27 resultados para Product quality


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The proposed simplified Integrated Sugar Production Process (ISPP) using membrane technology would allow the sugar industry to produce new product streams and higher quality mill sugar with increased sugar extraction efficiency. Membrane filtration technology has proven to be a technically sound process to increase sugar quality. However commercial viability has been uncertain partly because the benefits to crystallisation and sugar quality have not outweighed the increased processing cost. This simplified ISPP produces additional value-added liquid streams to make the membrane fractionation process more financially viable and improve the profitability of sugar manufacture. An experimental study used pilot scale membrane fractionation of clarified mill juice confirmed the technical feasibility of separating inorganic salt and antioxidant rich fractions from cane juice. The paper presents details on the compositions of the liquid streams along with their potential uses, values and challenges in getting these products out to market.


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The proposed simplified Integrated Sugar Production Process (ISPP) using membrane technology would allow the sugar industry to produce new product streams and higher quality mill sugar with increased sugar extraction efficiency. Membrane filtration technology has proven to be a technically sound process to increase sugar quality. However commercial viability has been uncertain partly because the benefits to crystallisation and sugar quality have not outweighed the increased processing cost. This simplified ISPP produces additional value-added liquid streams to make the membrane fractionation process more financially viable and improve the profitability of sugar manufacture. An experimental study used pilot scale membrane fractionation of clarified mill juice confirmed the technical feasibility of separating inorganic salt and antioxidant rich fractions from cane juice. The paper presents details on the compositions of the liquid streams along with their potential uses, values and challenges in getting these products out to market. This paper was presented at the 2010 Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists annual conference.


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Sharks caught in tropical Australian waters occasionally exhibit tough texture. Two species of Carcharinid shark, originally known as the sorrah shark (Carcharinus sorrah) and the black spot shark (Carcharinus tilstoni), compose the majority of the catch. Experiments were conducted to identify the cause of tough texture and to improve the overall quality of the catch. The possibility that a cold shock reaction may occur was investigated by observing the contraction of fillets under a range of temperature conditions before freezing. The effect of on-board handling practices were evaluated using frozen shark fillets, which had been stored prior to freezing in refrigerated seawater at different rigor stages, temperatures and times as trunks. Fillets were analyzed for nucleotides, lactate, thaw pH, sarcomere length and raw and cooked shear force values. The existence of thaw rigor was also investigated. There was little difference in the texture between the individual strips of a fillet exposed to different temperatures but there were significant differences between individual sharks. A cold shock reaction could not be demonstrated in these species. The main influences on texture were of biological origin. The species, sex and size were found to have significant links with texture of fillets. The quality of the fillets deteriorated quicker during the warmer season and were at their worst if the trunks were kept on deck till post-rigor or held in 15 degree C refrigerated seawater before freezing


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Ginger autotetraploids were produced by immersing shoot tips in a 0.5% w/v colchicine, 2% v/v dimethyl sulfoxide solution for 2 h. Stomatal measurements were used as an early indicator of ploidy differences in culture with mean stomata length of tetraploids (49.2 μm) being significantly larger than the diploid (38.8 µm). Of the 500 shoot tips treated, 2% were characterised as stable autotetraploid lines following field evaluation over several seasons. Results were confirmed with flow cytometry and, of the 7 lines evaluated for distinctness and uniformity, 6 were solid tetraploid mutants and 1 was a periclinal chimera. Significant differences were noted between individual tetraploid lines in terms of shoot length, leaf length, leaf width, size of rhizome sections (knob weight) and fibre content. The solid autotetraploid lines had significantly wider, greener leaves than the diploids, they had significantly fewer but thicker shoots and, although ‘Queensland’ (the diploid parent from which the tetraploids were derived) had a greater total rhizome mass at harvest, its knob size was significantly smaller. From the autotetraploid lines, one line was selected for commercial release as ‘Buderim Gold’. It compared the most favourably with ‘Queensland’ in terms of the aroma/flavour profile and fibre content at early harvest, and had consistently good rhizome yield. More importantly it produced large rhizome sections, resulting in a higher recovery of premium grade confectionery ginger and a more attractive fresh market product.


