28 resultados para certificate signatures


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‘P18’ was first produced in 1992 and is a mutant genotype obtained from a hybrid Bermudagrass line believed to be ‘Tifdwarf’, which was grown in a greenhouse owned by H&H Seed Company in Yuma, Arizona. ‘P18’ was selected for its extremely fine leaf texture, its high shoot density under close mowing, its rapid growth rate, and its uniform dark green colour, and was subsequently evaluated for these traits and characteristics. Propagation: vegetative. Breeder: Howard E. Kaewer, Eden Prairie, MN, USA. PBR Application Number 2007/179, Certificate Number 3567, granted 13 August 2007.


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‘TF01’ was selected by the breeder, John Powell, as an isolated and distinctive plant of buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) growing among kikuyu grass on the banks of the Bellinger River along its tidal reaches where it was occasionally inundated by brackish water during king tides. It showed shorter internodes than existing buffalo grass varieties of comparable texture within the breeder’s knowledge, and showed good colour retention during periods of drought. Initially designated ‘TF01’, the buffalo grass cultivar was trialled for turf adaptation by Turf Force on their Beaudesert turf farm and characterised in a national buffalo grass project coordinated by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries Turf Research group initiated in 2005. PBR Certificate Number 3624, Application Number 2007/245, granted 25 September 2008.


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‘AGRD’ was selected by the breeder, Dr Warren Hunt, from a variant area of winter active turf (probably ‘Tifway’ or ‘Tifgreen’) on a Hong Kong Golf Course in Apr 1996. A selection of this material was imported through vegetative quarantine to New Zealand for evaluation. Following a favourable assessment of its potential as a warm-season turfgrass variety under New Zealand conditions made based on its superior comparative performance relative to other Cynodon accessions in glasshouse and field trials, the New Zealand registered variety ‘Grasslands AgRiDark’ was released in 1999. PBR Certificate Number 3716, Application Number 2004/299, granted 20 January 2009.


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‘SDX-1’ originated as an open-pollinated chance seeding in an old green of ‘Adalayd’ seashore paspalum (US Plant Patent 3939) surrounded by an undefined local ecotype of the same species. ‘SDX-1’ was finer textured and had a denser, more prostrate growth habit than its putative parents which are ‘Adalayd’ (maternal) and an undefined parental genotype growing among the surrounding local ecotype. ‘SDX-1’ was compared with other promising seedlings discovered similarly at the same time, and was selected on the basis of its dwarf growth habit, tolerance of low cutting height, turf density, fine-textured growth, and apparent salt tolerance under field conditions. Breeder: Stewart T Bennett, Paul H Tillman, Michael DePew, Enviro Turf LC, Terkonsha, MI, USA. PBR Certificate Number 3660, Application Number 2006/160, granted 16 December 2008.


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‘KP4’ is based on selected F4 progeny of 8 plants showing a low, creeping, tight-matted, late flowering growth habit. The original parental breeding population was selected from among 1600 diploid Rhodes grass seedlings grown as spaced plants; seven of the selected parental plants were from ‘Katambora’ and the eighth (which did not contribute as a maternal parent beyond the F1 generation) was a seedling from an unreleased accession. Four (4) cycles of mass selection were conducted, in which the selected plants from the previous generation were allowed to inter-cross in isolation in the field, and the resultant progeny later grown as spaced plants in the field for the next cycle of selection. Selection was for the following attributes: prostrate creeping early growth habit with short stolon internodes resulting in a dense stolon mat; leafy appearance; fine leaf and stem; and late flowering (i.e. a long period of vegetative growth before flowering). ‘KP4’ is a synthetic Rhodes grass cultivar multiplied from the selected fourth-generation plants produced by this line of breeding. Breeder: Donald S. Loch, Cleveland, QLD. PBR Certificate Number 3661, Application Number 2006/189, granted 16 December 2008


