45 resultados para growth management


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Stock assessment of the eastern king prawn (EKP) fishery, and the subsequent advice to management and industry, could be improved by addressing a number of issues. The recruitment dynamics of EKP in the northern (i.e., North Reef to the Swain Reefs) parts of the fishery need to be clarified. Fishers report that the size of the prawns from these areas when they recruit to the fishing grounds is resulting in suboptimal sizes/ages at first capture, and therefore localised growth overfishing. There is a need to assess alternative harvest strategies of the EKP fishery, via computer simulations, particularly seasonal and monthly or lunar-based closures to identify scenarios that improve the value of the catch, decrease costs and reduce the risk of overfishing, prior to implementing new management measures.


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Take home messages: Plant only high quality seed that has been germ and vigour tested and treated with a registered seed dressing Avoid poorly drained paddocks and those with a history of lucerne, medics or chickpea Phytophthora root rot, PRR; do not grow Boundary if you even suspect a PRR risk Select best variety suited to soil type, farming system and disease risk Beware Ascochyta: follow recommendations for your variety and district Minimise risk of virus by retaining stubble, planting on time and at optimal rate, controlling weeds and ensuring adequate plant nutrition Test soil to determine risk of salinity and sodicity – do not plant chickpeas if ECe > 1.0-1.3 dS/m. Beware early desiccation of seed crops – know how to tell when 90-95% seeds are mature


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Many banana producing regions around the world experience climate variability as a result of seasonal rainfall and temperature conditions, which result in sub-optimal conditions for banana production. This can create periods of plant stress which impact on plant growth, development and yields. Furthermore, diseases such as Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, can become more predominant following periods of environmental stress, particularly for many culturally significant cultivars such as Ducasse (synonym Pisang Awak) (Musa ABB). The aim of this experiment was to determine if expression of symptoms of Fusarium wilt of bananas in a susceptible cultivar could be explained by environmental conditions, and if soil management could reduce the impact of the disease and increase production. An experiment was established in an abandoned commercial field of Ducasse bananas with a high incidence of Fusarium wilt. Vegetated ground cover was maintained around the base of banana plants and compared with plants grown in bare soil for changes in growth, production and disease symptoms. Expression of Fusarium wilt was found to be a function of water stress potential and the heat unit requirement for bananas. The inclusion of vegetative ground cover around the base of the banana plants significantly reduced the severity and incidence of Fusarium wilt by 20 % and altered the periods of symptom development. The growth of bananas and development of the bunch followed the accumulated heat units, with a greater number of bunched plants evident during warmer periods of the year. The weight of bunches harvested in a second crop cycle was increased when banana plants were grown in areas with vegetative ground cover, with fewer losses of plants due to Fusarium wilt.


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The shelf life of mangoes is limited by two main postharvest diseases when not consistently managed. These are anthracnose ( Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) and stem end rots (SER) ( Fusicoccum parvum). The management of these diseases has often relied mainly on the use of fungicides either as field spray treatments or as postharvest dips. These have done a fairly good job at serving the industry and allowing fruits to be transported, stored and sold at markets distant from the areas of production. There are however concerns on the continuous use of these fungicides as the main or only tool for the management of these diseases. This has necessitated a re-think of how these diseases could be sustainably managed into the future using a systems approach that focuses on integrated crop management. It is a holistic approach that considers all the crop protection management strategies including the genetics of the plant and its ability to naturally defend itself from infection with plant activators and growth regulators. It also considers other cultural or agronomic management tools such as the use of crop nutrition, timely application of irrigation water and the pruning of trees on a regular basis as a means of reducing inoculum levels in the orchards. The ultimate aim of this approach is to increase yields and obtain long term sustainable production. It is guided by the sustainable crop production principle which states that producers should apply as little inputs as possible but as much as needed.


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Dry seeding of aman rice can facilitate timely crop establishment and early harvest and thus help to alleviate the monga (hunger) period in the High Ganges Flood Plain of Bangladesh. Dry seeding also offers many other potential benefits, including reduced cost of crop establishment and improved soil structure for crops grown in rotation with rice. However, the optimum time for seeding in areas where farmers have access to water for supplementary irrigation has not been determined. We hypothesized that earlier sowing is safer, and that increasing seed rate mitigates the adverse effects of significant rain after sowing on establishment and crop performance. To test these hypotheses, we analyzed long term rainfall data, and conducted field experiments on the effects of sowing date (target dates of 25 May, 10 June, 25 June, and 10 July) and seed rate (20, 40, and 60 kg ha−1) on crop establishment, growth, and yield of dry seeded Binadhan-7 (short duration, 110–120 d) during the 2012 and 2013 rainy seasons. Wet soil as a result of untimely rainfall usually prevented sowing on the last two target dates in both years, but not on the first two dates. Rainfall analysis also suggested a high probability of being able to dry seed in late May/early June, and a low probability of being able to dry seed in late June/early July. Delaying sowing from 25 May/10 June to late June/early July usually resulted in 20–25% lower plant density and lower uniformity of the plant stand as a result of rain shortly after sowing. Delaying sowing also reduced crop duration, and tillering or biomass production when using a low seed rate. For the late June/early July sowings, there was a strong positive relationship between plant density and yield, but this was not the case for earlier sowings. Thus, increasing seed rate compensated for the adverse effect of untimely rains after sowing on plant density and the shorter growth duration of the late sown crops. The results indicate that in this region, the optimum date for sowing dry seeded rice is late May to early June with a seed rate of 40 kg ha−1. Planting can be delayed to late June/early July with no yield loss using a seed rate of 60 kg ha−1, but in many years, the soil is simply too wet to be able to dry seed at this time due to rainfall.


