90 resultados para Tropical plant species


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Parthenium hysterophorus L., (Asteraceae) commonly known as parthenium weed, is a highly invasive plant that has become a problematic weed of pasture lands in Australia and many other countries around the world. For the management of this weed, an integrated approach comprising biological control and plant competition strategies was tested in southern central Queensland. Two competitive pasture plant species (butterfly pea and buffel grass), selected for their high competitive ability, worked successfully with the biological control agent (Epiblema strenuana Walker) to synergistically reduce the biomass of parthenium weed, by between 62 and 69%. In the presence of biological control agent, the corresponding biomass of competitive plants, butterfly pea and buffel grass increased in comparison to when the biological control agent had been excluded, by 15 and 35%, respectively. This suggests that biological control and competitive plants can complement one another to bring about improved management of parthenium weed in Australia. Further, this approach may be adopted in countries where some of the biological control agents are already present including South Africa, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan and Nepal.


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Increasing organic carbon inputs to agricultural soils through the use of pastures or crop residues has been suggested as a means of restoring soil organic carbon lost via anthropogenic activities, such as land use change. However, the decomposition and retention of different plant residues in soil, and how these processes are affected by soil properties and nitrogen fertiliser application, is not fully understood. We evaluated the rate and extent of decomposition of 13C-pulse labelled plant material in response to nitrogen addition in four pasture soils of varying physico-chemical characteristics. Microbial respiration of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) residues was monitored over 365-days. A double exponential model fitted to the data suggested that microbial respiration occurred as an early rapid and a late slow stage. A weighted three-compartment mixing model estimated the decomposition of both soluble and insoluble plant 13C (mg C kg−1 soil). Total plant material decomposition followed the alkyl C: O-alkyl C ratio of plant material, as determined by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Urea-N addition increased the decomposition of insoluble plant 13C in some soils (≤0.1% total nitrogen) but not others (0.3% total nitrogen). Principal components regression analysis indicated that 26% of the variability of plant material decomposition was explained by soil physico-chemical characteristics (P = 0.001), which was primarily described by the C:N ratio. We conclude that plant species with increasing alkyl C: O-alkyl C ratio are better retained as soil organic matter, and that the C:N stoichiometry of soils determines whether N addition leads to increases in soil organic carbon stocks.


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The gall fly Cecidochares connexa (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a potential biological control agent for Chromolaena odorata in Australia. Its host specificity was determined against 18 species in the tribe Eupatorieae (Family Asteraceae) in which C. odorata belongs, in quarantine in Brisbane, Australia. Oviposition occurred and flies developed on only C. odorata and Praxelis clematidea, both of which are in the subtribe Praxelinae. P. clematidea is considered a weed outside tropical America. In both multiple-species-minus-C. odorata choice tests and single-species no-choice tests, the mean number of galls/plant was significantly greater on C. odorata (48 and 41, respectively) than on P. clematidea (2 and 9, respectively). There were also significantly more adults emerging from C. odorata (mean 129 and 169, respectively) in the two types of tests than from P. clematidea (1 and 8, respectively). Paired choice, multiple generation (continuation) and time dependent tests further clarified the extent that C. connexa could develop on P. clematidea. In these tests, the mean number of galls formed and the mean number of emerging adults were consistently less for P. clematidea than C. odorata and populations of C. connexa could not be maintained on P. clematidea. Galls were not seen on any other plant species tested. This study supports the results of host specificity testing conducted in seven other countries and confirms that C. connexa poses little risk to other plant species in Australia. C. connexa has been released in 10 countries and an application seeking approval to release in Australia has been submitted to the Australian Government.


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Conservation and sustainable productivity are vital issues for Australia. In order to manage vegetation well from an agricultural, recreational or conservation point of view, an understanding of individual plant species is important. Plants of Central Queensland provides a guide for identifying and understanding the plants of the region so that pastoralists and others can be better equipped to manage the vegetation resource of our grazing lands. Central Queensland straddles the Tropic of Capricorn, although many of the plants in the book will also be found outside this area, as shown by their distribution maps. The book provides information on the habit, distribution, foliage and fruits of 525 plant species. Informative notes highlighting declared, poisonous, weed and medicinal plants are included, and plants useful for bees and bush tucker are also noted. These are the most important plants you might see if you live in or travel through central Queensland. This book has an easy-to-read, non-botanical format, with helpful photographs and distribution maps that greatly aid anyone interested in the vegetation of central Queensland. It is based on a previous work of the same title but is greatly expanded, incorporating information on an additional 285 plant species.