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‘A-1’ was selected from a breeding population of 40 seedling Zoysia matrella plants from various parts of Southeast Asia (Japan, Philippines, China, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand). The original plants were vegetatively propagated and evaluated first in pots. A shortlist of selected genotypes was expanded to field plantings at Sheldon, QLD and evaluated against existing Z. matrella and Z. matrella x Z. japonica hybrid cultivars under mowing heights from 10 to 25mm and under shade levels ranging from 0 to 80%. ‘A-1’ showed higher tiller density and a more prostrate growth habit than the parent ecotype, and was selected from the subsequent breeding population on the basis of its superior turf colour and quality under mowing for 6 years and its shade tolerance as shown by its ability to maintain density of the mown sward under greatly reduced light levels (70-80% shade). Additional observations regarding climatic adaptation were made in Cairns, QLD, and Melbourne, VIC, respectively. Breeder: Donald S Loch, Alexandra Hills, QLD. PBR Certificate Number 3649, Application Number 2008/091, granted 16 December 2008.


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‘SI98’ was selected from a worldwide collection of 300 accessions of seashore paspalum collected by Dr Ronny R. Duncan, primarily from seashore paspalum plantings on golf courses as variants in growth habit, leaf texture, and level of salt tolerance, having potential for improved turf type selections. ‘SI98’ was selected as a finer textured genotype with a denser, more prostrate growth habit than the surrounding wild ecotype. The original samples were vegetatively propagated and evaluated first in the greenhouse at Griffin, GA, USA, and later expanded to field evaluations at Griffith under mowing heights ranging from 4.8 mm to 50 mm. Extensive further evaluations were undertaken between 2002 and 2007. Breeder: Dr Ronny R. Duncan, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA, USA. PBR Certificate Number 3648, Application Number 2008/073, granted 16 December 2008.


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Aim: This study investigated the use of stable δ13C and δ18O isotopes in the sagittal otolith carbonate of narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, as indicators of population structure across Australia. Location: Samples were collected from 25 locations extending from the lower west coast of Western Australia (30°), across northern Australian waters, and to the east coast of Australia (18°) covering a coastline length of approximately 9500 km, including samples from Indonesia. Methods: The stable δ13C and δ18O isotopes in the sagittal otolith carbonate of S. commerson were analysed using standard mass spectrometric techniques. The isotope ratios across northern Australian subregions were subjected to an agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis to define subregions. Isotope ratios within each of the subregions were compared to assess population structure across Australia. Results: Cluster analysis separated samples into four subregions: central Western Australia, north Western Australia, northern Australia and the Gulf of Carpentaria and eastern Australia. Isotope signatures for fish from a number of sampling sites from across Australia and Indonesia were significantly different, indicating population separation. No significant differences were found in otolith isotope ratios between sampling times (no temporal variation). Main conclusions: Significant differences in the isotopic signatures of S. commerson demonstrate that there is unlikely to be any substantial movement of fish among these spatially discrete adult assemblages. The lack of temporal variation among otolith isotope ratios indicates that S. commerson populations do not undergo longshore spatial shifts in distribution during their life history. The temporal persistence of spatially explicit stable isotopic signatures indicates that, at these spatial scales, the population units sampled comprise functionally distinct management units or separate ‘stocks’ for many of the purposes of fisheries management. The spatial subdivision evident among populations of S. commerson across northern and western Australia indicates that it may be advantageous to consider S. commerson population dynamics and fisheries management from a metapopulation perspective (at least at the regional level).


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Benchmarking irrigation performance has always been a challenge. As part of the Rural Water Use Efficiency (RWUE3) project the team in, collaboration with the Cotton Catchments Communities CRC, National Certificate of Educational Achievement and the Knowledge Management Phase 2 project, aimed to standardise the irrigation indices in use within the cotton industry. This was achieved through: - the delivery of training workshops - access to benchmarking tools - promotion of benchmarking as a best practice to be adopted on farm.


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Understanding the ontogenetic habitat linkages of sharks is important for conservation and managing human interactions. We used acoustic telemetry, catch data, elemental and stable isotope signatures and dietary analyses to investigate ontogenetic habitat use in south-east Queensland, Australia, by the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas, a IUCN 'near-threatened' species that is implicated in many shark attacks on humans in urban estuaries. Sequential analyses for delta(15)N and delta(13)C of vertebrae from five adult C. leucas and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) for elemental composition from 23 C. leucas, including a pregnant female, were also used to trace ontogenetic habitat dependence. Acoustic telemetry indicated large juvenile and subadult C. leucas remained in estuarine habitats. delta(15)N values across shark vertebrae showed an ontogenetic shift in diet with total length (TL), confirmed by stomach contents. LA-ICPMS data reflected the ontogenetic movements of C. leucas from natal habitats. Differences among adults were gender related. Shifts in habitat use by subadults were correlated with a sigmoidal delta(13)C relationship with TL. C. leucas have a multipartite, stage-specific dependency in their transition between habitats along the freshwater-estuarine-marine continuum, making them particularly susceptible to the habitat alteration that is occurring globally.


