67 resultados para Inducers of resistance


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BACKGROUND: Glyphosate-resistant cotton varieties are an important tool for weed control in Australian cotton production systems. To increase the sustainability of this technology and to minimise the likelihood of resistance evolving through its use, weed scientists, together with herbicide regulators, industry representatives and the technology owners, have developed a framework that guides the use of the technology. Central to this framework is a crop management plan (CMP) and grower accreditation course. A simulation model that takes into account the characteristics of the weed species, initial gene frequencies and any associated fitness penalties was developed to ensure that the CMP was sufficiently robust to minimise resistance risks. RESULTS: The simulations showed that, when a combination of weed control options was employed in addition to glyphosate, resistance did not evolve over the 30 year period of the simulation. CONCLUSION: These simulations underline the importance of maintaining an integrated system for weed management to prevent the evolution of glyphosate resistance, prolonging the use of glyphosate-resistant cotton.


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Low-volume, backline applications with the benzoylphenyl urea insecticides triflumuron and diflubenzuron represent in excess of 70% of treatments for the control of sheep lice, Bovicola ovis (Schrank) (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae), in Australia. Reports of reduced effectiveness from 2003 and subsequent controlled treatment trials suggested the emergence of resistance to these compounds in B. ovis populations. A laboratory assay based on the measurement of moulting success in nymphs was developed and used to assess susceptibility to diflubenzuron and triflumuron in louse populations collected from sheep where a control failure had occurred. These tests confirmed the development of resistance to triflumuron and diflubenzuron in at least two instances, with estimated resistance ratios of 67-94X at LC50.


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As failure to control Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) with phosphine is a common problem in the grain-growing regions of Brazil, a study was undertaken to investigate the frequency, distribution and strength of phosphine resistance in R. dominica in Brazil. Nineteen samples of R. dominica were collected between 1991 and 2003 from central storages where phosphine fumigation had failed to control this species. Insects were cultured without selection until testing in 2005. Each sample was tested for resistance to phosphine on the basis of the response of adults to discriminating concentrations of phosphine (20 and 48 h exposures) and full dose-response assays (48 h exposure). Responses of the Brazilian R. dominica samples were compared with reference susceptible, weak-resistance and strong-resistance strains from Australia in parallel assays. All Brazilian population samples showed resistance to phosphine: five were diagnosed with weak resistance and 14 with strong resistance. Five samples showed levels of resistance similar to the reference strong-resistance strain. A representative highly resistant sample was characterised by exposing mixed-age cultures to a range of constant concentrations of phosphine for various exposure periods. Time to population extinction (TPE) and time to 99.9% suppression of population (LT99.9) values of this sample were generally similar to those of the reference strong-resistance strain. For example, at 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1, LT99.9 values for BR33 and the reference strong-resistance strain were respectively 21, 6.4 and 3.7 days and 17, 6.2 and 3.8 days. With both strains, doubling phosphine concentrations to 2 mg L -1 resulted in increased LT99.9 and TPE. High level and frequency of resistance in all population samples, some of which had been cultured without selection for up to 12 years, suggest little or no fitness deficit associated with phosphine resistance. The present research indicates that widespread phosphine resistance may be developing in Brazil. Fumigation practices should be monitored and resistance management plans implemented to alleviate further resistance development.


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Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) was introduced to Australia in 1995 for the control of wild rabbits. Initial outbreaks greatly reduced rabbit numbers and the virus has continued to control rabbits to varying degrees in different parts of Australia. However, recent field evidence suggests that the virus may be becoming less effective in those areas that have previously experienced repeated epizootics causing high mortality. There are also reports of rabbits returning to pre-1995 density levels, Virus and host can be expected to co-evolve. The host will develop resistance to the virus with the virus subsequently changing to overcome that resistance. It has been 12 years since the release of RHDV and it is an opportune time to examine where the dynamic currently stands between RHDV and rabbits. Laboratory challenge tests have indicated that resistance to RHDV has developed to different degrees in populations throughout Australia. In one population a low dose (1:25 dilution) of Czech strain RHDV failed to infect a single susceptible rabbit, yet infected a low to high (up to 73%) percentage across other populations tested. Different selection pressures are present in these populations and will be driving the level of resistance being seen. The mechanisms and genetics behind the development of resistance are also important as the on-going use of RHDV as a control tool in the management of rabbits relies on our understanding of factors influencing the efficacy of the virus. Understanding how resistance has developed may provide clues on how best to use the virus to circumvent these mechanisms. Similarly, it will help in managing populations that have yet to develop high levels of resistance.