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Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold (Apocynaceae) is an invasive woody weed that has formed large infestations at several locations in northern Australia. Understanding the reproductive biology of C. thevetia is vital to its management. This paper reports results of a shade house experiment that determined the effects of light conditions (100% or 30% of natural light) and plant densities (one, two, four or eight plants per plot) on the growth, time to flowering and seed formation, and monthly pod production of two C. thevetia biotypes (peach and yellow). Shaded plants were significantly larger when they reached reproductive maturity than plants grown under natural light. However, plants grown under natural light flowered earlier (268 days compared with 369 days) and produced 488 more pods per pot (a 5-fold increase) over 3 years. The yellow biotype was slightly taller at reproductive maturity but significantly taller and with significantly greater aboveground biomass at the end of the study. Both biotypes flowered at a similar time under natural light and low plant densities but the yellow biotype was quicker to seed (478 versus 498 days), produced significantly more pods (364 versus 203 pods) and more shoot growth (577 g versus 550 g) than the peach biotype over 3 years. Higher densities of C. thevetia tended to significantly reduce the shoot and root growth by 981 g and 714 g per plant across all light conditions and biotypes over 3 years and increase the time taken to flower by 140 days and produce seeds by 184 days. For land managers trying to prevent establishment of C. thevetia or to control seedling regrowth once initial infestations have been treated, this study indicates that young plants have the potential to flower and produce seeds within 268 and 353 days, respectively. However, with plant growth and reproduction most likely to be slower under field conditions, annual surveillance and control activities should be sufficient to find and treat plants before they produce seeds and replenish soil seed banks. The most at-risk part of the landscape may be open areas that receive maximum sunlight, particularly within riparian habitats where plants would consistently have more favourable soil moisture conditions.


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Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) is one of the most aggressive herbaceous weeds of the Asteraceae family. It is widely distributed, almost across the world and has become the most important invasive weed. Comprehensive information on interference and control of this devastating species is required to facilitate better management decisions. A broad review on the interference and management of this weed is presented here. Inspite of its non-tropical origin, parthenium grows quite successfully under a wide range of environmental conditions. It is spreading rapidly in Australia, Western Africa, Asia, and Caribbean countries, and has become a serious weed of pastures, wastelands, roadsides, railwaysides, water courses, and agricultural crops. The infestations of parthenium have been reported to reduce grain and forage yields by 40–90%. The spread of parthenium has been attributed to its allelopathic activity, strong competitiveness for soil moisture and nutrients, and its capability to exploit natural biodiversity. Allelochemicals released from parthenium has been reported to decrease germination and growth of agronomic crops, vegetables, trees, and many other weed species. Growth promoting effects of parthenium extracts at low concentrations have also been reported in certain crops. Many pre- and post-emergence herbicides have been evaluated for the control of parthenium in cropped and non-cropped areas. The most effective herbicides are clomazone, metribuzin, atrazine, glyphosate, metsulfuron methyl, butachlor, bentazone, dicamba, and metsulfuron methyl. Extracts, residues, and essential oils of many allelopathic herbs (Cassia, Amaranthus, and Xanthium species), grasses (Imperata and Desmostachya species), and trees (Eucalyptus, Azadirachta, Mangifera species, etc.) have demonstrated inhibitory activities on seed germination and seedling growth of parthenium. Metabolites of several fungi, e.g., Fusarium oxysporun and Fusarium monilifonne, exhibit bioherbicidal activity against seeds and seedlings of this weed. Intercropping, displacement by competitive plant species like Cassia species, bisset bluegrass, florgen blugress, buffelgrass, along with the use of biological control agents like Mexican beetle, seed-feeding and stem-boring weevils, stem-galling and leaf-mining moth, and sap-feeding plant hopper, have been reported as possible strategies for the management of parthenium. An appropriate integration of these approaches could help minimize spread of parthenium and provide sustainable weed management with reduced environmental concerns.


