51 resultados para East River


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The Red Throat Emperor fishery was assessed using an age-structured model that incorporated all available information on catch, catch per unit effort (CPUE) and age structure and a surplus production model fitted to the catch and CPUE data. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) was divided into five regions: Townsville, Mackay, Storm Cay, Swain reefs, and Capricorn Bunker. Age structure varied greatly between regions, with fish aged 5-8 years predominating in the Townsville region, 4-7 years in the Mackay, Storm Cay and Swains regions, and 2-3 years in the Capricorn-Bunker region. These differences were explained by different age-dependent vulnerabilities to fishing between the regions. The age-structured model estimated that exploitable biomass fell to about 60% of virgin biomass in the late 1990s, due mainly to years of poor recruitment, but recovered to around 70% by 2004. Further recovery can be expected due to the fishery not meeting its total allowable commercial catch (TACC) of 700 t in recent years. The current TACC of 700 t, combined with a recreational-charter catch of around 450 t, contains little margin for error, especially in view of high year-to-year variability of recruitment of red throat emperor and stresses on the GBR from land clearing, coastal development and climate change. The state of the population needs to be monitored closely. Further data on age structures after 2000 will provide more certainty to this assessment.


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The Queensland east coast trawl fishery is by far the largest prawn and scallop otter trawl fleet in Australia in terms of number of vessels, with 504 vessels licensed to fish for species including tiger prawns, endeavour prawns, red spot king prawns, eastern king prawns and saucer scallops by the end of 2004. The vessel fleet has gradually upgraded characteristics such as engine power and use of propeller nozzles, quad nets, global positioning systems (GPS) and computer mapping software. These changes, together with the ever-changing profile of the fleet, were analysed by linear mixed models to quantify annual efficiency increases of an average vessel at catching prawns or scallops. The analyses included vessel characteristics (treated as fixed effects) and vessel identifier codes (treated as random effects). For the period from 1989 to 2004 the models estimated overall fishing power increases of 6% in the northern tiger, 6% in the northern endeavour, 12% in the southern tiger, 18% in the red spot king, 46% in the eastern king prawn and 15% in the saucer scallop sector. The results illustrate the importance of ongoing monitoring of vessel and fleet characteristics and the need to use this information to standardise catch rate indices used in stock assessment and management.


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Because of epidemics of Fusarium head blight (FHB; caused by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe [teleomorph Gibberella zeae (Schwein.) Petch]) in the northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada in the past two decades, malting barley breeders have been forced to use nonadapted barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accessions as sources of FHB resistance. Many of the resistant accessions are from East Asia, and limited information is available on their genetic diversity and malt quality. The objectives of this study were to determine the genetic diversity among 30 East Asian accessions and two North American cultivars. Genetic diversity was based on 49 simple-sequence repeat markers. All accessions were tested for barley grain brightness; protein content; 1,000-kernel weight; malting loss; fine-grind malt extract; content of plump kernels, free amino nitrogen, soluble protein, and wort beta-glucan; the Kolbach index (i.e., the ratio of malt soluble protein to malt total protein); a-amylase activity; diastatic power; won color; and wort viscosity. A few accessions had equal quality compared with Harrington and Conlon barley for individual traits but not for all. Qing 2, Mokkei 93-78, and Nitakia 48 could be excellent sources for increased malt extract; Nitakia 48 is a possible source for low wort viscosity; and Mokkei 93-78 and Nitakia 48 are putative sources of low beta-glucan content. The cluster analyses also implied that the malt quality of an accession cannot be predicted based on the country where it was developed.


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Fruit size and quality are major problems in early-season stonefruit cultivars grown in Australia and South-East Asia. In Australia, Thailand and Vietnam, new training and trellising systems are being developed to improve yield and fruit quality. Australian trials found that new training systems, such as the Open Tatura system, are more productive compared with standard vase-trained trees. We established new crop-loading indices for low-chill stonefruit to provide a guide for optimum fruit thinning based on fruit number per canopy surface and butt cross sectional area. Best management practices were developed for low-chill stonefruit cultivation using growth retardants, optimizing leaf nitrogen concentrations and controlling rates and timing of irrigation. Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) improved fruit sugar concentrations by restricting water application during stage II of fruit growth. New pest and disease control measures are also being developed using a new generation of fruit fly baits. Soft insecticides such as (Spinosad) are used at significantly lower concentrations and have lower mammalian toxicity than the organophosphates currently registered in Australia. In addition, fruit fly exclusion netting effectively eliminated fruit fly and many other insect pests from the orchard with no increase in diseases. This netting system increased sugar concentrations of peach and nectarine by as much as 30%. Economic analyses showed that the break-even point can be reduced from 12 to 6 years Open Tatura trellising and exclusion netting.