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Larvae of an undescribed gall midge were found feeding on leaves and stems within leaf sheaths and between leaf blades of potted plants of Cordyline fruticosa (Asparagaceae) in a production nursery in Queensland. The following varieties of the host plant were infested: Apple Blossom', Glauca', Kilauea', Negra', Pink Diamond, 'Purple Prince' and Willy's Gold'. The new species, Dasineura cordylineaeKolesik sp. nov., is described and its cytochrome oxidase unit I mitochondrial gene segment is sequenced. The new species is the first known gall midge feeding on a plant species of the genus Cordyline. Orange larvae induce oval shallow swellings on the leaf and stem tissue, which becomes necrotised during the later stage of larval feeding. Necrotic areas remain visible to the end of leaves' lives and decrease the market value of the plants. In the production nursery investigated, the lesions caused by the gall midge provided an entry for a fungal infection by Fusarium sp. inflicting further injury to plants. Larvae of the new species were preyed on by larvae of Gaurax sp. (Diptera: Chloropidae). This is the first worldwide record of Chloropidae preying on Cecidomyiidae.


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The efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (EMPS) in cattle grazing a range of tropical pasture types was examined using a new method of intra-jugular infusion of CrEDTA to estimate urinary excretion of purine derivatives (PD). Seven pasture types were studied in south-east Queensland, Australia, over a 13-month period. These included native tropical grass (C4) pasture (major species Heteropogon contortus and Bothriochloa bladhii) studied in the early wet, the wet/dry transition and the dry season; introduced tropical grass (C4) pasture (Bothriochloa insculpta) in the mid wet season; two introduced tropical legume species (C3), (Lablab purpureus and Clitoria ternatea); and the temperate grass (C3) pasture, ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). There was a large range in EMPS across pasture types: 26-209 g microbial crude protein (MCP)/kg digestible organic matter intake (DOMI). Estimated rumen degradable protein (RDP) supply (42-525 g/kg DOMI) was the major factor associated with EMPS across the range of pasture types studied. EMPS in steers grazing all tropical grass pastures was low (<130 g/kg DOMI) and limited by RDP supply. Negative linear relationships (P<0.05) between EMPS and both neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) concentrations in extrusa were evident. However, non-fibre carbohydrate in extrusa, total non-structural carbohydrate concentration in plucked pasture leaf, rumen fluid and particle dilution rate, protozoal concentration in rumen fluid and rumen fluid pH were not correlated with EMPS. It was concluded that EMPS was well below 130 g MCP/kg DOMI when cattle grazed unfertilised, tropical grass pastures in south-east Queensland and that RDP was the primary limiting nutrient. High EMPS was associated with very high RDP, vastly in excess of RDP requirements by microbes


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Livestock industries have maintained a keen interest in pasture legumes because of the high protein content and nutritive value. Leguminous Indigofera plant species have been considered as having high feeding values to be utilized as pasture, but the occurrence of the toxic constituent indospicine in some species has restricted this utility. Indospicine has caused both primary and secondary hepatotoxicosis and also reproductive losses, but has only previously been determined in a small number of Indigofera species. This paper validates a high throughput ultra-performance liquid chromatography−tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC−MS/MS) method to determine indospicine content of various Indigofera species found in Australian pasture. Twelve species of Indigofera together with Indigastrum parviflorum plants were collected and analysed. Out of the 84 samples analyzed, *I. spicata contained the highest indospicine level (1003 ± 328 mg/kg DM, n = 4) followed by I. linnaei (755 ± 490 mg/kg DM, n = 51). Indospicine was not detected in 9 of the remaining 11 species, and at only low levels (<10 mg/kg DM) in 2 out of 8 I. colutea specimens and in 1 out of 5 I. linifolia specimens. Indospicine concentrations were below quantitation levels for other Indigofera spp. (I. adesmiifolia, I. georgei, I. hirsuta, I. leucotricha,* I. oblongifolia, I. australis and I. trita) and Indigastrum parviflorum. One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that the indospicine content of I. linnaei is highly variable (159 to 2128 mg/kg DM, n = 51), and differs across both regions and seasons. Its first re-growth after spring rain has a higher (p < 0.01) indospicine content than growth following more substantial summer rain. The species collected include the predominant Indigofera in Australia pasture, and of these, only *I. spicata and I. linnaei contain high enough levels of indospicine to pose a potential toxic threat to grazing herbivores.


