64 resultados para food composition


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A short project to provide input to planning a project aimed at improving food security and rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe.


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The main grade of wheat targeted for the export sponge and dough (S&D) market is Australian prime hard (APH). By association, protein should be a key parameter relating to S&D quality, specifically loaf volume (LV). Surprisingly, the project revealed a low level of correlation between total protein content and LV. It appears that protein composition may be the key to understanding S&D quality, as the glutenin Glu D1 5+10 subunit contributed to the highest LVs. The current varieties KennedyA and SunzellA, together with several breeding lines, provided a consistently high quality over a number of seasons. These varieties performed as well as, if not better than, North American S&D varieties.


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Using caged guava trees in Queensland, Australia, provided with food and oviposition sites, the foraging behaviour of females of the tephritid Bactrocera tryoni was investigated in relation to hunger for protein, the presence or absence of bacteria as a source of protein, the degree of prior experience with host fruit and quality of host fruit for oviposition. One aim was to evaluate whether it is immature or mature B. tryoni females that are responsible for initially inoculating host fruit surfaces with "fruit-fly-type" bacteria, the odour of which is known to attract B. tryoni females. Three-week-old immature females provided with sucrose but deprived of protein from eclosion had a much greater propensity than 3-week-old protein-fed mature females to visit vials containing fruit-fly-type bacteria, irrespective of whether vials were associated with adjacent host fruit or not. In the absence of associated bacteria in vials, immature females had a much lower propensity than mature females to visit host fruit. In the presence of bacteria in vials, however, propensity of immature and mature females to visit fruit was about equal. Mature (but not immature) females were more inclined to visit fruit that ranked higher for oviposition (nectarines) than fruit that ranked lower (sweet oranges). Mature females that attempted oviposition during a single 3-min exposure period to a nectarine prior to release were much more likely to find a nectarine than were mature females naive to fruit or immature females with or without prior contact with fruit. Exposure to a nectarine before release did not affect the propensity of either mature or immature females to alight on an odourless visual model of a nectarine, however. As judged by numbers of leaves visited, protein-deprived immature females were more active than protein-fed mature females, irrespective of the sorts of resources on a tree. It was concluded that: the 1st B. tryoni females to arrive on the fruit of a host tree and therefore inoculate the fruit with fruit-fly-type bacteria were unlikely to be sexually immature, but to be mature as a result of having earlier acquired protein elsewhere; the odour of colonies of fruit-fly-type bacteria when associated with host fruit attracted protein-hungry but not protein-fed females; and the odour of the fruit itself attracted mature females (especially experienced ones) but not immature females.


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Abstract It is widely considered that high pressure processing (HPP) results in better retention of micronutrients and phytochemicals compared to thermal pasteurization (TP), although some studies indicate that this may not be true in all cases. The aims of this study were (1) to objectively compare the effects of HPP under commercial processing conditions with thermal pasteurization (TP) on the stability of phenolic antioxidants in strawberries following processing and during storage and (2) to evaluate the influence of varietal differences and hence differences in biochemical composition of strawberries on the stability of phenolic antioxidants. Strawberry puree samples from cultivars Camarosa, Rubygem, and Festival were subjected to HPP (600 MPa/20 °C/5 min) and TP (88 °C/2 min). The activities of oxidative enzymes were evaluated before and after processing. Furthermore, the antioxidant capacity (total phenolic content (TPC), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP)) and individual anthocyanins (by HPLC) were determined prior to and following processing and after three months of refrigerated storage (4 °C). Depending on the cultivar, HPP caused 15–38% and 20–33% inactivation of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase, respectively, compared to almost complete inactivation of these enzymes by TP. Significant decreases (p < 0.05) in ORAC, FRAP, TPC and anthocyanin contents were observed during processing and storage of both HPP and TP samples. Anthocyanins were the most affected with only 19–25% retention after three months of refrigerated storage (4 °C). Slightly higher (p < 0.05) loss of TPC and antioxidant capacity were observed during storage of HPP samples compared to TP. Industrial Relevance: The results of the study demonstrated that both high pressure processing and thermal pasteurization result in high retention of phenolic phytochemicals in strawberry products. Under the conditions investigated, high pressure processing did not result in a better retention of phenolic phytochemicals compared to thermal pasteurization. In fact, a slightly higher loss of total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity were observed during refrigerated storage of HPP processed samples. Our results showed that, high pressure processing may not always be a better alternative to thermal processing for strawberry puree processing if the main objective is better retention of phenolic antioxidants. However, it should be noted that other quality attributes such as sensory properties, where distinct advantages of HPP are expected, were outside the scope of this study.


