85 resultados para QUEENSLAND


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Data on catch sizes, catch rates, length-frequency and age composition from the Australian east coast tailor fishery are analysed by three different population dynamic models: a surplus production model, an age-structured model, and a model in which the population is structured by both age and length. The population is found to be very heavily exploited, with its ability to reproduce dependent on the fishery’s incomplete selectivity of one-year-old fish. Estimates of recent harvest rates (proportion of fish available to the fishery that are actually caught in a single year) are over 80%. It is estimated that only 30–50% of one-year-old fish are available to the fishery. Results from the age-length-structured model indicate that both exploitable biomass (total mass of fish selected by the fishery) and egg production have fallen to about half the levels that prevailed in the 1970s, and about 40% of virgin levels. Two-year-old fish appear to have become smaller over the history of the fishery. This is assumed to be due to increased fishing pressure combined with non-selectivity of small one-year-old fish, whereby the one-year-old fish that survive fishing are small and grow into small two-year-old fish the following year. An alternative hypothesis is that the stock has undergone a genetic change towards smaller fish; the true explanation is unknown. The instantaneous natural mortality rate of tailor is hypothesised to be higher than previously thought, with values between 0.8 and 1.3 yr–1 consistent with the models. These values apply only to tailor up to about three years of age, and it is possible that a lower value applies to fish older than three. The analysis finds no evidence that fishing pressure has yet affected recruitment. If a recruitment downturn were to occur, however, under current management and fishing pressure there is a strong chance that the fishery would need a complete closure for several years to recover, and even then recovery would be uncertain. Therefore it is highly desirable to better protect the spawning stock. The major recommendations are • An increase in the minimum size limit from 30cm to 40cm in order to allow most one-year-old fish to spawn, and • An experiment on discard mortality to gauge the proportion of fish between 30cm and 40cm that are likely to survive being caught and released by recreational line fishers (the dominant component of the fishery, currently harvesting roughly 1000t p.a. versus about 200t p.a. from the commercial fishery).


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The Queensland Shark Control Program (QSCP) aims to protect swimmers at ten beach areas on the east coast of Queensland between Cairns (17°S) and the Gold coast (28°S). Since its inception in 1962 it has deployed shark nets and baited drumlines in a `mixed gear strategy' that adapts the type of gear to the characteristics of a site (e .g . extreme tidal range, high energy wave action, or proximity of turtle breeding areas) . The policy has provided swimmer protection, and the incidental capture of non-target species has been lower than that resulting from deployment of nets alone (Dudley 1997; Gribble et al. 1998b). The QSCP is the only major public-safety shark-control program to routinely use mixed gear. Both the New South Wales (Holt 1998) and KwaZulu-Natal (Dudley 1998) programs use nets exclusively, although the KwaZulu-Natal program has recently tested drumlines on an experimental basis (Dudley 1998; Dudley, personal communication).


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The growth and performance of micropropagated ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) was compared with 'seed'-derived plants in field trials conducted in south-eastern Queensland. In the first generation ex vitro, micropropagated plants had significantly (P<0.01) reduced rhizome yield with smaller knobs and more roots. Micropropagated plants had a greater (P<0.01) shoot: root (rhizome) ratio compared with seed-derived plants. Shoots from micropropagated plants were also significantly (P<0.01) smaller with a greater number of shoots per plant. The unusual shoot morphology of the micropropagated plants did not appear to be related to the presence of benzylaminopurine, a plant growth hormone added to the multiplication medium, as plants subcultured for 3 cycles on a hormone-free medium also exhibited similar characteristics. Seed collected from the micropropagated plants and seed-derived plants was harvested and, despite the micropropagated seed being significantly (P<0.01) smaller, by the second generation ex vitro there were no significant differences between the treatments. Factors that can improve rhizome size, while reducing production costs, need to be identified before micropropagated plants can be recommended for routine use in the ginger industry as a source of disease and pest-free planting material.


