157 resultados para pasture


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Beef cattle grazing is the dominant land use in the extensive tropical and sub-tropical rangelands of northern Australia. Despite the considerable knowledge on land and herd management gained from both research and practical experience, the adoption of improved management is limited by an inability to predict how changes in practices and combinations of practices will affect cattle production, economic returns and resource condition. To address these issues, past Australian and international research relating to four management factors that affect productivity and resource condition was reviewed in order to identify key management principles. The four management factors considered were stocking rates, pasture resting, prescribed fire, and fencing and water point development for managing grazing distribution. Four management principles for sound grazing management in northern Australia were formulated as follows: (1) manage stocking rates to meet goals for livestock production and land condition; (2) rest pastures to maintain them in good condition or to restore them from poor condition to increase pasture productivity; (3) devise and apply fire regimes that enhance the condition of grazing land and livestock productivity while minimising undesirable impacts; and (4) use fencing and water points to manipulate grazing distribution. Each principle is supported by several more specific guidelines. These principles and guidelines, and the supporting research on which they are based, are presented.


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The influence of grazing management on total soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen (TN) in tropical grasslands is an issue of considerable ecological and economic interest. Here we have used linear mixed models to investigate the effect of grazing management on stocks of SOC and TN in the top 0.5 m of the soil profile. The study site was a long-term pasture utilization experiment, 26 years after the experiment was established for sheep grazing on native Mitchell grass (Astrebla spp.) pasture in northern Australia. The pasture utilization rates were between 0% (exclosure) and 80%, assessed visually. We found that a significant amount of TN had been lost from the top 0.1 m of the soil profile as a result of grazing, with 80% pasture utilization resulting in a loss of 84 kg ha−1 over the 26-year period. There was no significant effect of pasture utilization rate on TN when greater soil depths were considered. There was no significant effect of pasture utilization rate on stocks of SOC and soil particulate organic carbon (POC), or the C:N ratio at any depth; however, visual trends in the data suggested some agreement with the literature, whereby increased grazing pressure appeared to: (i) decrease SOC and POC stocks; and, (ii) increase the C:N ratio. Overall, the statistical power of the study was limited, and future research would benefit from a more comprehensive sampling scheme. Previous studies at the site have found that a pasture utilization rate of 30% is sustainable for grazing production on Mitchell grass; however, given our results, we conclude that N inputs (possibly through management of native N2-fixing pasture legumes) should be made for long-term maintenance of soil health, and pasture productivity, within this ecosystem.


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Grasses, legumes, saltbushes and herbs were evaluated at 6 sites in southern inland Queensland to identify potential pasture and forage plants for use on marginal cropping soils. The region experiences summer heat waves and severe winter frosts. Emphasis was on perennial plants, and native species were included. Seedlings were transplanted into the unfertilized fields in either summer or autumn to suit the growing season of plants, and watered to ensure estab-lishment. Summer-growing grasses were the most successful group, while cool season-growing perennials mostly failed. Summer legumes were disappointing, with Stylosanthes scabra and Indigofera schimperi performing best. Some lines such as I. schimperi and the Eragrostis hybrid cv. Cochise were assessed as potential weeds owing to low animal acceptance. Native Rhynchosia minima grew well at some sites and deserves more study. Cenchrus ciliaris was always easy to establish and produced the highest yields. Persistence of some Digitaria and Bothriochloa species, Eragrostis curvula and Fingerhuthia africana at specific sites was encouraging, but potential weediness needs careful assessment. Standard species were identified to represent the main forage types, such as Austrostipa scabra for cool season-growing grasses, for incorporation into future trials with new genetic materials. The early field testing protocol used should be considered for use elsewhere, if unreliable rainfall poses a high risk of establishment failure from scarce seed.


