91 resultados para forest industry


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Producing barley varieties that have incrased grain yield and consistent or higher energy for pigs, as well as resistance to the major diseases of barley.


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Cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) is a major biosecurity threat to the Australian cotton industry. This proposal seeks cross-industry investment from the cotton (CRDC) and horticulture (HAL) industries to address the threat of exotic whitefly-transmitted viruses. Testing of silverleaf whitefly, the vector of CLCuD, could provide an alternative, cheaper strategy for early warning disease surveillance compared to surveys for disease symptoms. Control of whitefly-transmitted viruses in Australia and overseas will be reviewed to produce an integrated management package for their control in Australia. This will also involve a workshop with key stakeholders and selected overseas participants, to develop a working party to help formulate this package.


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Benchmarking irrigation performance has always been a challenge. As part of the Rural Water Use Efficiency (RWUE3) project the team in, collaboration with the Cotton Catchments Communities CRC, National Certificate of Educational Achievement and the Knowledge Management Phase 2 project, aimed to standardise the irrigation indices in use within the cotton industry. This was achieved through: - the delivery of training workshops - access to benchmarking tools - promotion of benchmarking as a best practice to be adopted on farm.


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Morinda citrifolia (noni) grows widely throughout the Pacific and is native to Australia. It is a source of traditional medicine amongst Coastal Aboriginal Communities in Cape York, the Pacific Islands and South East Asia, and in recent years has experienced significant economic growth worldwide through a variety of health and cosmetic claims. The largest markets for noni are North America, Europe, Japan, Mexico, Asia and Australia with the worldwide market for these products estimated at US$400 million.


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Current biosecurity arrangements for plantation forestry are poorly defined, at least relative to other plant-based industries. Serious pest and disease outbreaks in forestry are relatively rare events. Preparedness for rare events is difficult. Part of the difficulty stems from the competing views of managers and stakeholders. This project sought to directly capture alternative views concerning the key objectives of plantation forest biosecurity, alternative strategies for achieving those objectives, and ultimately recommend preferred actions that might be broadly supported by stakeholders. The outcomes from the workshop were used as a basis to draft a list of strategic actions required to improve forest biosecurity in Australia and to be implemented over the next 2-5 years. Research priorities were identified as research to support cost benefit analyses; investigating the effects of changed environmental conditions on forest biosecurity; pathway analysis for functional pest guilds. Integration of this research within a CRC would also permit the effective development and extension of this research as well as providing training urgently required to maintain forest biosecurity and health expertise.


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Drying trials were conducted using two species of plantation grown eucalypt timbers: 19-year-old Eucalyptus cloeziana (Gympie messmate) and 15-year-old Eucalyptus pellita (red mahogany). The objective of this study was to gain an understanding of the drying potential of young plantation grown material using accelerated seasoning methods, a process expected to be critcal to the success of plantation hardwood products entering value added markets. The findings are encouraging, indicating that both species can be dried using conventional drying techniques much faster than industry is currently achieving when drying native forest timber. The results suggest that there is a definite drying time advantatge in vacuum drying over conventional methods for 19-year-old E. cloeziana. The findings have shown that through careful schedule manipulation and adjustment, the grade quality can be optimised to suit the desired expectation. As this study was limited to only a small number of trials, time and quality improvements are expected to be realised for both conventional and vacuum drying methods as more research is conducted.


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Drying regrowth native hardwoods to satisfactory moisture levels is a significant challenge for the processing industry. Dried quality is becoming increasingly important as sawn hardwood continues to move away from structural markets into appearance applications, but more difficult to achieve as the resource mix being processed becomes younger. An accurate, predictive drying model is a powerful tool in schedule development, decreasing the reliance on expensive, repetitive drying trials. This project updates the KilnSched drying model to allow the drying behaviour of regrowth blackbutt, jarrah, messmate, spotted gum and Victorian ash to be modeled more accurately. The effect of high temperature drying and humidity treatments on spotted gum were also investigated, as was the economics of various drying methods on spotted gum and blackbutt.