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Two human deaths caused by Australian bat lyssavirus (ABL) infection have been reported since 1996. Information was obtained from 205 persons (mostly adults from south Brisbane and the South Coast of Queensland), who reported potential ABL exposure to the Brisbane Southside Public Health Unit from November 1,1996, to January 31, 1999. Volunteer animal handlers accounted for 39% of potential exposures, their family members for 12%, professional animal handlers for 14%, community members who intentionally handled bats for 31%, and community members with contacts initiated by bats for 4%. The prevalence of Lyssavirus detected by fluorescent antibody test in 366 sick, injured, or orphaned bats from the area was 6%. Sequelae of exposure, including the requirement for expensive postexposure prophylaxis, may be reduced by educating bat handlers and the public of the risks involved in handling Australian bats.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns of 125 Campylobacter jejuni and 27 Campylobacter coli isolates from 39 Queensland broiler farms. Methods: Two methods, a disc diffusion assay and an agar-based MIC assay, were used. The disc diffusion was performed and interpreted as previously described (Huysmans MB, Turnidge JD. Disc susceptibility testing for thermophilic campylobacters. Pathology 1997; 29: 209–16), whereas the MIC assay was performed according to CLSI (formerly NCCLS) methods and interpreted using DANMAP criteria. Results: In both assays, no C. jejuni or C. coli isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin or chloramphenicol, no C. coli were resistant to nalidixic acid, and no C. jejuni were resistant to erythromycin. In the MIC assay, no C. jejuni isolate was resistant to nalidixic acid, whereas three isolates (2.4%) were resistant in the disc assay. The highest levels of resistance of the C. jejuni isolates were recorded for tetracycline (19.2% by MIC and 18.4% by disc) and ampicillin (19.2% by MIC and 17.6% by disc). The C. coli isolates gave very similar results (tetracycline resistance 14.8% by both MIC and disc; ampicillin resistance 7.4% by MIC and 14.8% by disc). Conclusions: This work has shown that the majority of C. jejuni and C. coli isolates were susceptible to the six antibiotics tested by both disc diffusion and MIC methods. Disc diffusion represents a suitable alternative methodology to agar-based MIC methods for poultry Campylobacter isolates.


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This study presents results from an experimental 10-day research charter that was designed to quantify the effects of a) a turtle excluder device (TED) and b) a radial escape section bycatch reduction device (BRD) and c) both devices together, on prawn and bycatch catch rates in the Queensland shallow water eastern king prawn (Penaeus plebejus) trawl fishery. The bycatch was comprised of 250 taxa, mainly gurnards, whiting, lizard fish, flathead, dragonets, portunid crabs, turretfish and flounders. The observed mean catch rates of bycatch and marketable eastern king prawns from the standard trawl net (i.e., net with no TED or BRD) used during the charter were 11.06 (se 0.90) kg per hectare swept by the trawl gear (ha-1) and 0.94 kg ha-1, respectively. For the range of depths sampled (20.1-90.7 m), bycatch catch rates declined significantly at a rate of 0.14 kg ha-1 for every 1 m increase in depth, while prawn catch rates were unaffected. When both the TED and radial escape section BRD were used together they resulted in a 24% reduction in total bycatch catch rate compared to a standard net, but at a 20% reduction in marketable prawn catch rate. The largest reductions were achieved for stout whiting Sillago robusta (57% reduction) and yellowtail scad Trachurus novaezelandiae (32% reduction). Multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarities revealed that bycatch assemblages differed significantly between depths and latitude, but not between the different combinations of bycatch reduction devices. Despite the lowered prawn catch rates, the reduced bycatch catch rates are promising, particularly for S. robusta which is not permitted to be retained by the prawn trawl fleet and yet experiences considerable incidental fishing mortality, and because it is targeted in a separate licensed commercial fishery.


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The focus of this article is on the cost-effectiveness of mitigation strategies to reduce pollution loads and improve water quality in South-East Queensland. Scenarios were developed about the types of catchment interventions that could be considered, and the resulting changes in water quality indicators that may result. Once these catchment scenarios were modelled, the range of expected outcomes was assessed and the costs of mitigation interventions were estimated. Strategies considered include point and non-point source interventions. Predicted reductions in pollution levels were calculated for each action based on the expected population growth. The cost of the interventions included the full investment and annual running costs as well as planned public investment by the state agencies. Cost-effectiveness of strategies is likely to vary according to whether suspended sediments, nitrogen or phosphorus loads are being targeted.


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This study investigated whether mixed-species designs can increase the growth of a tropical eucalypt when compared to monocultures. Monocultures of Eucalyptus pellita (E) and Acacia peregrina (A) and mixtures in various proportions (75E:25A, 50E:50A, 25E:75A) were planted in a replacement series design on the Atherton Tablelands of north Queensland, Australia. High mortality in the establishment phase due to repeated damage by tropical cyclones altered the trial design. Effects of experimental designs on tree growth were estimated using a linear mixed-effects model with restricted maximum likelihood analysis (REML). Volume growth of individual eucalypt trees were positively affected by the presence of acacia trees at age 5 years and this effect generally increased with time up to age 10 years. However, the stand volume and basal area increased with increasing proportions of E. pellita, due to its larger individual tree size. Conventional analysis did not offer convincing support for mixed-species designs. Preliminary individual-based modelling using a modified Hegyi competition index offered a solution and an equation that indicates acacias have positive ecological interactions (facilitation or competitive reduction) and definitely do not cause competition like a eucalypt. These results suggest that significantly increased in growth rates could be achieved with mixed-species designs. This statistical methodology could enable a better understanding of species interactions in similarly altered experiments, or undesigned mixed-species plantations.