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Background and Aims: The evolution of resistance to herbicides is a substantial problem in contemporary agriculture. Solutions to this problem generally consist of the use of practices to control the resistant population once it evolves, and/or to institute preventative measures before populations become resistant. Herbicide resistance evolves in populations over years or decades, so predicting the effectiveness of preventative strategies in particular relies on computational modelling approaches. While models of herbicide resistance already exist, none deals with the complex regional variability in the northern Australian sub-tropical grains farming region. For this reason, a new computer model was developed. Methods: The model consists of an age- and stage-structured population model of weeds, with an existing crop model used to simulate plant growth and competition, and extensions to the crop model added to simulate seed bank ecology and population genetics factors. Using awnless barnyard grass (Echinochloa colona) as a test case, the model was used to investigate the likely rate of evolution under conditions expected to produce high selection pressure. Key Results: Simulating continuous summer fallows with glyphosate used as the only means of weed control resulted in predicted resistant weed populations after approx. 15 years. Validation of the model against the paddock history for the first real-world glyphosate-resistant awnless barnyard grass population shows that the model predicted resistance evolution to within a few years of the real situation. Conclusions: This validation work shows that empirical validation of herbicide resistance models is problematic. However, the model simulates the complexities of sub-tropical grains farming in Australia well, and can be used to investigate, generate and improve glyphosate resistance prevention strategies.


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Australian and international chickpea (Cicer arietinum) cultivars and germplasm accessions, and wild annual Cicer spp. in the primary and secondary gene pools, were assessed in glasshouse experiments for levels of resistance to the root-lesion nematodes Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus. Lines were grown in replicated experiments in pasteurised soil inoculated with a pure culture of either P. thornei or P. neglectus and the population density of the nematodes in the soil plus roots after 16 weeks growth was used as a measure of resistance. Combined statistical analyses of experiments (nine for P. thornei and four for P. neglectus) were conducted and genotypes were assessed using best linear unbiased predictions. Australian and international chickpea cultivars possessed a similar range of susceptibilities through to partial resistance. Wild relatives from both the primary (C. reticulatum and C. echinospermum) and secondary (C. bijugum) gene pools of chickpea were generally more resistant than commercial chickpea cultivars to either P. thornei or P. neglectus or both. Wild relatives of chickpea have probably evolved to have resistance to endemic root-lesion nematodes whereas modern chickpea cultivars constitute a narrower gene pool with respect to nematode resistance. Resistant accessions of C. reticulatum and C. echinospermum were crossed and topcrossed with desi chickpea cultivars and resistant F(4) lines were obtained. Development of commercial cultivars with the high levels of resistance to P. thornei and P. neglectus in these hybrids will be most valuable for areas of the Australian grain region and other parts of the world where alternating chickpea and wheat crops are the preferred rotation.


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The responses of 95 barley lines and cultivars to spot form of net blotch (SFNB) caused by Pyrenophora teres f. maculata were analyzed as seedlings and adults in Australia and Canada. Cluster analyses revealed complex reaction responses. Only 2 lines (Esperance Orge 289 and TR3189) were resistant to all isolates at the seedling stage, whereas 15 lines and cultivars (81-82/033, Arimont, BYDV-018, CBSS97M00855T-B2-M1-Y1-M2-Y-1M-0Y, C19776, Keel, Sloop, Torrens, TR326, VB0111, Yarra, VB0229, WI-2477, WI2553, and Wisconsin Pedigree) were resistant toward the two Canadian isolates and mixture of Australian isolates at the adult stages. In Australian field experiments, the effectiveness of SFNB resistance in three barley cultivars (Barque. Cowabbie, and Schooner) and one breeding line (VB9104) with a different source of resistance was tested. Barque, which possessed a resistance gene that provided complete resistance to SFNB, was the most effective and showed no effect on grain yield or quality in the presence of inoculum. Generally, cultivars with seedling or adult resistance had less disease and better grain quality than the susceptible control. Dash, but they were not as effective as Barque. A preliminary differential set of 19 barley lines and cultivars for P teres I. maculata is proposed.


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BACKGROUND: The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), is a highly destructive pest of stored grain that is strongly resistant to the fumigant phosphine (PH3). Phosphine resistance is due to genetic variants at the rph2 locus that alter the function of the dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD) gene. This discovery now enables direct detection of resistance variants at the rph2 locus in field populations. RESULTS: A genotype assay was developed for direct detection of changes in distribution and frequency of a phosphine resistance allele in field populations of R. dominica. Beetles were collected from ten farms in south-east Queensland in 2006 and resampled in 2011. Resistance allele frequency increased in the period from 2006 to 2011 on organic farms with no history of phosphine use, implying that migration of phosphine-resistant R. dominica had occurred from nearby storages. CONCLUSION: Increasing resistance allele frequencies on organic farms suggest local movement of beetles and dispersal of insects from areas where phosphine has been used. This research also highlighted for the first time the utility of a genetic DNA marker in accurate and rapid determination of the distribution of phosphine-resistant insects in the grain value chain. Extending this research over larger landscapes would help in identifying resistance problems and enable timely pest management decisions. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry 69 6 June 2013 10.1002/ps.3514 Rapid Report Rapid Report © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Fumigation of stored grain with phosphine (PH 3) is used widely to control the lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica. However, development of high level resistance to phosphine in this species threatens control. Effective resistance management relies on knowledge of the expression of resistance in relation to dosage at all life stages. Therefore, we determined the mode of inheritance of phosphine resistance and strength of the resistance phenotype at each developmental stage. We achieved this by comparing mortality and developmental delay between a strongly resistant strain (R-strain), a susceptible strain (S-strain) and their F 1 progenies. Resistance was a maternally inherited, semi-dominant trait in the egg stage but was inherited as an autosomal, incompletely recessive trait in larvae and pupae. The rank order of developmental tolerance in both the sensitive and resistant strains was eggs > pupae > larvae. Comparison of published values for the response of adult R. dominica relative to our results from immature stages reveals that the adult stage of the S-strain is more sensitive to phosphine than are larvae. This situation is reversed in the R-strain as the adult stage is much more resistant to phosphine than even the most tolerant immature stage. Phosphine resistance factors at LC 50 were eggs 400×, larvae 87× and pupae 181× with respect to reference susceptible strain (S-strain) adults indicating that tolerance conferred by a particular immature stage neither strongly nor reliably interacts with the genetic resistance element. Developmental delay relative to unfumigated control insects was observed in 93% of resistant pupae, 86% of resistant larvae and 41% of resistant eggs. Increased delay in development and the toxicity response to phosphine exposure were both incompletely recessive. We show that resistance to phosphine has pleiotropic effects and that the expression of these effects varies with genotype and throughout the life history of the insect. © 2012.