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This report provides quantitative information on the effects of turtle excluder devices (TEDs) and bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) on the catch rates of bycatch, prawns, scallops and byproduct species, such as Moreton Bay bugs and Balmain bugs, in Queensland’s major trawl fishing sectors. It also provides biological information on, and management advice for several species referred to in the Fishery Management Plan as the permitted species. Several recommendations are included for reducing bycatch in the trawl fishery and for sustaining stocks of the permitted species.


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1. Changes in bacterial and fungal communities in chicken litter with high and low moisture content over a five week period during a single chicken grow out cycle in a poultry shed in subtropical Australia were investigated to study the association between specific microbes and odour production. 2. Microbial biomass, as indicated by DNA yields, was higher and community composition was more dynamic over time in moist compared with dry chicken litter. 3. Bacillus, Atopostipes and Aspergillus species increased in relative abundance in moist chicken litter samples over time reflecting the relatively high fitness and hence activity of these specific bacteria and this specific fungus in this environment.


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The production of adequate agricultural outputs to support the growing human population places great demands on agriculture, especially in light of ever-greater restrictions on input resources. Sorghum is a drought-adapted cereal capable of reliable production where other cereals fail, and thus represents a good candidate to address food security as agricultural inputs of water and arable land grow scarce. A long-standing issue with sorghum grain is that it has an inherently lower digestibility. Here we show that a low-frequency allele type in the starch metabolic gene, pullulanase, is associated with increased digestibility, regardless of genotypic background. We also provide evidence that the beneficial allele type is not associated with deleterious pleiotropic effects in the modern field environment. We argue that increasing the digestibility of an adapted crop is a viable way forward towards addressing food security while maximizing water and land-use efficiency.


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Obesity is associated with many chronic disease states, such as diabetes mellitus, coronary disease and certain cancers, including those of the breast and colon. There is a growing body of evidence that links phytochemicals with the inhibition of adipogenesis and protection against obesity. Mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) are tropical fruits that are rich in a diverse array of bioactive phytochemicals. In this study, methanol extracts of peel and flesh from three archetypal mango cultivars; Irwin, Nam Doc Mai and Kensington Pride, were assessed for their effects on a 3T3-L1 pre-adipocyte cell line model of adipogenesis. High content imaging was used to assess: lipid droplets per cell, lipid droplet area per cell, lipid droplet integrated intensity, nuclei count and nuclear area per cell. Mango flesh extracts from the three cultivars did not inhibit adipogenesis; peel extracts from both Irwin and Nam Doc Mai, however, did so with the Nam Doc Mai extract most potent at inhibiting adipogenesis. Peel extract from Kensington Pride promoted adipogenesis. The inhibition of adipogenesis by Irwin (100 mu g mL(-1)) and Nam Doc Mai peel extracts (50 and 100 mu g mL(-1)) was associated with an increase in the average nuclear area per cell; similar effects were seen with resveratrol, suggesting that these extracts may act through pathways similar to resveratrol. These results suggest that differences in the phytochemical composition between mango cultivars may influence their effectiveness in inhibiting adipogenesis, and points to mango fruit peel as a potential source of nutraceuticals.