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Sustainable management of native pastures requires an understanding of what the bounds of pasture composition, cover and soil surface condition are for healthy pastoral landscapes to persist. A survey of 107 Aristida/Bothriochloa pasture sites in inland central Queensland was conducted. The sites were chosen for their current diversity of tree cover, apparent pasture condition and soil type to assist in setting more objective bounds on condition ‘states’ in such pastures. Assessors’ estimates of pasture condition were strongly correlated with herbage mass (r = 0.57) and projected ground cover (r = 0. 58), and moderately correlated with pasture crown cover (r = 0.35) and tree basal area (r = 0.32). Pasture condition was not correlated with pasture plant density or the frequency of simple guilds of pasture species. The soil type of Aristida/Bothriochloa pasture communities was generally hard-setting, low in cryptogam cover but moderately covered with litter and projected ground cover (30–50%). There was no correlation between projected ground cover of pasture and estimated ground-level cover of plant crowns. Tree basal area was correlated with broad categories of soil type, probably because greater tree clearing has occurred on the more fertile, heavy-textured clay soils. Of the main perennial grasses, some showed strong soil preferences, for example Tripogon loliiformis for hard-setting soils and Dichanthium sericeum for clays. Common species, such as Chrysopogon fallax and Heteropogon contortus, had no strong soil preference. Wiregrasses (Aristida spp.) tended to be uncommon at both ends of the estimated pasture condition scale whereas H. contortus was far more common in pastures in good condition. Sedges (Cyperaceae) were common on all soil types and for all pasture condition ratings. Plants identified as increaser species were Tragus australianus, daisies (Asteraceae) and potentially toxic herbaceous legumes such as Indigofera spp. and Crotalaria spp. Pasture condition could not be reliably predicted based on the abundance of a single species or taxon but there may be scope for using integrated data for four to five ecologically contrasting plants such as Themeda triandra with daisies, T. loliiformis and flannel weeds (Malvaceae).


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A survey was conducted in central inland Queensland, Australia of 108 sites that were deemed to contain Aristida/Bothriochloa native pastures to quantitatively describe the pastures and attempt to delineate possible sub-types. The pastures were described in terms of their floristic composition, plant density and crown cover. There were generally ~20 (range 5–33) main pasture species at a site. A single dominant perennial grass was rare with three to six prominent species the norm. Chrysopogon fallax (golden-beard grass) was the perennial grass most consistently found in all pastures whereas Aristida calycina (dark wiregrass), Enneapogon spp. (bottlewasher grasses), Brunoniella australis (blue trumpet) and Panicum effusum (hairy panic) were all regularly present. The pastures did not readily separate into broad floristic sub-groups, but three groups that landholders could recognise from a combination of the dominant tree and soil type were identified. The three groups were Eucalyptus crebra (narrow-leaved ironbark), E. melanophloia (silver-leaved ironbark) and E. populnea (poplar box). The pastures of the three main sub-groups were then characterised by the prominent presence, singly or in combination, of Bothriochloa ewartiana (desert bluegrass), Eremochloa bimaculata (poverty grass), Bothriochloa decipiens (pitted bluegrass) or Heteropogon contortus (black speargrass). The poplar box group had the greatest diversity of prominent grasses whereas the narrow-leaved ironbark group had the least. Non-native Cenchrus ciliaris (buffel grass) and Melinis repens (red Natal grass) were generally present at low densities. Describing pastures in terms of frequency of a few species or species groups sometimes failed to capture the true nature of the pasture but plant abundance for most species, as density, herbage mass of dry matter or plant crown cover, was correlated with its recorded frequency. A quantitative description of an average pasture in fair condition is provided but it was not possible to explain why some species often occur together or fail to co-exist in Aristida/Bothriochloa pastures, for example C. ciliaris and E. bimaculata rarely co-exist whereas Tragus australianus (small burrgrass) and Enneapogon spp. are frequently recorded together. Most crown cover was provided by perennial grasses but many of these are Aristida spp. (wiregrasses) and not regarded as useful forage for livestock. No new or improved categorisation of the great variation evident in the Aristida/Bothriochloa native pasture type can be given despite the much improved detail provided of the floristic composition by this survey.


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Variety selection in perennial pasture crops involves identifying best varieties from data collected from multiple harvest times in field trials. For accurate selection, the statistical methods for analysing such data need to account for the spatial and temporal correlation typically present. This paper provides an approach for analysing multi-harvest data from variety selection trials in which there may be a large number of harvest times. Methods are presented for modelling the variety by harvest effects while accounting for the spatial and temporal correlation between observations. These methods provide an improvement in model fit compared to separate analyses for each harvest, and provide insight into variety by harvest interactions. The approach is illustrated using two traits from a lucerne variety selection trial. The proposed method provides variety predictions allowing for the natural sources of variation and correlation in multi-harvest data.