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Controlled traffic has been identified as the most practical method of reducing compaction-related soil structural degradation in the Australian sugarcane industry. GPS auto-steer systems are required to maximize this potential. Unfortunately there is a perception that little economic gain will result from investing in this technology. Regardless, a number of growers have made the investment and are reaping substantial economic and lifestyle rewards. In this paper we assess the cost effectiveness of installing GPS guidance and using it to implement Precision Controlled Traffic Farming (PCTF) based on the experience of an early adopter. The Farm Economic Analysis Tool (FEAT) model was used with data provided by the grower to demonstrate the benefits of implementing PCTF. The results clearly show that a farming system based on PCTF and the minimum tillage improved farm gross margin by 11.8% and reduced fuel usage by 58%, compared to producers' traditional practice. PCTF and minimum tillage provide sugar producers with a tool to manage the price cost squeeze at a time of low sugar prices. These data provide producers with the evidence that investment in PCTF is economically prudent.


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Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi crossed the far north Queensland coast at Mission Beach on February 3rd, 2011, shattering the regions developing hardwood plantation industry. The cyclone’s path covered the primary areas of hardwood and softwood plantations in this region, causing widespread destruction. The extent of cyclone damage, coupled with the weak international economy has resulted in a severe decline in industry confidence for the future of timber plantations in this region. This report reviews the impacts of Severe TC Yasi on the performance of key hardwood plantation species in north Queensland. It summarises the influence of species, genetics, plantation design, management and age on plantation resilience. The information will contribute to a “Best Practice Guide for Timber Plantations in Cyclonic Areas” to be produced by Timber Queensland. This will assist companies with future plantation investment decisions in the tropical cyclone zone. 2 200 trees were assessed, including 44 species at 32 localities located from Daintree to Townsville. Data are also presented for a post-cyclone assessment of 5 900 African mahogany trees on four sites in the Ingham region. A report prepared for the Timber Queensland project: Best Practice Guide for Timber Plantations in Cyclonic Areas.


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The Australian African mahogany estate comprises over 12,000 ha of industrial plantations, farm-forestry plots and trials, virtually all derived from Africa-sourced wild seed. However, the better trees have given high-value products such as veneers, high-grade boards and award-winning furniture. Collaborative conservation and improvement by the Northern Territory (NT) and Queensland governments since 2000 realised seed orchards, hedge gardens and genetic tests revealing promising clones and families. Private sector R&D since the mid 2000s includes silvicultural-management and wood studies, participatory testing of government material and establishing over 90 African provenances and many single-tree seedlots in multisite provenance and family trials. Recent, mainly public sector research included a 5-agency project of 2009-12 resulting in advanced propagation technologies and greater knowledge of biology, wood properties and processing. Operational priority in the short term should focus on developing seed production areas and ‘rolling front’ clonal seed orchards. R&D priorities should include: developing and implementing a collaborative improvement strategy based on pooled resources; developing non-destructive evaluation of select-tree wood properties, micropropagation (including field testing of material from this source) to ‘industry ready’ and a select-tree index; optimising seed production in orchards; advancing controlled pollination techniques; and maximising benefits from the progeny, clone and provenance trials. Australia leads the world in improvement and ex situ conservation of African mahogany based on the governments’ 13-year program and more recent industry inputs such that accumulated genetic resources total over 120 provenances and many families from 15 of the 19 African countries of its range. Having built valuable genetic resources, expertise, technologies and knowledge, the species is almost ‘industry ready’. The industry will benefit if it exploits the comparative advantage these assets provide. However the status of much of the diverse germplasm introduced since the mid 2000s is uncertain due to changes in ownership. Further, recent reductions of government investment in forestry R&D will be detrimental unless the industry fills the funding gaps. Expansion and sustainability of the embryonic industry must capitalise on past and current R&D, while initiating and sustaining critical new work through all-stakeholder collaboration.


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Reliable estimates of forest productivity are essential for improved predictions of timber yields for the private native spotted gum resource in southern Qld and northern NSW. The aim of this research was to estimate the potential productivity of native spotted gum forests on private land by making use of available inventory data collated from Qld and northern NSW for spotted gum forest on Crown land (i.e. state forests). We measured a range of site-related factors to determine their relative importance in predicting productivity of spotted gum forest. While measures such as stand height and height-diameter relationships are known to be useful predictors of productivity, we aimed to determine productivity for a site where this information was not available. Through estimation of stand growth rates we developed a spotted gum productivity assessment tool (SPAT) for use by landholders and extension officers. We aimed to develop a tool to allow private landholders to see the benefits of maintaining their timber resource. This paper summarises the information used to develop the SPAT with a particular focus on forest growth relationships.