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Weather is a general stochastic influence on the life history of weeds. In contrast, anthropogenic disturbance (e.g. land use) is an important deterministic influence on weed demography. Our aim with this study was to investigate the relative contributions of land use and weather on the demography of Lantana camara (lantana), a weed of agricultural and natural habitats, based on the intensive monitoring of lantana populations under three land uses (viz. farm[pasture], and burnt and grazed forests) in subtropical Australia. Lantana populations were growing vigorously across all land uses (asymptotic population growth rate, lambda > 3). Examination of historical demography using retrospective perturbation analyses showed that weather was a strong influence on lantana demography with the transition from an El Nino (2008-09) to a La Nina (2009-10) year having a strong positive effect on population growth rate. This effect was most marked at the grazed site, and to a lesser extent at the burnt site, with seedling-to-juvenile and juvenile-to-adult transitions contributing most to these effects. This is likely the result of burning and grazing having eliminated/reduced interspecific competition at these sites. Prospective perturbation analyses revealed that lambda was most sensitive to proportionate changes in growth transitions, followed by fecundity and survival transitions. Examination of context-specific patterns in elasticity revealed that growth and fecundity transitions are likely to be the more critical vital rates to reduce lambda in wet years at the burnt and grazed forest sites, compared to the farm/pasture site. Management of lantana may need to limit the transition of juveniles into the adult stages, especially in sites where lantana is free from competition (e.g. in the presence of fire or grazing), and this particularly needs to be achieved in wet years. Collectively, these results shed light on aspects of spatial and temporal variation in the demography of lantana, and offer insights on its context-specific management.


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Reducing crop row spacing and delaying time of weed emergence may provide crops a competitive edge over weeds. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of crop row spacing (11, 15, and 23-cm) and weed emergence time (0, 20, 35, 45, 55, and 60 days after wheat emergence; DAWE) on Galium aparine and Lepidium sativum growth and wheat yield losses. Season-long weed-free and crop-free treatments were also established to compare wheat yield and weed growth, respectively. Row spacing and weed emergence time significantly affected the growth of both weed species and wheat grain yields. For both weed species, the maximum plant height, shoot biomass, and seed production were observed in the crop-free plots, and delayed emergence decreased these variables. In weed-crop competition plots, maximum weed growth was observed when weeds emerged simultaneously with the crop in rows spaced 23-cm apart. Less growth of both weed species was observed in narrow row spacing (11-cm) of wheat as compared with wider rows (15 and 23-cm). These weed species produced less than 5 seeds plant-1 in 11-cm wheat rows when they emerged at 60 DAWE. Presence of weeds in the crop especially at early stages was devastating for wheat yields. Therefore, maximum grain yield (4.91tha-1) was recorded in the weed-free treatment at 11-cm row spacing. Delay in time of weed emergence and narrow row spacing reduced weed growth and seed production and enhanced wheat grain yield, suggesting that these strategies could contribute to weed management in wheat.


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Cyperus iria is a weed of rice with widespread occurrence throughout the world. Because of concerns about excessive and injudicious use of herbicides, cultural weed management approaches that are safe and economical are needed. Developing such approaches will require a better understanding of weed biology and ecology, as well as of weed response to increases in crop density and nutrition. Knowledge of the effects of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on crop-weed competitive interactions could also help in the development of integrated weed management strategies. The present study was conducted in a screenhouse to determine the effects of rice planting density (0, 5, 10, and 20 plants pot−1) and N rate (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha−1) on the growth of C. iria. Tiller number per plant decreased by 73–88%, leaf number by 85–94%, leaf area by 85–98%, leaf biomass by 92–99%, and inflorescence biomass by 96–99% when weed plants were grown at 20 rice plants pot−1 (i.e., 400 plants m−2) compared with weed plants grown alone. All of these parameters increased when N rates were increased. On average, weed biomass increased by 118–389% and rice biomass by 121–275% with application of 50–150 kg N ha−1, compared to control. Addition of N favored weed biomass production relative to rice biomass. Increased N rates reduced the root-to-shoot weight ratio of C. iria. Rice interference reduced weed growth and biomass and completely suppressed C. iria when no N was applied at high planting densities (i.e., 20 plants pot−1). The weed showed phenotypic plasticity in response to N application, and the addition of N increased the competitive ability of the weed over rice at densities of 5 and 10 rice plants pot−1 compared with 20 plants pot−1. The results of the present study suggest that high rice density (i.e., 400 plants m−2) can help suppress C. iria growth even at high N rates (150 kg ha−1).