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An ecological risk assessment of the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery in the Great Barrier Reef Region was undertaken in 2010 and 2011. It assessed the risks posed by this fishery to achieving fishery-related and broader ecological objectives of both the Queensland and Australian governments, including risks to the values and integrity of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The risks assessed included direct and indirect effects on the species caught in the fishery as well as on the structure and functioning of the ecosystem. This ecosystem-based approach included an assessment of the impacts on harvested species, by-catch, species of conservation concern, marine habitats, species assemblages and ecosystem processes. The assessment took into account current management arrangements and fishing practices at the time of the assessment. The main findings of the assessment were: Current risk levels from trawling activities are generally low. Some risks from trawling remain. Risks from trawling have reduced in the Great Barrier Reef Region. Trawl fishing effort is a key driver of ecological risk. Zoning has been important in reducing risks. Reducing identified unacceptable risks requires a range of management responses. The commercial fishing industry is supportive and being proactive. Further reductions in trawl by-catch, high compliance with rules and accurate information from ongoing risk monitoring are important. Trawl fishing is just one of the sources of risk to the Great Barrier Reef.


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Thrips can be important pests of capsicum and chilli crops, causing damage through their feeding and by vectoring viral diseases. As different species vary in their ability to transmit viruses and in their susceptibility to insecticides, it is important to know which species are present in a crop. The seasonal occurrence of thrips in capsicum and chilli crops in the Bundaberg district of south-east Queensland was investigated from July 2002 to June 2003. Fifty flowers were collected weekly from crops on seven farms and the adult thrips extracted and identified. Thrips palmi Karny and Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) were collected in the greatest numbers, with T. palmi predominant in autumn crops (March to July) and F. occidentalis predominant in spring crops (August to November). Pseudanaphothrips achaetus (Bagnall) was common, while Thrips tabaci Lindeman, Thrips imaginis Bagnall and Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom) were collected in low numbers.


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Wildfire represents a major risk to pine plantations. This risk is particularly great for young plantations (generally less than 10 m in height) where prescribed fire cannot be used to manipulate fuel biomass, and where flammable grasses are abundant in the understorey. We report results from a replicated field experiment designed to determine the effects of two rates of glyphosate (450 g L–1) application, two extents of application (inter-row only and inter-row and row) with applications being applied once or twice, on understorey fine fuel biomass, fuel structure and composition in south-east Queensland, Australia. Two herbicide applications (~9 months apart) were more effective than a once-off treatment for reducing standing biomass, grass continuity, grass height, percentage grass dry weight and the density of shrubs. In addition, the 6-L ha–1 rate of application was more effective than the 3-L ha–1 rate of application in periodically reducing grass continuity and shrub density in the inter-rows and in reducing standing biomass in the tree rows, and application in the inter-rows and rows significantly reduced shrub density relative to the inter-row-only application. Herbicide treatment in the inter-rows and rows is likely to be useful for managing fuels before prescribed fire in young pine plantations because such treatment minimised tree scorch height during prescribed burns. Further, herbicide treatments had no adverse effects on plantation trees, and in some cases tree growth was enhanced by treatments. However, the effectiveness of herbicide treatments in reducing the risk of tree damage or mortality under wildfire conditions remains untested.


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High levels of hydrological connectivity during seasonal flooding provide significant opportunities for movements of fish between rivers and their floodplains, estuaries and the sea, possibly mediating food web subsidies among habitats. To determine the degree of utilisation of food sources from different habitats in a tropical river with a short floodplain inundation duration (similar to 2 months), stable isotope ratios in fishes and their available food were measured from three habitats (inundated floodplain, dry season freshwater, coastal marine) in the lower reaches of the Mitchell River, Queensland (Australia). Floodplain food sources constituted the majority of the diet of large-bodied fishes (barramundi Lates calcarifer, catfish Neoarius graeffei) captured on the floodplain in the wet season and for gonadal tissues of a common herbivorous fish (gizzard shad Nematalosa come), the latter suggesting that critical reproductive phases are fuelled by floodplain production. Floodplain food sources also subsidised barramundi from the recreational fishery in adjacent coastal and estuarine areas, and the broader fish community from a freshwater lagoon. These findings highlight the importance of the floodplain in supporting the production of large fishes in spite of the episodic nature and relatively short duration of inundation compared to large river floodplains of humid tropical regions. They also illustrate the high degree of food web connectivity mediated by mobile fish in this system in the absence of human modification, and point to the potential consequences of water resource development that may reduce or eliminate hydrological connectivity between the river and its floodplain.