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A decision support system has been developed in Queensland to evaluate how changes in silvicultural regimes affect wood quality, and specifically the graded recovery of structural timber. Models of tree growth, branch architecture and wood properties were developed from data collected in routine Caribbean pine plantations and specific silvicultural experiments. These models were incorporated in software that simulates the conversion of standing trees into logs, and the logs into boards, and generates detailed data on knot location and basic density distribution. The structural grade of each board was determined by simulating the machine stress-grading process, and the predicted graded recovery provided an indicator of wood value. The decision support system improves the basis of decision-making by simulating the performance of elite genetic material under specified silvicultural regimes and by predicting links between wood quality and general stand attributes such as stocking and length of rotation.


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Runoff and sediment loss from forest roads were monitored for a two-year period in a Pinus plantation in southeast Queensland. Two classes of road were investigated: a gravelled road, which is used as a primary daily haulage route for the logging area, and an ungravelled road, which provides the main access route for individual logging compartments and is intensively used as a haulage route only during the harvest of these areas (approximately every 30 years). Both roads were subjected to routine traffic loads and maintenance during the study. Surface runoff in response to natural rainfall was measured and samples taken for the determination of sediment and nutrient (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon and total iron) loads from each road. Results revealed that the mean runoff coefficient (runoff depth/rainfall depth) was consistently higher from the gravelled road plot with 0.57, as compared to the ungravelled road with 0.38. Total sediment loss over the two-year period was greatest from the gravelled road plot at 5.7 t km−1 compared to the ungravelled road plot with 3.9 t km−1. Suspended solids contributed 86% of the total sediment loss from the gravelled road, and 72% from the ungravelled road over the two years. Nitrogen loads from the two roads were both relatively constant throughout the study, and averaged 5.2 and 2.9 kg km−1 from the gravelled and ungravelled road, respectively. Mean annual phosphorus loads were 0.6 kg km−1 from the gravelled road and 0.2 kg km−1 from the ungravelled road. Organic carbon and total iron loads increased in the second year of the study, which was a much wetter year, and are thought to reflect the breakdown of organic matter in roadside drains and increased sediment generation, respectively. When road and drain maintenance (grading) was performed runoff and sediment loss were increased from both road types. Additionally, the breakdown of the gravel road base due to high traffic intensity during wet conditions resulted in the formation of deep (10 cm) ruts which increased erosion. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP):Road model was used to compare predicted to observed runoff and sediment loss from the two road classes investigated. For individual rainfall events, WEPP:Road predicted output showed strong agreement with observed values of runoff and sediment loss. WEPP:Road predictions for annual sediment loss from the entire forestry road network in the study area also showed reasonable agreement with the extrapolated observed values.


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Distributions of lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), in litter of a compacted earth floor broiler house in southeastern Queensland, Australia, were studied over two flocks. Larvae were the predominant stage recorded. Significantly low densities occurred in open locations and under drinker cups where chickens had complete access, whereas high densities were found under feed pans and along house edges where chicken access was restricted. For each flock, lesser mealworm numbers increased at all locations over the first 14 d, especially under feed pans and along house edges, peaking at 26 d and then declining over the final 28 d. A life stage profile per flock was devised that consisted of the following: beetles emerge from the earth floor at the beginning of each flock, and females lay eggs, producing larvae that peak in numbers at 3 wk; after a further 3 to 4 wk, larvae leave litter to pupate in the earth floor, and beetles then emerge by the end of the flock time. Removing old litter from the brooder section at the end of a flock did not greatly reduce mealworm numbers over the subsequent flock, but it seemed to prevent numbers increasing, while an increase in numbers in the grow-out section was recorded after reusing litter. Areas under feed pans and along house edges accounted for 5% of the total house area, but approximately half the estimated total number of lesser mealworms in the broiler house occurred in these locations. The results of this study will be used to determine optimal deployment of site-specific treatments for lesser mealworm control.


