton are not consistent with the theoretical yield potential for this sowing date. Further research to understand and minimize the physiological constraints on November-planted cotton would give CQ cotton growers far greater flexibility to develop mixed/double/rotation cropping farming systems that are relevant to the rapidly evolving nature of Agricultural production in Australia. The equivalence of cultivar types with clearly distinguishable, genetically based growth habits, demonstrated in this project, gives growers important information for making varietal choices. The entomological outcomes of this project represent strategic and tactical tools that are highly relevant to the viability and profitability of the cotton industry in Australia. The future of the cotton industry is inextricably linked to the survival and efficacy of GM cotton. Research done in the Callide irrigation area demonstrates the unquestionable potential for development of alternative and highly effective resistance management strategies for Bollgard II using novel technologies and strategies based on products such as Magnet®. Magnet® and similar technologies will be increasingly important in strategies to preserve the shelf life and efficacy of current and future generations of GM technology. However, more research will be required to address logistical and operational issues related to these new technologies before they can be fully exploited in commercial production systems. From an economic perspective, SLW is the sleeping giant in terms of insect nemeses of cotton, particularly from the standpoint of climate change and an increasingly warmer production environment. An effective sampling and management strategy for SLW which has been delivered by this project will go a long way towards minimising production costs in an environment characterised by rapidly rising input costs. SLW has the potential to permanently debilitate the national cotton industry by influencing market sentiment and quality perceptions. Field validation of the SLW population sampling models and management options in the Dawson irrigation area cotton and southern Queensland during 2006-07 documents the robustness of the entomological research outcomes achieved through this project.


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Developing sorghum varieties with increased lodging resistance has repeatedly been identified as a high priority issue by the Research Advisory Committees for the Northern Region Grains Industry. It is estimated that every third year about 20 to 30% of the area planted to sorghum is affected by lodging. Calculated on the gross value of grain sorghum produced, estimated by DEEDI forecasts of $265m for 2008-09 that could equate to a loss of gross value of production of around $50m in such a year. We intend to submit an eConcept to GRDC for funding for a detailed physiological study addressing this problem.