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Development of new agricultural industries in northern Australia is seen as a way to provide food security in the face of reduced water availability in existing regions in the south. This report aims to identify some of the possible economic consequences of developing a rice industry in the Burdekin region, while there is a reduction of output in the Riverina. Annual rice production in the Riverina peaked at 1.7 M tonnes, but the long-term outlook, given climate change impacts on that region and government water buy-backs, is more likely to be less than 800,000 tonnes. Growers are highly efficient water users by international standards, but the ability to offset an anticipated reduction in water availability through further efficiency gains is limited. In recent years growers in the Riverina have diversified their farms to a greater extent and secondary production systems include beef, sheep and wheat. Production in north Queensland is in its infancy, but a potentially suitable farming system has been developed by including rice within the sugarcane system without competition and in fact contributing to the production of sugar by increasing yields and controlling weeds. The economic outcomes are estimated a large scale, dynamic, computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the world economy (Tasman Global), scaled down to regional level. CGE models mimic the workings of the economy through a system of interdependent behavioural and accounting equations which are linked to an input-output database. When an economic shock or change is applied to a model, each of the markets adjusts according to the set of behavioural parameters which are underpinned by economic theory. In this study the model is driven by reducing production in the Riverina in accordance with relationships found between water availability and the production of rice and replacement by other crops and by increasing ride production in the Burdekin. Three scenarios were considered: • Scenario 1: Rice is grown using the fallow period between the last ratoon crop of sugarcane and the new planting. In this scenario there is no competition between rice and sugarcane • Scenario 2: Rice displaces sugarcane production • Scenario 3: Rice is grown on additional land and does not compete with sugarcane. Two time periods were used, 2030 and 2070, which are the conventional time points to consider climate change impacts. Under scenario 1, real economic output declines in the Riverina by $45 million in 2030 and by $139 million in 2070. This is only partially offset by the increased real economic output in the Burdekin of $35 million and $131 million respectively.


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Development of new agricultural industries in northern Australia is often perceived as a solution to changes in water availability that have occurred within southern Australia as a result of changes to government policy in response to and exacerbated by climate change. This report examines the likely private, social and community costs and benefits associated with the establishment of a cotton industry in the Burdekin. The research undertaken covers three spatial scales by modelling the response of cotton and to climate change at the crop and farm scale and linking this to regional scale modelling of the economy. Modelling crop growth as either a standalone crop or as part of a farm enterprise provides the clearest picture of how yields and water use will be affected under climate change. The alternative to this is to undertake very costly trials in environmental chambers. For this reason it is critical that funding for model development especially for crops being crop in novel environments be seen as a high priority for climate change and adaptation studies. Crop level simulations not only provide information on how the crop responds to climate change, they also illustrate that that these responses are the result of complex interactions and cannot necessarily be derived from the climate information alone. These simulations showed that climate change would lead to decreased cotton yields in 2030 and 2050 without the affect of CO2 fertilisation. Without CO2 fertilisation, yields would be decreased by 3.2% and 17.8%. Including CO2 fertilisation increased yields initially by 5.9%, but these were reduced by 3.6% in 2050. This still represents a major offset and at least ameliorates the impact of climate change on yield. To cope with the decreased in-crop rainfall (4.5% by 2030 and 15.8% in 2050) and an initial increase in evapotranspiration of 2% in 2030 and


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Originally from Asia, Rubus niveus has become one of the most widespread invasive plant species in the Galapagos Islands. It has invaded open vegetation, shrubland and forest alike. It forms dense thickets up to 4 m high, appearing to displace native vegetation, and threaten the integrity of several native communities. This study used correlation analysis between a R. niveus cover gradient and a number of biotic (vascular plant species richness, cover and vegetation structure) and abiotic (light and soil properties) parameters to help understand possible impacts in one of the last remaining fragments of the Scalesia forest in Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. Higher cover of R. niveus was associated with significantly lower native species richness and cover, and a different forest structure. Results illustrated that 60% R. niveus cover could be considered a threshold for these impacts. We suggest that a maximum of 40% R. niveus cover could be a suitable management target.


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