75 resultados para Sugarcane industry - Effluents


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The farming systems and agribusinesses of the inland Burnett and southern coastal cropping regions of Queensland are becoming increasingly interlinked as grain legume crops, a key component of dryland cropping systems, become more firmly entrenched in the coastal sugarcane cropping areas. Soybeans, peanuts and possibly winter cereals like barley have a real and demonstrated role in sugarcane rotations, and assistance with the integration of those crops into viable and sustainable cropping systems with sugarcane will be critical to the futuer development of these industries.


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The project will produce practical and relevant benchmarks, protocols and recommendations for the adoption of remote sensing technologies for improved in season management and therefore production within the Australian sugar cane industry.


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Monitoring aflatoxin and developing improved peanut drying practices, cadmium management and web based irrigation decision support systems.


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Establish an internet platform where spatially referenced data can be viewed, entered and stored.


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Development of an internet based spatial data delivery and reporting system for the Australian Cotton Industry.


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This project has shown the potential for cotton production in the region developed a range of tactics that can be deployed to minimise the impact of cloudy wet weather. These agronomic tactics have been published in a new book - NORpak - Cotton production and management guidelines for the Burdekin and NQ coastal dry tropics. This publication has been specifically targeted for local sugarcane producers who may stand to benefit by including cotton rotation crops into their current largely mono-culture production systems. This publication is available at http://www.cottoncrc.org.au/industry/Publications/Northern_Production.


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Commercialisation and adoption of remote sensing and GIS technologies for improved production forecasting, productivity, quality and paddock- to- plate tracking within the Australian Peanut Industry.


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The successful inclusion of break crops into the Burdekin sugar farming system will allow growers to diversify and capitalise on alternate crop income sources, particularly during cyclical downturns in sugar price. Secondly if cane productivity is improved through the inclusion of break crops, millers and growers stand to gain additional economic benefit compared to the current sugarcane monoculture.


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Producing barley varieties that have incrased grain yield and consistent or higher energy for pigs, as well as resistance to the major diseases of barley.


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Cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) is a major biosecurity threat to the Australian cotton industry. This proposal seeks cross-industry investment from the cotton (CRDC) and horticulture (HAL) industries to address the threat of exotic whitefly-transmitted viruses. Testing of silverleaf whitefly, the vector of CLCuD, could provide an alternative, cheaper strategy for early warning disease surveillance compared to surveys for disease symptoms. Control of whitefly-transmitted viruses in Australia and overseas will be reviewed to produce an integrated management package for their control in Australia. This will also involve a workshop with key stakeholders and selected overseas participants, to develop a working party to help formulate this package.


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Benchmarking irrigation performance has always been a challenge. As part of the Rural Water Use Efficiency (RWUE3) project the team in, collaboration with the Cotton Catchments Communities CRC, National Certificate of Educational Achievement and the Knowledge Management Phase 2 project, aimed to standardise the irrigation indices in use within the cotton industry. This was achieved through: - the delivery of training workshops - access to benchmarking tools - promotion of benchmarking as a best practice to be adopted on farm.


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Morinda citrifolia (noni) grows widely throughout the Pacific and is native to Australia. It is a source of traditional medicine amongst Coastal Aboriginal Communities in Cape York, the Pacific Islands and South East Asia, and in recent years has experienced significant economic growth worldwide through a variety of health and cosmetic claims. The largest markets for noni are North America, Europe, Japan, Mexico, Asia and Australia with the worldwide market for these products estimated at US$400 million.


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A case study was undertaken to determine the economic impact of a change in management class as detailed in the A, B, C and D management class framework. This document focuses on the implications of changing from D to C, C to B and B to A class management in the Burdekin River irrigation area (BRIA) and if the change is worthwhile from an economic perspective. This report provides a guide to the economic impact that may be expected when undertaking a particular change in farming practices and will ultimately lead to more informed decisions being made by key industry stakeholders. It is recognised that these management classes have certain limitations and in many cases the grouping of practices may not be reflective of the real situation. The economic case study is based on the A, B, C and D management class framework for water quality improvement developed in 2007/2008 for the Burdekin natural resource management region. The framework for the Burdekin is currently being updated to clarify some issues and incorporate new knowledge since the earlier version of the framework. However, this updated version is not yet complete and so the Paddock to Reef project has used the most current available version of the framework for the modelling and economics. As part of the project specification, sugarcane crop production data for the BRIA was provided by the APSIM model. The information obtained from the APSIM crop modelling programme included sugarcane yields and legume grain yield (legume grain yield only applies to A class management practice). Because of the complexity involved in the economic calculations, a combination of the FEAT, PiRisk and a custom made spreadsheet was used for the economic analysis. Figures calculated in the FEAT program were transferred to the custom made spreadsheet to develop a discounted cash flow analysis. The marginal cash flow differences for each farming system were simulated over a 5-year and 10-year planning horizon to determine the net present value of changing across different management practices. PiRisk was used to test uncertain parameters in the economic analysis and the potential risk associated with a change in value.


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A case study was undertaken to determine the economic impact of a change in management class as detailed in the A, B, C and D management class framework. This document focuses on the implications of changing from D to C, C to B and B to A class management in the Burdekin Delta region and if the change is worthwhile from an economic perspective. This report provides a guide to the economic impact that may be expected when undertaking a particular change in farming practices and will ultimately lead to more informed decisions being made by key industry stakeholders. It is recognised that these management classes have certain limitations and in many cases the grouping of practices may not be reflective of the real situation. The economic case study is based on the A, B, C and D management class framework for water quality improvement developed in 2007/2008 for the Burdekin natural resource management region. The framework for the Burdekin is currently being updated to clarify some issues and incorporate new knowledge since the earlier version of the framework. However, this updated version is not yet complete and so the Paddock to Reef project has used the most current available version of the framework for the modelling and economics. As part of the project specification, sugarcane crop production data for the Burdekin Delta region was provided by the APSIM model. The information obtained from the APSIM crop modelling programme included sugarcane yields and legume grain yield (legume grain yield only applies to A class management practice). Because of the complexity involved in the economic calculations, a combination of the FEAT, PiRisk and a custom made spreadsheet was used for the economic analysis. Figures calculated in the FEAT program were transferred to the custom made spreadsheet to develop a discounted cash flow analysis. The marginal cash flow differences for each farming system were simulated over a 5-year and 10-year planning horizon to determine the Net Present Value of changing across different management practices. PiRisk was used to test uncertain parameters in the economic analysis and the potential risk associated with a change in value.


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Growing legume fallow crops has proven to be an important factor in reducing the yield decline effect in sugarcane production. Legumes can also provide a direct economic benefit to sugarcane farmers by providing a source of nitrogen. Further, in some instances, income can flow from the sale, of grain or seed. The following case study provides an insight into the changes made by Russell Young, a sugarcane farmer situated in the Rita Island area of the Burdekin district. The case study focuses on the economics of the old farming system versus a new farming system. The old farming system is based on the conventional farming practices previously used by the Young family in 2002 compared to the 2006 farming system which involves a reduction in tillage practices and use of a Soybean rotational crop for seed production. A whole-of-farm was used to assess the impact of the new farming system on farm profitability. A whole-of-farm economic analysis looks at the impact of a change in farming practice across the whole business, rather than focusing on one single component. This case study is specific to an individual grower’s situation and is not representative of all situations. When evaluating a farming system change, it is important to have a detailed plan.