50 resultados para Taxonomic diversity


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Since the 1980s a new disease has been affecting Australian lychee. Pepper spot appears as small, black superficial lesions on fruit, leaves, petioles and pedicels and is caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the same fungus that causes postharvest anthracnose of lychee fruit. The aim of this study was to determine if a new genotype of C.gloeosporioides is responsible for the pepper spot symptom. Morphological assessments, arbitrarily-primed PCR (ap-PCR) and DNA sequencing studies did not differentiate isolates of C.gloeosporioides from anthracnose and pepper spot lesions. The ap-PCR identified 21 different genotypes of C.gloeosporioides, three of which were predominant. A specific genotype identified using ap-PCR was associated with the production of the teleomorph in culture. Analysis of sequence data of ITS and -tubulin regions of representative isolates did not group the lychee isolates into a monophyletic clade; however, given the majority of the isolates were from one of three genotypes found using ap-PCR, the possibility of a lychee specific group of C.gloeosporioides is discussed.


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Monocotyledonous plant infecting mastreviruses (family Geminiviridae) have been found in the Old World. The greatest diversity of these viruses has been found in Africa but this may simply reflect the more extensive sampling that has been done there. To provide a better understanding of mastrevirus diversity in Australia. we have sequenced the genomes of 41 virus isolates found in naturalised and native grasses and identified four new species in addition to the four previously characterised species. Two of these species, which were recovered from a single Sporobolus plant, are highly divergent and are most closely related to the African streak viruses. This, coupled with the discovery of divergent dicotyledonous plant infecting mastreviruses in Australia brings into question the hypothesis that mastreviruses may have originated in Africa. We found that the patterns of inter- and intra-species recombination and the recombination hotspots mirror those found in both their African monocot-infecting counterparts and dicot-infecting mastrevirus. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carpintero and Dellap, (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) is a native Australian sap-feeding insect that has become invasive and seriously damaging to commercially grown in the Southern Hemisphere. Lin and Huber (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) was recently discovered as an egg parasitoid of the Thaumastocoridae in Australia. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA; cytochrome oxidase subunit I, COI) sequence diversity amongst 104 individuals from these native populations revealed 24 sequence haplotypes. The COI haplotypes of individuals collected from the Sydney and Southeast Queensland clustered in distinct groups, indicating limited spread of the insect between the regions. Individuals collected from Perth in Western Australia were represented by four COI haplotypes. Although this population is geographically more isolated from other populations, two COI haplotypes were identical to haplotypes found in the Sydney region. The results suggest that has recently been introduced into Perth, possibly from the Sydney area. The high mtDNA diversity and limited spread that is suggested for is in contrast to the lack of geographic associated mtDNA diversity and extensive spread of . If implemented as a biological control agent, this factor will need to be considered in collecting and releasing .


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With 6 tables Abstract The objectives of this study were to evaluate the importance of heterosis for agronomic and quality traits in shrunken (sh2) sweet corn, assess the usefulness of combining ability to predict the value of parents and their crosses for further genetic improvement and examine whether genetic divergence can predict heterosis or F1 performance. Ten genetically diverse shrunken (sh2) sweet corn inbred lines were used to generate 45 F1s. F1s and parents were evaluated for agronomic and quality traits across environments. Heterosis was more important for yield-related traits than it was for ear aspects and eating quality. Heterosis for most traits was mostly dependent on dominance genetic effects of parental lines. Parents and F1per se performance were highly correlated with general combining ability effects and mid-parent values, respectively, for most traits. Hybrid performance for flavour and plant height was significantly but weakly related to simple sequence repeat (SSR)-based genetic distance (GD). Phenotypic distance (PD), estimated from phenotypic traits was correlated with heterosis for total soluble solids, ear length and flavour. © 2012 State of Queensland.


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Members of the family Circoviridae, specifically the genus Circovirus, were thought to infect only vertebrates; however, members of a sister group under the same family, the proposed genusCyclovirus, have been detected recently in insects. In an effort to explore the diversity of cycloviruses and better understand the evolution of these novel ssDNA viruses, here we present five cycloviruses isolated from three dragonfly species (Orthetrum sabina, Xanthocnemis zealandica and Rhionaeschna multicolor) collected in Australia, New Zealand and the USA, respectively. The genomes of these five viruses share similar genome structure to other cycloviruses, with a circular ~1.7 kb genome and two major bidirectionally transcribed ORFs. The genomic sequence data gathered during this study were combined with all cyclovirus genomes available in public databases to identify conserved motifs and regulatory elements in the intergenic regions, as well as determine diversity and recombinant regions within their genomes. The genomes reported here represent four different cyclovirus species, three of which are novel. Our results confirm that cycloviruses circulate widely in winged-insect populations; in eight different cyclovirus species identified in dragonflies to date, some of these exhibit a broad geographical distribution. Recombination analysis revealed both intra-and inter-species recombination events amongst cycloviruses, including genomes recovered from disparate sources (e.g. goat meat and human faeces). Similar to other well-characterized circular ssDNA viruses, recombination may play an important role in cyclovirus evolution. © 2013 SGM.