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The modern consumer has an attitude that food safety is non-negotiable issue – the consumer simply demands food to be safe. Yet, at the same time, the modern consumer has an expectation that the food safety is the responsibility of others – the primary producer, the processing company, the supermarket, commercial food handlers and so on. Given this environment, all food animal industries have little choice but to regard food safety as a key issue. As an example, the chicken meat industry, via the two main industry funding bodies – the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (Chicken Meat) and the Poultry CRC – has a comprehensive research program that seeks to focus on reducing the risks of food-borne diseases at all points of the food processing chain – from the farm to the processing plant. The scale of the issue for all industries can be illustrated by an analysis of the problem of campylobacterosis – a major food-borne disease. It has been estimated that there are around 230,000 cases of campylobacterosis per year. In 1995, it was estimated that each case of food-borne campylobacterosis in the USA was costing between $(US) 350-580. Hence, a reasonable conservative estimate is that each Australian case in 2010 would result in a cost of around $500 (this includes hospital, medication and lost productivity costs). Hence, this single food-borne agent could be costing Australian society around $115 million annually. In the light of these types of estimated costs for just one food-borne pathogen, it is easy to understand the importance that all food animal industries place on food safety.


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High levels of hydrological connectivity during seasonal flooding provide significant opportunities for movements of fish between rivers and their floodplains, estuaries and the sea, possibly mediating food web subsidies among habitats. To determine the degree of utilisation of food sources from different habitats in a tropical river with a short floodplain inundation duration (similar to 2 months), stable isotope ratios in fishes and their available food were measured from three habitats (inundated floodplain, dry season freshwater, coastal marine) in the lower reaches of the Mitchell River, Queensland (Australia). Floodplain food sources constituted the majority of the diet of large-bodied fishes (barramundi Lates calcarifer, catfish Neoarius graeffei) captured on the floodplain in the wet season and for gonadal tissues of a common herbivorous fish (gizzard shad Nematalosa come), the latter suggesting that critical reproductive phases are fuelled by floodplain production. Floodplain food sources also subsidised barramundi from the recreational fishery in adjacent coastal and estuarine areas, and the broader fish community from a freshwater lagoon. These findings highlight the importance of the floodplain in supporting the production of large fishes in spite of the episodic nature and relatively short duration of inundation compared to large river floodplains of humid tropical regions. They also illustrate the high degree of food web connectivity mediated by mobile fish in this system in the absence of human modification, and point to the potential consequences of water resource development that may reduce or eliminate hydrological connectivity between the river and its floodplain.


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ICRISAT scientists, working with Indian programme counterparts, developed the world's first cytoplasmic-nuclear male sterility (CMS)-based commercial hybrid in a food legume, the pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. The CMS, in combination with natural outcrossing of the crop, was used to develop viable hybrid breeding technology. Hybrid ICPH 2671 recorded 47% superiority for grain yield over the control variety ‘Maruti’ in multilocation on-station testing for 4 years. In the on-farm trials conducted in five Indian states, mean yield of this hybrid (1396 kg/ha) was 46.5% greater than that of the popular cv. ‘Maruti’ (953 kg/ha). Hybrid ICPH 2671 also exhibited high levels of resistance to Fusarium wilt and sterility mosaic diseases. The outstanding performance of this hybrid has led to its release for cultivation in India by both a private seed company (as ‘Pushkal’) and a public sector university (as ‘RV ICPH 2671’). Recent developments in hybrid breeding technology and high yield advantages realized in farmers' fields have given hope for a breakthrough in pigeonpea productivity.