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Exposure to hot environments affects milk yield (MY) and milk composition of pasture and feed-pad fed dairy cows in subtropical regions. This study was undertaken during summer to compare MY and physiology of cows exposed to six heat-load management treatments. Seventy-eight Holstein-Friesian cows were blocked by season of calving, parity, milk yield, BW, and milk protein (%) and milk fat (%) measured in 2 weeks prior to the start of the study. Within blocks, cows were randomly allocated to one of the following treatments: open-sided iron roofed day pen adjacent to dairy (CID) + sprinklers (SP); CID only; non-shaded pen adjacent to dairy + SP (NSD + SP); open-sided shade cloth roofed day pen adjacent to dairy (SCD); NSD + sprinkler (sprinkler on for 45 min at 1100 h if mean respiration rate >80 breaths per minute (NSD + WSP)); open-sided shade cloth roofed structure over feed bunk in paddock + 1 km walk to and from the dairy (SCP + WLK). Sprinklers for CID + SP and NSD + SP cycled 2 min on, 12 min off when ambient temperature >26°C. The highest milk yields were in the CID + SP and CID treatments (23.9 L cow−1 day−1), intermediate for NSD + SP, SCD and SCP + WLK (22.4 L cow−1 day−1), and lowest for NSD + WSP (21.3 L cow−1 day−1) (P < 0.05). The highest (P < 0.05) feed intakes occurred in the CID + SP and CID treatments while intake was lowest (P < 0.05) for NSD + WSP and SCP + WLK. Weather data were collected on site at 10-min intervals, and from these, THI was calculated. Nonlinear regression modelling of MY × THI and heat-load management treatment demonstrated that cows in CID + SP showed no decline in MY out to a THI break point value of 83.2, whereas the pooled MY of the other treatments declined when THI >80.7. A combination of iron roof shade plus water sprinkling throughout the day provided the most effective control of heat load.


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Clearing woodlands is practised world-wide to increase crop and livestock production, but can result in unintended consequences including woody regrowth and land degradation. The pasture response of 2 eucalypt woodlands in the central Queensland rangelands to killing trees with herbicides, in the presence or absence of grazing and regular spring burning, was recorded over 7 or 8 years to determine the long-term sustainability of these common practices. Herbage mass and species composition plus tree dynamics were monitored in 2 replicated experiments at each site. For 8 years following herbicide application, killing Eucalyptus populnea F. Muell. (poplar box) trees resulted in a doubling of native pasture herbage mass from that of the pre-existing woodland, with a tree basal area of 8.7 m2 ha-1. Conversely, over 7 years with a similar range of seasons, killing E. melanophloia F. Muell. (silver-leaved ironbark) trees of a similar tree basal area had little impact on herbage mass grown or on pasture composition for the first 4 years before production then increased. Few consistent changes in pasture composition were recorded after killing the trees, although there was an increase in the desirable grasses Dichanthium sericeum (R. Br.) A. Camus (Queensland bluegrass) and Themeda triandra Forssk. (kangaroo grass) when grazed conservatively. Excluding grazing allowed more palatable species of the major grasses to enhance their prominence, but seasonal conditions still had a major influence on their production in particular years. Pasture crown basal area was significantly higher where trees had been killed, especially in the poplar box woodland. Removing tree competition did not have a major effect on pasture composition that was independent of other management impositions or seasons, and it did not result in a rapid increase in herbage mass in both eucalypt communities. The slow pasture response to tree removal at one site indicates that regional models and economic projections relating to tree clearing require community-specific inputs.


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Seed production and soil seed hanks of H. contortus were studied in a subset of treatments within an extensive grazing study conducted in H. contortus pasture in southern Queensland between 1990 and 1996. Seed production of H. contortus in autumn ranged from 260 to 1800 seeds/m2 with much of this variation due to differences in rainfall between years. Seed production was generally higher in the silver-leaved ironbark than in the narrow-leaved ironbark land class and was also influenced by a consistent stocking rate x pasture type interaction. Inflorescence density was the main factor contributing to the variable seed production and was related to the rainfall received during February. The number of seeds per inflorescence was unaffected by seasonal rainfall, landscape position, stocking rate or legume oversowing. Seed viability was related to the rainfall received during March. Soil seed banks in spring varied from 130 to 520 seeds/m2 between 1990 and 1995 with generally more seed present in the silver-leaved ironbark than in the narrow-leaved ironbark land class. There were poor relationships between viable seed production and the size of the soil seed bank, and between the size of the soil seed bank and seedling recruitment. This study indicates that H. contortus has the potential to produce relatively large amounts of seed and showed that the seasonal pattern of rainfall plays a major role in achieving this potential