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Sorghum is a food and feed cereal crop adapted to heat and drought and a staple for 500 million of the world’s poorest people. Its small diploid genome and phenotypic diversity make it an ideal C4 grass model as a complement to C3 rice. Here we present high coverage (16-45 × ) resequenced genomes of 44 sorghum lines representing the primary gene pool and spanning dimensions of geographic origin, end-use and taxonomic group. We also report the first resequenced genome of S. propinquum, identifying 8 M high-quality SNPs, 1.9 M indels and specific gene loss and gain events in S. bicolor. We observe strong racial structure and a complex domestication history involving at least two distinct domestication events. These assembled genomes enable the leveraging of existing cereal functional genomics data against the novel diversity available in sorghum, providing an unmatched resource for the genetic improvement of sorghum and other grass species.


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The Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris, is a hindgut-fermenting herbivore. In winter, manatees migrate to warm water overwintering sites where they undergo dietary shifts and may suffer from cold-induced stress. Given these seasonally induced changes in diet, the present study aimed to examine variation in the hindgut bacterial communities of wild manatees overwintering at Crystal River, west Florida. Faeces were sampled from 36 manatees of known sex and body size in early winter when manatees were newly arrived and then in mid-winter and late winter when diet had probably changed and environmental stress may have increased. Concentrations of faecal cortisol metabolite, an indicator of a stress response, were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Using 454-pyrosequencing, 2027 bacterial operational taxonomic units were identified in manatee faeces following amplicon pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V3/V4 region. Classified sequences were assigned to eight previously described bacterial phyla; only 0.36% of sequences could not be classified to phylum level. Five core phyla were identified in all samples. The majority (96.8%) of sequences were classified as Firmicutes (77.3 ± 11.1% of total sequences) or Bacteroidetes (19.5 ± 10.6%). Alpha-diversity measures trended towards higher diversity of hindgut microbiota in manatees in mid-winter compared to early and late winter. Beta-diversity measures, analysed through permanova, also indicated significant differences in bacterial communities based on the season.


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Termites play a major role in foraging and degradation of plant biomass as well as cultivating bioactive microorganisms for their defense. Current advances in “omics” sciences are revealing insights into function-related presence of these symbionts, and their related biosynthetic activities and genes identified in gut symbiotic bacteria might offer a significant potential for biotechnology and biodiscovery. Actinomycetes have been the major producers of bioactive compounds with an extraordinary range of biological activities. These metabolites have been in use as anticancer agents, immune suppressants, and most notably, as antibiotics. Insect-associated actinomycetes have also been reported to produce a range of antibiotics such as dentigerumycin and mycangimycin. Advances in genomics targeting a single species of the unculturable microbial members are currently aiding an improved understanding of the symbiotic interrelationships among the gut microorganisms as well as revealing the taxonomical identity and functions of the complex multilayered symbiotic actinofloral layers. If combined with target-directed approaches, these molecular advances can provide guidance towards the design of highly selective culturing methods to generate further information related to the physiology and growth requirements of these bioactive actinomycetes associated with the termite guts. This chapter provides an overview on the termite gut symbiotic actinoflora in the light of current advances in the “omics” science, with examples of their detection and selective isolation from the guts of the Sunshine Coast regional termite Coptotermes lacteus in Queensland, Australia


