168 resultados para Resistance Practices


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In western Queensland, severe drought conditions began in late 2001 and did not generally ease until the 2008/09 summer. Despite the ability of Mitchell grass plants to become dormant during drought, a large proportion of plants appeared to be dead rather than drought-dormant by the end of the 2002/03 summer. Tillers and remaining leaves were blackened and unpalatable to livestock. The term Mitchell grass dieback was coined by producers and other observers to describe what had occurred, although most were confident that the grass would recover with the breaking of the drought. Mitchell grass plants generally failed to respond to widespread average summer rains in early 2004 (> 250 mm). Observation suggested that moisture had penetrated to a soil depth of about 60 cm and a response from plants was expected. When there was no general response, research into the reasons for this was initiated (NBP.348 'Mitchell grass death in Queensland: extent, economic impact and potential for recovery'; 2005-07). This included an investigation of discrete areas of pasture that had responded to the 2003-04 summer rain. Further declines in condition of Mitchell grasslands occurred between winter 2005 and winter 2006 and, by 2006, field surveys indicated that 53% of this pasture community was in poor (C) condition, primarily due to dieback. Measurements at some sites suggested practices such as wet season spelling and burning can pre-condition Mitchell grass pasture for greater resistance to drought-induced dieback. However, the casual mechanisms and the effective timing and frequency of these practices remained unclear.


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This project will identify and evaluate grazing management and related practices for beef enterprises in northern Australia that will assist them to build resilience and adapt to a changing and more variable climate. With input from scientists and experienced producers, the trade-offs or synergies between production, sustainability and profitability indicators associated with different management practices will be evaluated in the target regions, using a bio-economic modelling framework. The latter will account for region-specific, climate-change outlooks.


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The closure of abattoirs in Australia dictates that pigs will be transported over greater distances resulting in increased costs and reduced margins for producers. Factors contributing to reduced margins could include increased freight costs, reduced scale weight as a result of reduced killing out percentage and condemnations (due to injuries) plus possible increased deaths in transport. More information is needed in Australia on transport practices and mortalities to address knowledge deficiencies in our understanding of the welfare implications of road transport.


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Management of insecticide resistance.


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Resistance to tomato yellow leafcurl virus in tomato.


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Virus diseases cause serious yield and quality losses in field grown cucurbit crops worldwide. In Australia, the main viruses of cucurbits are Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV), Squash mosaic virus (SqMV), Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). Plants infected early have severely distorted fruit. High infection incidences, of ZYMV and PRSV in crops cause losses of marketable fruit of up to 100% and infected crops are often abandoned. Two new alternative hosts of ZYMV were identified, the native cucurbit Cucumis maderaspatanus and wild legume Rhyncosia minima. No new alternative hosts of PRSV, SqMV or WMV were found in Western Australia or Queensland. Seed transmission of ZYMV (0.7%) was found in seedlings grown from ZYMV-infected fruit of zucchini but not of pumpkin. None was detected with PRSV or SqMV in zucchini or pumpkin seedlings, respectively. ZYMV spread to pumpkins by aphids was greater downwind than upwind of a virus source. Delaying sowing by 2 weeks decreased ZYMV spread. Millet non-host barriers between pumpkin plantings slowed ZYMV infection. Host resistance gene (zym) in cucumber cultivars was effective against ZYMV. Pumpkin cultivars with resistance gene (Zym) became infected under high virus pressure but leaf symptoms were milder and infected plants higher yielding with more market-acceptable fruit than those without Zym. Most zucchini cultivars with Zym developed severe leaf and fruit symptoms. ZYMV, PRSV, WMV and SqMV spread readily from infected to healthy cucurbit plants by direct leaf contact. ZYMV survives and remains infective on diverse surfaces for up to 6 hours but can be inactivated by some disinfectants. Phylogenetic analysis indicates at least three separate introductions of ZYMV into Australia, with new introductions rarely occurring. ZYMV isolates clustered into three groups according to collection location i) Kununurra, ii) Northern Territory and iii) Carnarvon, Qld and Vic. A multiplex Real-Time PCR was developed which distinguished between the three groups of Australian isolates. Integrated disease management (IDM) strategies for virus diseases of vegetable cucurbit crops grown in the field were improved incorporating the new information gathered. These strategies are aimed at causing using minimal extra expense, labour demands and disruption to normal practices.


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This project has the overall aim of reducing the impacts of diseases of winter cereals, pulses, sunflower sorghum and nematodes on farming systems in the GRDC northern region. Integrated disease management packages which involve combinations of resistance, targeted fungicide applications, cultural practices such as rotations, and disease modelling will be developed and extended to clients. Structured surveillance activities will enable the monitoring of the distribution and importance of diseases and pathotypes, the early detection of significant outbreaks of endemic and exotic diseases, and a rapid and appropriate response to these outbreaks.


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Develop nationally agreed, standard methods for insect sample collection, resistance testing, and data management as a basis for a statistically robust and informative national resistance monitoring program.


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The aims of the project are to 1) identify closely linked molecular markers to resistance genes and validate them in Australian wheat and barley backgrounds, and 2) introgress RWA resistance into Australian wheat and barley backgrounds.


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The objectives of this projects are: 1)To ensure the identification of genomic DNA markers for phosphine resistance in Rhyzopertha dominica and Tribolium castaneum; 2) To determine gene function of identified phosphine resistance genes in Rhyzopertha dominica and Tribolium castaneum; and 3) Predict future problems by characterising international resistances using our genes as a starting point to determine strong resistance can get by determining similarities with Australia.


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A national focus on strategic and applied research to minimise herbicide resistance in Australian cropping.


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Collaborative project with Indian partners to study the genetics of phosphine resistance in Indian strains of grain pests.


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National Monitoring for resistance to phosphine and grain protectants.


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This project will develop better understanding of resistance to glyphosate, paraquat and Group I herbicides to better inform weed management. The project will develop a range of tools for farm advisors to improve their confidence in decision making with respect to reducing the risk of glyphosate, Group I and paraquat resistance. These will include risk assessments, case studies and scenario exploring tools. The project will discuss with commercial providers the potential for new herbicide registrations. The project will establish farm advisor learning groups to work on the application of the research in local areas where resistance is already a major problem and to improve adoption of research outcomes from this and other projects.


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The threat and management of glyphosate# resistant weeds are major issues facing northern region growers. At present five weeds are confirmed glyphosate-resistant: barnyard grass, liverseed grass, windmill grass, annual ryegrass and flaxleaf fleabane. This project used 25 experiments to investigate the ecology of the grass weeds, plus new or improved chemical and non-chemical control tactics for them. The refined glyphosate resistance model developed in this project used the experiments' findings to predict the long-term impacts on evolution of resistance and on seed bank numbers of resistant weeds. These data led to revised management and resistance avoidance strategies, which were published in the Reporter newsletter, and via an on-line risk assessment tool. - See more at: http://finalreports.grdc.com.au/UQ00054#sthash.oTkCN4Sk.dpuf