47 resultados para Yellow birch.


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Thaumastocoris peregrinus is a sap-sucking insect that infests non-native Eucalyptus plantations in Africa, New Zealand, South America and parts of Southern Europe, in addition to street trees in parts of its native range of Australia. In South Africa, pronounced fluctuations in the population densities have been observed. To characterise spatiotemporal variability in T. peregrinus abundance and the factors that might influence it, we monitored adult population densities at six sites in the main eucalypt growing regions of South Africa. At each site, twenty yellow sticky traps were monitored weekly for 30 months, together with climatic data. We also characterised the influence of temperature on growth and survival experimentally and used this to model how temperature may influence population dynamics. T. peregrinus was present throughout the year at all sites, with annual site-specific peaks in abundance. Peaks occurred during autumn (February–April) for the Pretoria site, summer (November–January) for the Zululand site and spring (August–October) for the Tzaneen, Sabie and Piet Retief monitoring sites. Temperature (both experimental and field-collected), humidity and rainfall were mostly weakly, or not at all, associated with population fluctuations. It is clear that a complex interaction of these and other factors (e.g. host quality) influence population fluctuations in an annual, site specific cycle. The results obtained not only provide insights into the biology of T. peregrinus, but will also be important for future planning of monitoring and control programs using semiochemicals, chemical insecticides or biological control agents.


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Zeaxanthin, along with its isomer lutein, are the major carotenoids contributing to the characteristic colour of yellow sweet-corn. From a human health perspective, these two carotenoids are also specifically accumulated in the human macula, and are thought to protect the photoreceptor cells of the eye from blue light oxidative damage and to improve visual acuity. As humans cannot synthesise these compounds, they must be accumulated from dietary components containing zeaxanthin and lutein. In comparison to most dietary sources, yellow sweet-corn (Zea mays var. rugosa) is a particularly good source of zeaxanthin, although the concentration of zeaxanthin is still fairly low in comparison to what is considered a supplementary dose to improve macular pigment concentration (2 mg/person/day). In our present project, we have increased zeaxanthin concentration in sweet-corn kernels from 0.2 to 0.3 mg/100 g FW to greater than 2.0 mg/100 g FW at sweet-corn eating-stage, substantially reducing the amount of corn required to provide the same dosage of zeaxanthin. This was achieved by altering the carotenoid synthesis pathway to more than double total carotenoid synthesis and to redirect carotenoid synthesis towards the beta-arm of the pathway where zeaxanthin is synthesised. This resulted in a proportional increase of zeaxanthin from 22% to 70% of the total carotenoid present. As kernels increase in physiological maturity, carotenoid concentration also significantly increases, mainly due to increased synthesis but also due to a decline in moisture content of the kernels. When fully mature, dried kernels can reach zeaxanthin and carotene concentrations of 8.7 mg/100 g and 2.6 mg/100 g, respectively. Although kernels continue to increase in zeaxanthin when harvested past their normal harvest maturity stage, the texture of these 'over-mature' kernels is tough, making them less appealing for fresh consumption. Increase in zeaxanthin concentration and other orange carotenoids such as p-carotene also results in a decline in kernel hue angle of fresh sweet-corn from approximately 90 (yellow) to as low as 75 (orange-yellow). This enables high-zeaxanthin sweet-corn to be visually-distinguishable from standard yellow sweet-corn, which is predominantly pigmented by lutein.