173 resultados para Animal feeding.


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Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Queensland Beef Industry Institute (QBII) used the marketing process Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to determine the education needs of beef producers in northern Australia with regards to beef cattle nutrition management. This is the first time that such a process has been conducted in this sector of the industry. 290 producers from across Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia were interviewed. The results of this process provide considerable insights into issues of concern to northern producers in terms of beef cattle nutrition and how education, extension and research organisations can ensure that they meet the needs of their target audience. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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A summer grown forage legume crop – Lablab (Lablab purpureus) harvested in autumn, was ensiled as plastic wrapped, large round bales. Of the 30 bales produced, 13 were inoculated with a bacterial inoculant containing Lactobacillus plantarum and Enterococcus faecium. Inoculant was premixed at 30 g/litre water, cultured overnight (18 hours) then sprayed onto cut forage during the baling and wrapping procedure at 1 litre per tonne of silage. A replicated feeding experiment was conducted in July - August 1998 (5 weeks), using 24 eight month old Holstein Friesian heifers group fed non-inoculated or inoculated silage to appetite plus 2 kg rolled sorghum grain/heifer.day. Chemical composition and nutritive value of well preserved bales of control and inoculated silages were similar (P>0.05) with 50% DM and 26 g N and 6.8 MJ ME per kg DM. Lactic acid and acetic acid concentrations were 11.4 v. 11.4 and 4.90 v. 3.75 g/kg DM for control and inoculated silages respectively (P>0.05). Heifers preferentially selected leaf from the silage offered and maintained liveweight gains of 0.70 and 0.61 kg/day respectively (P>0.05) during the silage feeding period. High DM and low WSC content of the parent forage may have reduced the opportunity for the bacterial inoculant to have effect. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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This study investigated the responses by dairy cows grazing Callide Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana cv. Callide) pasture to supplementation with barley or sorghum based concentrates (5 grain:1 cotton seed meal) or barley concentrate plus lucerne (Medicago sativa) hay. It was conducted in summer - autumn 1999 with 20 spring calved cows in 4 treatments in 3 consecutive periods of 4 weeks. Rain grown pastures, heavily stocked at 4.4 cows/ha, provided 22 to 35 kg green DM and 14 to 16 kg green leaf DM/cow.day in periods 1 to 3. Supplements were fed individually twice daily after milking. Cows received 6 kg concentrate/day in period 1, increased by 1 kg/day as barley, sorghum or lucerne chaff in each of periods 2 and 3. The Control treatment received 6 kg barley concentrate in all 3 periods. Milk yields by cows fed sorghum were lower than for cows fed equivalent levels of barley-based concentrate (P<0.05). Faecal starch levels (14, 18 and 17%) for cows fed sorghum concentrate were much higher (P<0.01) than those of cows fed similar levels of barley (2.1, 1.2 and 1.7%) in each period respectively. Additional supplementation as lucerne chaff did not increase milk production (P>0.05). Increased concentrate supplementation did not alleviate the problem of low protein in milk produced by freshly calved Holstein-Friesian cows grazing tropical grass pasture in summer. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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The role of n-alkanes in animal nutrition research has recently been reviewed by Dove and Mayes (1996). The measurement of voluntary intake (VI) using the naturally occurring odd chain length alkanes C31 or C33 in conjunction with administered even chain length alkanes such as C32 and C36 provides several advantages over the more conventional methods. Much of the development work involving this technology has been carried out with sheep or dairy cattle fed predominantly temperate pasture. Laredo et al., (1991) have published alkane profiles for a number of introduced tropical pasture grasses but no alkane profiles have been published for native tropical pasture grasses. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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Urban encroachment on dense, coastal koala populations has ensured that their management has received increasing government and public attention. The recently developed National Koala Conservation Strategy calls for maintenance of viable populations in the wild. Yet the success of this, and other, conservation initiatives is hampered by lack of reliable and generally accepted national and regional population estimates. In this paper we address this problem in a potentially large, but poorly studied, regional population in the State that is likely to have the largest wild populations. We draw on findings from previous reports in this series and apply the faecal standing-crop method (FSCM) to derive a regional estimate of more than 59 000 individuals. Validation trials in riverine communities showed that estimates of animal density obtained from the FSCM and direct observation were in close agreement. Bootstrapping and Monte Carlo simulations were used to obtain variance estimates for our population estimates in different vegetation associations across the region. The most favoured habitat was riverine vegetation, which covered only 0.9% of the region but supported 45% of the koalas. We also estimated that between 1969 and 1995 -30% of the native vegetation associations that are considered as potential koala habitat were cleared, leading to a decline of perhaps 10% in koala numbers. Management of this large regional population has significant implications for the national conservation of the species: the continued viability of this population is critically dependent on the retention and management of riverine and residual vegetation communities, and future vegetation-management guidelines should be cognisant of the potential impacts of clearing even small areas of critical habitat. We also highlight eight management implications.