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Immediate and residual effects of two lengths of low plane of nutrition (PON) on the synthesis of milk protein and protein fractions were studied at the Mutdapilly Research Station, in south-east Queensland. Thirty-six multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows, between 46 and 102 days in milk (DIM) initially, were used in a completely randomised design experiment with three treatments. All cows were fed on a basal diet of ryegrass pasture (7.0 kg DM/cow.day), barley-sorghum concentrate mix (2.7 kg DM/cow.day) and a canola meal-mineral mix (1.3 kg DM/cow.day). To increase PON, 5.0 kg DM/cow.day supplemental maize and forage sorghum silage was added to the basal diet. The three treatments were (C) high PON (basal diet + supplemental silage); (L9) low PON (basal diet only) for a period of 9 weeks; and (L3) low PON (basal diet only) for a period of 3 weeks. The experiment comprised three periods (1) covariate – high PON, all groups (5 weeks), (2) period of low PON for either 3 weeks (L3) or 9 weeks (L9), and (3) period of high PON (all groups) to assess ability of cows to recover any production lost as a result of treatments (5 weeks). The low PON treatment periods for L3 and L9 were end-aligned so that all treatment groups began Period 3 together. Although there was a significant effect of L9 on yields of milk, protein, fat and lactose, and concentrations of true protein, whey protein and urea, these were not significantly different from L3. There were no residual effects of L3 or L9 on protein concentration or nitrogen distribution after 5 weeks of realimentation. There was no significant effect of low PON for 3 or 9 weeks on casein concentration or composition.


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Grain protein composition determines quality traits, such as value for food, feedstock, and biomaterials uses. The major storage proteins in sorghum are the prolamins, known as kafirins. Located primarily on the periphery of the protein bodies surrounding starch, cysteine-rich beta- and gamma-kafirins may limit enzymatic access to internally positioned alpha-kafirins and starch. An integrated approach was used to characterize sorghum with allelic variation at the kafirin loci to determine the effects of this genetic diversity on protein expression. Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and lab-on-a-chip analysis showed reductions in alcohol-soluble protein in beta-kafirin null lines. Gel-based separation and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry identified a range of redox active proteins affecting storage protein biochemistry. Thioredoxin, involved in the processing of proteins at germination, has reported impacts on grain digestibility and was differentially expressed across genotypes. Thus, redox states of endosperm proteins, of which kafirins are a subset, could affect quality traits in addition to the expression of proteins.


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Assessing storage impacts on manure properties is relevant to research associated with nutrient-use efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We examined the impact of cold storage on physicochemical properties, biochemical methane-emitting potential (BMP) and the composition of microbial communities of beef feedlot manure and poultry broiler litter. Manures were analysed within 2 days of collection and after 2 and 8 weeks in refrigerated (4 °C) or frozen (–20 °C) storage. Compared with fresh manure, stored manures had statistically significant (p < 0.05) but comparatively minor (<10%) changes in electrical conductivity, chloride and ammonium concentrations. Refrigeration and freezing did not significantly affect (p > 0.05) BMP in both manure types. We did not detect ammonium- or nitrite-oxidising bacterial taxa (AOB, NOB) using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Importantly, the viability of microbes was unchanged by storage. We conclude that storage at –20 °C or 4 °C adequately preserves the investigated traits of the studied manures for research aimed at improving nutrient cycling and reducing GHG emissions.


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To find out whether food-producing animals (FPAs) are a source of extraintestinal expanded-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli (ESCR-EC) infections in humans, Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were systematically reviewed. Thirty-four original, peer-reviewed publications were identified for inclusion. Six molecular epidemiology studies supported the transfer of resistance via whole bacterium transmission (WBT), which was best characterized among poultry in the Netherlands. Thirteen molecular epidemiology studies supported transmission of resistance via mobile genetic elements, which demonstrated greater diversity of geography and host FPA. Seventeen molecular epidemiology studies did not support WBT and two did not support mobile genetic element-mediated transmission. Four observational epidemiology studies were consistent with zoonotic transmission. Overall, there is evidence that a proportion of human extraintestinal ESCR-EC infections originate from FPAs. Poultry, in particular, is probably a source, but the quantitative and geographical extent of the problem is unclear and requires further investigation.