91 resultados para conditions of employment
The Murray Darling Basin Commison sought information on the movement patterns of native fish in the Murray Darling River system in Queensland. Information is needed to determine daily movement patterns, movement direction and results of flow event analysis.
Enhancing digestibility of native pastures by cattle using kangaroo fibrolytic bacteria.
Development of a Gulf community based natural resource monitoring program, with sawfish as an initial focus.
Toxic Pimelea species (desert riceflower) are naturally occurring species found throughout beef cattle regions of Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Three species of Pimelea (simplex, elongata, and trichostachya) are poisonous to livestock and potentially fatal to cattle, with serious economic consequences through the loss of production, stock deaths and the costs of agistment. A better understanding of the ecology of the plant/disease is required to develop best practice to manage Pimelea in cattle-producing areas. Development of a chemical assay for the toxin (simplexin) is a key component of the current research project enabling toxin levels to be related to stage of plant growth, environmental and climatic factors.
This project will contribute to providing scientifically-based ecological assessments of fisheries stocks and habitats required under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999.
Investigation of potential for fungal control of small hive beetles.
Strategies for increasing growth of cattle using different growth paths.
Management of insecticide resistance.
Support Horticulture and Forestry Science tree improvement activities with sampling and evaluation of wood properties to rank for wood quality for specified product types (pulp and paper, solid wood, veneer etc).
Development of disease management strategies for subtropical and tropical fruit based on natural resistance mechanisms.
Investigations into pheromone monitoring and efficacy of insecticides to improve Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of eggfruit caterpillar.
Management of Papaya diseases in North Queensland.
The turf industry needs to access a range of more selective, effective and environmentally acceptable pesticides, which will help to address environmental concerns while maintaining the industry's internationally competitive status. This includes both new pesticides being developed globally for turf use and older generic chemicals previously registered for other agricultural purposes and now requiring extension of that registration for use in turf.
Retrofitting nurseries to increase water use efficiency and evaluate 4 soil moisture sensors for irrigation scheduling.
Evaluation of APFIP (apple) varieties.