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Mould growth in field crops or stored grain reduces starch and lipid content, with consequent increases in fibre, and an overall reduction in digestible energy; palatability is often adversely affected. If these factors are allowed for, and mycotoxin concentrations are low, there are sound economic reasons for using this cheaper grain. Mycotoxins are common in stock feed but their effects on animal productivity are usually slight because either the concentration is too low or the animal is tolerant to the toxin. In Australia, aflatoxins occur in peanut by-products and in maize and sorghum if the grain is moist when stored. Zearalenone is found in maize and in sorghum and wheat in wetter regions. Nivalenol and deoxynivalenol are found in maize and wheat but at concentrations that rarely affect pigs, with chickens and cattle being even more tolerant. Other mycotoxins including cyclopiazonic acid, T-2 toxin, cytochalasins and tenuazonic acid are produced by Australian fungi in culture but are not found to be significant grain contaminants. Extremely mouldy sorghum containing Alternaria and Fusarium mycotoxins decreased feed conversion in pigs and chickens by up to 14%. However, E moniliforme- and Diplodia maydis-infected maize produced only slight reductions in feed intake by pigs and Ustilago- infected barley produced no ill effects. Use of these grains would substantially increase profits if the grain can be purchased cheaply.


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Weaner pigs on a farm near Beaudesert in south eastern Queensland refused to eat feed comprised largely of wheat and barley. Older pigs consumed small amounts and some prepubertal gilts subsequently displayed enlarged and reddened vulvas. Wheat, barley and triticale were grown on the farm during 1983, which was unusually and persistently wet. The wheat and triticale were harvested and stored for about 3 weeks with moisture contents above 14% before being fed. Samples of the wheat and triticale contained pale pink grains, which can indicate infection by the fungus Fusariurn grarninearurn Schw. On analysis 2 mycotoxins known to be produced by F. graminearurn were detected, deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) which causes feed refusal and vomiting, and zearalenone which causes oestrogenic effects. Concentrations of deoxynivalenol in the wheat, triticale and barley were 34, 10, and <0.1 mg/kg respectively. Concentrations of zearalenone were 6.2, 2.8 and 0.1 mg/kg respectively. Subsequently, F. grarninearurn was isolated from grains and crop residues. Although the wet weather contributed to F. grarninearurn infection of the crops before harvest, most of the toxins probably developed during storage.


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Five cases of aflatoxicosis in pigs in southern Queensland are described. One peracute case where aflatoxin concentrations of up to 5000pg aflatoxin B,/kg were demonstrated in stomach contents was presumed to be caused by consumption of mouldy bread. High levels of toxins were also present in the livers. Two cases of acute toxicity were caused by feeding mouldy peanut screenings containing 22000~9 aflatoxin B,/kg. One case of subacute and one of chronic toxicity were caused by sorghum grain based rations with lower aflatoxin levels (4640 and 255 pg/kg). Peracute toxicity caused collapse and deaths within several hours, acute toxicity caused deaths within 12 h and with subacute toxicity deaths occured after 3 weeks on a toxic ration. Anorexia and ill thrift affecting only growing animals were seen with chronic toxicity. Extensive centrilobular liver necrosis and haemorrhage occured with peracute toxicity and in cases of acute poisoning there was hepatic centrilobular cellular infiltration, hepatocyte swelling and bile stasis. With subacute toxicity hepatocyte vacuolation together with bile stasis and bile ductule hyperplasia were seen.