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Considerable export opportunities exist in countries such as Japan, Canada, and Europe (Germany) for peeled rockmelon frozen in quarters or as diced product. Processing of these products is limited because the cost of hand labour for peeling is prohibitive. Consequently, development of mechnanical peeling equipment is essential for Australian industry to compete. In this project, appropriate machinery for the production of a high quality product is being developed, and basic studies in food technology, marketing, and production are being carried out. There are no Australian publications on rockmelon freezing, although fresh fruit quality of various cultivars has been investigated (Mutton, 1978). Very little overseas information on freezing rockmelons has been published (del Rio and Miller, 1979 and Martinez-Javega et al., 1975). In this project, the freezing quality of new rockmnelon and honeydew melon cultivars was evaluated.


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While the genetic control of wheat processing characteristics such as dough rheology is well understood, limited information is available concerning the genetic control of baking parameters, particularly sponge and dough (S&D) baking. In this study, a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was performed using a population of doubled haploid lines derived from a cross between Australian cultivars Kukri x Janz grown at sites across different Australian wheat production zones (Queensland in 2001 and 2002 and Southern and Northern New South Wales in 2003) in order to examine the genetic control of protein content, protein expression, dough rheology and sponge and dough baking performance. The study highlighted the inconsistent genetic control of protein content across the test sites, with only two loci (3A and 7A) showing QTL at three of the five sites. Dough rheology QTL were highly consistent across the 5 sites, with major effects associated with the Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci. The Glu-D1 5 + 10 allele had consistent effects on S&D properties across sites; however, there was no evidence for a positive effect of the high dough strength Glu-B1-al allele at Glu-B1. A second locus on 5D had positive effects on S&D baking at three of five sites. This study demonstrated that dough rheology measurements were poor predictors of S&D quality. In the absence of robust predictive tests, high heritability values for S&D demonstrate that direct selection is the current best option for achieving genetic gain in this product category.


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Soil water repellency occurs widely in horticultural and agricultural soils when very dry. The gradual accumulation and breakdown of surface organic matter over time produces wax-like organic acids, which coat soil particles preventing uniform entry of water into the soil. Water repellency is usually managed by regular surfactant applications. Surfactants, literally, are surface active agents (SURFace ACTive AgeNTS). Their mode of action is to reduce the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate and wet the soil more easily and completely. This practice improves water use efficiency (by requiring less water to wet the soil and by capturing rainfall and irrigation more effectively and rapidly). It also reduces nutrient losses through run-off erosion or leaching. These nutrients have the potential to pollute the surrounding environment and water courses. This project investigated potential improvements to standard practices (product combination and scheduling) for surfactant use to overcome localised dry spots on water repellent soils and thus improve turf quality and water use efficiency. Weather conditions for the duration of the trial prevented the identification of improved practices in terms of combination and scheduling. However, the findings support previous research that the use of soil surfactants decreased the time for water to infiltrate dry soil samples taken from a previously severely hydrophobic site. Data will be continually collected from this trial site on a private contractual basis, with the hope that improvements to standard practices will be observed during the drier winter months when moisture availability is a limiting factor for turfgrass growth and quality.


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This study provides information about wood quality, structural properties, processing characterists and product suitability of wood harvested from fast-grown hardwood plantations. Wood quality attributes tested included density, extractive content, unit shrinkage, heartwood proportion and sapwood width. Structural properties tested included small clear and full section strength and stiffness, hardness, joint group, visual grade assessment and natural vibration-based grade assessment. The variation between the inner, intermediate and outer heartwood zones and the variation between provenances was also tested. Overall, the wood qualtiy attributes measured for 19 year-old E. cloeziana and 15 year-old E. pellita plantation material fall between those expected from the wood of mature, native forest trees and those found in younger plantation material of the same species.


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This review highlights the considerable variation found in wood properties impacting timber stiffness and stability such as wood density, spiral grain and microfibril angle. Variation with age, site quality and environment, as well as amongst species, hybrids and genetic stock is reported and opportunities for product-focused wood quality improvement are identified.