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Japanese isolates of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus have been shown to be clearly differentiated by simple sequence repeat (SSR) profiles at four loci. In this study, 25 SSR loci, including these four loci, were selected from the whole-genome sequence and were used to differentiate non-Japanese samples of Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus (13 Indian, 3 East Timorese, 1 Papuan and 8 Floridian samples). Out of the 25 SSR loci, 13 were polymorphic. Dendrogram analysis using SSR loci showed that the clusters were mostly consistent with the geographical origins of the isolates. When single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were searched around these 25 loci, only the upstream region of locus 091 exhibited polymorphism. Phylogenetic tree analysis of the SNPs in the upstream region of locus 091 showed that Floridian samples were clustered into one group as shown by dendrogram analysis using SSR loci. The differences in nucleotide sequences were not associated with differences in the citrus hosts (lime, mandarin, lemon and sour orange) from which the isolates were originally derived.


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‘Demonstration reaches’ are sections of river where multiple threats to native fish are addressed through river rehabilitation and strong community participation. They are an important way of promoting the key driving actions of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's Native Fish Strategy (NFS) by using on-ground community-driven rehabilitation. Measuring rehabilitation success against well-defined targets and using this information to adaptively mange activities is fundamental to the demonstration reach philosophy. Seven years on from the establishment of the first demonstration reach, there are now seven throughout the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), all in differing states of maturation and but all applying a standardised framework for monitoring native fish outcomes. In this study, we reflect on the role that demonstration reaches have played within the NFS, synthesise some key findings from 32 monitoring and evaluation outputs, and highlight some of the successes and barriers to success. We make recommendations as to how to strengthen the demonstration reach model to ensure it remains a relevant approach for fish habitat rehabilitation beyond the NFS and MDB.


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Viruses of the genus Mastrevirus (family Geminiviridae) are transmitted by leafhoppers and infect either mono- or dicotyledonous plants. Here we have determined the full length sequences of 49 dicot-infecting mastrevirus isolates sampled in Australia, Eritrea, India, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey and Yemen. Comprehensive analysis of all available dicot-infecting mastrevirus sequences showed the diversity of these viruses in Australia to be greater than in the rest of their known range, consistent with earlier studies, and that, in contrast with the situation in monocot-infecting mastreviruses, detected inter-species recombination events outnumbered intra-species recombination events. Consistent with Australia having the greatest diversity of known dicot-infecting mastreviruses phylogeographic analyses indicating the most plausible scheme for the spread of these viruses to their present locations, suggest that most recent common ancestor of these viruses is likely nearer Australia than it is to the other regions investigated.


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The Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris, is a hindgut-fermenting herbivore. In winter, manatees migrate to warm water overwintering sites where they undergo dietary shifts and may suffer from cold-induced stress. Given these seasonally induced changes in diet, the present study aimed to examine variation in the hindgut bacterial communities of wild manatees overwintering at Crystal River, west Florida. Faeces were sampled from 36 manatees of known sex and body size in early winter when manatees were newly arrived and then in mid-winter and late winter when diet had probably changed and environmental stress may have increased. Concentrations of faecal cortisol metabolite, an indicator of a stress response, were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Using 454-pyrosequencing, 2027 bacterial operational taxonomic units were identified in manatee faeces following amplicon pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V3/V4 region. Classified sequences were assigned to eight previously described bacterial phyla; only 0.36% of sequences could not be classified to phylum level. Five core phyla were identified in all samples. The majority (96.8%) of sequences were classified as Firmicutes (77.3 ± 11.1% of total sequences) or Bacteroidetes (19.5 ± 10.6%). Alpha-diversity measures trended towards higher diversity of hindgut microbiota in manatees in mid-winter compared to early and late winter. Beta-diversity measures, analysed through permanova, also indicated significant differences in bacterial communities based on the season.


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We isolated and characterized 21 microsatellite loci in the vulnerable and iconic Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri. Loci were screened across eight individuals from the Burnett River and 40 individuals from the Pine River. Genetic diversity was low with between one and six alleles per locus within populations and a maximum expected heterozygosity of 0.774. These loci will now be available to assess effective population sizes and genetic structure in N. forsteri across its natural range in South East Queensland, Australia.