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Supplements containing urea or biuret were fed in the dry season to yearling and two year old pregnant heifers grazing native spear grass pastures in north Queensland. Liveweight change and survival during the dry season and fertility in the following year were measured. In the first experiment during a relatively favourable dry season, supplementation significantly (P<0.01) reduced liveweight loss in yearling heifers (5 vs. 32 kg). In the following year during a drought, supplement significantly (P<.01) reduced liveweight loss in yearling heifers (32 vs. 41 kg) and significantly (P <0.01) reduced mortalities (23.5% vs. 5.2%) in pregnant and lactating heifers. The supplement had no significant effect on subsequent fertility in either experiment. 14th Biennial Conference.


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A strategy comprising a winter/spring protein supplement, rumen modifier and hormonal growth promotant (Compudose 400) was used in either the first year (Tl), second year (T2), or in both years (T1+2) following weaning in Brahman cross steers as a means of increasing liveweight gain up to 2.5 years of age. T2 produced the heaviest final liveweight (544.7 kg) and highest overall liveweight gain (366.7 kg), but these were not significantly different from T1 (538.6 kg; 360.9 kg), or T1+2 (528.7 kg; 349.3 kg). However, final liveweight and overall liveweight gains of T1 and T2 but not T1+2 were significantly greater than for untreated (C) steers (504.9 kg; 325.2 kg, both P < 0.05). Regardless of the strategy imposed, liveweight and liveweight gain were enhanced, however final liveweights in each treatment were below the preferred minimum target liveweight (570-580 kg) for premium export markets. Treatment in both years gave no benefit over treatment in 1 year only. 19th Biennial Conference. 5-9 July 1992. LaTrobe University, Melbourne.


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A number of studies on Brigalow Research Station, Theodore, in Central Queensland, investigated the performance of different classes of cattle, with or without grain diets, on sown tropical pastures based on buffel and rhodes grasses. These studies were conducted for the Meat Research Corporation's DAQ 065 research project and monitored the growth, carcass attributes, meat quality and market suitability of weaner heifers and steers, 2% year-old steers and aged cull cows. The majority of grain feeding was on an ad lib basis during the winter-spring period when cattle growth rates on pastures are traditionally at or just above maintenance level. 21st Biennial Conference. 8-12 July 1996, University of Queensland. Brisbane.


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The rise in demand by domestic and export markets for a high quality uniform beef carcase has led to more steers being finished in feedlots. However, the profitability of feedlotting is small and economic survival hinges on efficiency (Ryan 1990). Lack of published data prevents conclusions being drawn about the level of efficiency of Australian feedlotting operations but the few studies reported show considerable variation in liveweight performance and carcase characteristics such as fat depth and marbling (Baud et al.) 21st Biennial Conference. 8-12 July, University of Queensland, Brisbane.


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Beef producers have expressed concern that cattle moved from one location to another do not always perform as well as comparable local cattle. Research station records and field trial data were examined to determine the effect of relocation on growth rate using data sets for animals of different age and liveweight at relocation and of different genotypes. 21st Biennial Conference. 8-12 July University of Queensland, Brisbane.


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Cattle sourced for feedlots from extensive properties will generally have little experience of conditions to which they will be exposed in feedlots, eg close contact with humans, confinement, crowding and feed in troughs. Such conditions can result in stress (Fell 1994) which can have adverse effects on health and performance (Moberg 1985). This experiment determined the effect of prior exposure to aspects of a feedlot environment on the feedlot performance of Bos indicus steers. 21st Biennial Conference. 8 - 12 July 1996. University of Queensland. Brisbane.


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Large variations in growth and feed conversion efficiency occur between cattle in feedlots. We aimed to test whether different behaviours of cattle may reflect some of these production differences.