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Quality and safety evaluation of agricultural products has become an increasingly important consideration in market/commercial viability and systems for such evaluations are now demanded by customers, including distributors and retailers. Unfortunately, most horticultural products struggle with delivering adequate and consistent quality to the consumer. Removing inconsistencies and providing what the consumer expects is a key factor for retaining and expanding both domestic and international markets. Most commercial quality classification systems for fruit and vegetables are based on external features of the product, for example: shape, colour, size, weight and blemishes. However, the external appearance of most fruit is generally not an accurate guide to the internal or eating quality of the fruit. Internal quality of fruit is currently subjectively judged on attributes such as volatiles, firmness, and appearance. Destructive subjective measures such as internal flesh colour, or objective measures such as extraction of juice to measure sweetness (oBrix) or assessment of dry matter (DM) content are also used, although obviously not for every fruit – just a sample to represent the whole consignment. For avocado fruit, external colour is not a maturity characteristic, and its smell is too weak and appears later in its maturity stage (Gaete-Garreton et al., 2005). Since maturity is a major component of avocado quality and palatability, it is important to harvest mature fruit, so as to ensure that fruit will ripen properly and have acceptable eating quality. Currently, commercial avocado maturity estimation is based on destructive assessment of the %DM, and sometimes percent oil, both of which are highly correlated with maturity (Clark et al., 2003; Mizrach & Flitsanov, 1999). Avocados Australia Limited (AAL (2008)) recommend a minimum maturity standard for its growers of 23 %DM (greater than 10% oil content) for the ‘Hass’ cultivar, although consumer studies indicate a preference for at least 25 %DM (Harker et al., 2007).


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Australian native foods have long been consumed by the Indigenous people of Australia. There is growing interest in the application of these foods in the functional food and complementary health care industries. Recent studies have provided information on the health properties of native foods but systematic study of changes in flavour and health components during processing and storage has not been done. It is well known that processing technologies such as packaging, drying and freezing can significantly alter the levels of health and flavour compounds. However, losses in compounds responsible for quality and bioactivity can be minimised by improving production practices. This report outlines research developed to provide the native food industry with reliable information on the retention of bioactive compounds during processing and storage to enable the development of product standards which in turn will provide the industry with scientific evidence to expand and explore new market opportunities globally.


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The potential application of the spore-forming probiotic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain H57 (H57) as a novel probiotic for ruminants was evaluated in reproducing ewes. Performance responses were determined by delivering H57 in a pelleted diet based mainly on palm kernel meal (PKM) and sorghum grain. PKM is an agro-industrial by-product with a reputation for poor palatability and the availability of the starch in sorghum grain can be limited in ruminants. The hypothesis was that H57 improves the feeding value of a relatively low quality concentrate diet. Twenty-four first-parity white Dorper ewes were fed PKM-based pellets manufactured with or without H57 (109 cfu/kg pellet) in late pregnancy. During this phase of late pregnancy, the H57 ewes ate 17% more dry matter (1019 vs 874 g/day, P = 0.03), gained more weight (194 vs 30 g/day, P = 0.008) and retained more nitrogen (6.13 vs 3.34 g/day, P = 0.01), but produced lambs with a similar birthweight (4.1 vs 4.2 kg, P = 0.73). Rumen fluid collected from H57 ewes in late pregnancy had higher pH (7.1 vs 6.8, P = 0.07), acetate : propionate ratio (3.4 vs 2.7, P = 0.04), lower ammonia (69 vs 147 mmol/L, P = 0.001) and total volatile fatty acid concentrations (40 vs 61 mg/L, P = 0.02). The digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and fibre were similar between the two groups. The lambs of the H57 ewes grew faster than those of the Control ewes for the first 21 days of lactation (349 vs 272 g/day, P = 0.03), but not thereafter. H57 can improve feed intake and maternal liveweight gain in late pregnancy of first-parity ewes fed a diet based on PKM.