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Assessment of genetic diversity is an essential component in germplasm characterisation and utilisation. In this study the genetic diversity of mango was determined among 254 Mangifera indica L. accessions and related Mangifera species originating from 12 diverse geographic areas using eleven known simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from mango. A total of 133 alleles were detected, ranging from eight (LMMA12) to 16 (MIAC-5) alleles per locus with a mean value of 12.36 and an average polymorphism information content (PLC) of 0.72. The mean number of alleles (8.45) was highest in the South East Asian accessions (Indonesia/Malesia) and lowest in the accessions from the Philippines (2.55). Diversity analysis divided the accessions into four major nodes broadly representing their geographical origins. The genetic diversity of 'Kensington Pride' was confirmed as being very low and no parents for this cultivar were identified. No association could be established between SSR markers analysed and embryony. Ten synonymous accessions were identified with matching genetic identity with at least one other accession at all SSR loci examined. Twenty-two unique genotypes were identified for 50 trees previously assigned different accession names. The remaining accessions were genetically distinct from each other. This increased understanding of genetic diversity in the Australian National Mango Genebank will assist breeders to better select parents with the potential to contribute desired genes to the progeny and thus more rapidly deliver improved cultivars to industry to meet consumer demand. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ambrosia beetle fungiculture represents one of the most ecologically and evolutionarily successful symbioses, as evidenced by the 11 independent origins and 3500 species of ambrosia beetles. Here we document the evolution of a clade within Fusarium associated with ambrosia beetles in the genus Euwallacea (Coleoptera: Scolytinae). Ambrosia Fusarium Clade (AFC) symbionts are unusual in that some are plant pathogens that cause significant damage in naive natural and cultivated ecosystems, and currently threaten avocado production in the United States, Israel and Australia. Most AFC fusaria produce unusual clavate macroconidia that serve as a putative food source for their insect mutualists. AFC symbionts were abundant in the heads of four Euwallacea spp., which suggests that they are transported within and from the natal gallery in mandibular mycangia. In a four-locus phylogenetic analysis, the AFC was resolved in a strongly supported monophyletic group within the previously described Cade 3 of the Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC). Divergence-time estimates place the origin of the AFC in the early Miocene similar to 21.2 Mya, which coincides with the hypothesized adaptive radiation of the Xyleborini. Two strongly supported clades within the AFC (Clades A and B) were identified that include nine species lineages associated with ambrosia beetles, eight with Euwallacea spp. and one reportedly with Xyleborus ferrugineus, and two lineages with no known beetle association. More derived lineages within the AFC showed fixation of the clavate (club-shaped) macroconidial trait, while basal lineages showed a mix of clavate and more typical fusiform macroconidia. AFC lineages consisted mostly of genetically identical individuals associated with specific insect hosts in defined geographic locations, with at least three interspecific hybridization events inferred based on discordant placement in individual gene genealogies and detection of recombinant loci. Overall, these data are consistent with a strong evolutionary trend toward obligate symbiosis coupled with secondary contact and interspecific hybridization. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In Sudan Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus (CpCDV, genus Mastrevirus, family Geminiviridae) is an important pathogen of pulses that are grown both for local consumption, and for export. Although a few studies have characterised CpCDV genomes from countries in the Middle East, Africa and the Indian subcontinent, little is known about CpCDV diversity in any of the major chickpea production areas in these regions. Here we analyse the diversity of 146 CpCDV isolates characterised from pulses collected across the chickpea growing regions of Sudan. Although we find that seven of the twelve known CpCDV strains are present within the country, strain CpCDV-H alone accounted for ∼73% of the infections analysed. Additionally we identified four new strains (CpCDV-M, -N, -O and -P) and show that recombination has played a significant role in the diversification of CpCDV, at least in this region. Accounting for observed recombination events, we use the large amounts of data generated here to compare patterns of natural selection within protein coding regions of CpCDV and other dicot-infecting mastrevirus species.


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The Australian lungfish is a unique living representative of an ancient dipnoan lineage, listed as ‘vulnerable’ to extinction under Australia’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Historical accounts indicate this species occurred naturally in two adjacent river systems in Australia, the Burnett and Mary. Current day populations in other rivers are thought to have arisen by translocation from these source populations. Early genetic work detected very little variation and so had limited power to answer questions relevant for management including how genetic variation is partitioned within and among sub-populations. In this study, we use newly developed microsatellite markers to examine samples from the Burnett and Mary Rivers, as well as from two populations thought to be of translocated origin, Brisbane and North Pine. We test whether there is significant genetic structure among and within river drainages; assign putatively translocated populations to potential source populations; and estimate effective population sizes. Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci genotyped in 218 individuals gave an average within-population heterozygosity of 0.39 which is low relative to other threatened taxa and for freshwater fishes in general. Based on FST values (average over loci = 0.11) and STRUCTURE analyses, we identify three distinct populations in the natural range, one in the Burnett and two distinct populations in the Mary. These analyses also support the hypothesis that the Mary River is the likely source of translocated populations in the Brisbane and North Pine rivers, which agrees with historical published records of a translocation event giving rise to these populations. We were unable to obtain bounded estimates of effective population size, as we have too few genotype combinations, although point estimates were low, ranging from 29 - 129. We recommend that, in order to preserve any local adaptation in the three distinct populations that they be managed separately.