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Understanding and describing Australian flavor has proved to be a challenge for marketers of native foods because of the diversity of unique flavor signatures exhibited. Descriptive analysis techniques were applied, using a panel of 11 experienced judges, to define and articulate the sensory properties of 18 key commercial Australian native plant foods and ingredients including fruits, herbs and spices. Quantitative descriptive data were transformed into concise and accurate verbal descriptions for each of the species. The sensory language developed during the vocabulary development panel sessions was combined, categorized and ordered to develop a sensory lexicon specific for the genre. The language developed to describe the foods and ingredients was diverse and distinctly Australian including aromas such as musk, rosella, citrus and spiced tea to eucalypt, bush scrub, fresh beetroot and wheat biscuit. Practical Applications This work provides a clear, useful means of characterizing and accurately describing the flavors of Australian native plant foods and ingredients. This information has been communicated to the native food industry, chefs, formulators, food technologists and flavor experts, and provides knowledge that will assist the wider food industry to successfully develop flavor blends and produce food products from native food ingredients. It is anticipated that extension of this information to both the local and international food markets will stimulate a renewed interest in Australian native ingredients and open new market opportunities for the industry. The data developed by this research have also formed the basis of quality control targets for emerging native foods and ingredients.


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We examine the structure and phylogeography of the pig-eye shark (Carcharhinus amboinensis) common in shallow coastal environments in northern Australia using two types of genetic markers, two mitochondrial (control region and NADH hydrogenase 4) and two nuclear (microsatellite and Rag 1) DNA. Two populations were defined within northern Australia on the basis of mitochondrial DNA evidence, but this result was not supported by nuclear microsatellite or Rag 1 markers. One possibility for this structure might be sex-specific behaviours such as female philopatry, although we argue it is doubtful that sufficient time has elapsed for any potential signatures from this behaviour to be expressed in nuclear markers. It is more likely that the observed pattern represents ancient populations repeatedly isolated and connected during episodic sea level changes during the Pleistocene epoch, until current day with restricted contemporary gene flow maintaining population genetic structure. Our results show the need for an understanding of both the history and ecology of a species in order to interpret patterns in genetic structure.


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Background Increased disease resistance is a key target of cereal breeding programs, with disease outbreaks continuing to threaten global food production, particularly in Africa. Of the disease resistance gene families, the nucleotide-binding site plus leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) family is the most prevalent and ancient and is also one of the largest gene families known in plants. The sequence diversity in NBS-encoding genes was explored in sorghum, a critical food staple in Africa, with comparisons to rice and maize and with comparisons to fungal pathogen resistance QTL. Results In sorghum, NBS-encoding genes had significantly higher diversity in comparison to non NBS-encoding genes and were significantly enriched in regions of the genome under purifying and balancing selection, both through domestication and improvement. Ancestral genes, pre-dating species divergence, were more abundant in regions with signatures of selection than in regions not under selection. Sorghum NBS-encoding genes were also significantly enriched in the regions of the genome containing fungal pathogen disease resistance QTL; with the diversity of the NBS-encoding genes influenced by the type of co-locating biotic stress resistance QTL. Conclusions NBS-encoding genes are under strong selection pressure in sorghum, through the contrasting evolutionary processes of purifying and balancing selection. Such contrasting evolutionary processes have impacted ancestral genes more than species-specific genes. Fungal disease resistance hot-spots in the genome, with resistance against multiple pathogens, provides further insight into the mechanisms that cereals use in the “arms race” with rapidly evolving pathogens in addition to providing plant breeders with selection targets for fast-tracking the development of high performing varieties with more durable pathogen resistance.