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The dynamics of Heteropogon contortus (black speargrass) populations were measured in a subset of treatments contained within an extensive grazing study conducted between 1990 and 1996 in H. contortus pasture in southern Queensland. This subset included 2 landscape positions and 3 stocking rates in both native pasture and legume-oversown native pasture. Severe drought conditions throughout much of the study necessitated ongoing adjustments to the original stocking rates and, as a result, drought was the major influence on the dynamics of H. contortus populations. Plant density and basal area in the silver-leaved ironbark landscape were consistently higher than those in the narrow-leaved ironbark landscape. There was limited evidence of any impact by either light or moderate stocking rate but there was evidence of an impact at the heaviest stocking rate. There was minimal impact of legume oversowing. Relatively large fluctuations in plant density occurred during this study resulting from the death of existing plants, due mainly to drought, and seedling recruitment. Similarly, there were relatively large fluctuations in basal area caused mainly by changes in plant size. Rates for turnover of plant numbers were relatively high whereas plant turnover rates of basal areas were relatively low. Regular seedling recruitment appeared necessary to ensure the persistence of this species. Despite the high turnover, populations were maintained at reasonable levels indicating the overall resilience of H. contortus.


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The dynamics of the unpalatable Aristida spp. (wiregrasses) were measured in a subset of treatments contained within an extensive grazing study conducted between 1990 and 1996 in H. contortus pasture in southern Queensland. This paper reports the results from these treatments which included 2 land classes (silver-leaved and narrowleaved ironbark), 3 stocking rates (0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 beasts/ha) in both native pasture and legumeoversown native pasture, all in the absence of fire. Changes in plant density and basal area of Aristida spp. reflected differences in both the survival and size of existing plants together with a large seedling recruitment in 1991. Two different taxa of Aristida spp. were distinguished; however, there were no clear differences in the response of these 2 taxa to the treatments. Grazing had the greatest impact on population dynamics through reducing basal area as stocking rate increased. Neither landscape position nor legume oversowing had a major impact on Aristida spp. The results suggest that populations of Aristida spp. will be highest under light grazing and that seedling recruitment may be episodic


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This paper reports an experiment undertaken to examine the impact of burning in spring together with reduced grazing pressure on the dynamics of H. contortus and Aristida spp. In H. contortus pasture in south-eastern Queensland. The overall results indicate that spring burning in combination with reduced grazing pressure had no marked effect on the density of either grass species. This was attributed to 2 factors. Firstly, extreme drought conditions restricted any increase in H. contortus seedling establishment despite the presence of an adequate soil seed bank prior to summer; and secondly, some differences occurred in the response to fire of the diverse taxonomic groupings in the species of Aristida spp. present at the study site. This study concluded that it is necessary to identify appropriate taxonomic units within the Aristida genus and that, where appropriate, burning in spring to manage pasture composition should be conducted under favorable rainfall conditions using seasonal forecasting indicators such as the Southern Oscillation Index


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In the seasonally dry tropics of northern Australia, breeder cows may lose up to 30% liveweight during the dry season when pasture is of low nutritive value. This is a major cause of low reproductive rates and high mortality. Weaning early in the dry season is effective to reduce this liveweight loss of the breeder (Holroyd et al. 1988). An experiment examined the dry season liveweight loss of breeders for a range of weaning times and levels of nutrition. From April to October through the dry season, 209 Bos indicus x Shorthorn cross cows 4-6 years of age grazed speargrass pastures in north Queensland. The cows had been joined with bulls from late January until April. Twenty-nine breeders had not suckled a calf during the previous wet season (DRY cows). In addition 180 cows lactating in April were weaned in late April, mid July or early September. The cows were allocated by stratified randomisation based on lactational status, stage of pregnancy and body condition to 15 x 40 ha paddocks. Five paddocks with low fertility soils provided LOW nutrition, while 10 paddocks with medium fertility soils and no supplementation or with supplementation provided MEDIUM and HIGH nutrition, respectively. The supplement consisted of molasses containing 14% urea offered ad libitum. Liveweight was measured at intervals and conceptus-free liveweight (CF-LW) calculated. Data were analyses by AOV within groups of paddocks. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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Supplements are often fed to ruminants in extensive grazing situations to provide minerals and nitrogen likely to be deficient in pasture. However a large proportion of animals offered such supplements may not consume any supplement, while among consumer animals the variability in supplement intake may be high (Wheeler et al., 1980; Dixon et al., 1998). An experiment examined the distribution of intake of a molasses-based supplement containing phosphorus and urea in a breeder herd. A herd of mixed-age breeder cows, calves, heifers and bulls were offered ad libitum a molasses-based supplement containing 13% urea and 17% phosphoric acid. After 2 weeks lithium-labelled supplement (2 mg Li/kg LW) was offered on one day to measure individual intakes of supplement. The molasses was offered in three 560 mm diameter feeders placed together near the water point.