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The hypothesis that contaminant plants growing amongst chickpea serve as Helicoverpa sinks by diverting oviposition pressure away from the main crop was tested under field conditions. Gain (recruitment) and loss (presumed mortality) of juvenile stages of Helicoverpa spp. on contaminant faba bean and wheat plants growing in chickpea plots were quantified on a daily basis over a 12-d period. The possibility of posteclosion movement of larvae from the contaminants to the surrounding chickpea crop was examined. Estimated total loss of the census population varied from 80 to 84% across plots and rows. The loss of brown eggs (40–47%) contributed most to the overall loss estimate, followed by loss of white eggs (27–35%) and larvae (6–9%). The cumulative number of individuals entering the white and brown egg and larval stages over the census period ranged from 15 to 58, 10–48 and 1–6 per m row, respectively. The corresponding estimates of mean stage-specific loss, expressed as a percentage of individuals entering the stage, ranged from 52 to 57% for white eggs, 87–108% for brown eggs and 71–87% for first-instar larvae. Mean larval density on chickpea plants in close proximity to the contaminant plants did not exceed the baseline larval density on chickpea further away from the contaminants across rows and plots. The results support the hypothesis that contaminant plants in chickpea plots serve as Helicoverpa sinks by diverting egg pressure from the main crop and elevating mortality of juvenile stages. Deliberate contamination of chickpea crops with other plant species merits further investigation as a cultural pest management strategy for Helicoverpa spp.


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To identify genes involved in papaya fruit ripening, a total of 1171 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from randomly selected clones of two independent fruit cDNA libraries derived from yellow and red-fleshed fruit varieties. The most abundant sequences encoded: chitinase, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase, catalase and methionine synthase, respectively. DNA sequence comparisons identified ESTs with significant similarity to genes associated with fruit softening, aroma and colour biosynthesis. Putative cell wall hydrolases, cell membrane hydrolases, and ethylene synthesis and regulation sequences were identified with predicted roles in fruit softening. Expressed papaya genes associated with fruit aroma included isoprenoid biosynthesis and shikimic acid pathway genes and proteins associated with acyl lipid catabolism. Putative fruit colour genes were identified due to their similarity with carotenoid and chlorophyll biosynthesis genes from other plant species.


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The potential for large-scale use of a sensitive real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay was evaluated for the detection of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in single and bulked leaf samples by comparing its sensitivity with that of DAS-ELISA. Using total RNA extracted with RNeasy® or leaf soak methods, real time RT-PCR detected TSWV in all infected samples collected from 16 horticultural crop species (including flowers, herbs and vegetables), two arable crop species, and four weed species by both assays. In samples in which DAS-ELISA had previously detected TSWV, real time RT-PCR was effective at detecting it in leaf tissues of all 22 plant species tested at a wide range of concentrations. Bulk samples required more robust and extensive extraction methods with real time RT-PCR, but it generally detected one infected sample in 1000 uninfected ones. By contrast, ELISA was less sensitive when used to test bulked samples, once detecting up to 1 infected in 800 samples with pepper but never detecting more than 1 infected in 200 samples in tomato and lettuce. It was also less reliable than real time RT-PCR when used to test samples from parts of the leaf where the virus concentration was low. The genetic variability among Australian isolates of TSWV was small. Direct sequencing of a 587 bp region of the nucleoprotein gene (S RNA) of 29 isolates from diverse crops and geographical locations yielded a maximum of only 4.3% nucleotide sequence difference. Phylogenetic analysis revealed no obvious groupings of isolates according to geographic origin or host species. TSWV isolates, that break TSWV resistance genes in tomato or pepper did not differ significantly in the N gene region studied, indicating that a different region of the virus genome is responsible for this trait.


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We have characterised six Australian Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) strains belonging to different subgroups, determined by the sequence of their complete RNA 3 and by their host range and the symptoms they cause on species in the Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae and on sweet corn. These data allowed classification of strains into the known three CMV subgroups and identification of plant species able to differentiate the Australian strains by symptoms and host range. Western Australian strains 237 and Twa and Queensland strains 207 and 242 are closely related members of CMV subgroup IA, which cause similar severe symptoms on Nicotiana species. Strains 207 and 237 (subgroup IA) were the only strains tested which systemically infected sweet corn. Strain 243 caused the most severe symptoms of all strains on Nicotiana species, tomato and capsicum and appears to be the first confirmed subgroup IB strain reported in Australia. Based on pair-wise distance analysis and phylogeny of RNA 3, as well as mild disease symptoms on Nicotiana species, CMV 241 was assigned to subgroup II, as the previously described Q-CMV and LY-CMV.