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Weather is a general stochastic influence on the life history of weeds. In contrast, anthropogenic disturbance (e.g. land use) is an important deterministic influence on weed demography. Our aim with this study was to investigate the relative contributions of land use and weather on the demography of Lantana camara (lantana), a weed of agricultural and natural habitats, based on the intensive monitoring of lantana populations under three land uses (viz. farm[pasture], and burnt and grazed forests) in subtropical Australia. Lantana populations were growing vigorously across all land uses (asymptotic population growth rate, λ > 3). Examination of historical demography using retrospective perturbation analyses showed that weather was a strong influence on lantana demography with the transition from an El Niño (2008–09) to a La Niña (2009–10) year having a strong positive effect on population growth rate. This effect was most marked at the grazed site, and to a lesser extent at the burnt site, with seedling-to-juvenile and juvenile-to-adult transitions contributing most to these effects. This is likely the result of burning and grazing having eliminated/reduced interspecific competition at these sites. Prospective perturbation analyses revealed that λ was most sensitive to proportionate changes in growth transitions, followed by fecundity and survival transitions. Examination of context-specific patterns in elasticity revealed that growth and fecundity transitions are likely to be the more critical vital rates to reduce λ in wet years at the burnt and grazed forest sites, compared to the farm/pasture site. Management of lantana may need to limit the transition of juveniles into the adult stages, especially in sites where lantana is free from competition (e.g. in the presence of fire or grazing), and this particularly needs to be achieved in wet years. Collectively, these results shed light on aspects of spatial and temporal variation in the demography of lantana, and offer insights on its context-specific management.


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In Maize, as with most cereals, grain yield is mostly determined by the total grain number per unit area, which is highly related to the rate of crop growth during the critical period around silking. Management practices such as plant density or nitrogen fertilization can affect the growth of the crop during this period, and consequently the final grain yield. Across the Northern Region maize is grown under a large range of plant populations under high year-to-year rainfall variability. Clear guidelines on how to match hybrids and management across environments and expected seasonal condition, would allow growers to increase yields and profits while managing risks. The objective of this research was to screen the response of commercial maize hybrids differing in maturity and prolificity (i.e. multi or single cobbing) types for their efficiency in the allocation of biomass into grain.


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Objectives: 1. Estimate population parameters required for a management model. These include survival, density, age structure, growth, age and size at maturity and at recruitment to the adult eel fishery. Estimate their variability among individuals in a range of habitats. 2. Develop a management population dynamics model and use it to investigate management options. 3. Establish baseline data and sustainability indicators for long-term monitoring. 4. Assess the applicability of the above techniques to other eel fisheries in Australia, in collaboration with NSW. Distribute developed tools via the Australia and New Zealand Eel Reference Group.


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Cat’s claw creeper vine, Dolichandra unguis-cati (L.) Lohmann (syn. Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry), is a major environmental weed in Australia. Two forms of the weed with distinctive leaf morphology and reproductive traits, including varying fruit size, occur in Queensland, Australia. The long pod form occurs in a few localities in Queensland, while the short pod form is widely distributed in Queensland and northern part of New South Wales. This investigation aimed to evaluate germination behavior and occurrence of polyembryony (production of multiple seedlings from a single seed) in the two forms of the weed. Seeds were germinated in growth chambers set to 10/20°C, 15/25°C, 20/30°C, 30/45°C and 25°C, representing ambient temperature conditions of the region. Germination and polyembryony were monitored over a period of 12 weeks. For all the treatments in this study, seeds from short pod plants exhibited significantly higher germination rates and higher occurrence of polyembryony than those from long pod plants. Seeds from long pod plants did not germinate at the lowest temperature of 10/20°C; in contrast, those of the short pod form germinated under this condition, albeit at a lower rate (reaching a maximum 45% germination at week 12). Results from this study could explain why the short pod form of D. unguis-cati is the more widely distributed plants in Australia, while the long pod is confined to a few localities. The results have implication in predicting future range of both forms of the invasive D. unguis-cati, as well as inform management decisions for control of the weed.


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Awnless barnyard grass, feathertop Rhodes grass, and windmill grass are important weeds in Australian cotton systems. In October 2014, an experiment was established to investigate the phenological plasticity of these species. Seed of these species were planted in a glasshouse every four weeks and each cohort grown for 6 months. A developmental response to day length was observed in barnyard grass but not in the other species. Days to maturity increased with each planting for feathertop Rhodes and windmill grass for the first six cohorts. Barnyard grass showed a similar pattern in growth for seeds planted from October to December with an increase in the onset of maturity from 51 to 58 days. However, the onset of maturity for cohorts planted between January and March decreased to between 50 and 52 days. All species had a decrease in the total number of panicles produced from the first four plantings. Feathertop Rhodes grass planted in October produced 41 panicles compared to those planted at the end of December producing 30 panicles, barnyard grass had a decrease from 99 to 47 panicles and windmill grass 37 to 15 panicles on average. By comparing the development of these key weed species over 12 months, detailed information on the phenological plasticity of these species will be obtained. This information will contribute to more informed management decisions by improving our understanding of appropriate weed control timings or herbicide rates depending on weed emergence and development.