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Aims: To investigate the occurrence and levels of Arcobacter spp. in pig effluent ponds and effluent-treated soil. Methods and Results: A Most Probable Number (MPN) method was developed to assess the levels of Arcobacter spp. in seven pig effluent ponds and six effluent-treated soils, immediately after effluent irrigation. Arcobacter spp. levels in the effluent ponds varied from 6.5 × 105 to 1.1 × 108 MPN 100 ml-1 and in freshly irrigated soils from 9.5 × 102 to 2.8 × 104 MPN g-1 in all piggery environments tested. Eighty-three Arcobacter isolates were subjected to an abbreviated phenotypic test scheme and examined using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR identified 35% of these isolates as Arcobacter butzleri, 49% as Arcobacter cryaerophilus while 16% gave no band. All 13 nonreactive isolates were subjected to partial 16S rDNA sequencing and showed a high similarity (>99%) to Arcobacter cibarius. Conclusions: A. butzleri, A. cryaerophilus and A. cibarius were isolated from both piggery effluent and effluent-irrigated soil, at levels suggestive of good survival in the effluent pond. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first study to provide quantitative information on Arcobacter spp. levels in piggery effluent and to associate A. cibarius with pigs and piggery effluent environments.


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Twelve nasal swabs were collected from yearling horses with respiratory distress and tested for equid herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and equid herpesvirus 4 (EHV-4) by real-time PCR targeting the glycoprotein B gene. All samples were negative for EHV-1; however, 3 were positive for EHV-4. When these samples were tested for EHV-2 and EHV-5 by PCR, all samples were negative for EHV-2 and 11 were positive for EHV-5. All three samples that were positive for EHV-4 were also positive for EHV-5. These three samples gave a limited CPE in ED cells reminiscent of EHV-4 CPE. EHV-4 CPE was obvious after 3 days and was characterised by syncytia. None of the samples produced cytopathic effect (CPE) on African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells or hamster kidney (BSR) cells. Four of the samples, which were positive in the EHV-5 PCR, produced CPE on rabbit kidney (RK13) cells and equine dermis (ED) cells. EHV-5 CPE on both cell lines was slow and was apparent after four 7-day passages. On RK13 cells, the CPE was characteristic of equid herpesvirus, with the formation of syncytia. However, in ED cells, the CPE was characterised by ring-shaped syncytia. For the first time, a case of equine respiratory disease involving dual infection with EHV-4 and EHV-5 has been reported in Queensland (Australia). This was shown by simultaneously isolating EHV-4 and EHV-5 from clinical samples. EHV5 was recovered from all samples except one, suggesting that EHV5 was more prevalent in young horses than EHV2.


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Araucaria cunninghamii (hoop pine) typically occurs as an emergent tree over subtropical and tropical rainforests, in a discontinuous distribution that extends from West Irian Jaya at about 0°30'S, through the highlands of Indonesian New Guinea and Papua New Guinea, along the east coast of Australia from 11°39'S in Queensland to 30°35'S in northern New South Wales. Plantations established in Queensland since the 1920s now total about 44000 ha, and constitute the primary source for the continuing supply of hoop pine quality timber and pulpwood, with a sustainable harvest exceeding 440 000 m3 y-1. Establishment of these managed plantations allowed logging of all native forests of Araucaria species (hoop pine and bunya pine, A. bidwillii) on state-owned lands to cease in the late 1980s, and the preservation of large areas of araucarian forest types within a system of state-owned and managed reserves. The successful plantation program with this species has been strongly supported by genetic improvement activities since the late 1940s - through knowledge of provenance variation and reproductive biology, the provision of reliable sources of improved seed, and the capture of substantial genetic gains in traits of economic importance (for example growth, stem straightness, internode length and spiral grain). As such, hoop pine is one of the few tropical tree species that, for more than half a century, has been the subject of continuous genetic improvement. The history of commercialisation and genetic improvement of hoop pine provides an excellent example of the dual economic and conservation benefits that may be obtained in tropical tree species through the integration of gene conservation and genetic improvement with commercial plantation development. This paper outlines the natural distribution and reproductive biology of hoop pine, describes the major achievements of the genetic improvement program in Queensland over the past 50+ y, summarises current understanding of the genetic variation and control of key selection traits, and outlines the means by which genetic diversity in the species is being conserved.


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Dugong habitats were considered in the design for the new zoning network for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park as part of the Representative Areas Program. One of the specific design guidelines developed as part of the biophysical operational principles recommended that 50% of all high priority dugong habitats should be incorporated in the network of no-take areas. The high priority dugong habitat incorporated in no-take protection increased from 1396 to 3476 km2 (or 16.9-42.0% of all identified sites). Although this increase in protection fell short of the recommended 50%, overall the level of protection afforded by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zoning Plan 2003 increased for all the locations identified.