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To identify genes involved in papaya fruit ripening, a total of 1171 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from randomly selected clones of two independent fruit cDNA libraries derived from yellow and red-fleshed fruit varieties. The most abundant sequences encoded:chitinase, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase, catalase and methionine synthase, respectively. DNA sequence comparisons identified ESTs with significant similarity to genes associated with fruit softening, aroma and colour biosynthesis. Putative cell wall hydrolases, cell membrane hydrolases, and ethylene synthesis and regulation sequences were identified with predicted roles in fruit softening. Expressed papaya genes associated with fruit aroma included isoprenoid biosynthesis and shikimic acid pathway genes and proteins associated with acyl lipid catabolism. Putative fruit colour genes were identified due to their similarity with carotenoid and chlorophyll biosynthesis genes from other plant species.


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Bitou bush and boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata (DC.) T.Norl. and C. monilifera subsp. monilifera (L.) T.Norl., respectively) are highly invasive environmental weeds that pose a serious threat to Australia’s natural ecosystems and biota. Bitou bush threatens coastal plant communities in New South Wales (NSW), eastern Victoria and southeast Queensland (Qld), while boneseed threatens inland and coastal native plant communities across NSW, South Australia (SA), Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia (WA). Over 200 plant species and ecological communities in Australia are negatively impacted by these weeds (ARMCANZ et al. 2000, DEC 2006) and over 15% (approx. 120 million ha) of Australia is susceptible to invasion (see maps in Weiss et al 2008). In 2000, the National Bitou Bush and Boneseed Strategic Plan (ARMCANZ et al. 2000) was approved as part of the Commonwealth’s Weeds of National Significance initiative. A key goal of this plan is to prevent the spread of bitou bush and boneseed in Australia. A national program sponsored by the Australian Government and the affected states has resulted in the development of national containment and eradication zones that prevent the spread of bitou bush and boneseed. This paper presents an overview of these bitou bush and boneseed containment and eradication programs.


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Araucaria cunninghamii (hoop pine) typically occurs as an emergent tree over subtropical and tropical rainforests, in a discontinuous distribution that extends from West Irian Jaya at about 0°30'S, through the highlands of Indonesian New Guinea and Papua New Guinea, along the east coast of Australia from 11°39'S in Queensland to 30°35'S in northern New South Wales. Plantations established in Queensland since the 1920s now total about 44000 ha, and constitute the primary source for the continuing supply of hoop pine quality timber and pulpwood, with a sustainable harvest exceeding 440 000 m3 y-1. Establishment of these managed plantations allowed logging of all native forests of Araucaria species (hoop pine and bunya pine, A. bidwillii) on state-owned lands to cease in the late 1980s, and the preservation of large areas of araucarian forest types within a system of state-owned and managed reserves. The successful plantation program with this species has been strongly supported by genetic improvement activities since the late 1940s - through knowledge of provenance variation and reproductive biology, the provision of reliable sources of improved seed, and the capture of substantial genetic gains in traits of economic importance (for example growth, stem straightness, internode length and spiral grain). As such, hoop pine is one of the few tropical tree species that, for more than half a century, has been the subject of continuous genetic improvement. The history of commercialisation and genetic improvement of hoop pine provides an excellent example of the dual economic and conservation benefits that may be obtained in tropical tree species through the integration of gene conservation and genetic improvement with commercial plantation development. This paper outlines the natural distribution and reproductive biology of hoop pine, describes the major achievements of the genetic improvement program in Queensland over the past 50+ y, summarises current understanding of the genetic variation and control of key selection traits, and outlines the means by which genetic diversity in the species is being conserved.


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Two geometrid moths Chiasmia inconspicua and Chiasmia assimilis, identified as potential biological control agents for prickly acacia Acacia nilotica subsp. indica, were collected in Kenya and imported into quarantine facilities in Australia where laboratory cultures were established. Aspects of the biologies of both insects were studied and CLIMEX® models indicating the climatically favourable areas of Australia were developed. Host range tests were conducted using an approved test list of 74 plant species and no-choice tests of neonate larvae placed on both cut foliage and potted plants. C. inconspicua developed through to adult on prickly acacia and, in small numbers, Acacia pulchella. C. assimilis developed through to adult on prickly acacia and also in very small numbers on A. pulchella, A. deanei, A. decurrens, and A. mearnsii. In all experiments, the response on prickly acacia could be clearly differentiated from the responses on the non-target species. Both insects were approved for release in Australia. Over a three-year period releases were made at multiple sites in north Queensland, almost all in inland areas. There was no evidence of either insect's establishment and both colonies were terminated. A new colony of C. assimilis was subsequently established from insects collected in South Africa and releases of C. assimilis from this new colony were made into coastal and inland infestations of prickly acacia. Establishment was rapid at one coastal site and the insect quickly spread to other infestations. Establishment at one inland area was also confirmed in early 2006. The establishment in coastal areas supported a CLIMEX model that indicated that the climate of coastal areas was more suitable than inland areas.