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The lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) is one of the most destructive insect pests of stored grain. This pest has been controlled successfully by fumigation with phosphine for the last several decades, though strong resistance to phosphine in many countries has raised concern about the long term usefulness of this control method. Previous genetic analysis of strongly resistant (SR) R. dominica from three widely geographically dispersed regions of Australia, Queensland (SRQLD), New South Wales (SRNSW) and South Australia (SRSA), revealed a resistance allele in the rph1 gene in all three strains. The present study confirms that the rph1 gene contributes to resistance in a fourth strongly resistant strain, SR2(QLD), also from Queensland. The previously described rph2 gene, which interacts synergistically with rph1 gene, confers strong resistance on SRQLD and SRNSW. We now provide strong circumstantial evidence that weak alleles of rph2, together with rph1, contribute to the strong resistance phenotypes of SRSA and SR2(QLD). To test the notion that rph1 and rph2 are solely responsible for the strong resistance phenotype of all resistant R. dominica, we created a strain derived by hybridising the four strongly resistant lines. Following repeated selection for survival at extreme rates of phosphine exposure, we found only slightly enhanced resistance. This suggests that a single sequence of genetic changes was responsible for the development of resistance in these insects.


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Phosphine is the only economically viable fumigant for routine control of insect pests of stored food products, but its continued use is now threatened by the world-wide emergence of high-level resistance in key pest species. Phosphine has a unique mode of action relative to well-characterised contact pesticides. Similarly, the selective pressures that lead to resistance against field sprays differ dramatically from those encountered during fumigation. The consequences of these differences have not been investigated adequately. We determine the genetic basis of phosphine resistance in Rhyzopertha dominica strains collected from New South Wales and South Australia and compare this with resistance in a previously characterised strain from Queensland. The resistance levels range from 225 and 100 times the baseline response of a sensitive reference strain. Moreover, molecular and phenotypic data indicate that high-level resistance was derived independently in each of the three widely separated geographical regions. Despite the independent origins, resistance was due to two interacting genes in each instance. Furthermore, complementation analysis reveals that all three strains contain an incompletely recessive resistance allele of the autosomal rph1 resistance gene. This is particularly noteworthy as a resistance allele at rph1 was previously proposed to be a necessary first step in the evolution of high-level resistance. Despite the capacity of phosphine to disrupt a wide range of enzymes and biological processes, it is remarkable that the initial step in the selection of resistance is so similar in isolated outbreaks.


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Commercial formulations of methoprene have been used in a number of countries such as Australia and the USA to provide long-term protection to grain from a range of storage pests. The level of resistance in Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), the lesser grain borer, was investigated in laboratory experiments by direct exposure of adults on treated wheat. Adults of a reference homozygous resistant strain of R.dominica were exposed to treatments of 0, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 40kg-1 of s-methoprene for 7 days. Mortality and progeny production were dose dependent with 98.7% mortality and complete progeny suppression at 40mgkg-1, which is 67 times the registered rate at which s-methoprene is applied as a grain protectant in Australia (0.6mgkg-1) and eight times the rate which has been used in the USA (5mgkg-1). This strain was also tested by adding adults to wheat treated at 0, 1, 3, 10 and 30mgkg-1 and determining the number of adults (progeny plus original parental adults) after 6, 8, 10 or 12 weeks of continuous exposure. The effect of s-methoprene was consistent regardless of the number of weeks of continuous exposure and average population suppression was 99.5% at 30mgkg-1. Screening of 162 field samples collected from southeast Australia in 2009 showed that 93% of samples reproduced when exposed to wheat treated with the Australian registered rate of 0.6mgkg-1. When four unselected resistant field samples from this region were tested, progeny production but not mortality was dose dependent, and all four samples produced live progeny at the highest dose of 30mgkg-1. Our results show that methoprene resistance is a serious threat to the management of R.dominica, and that strategies need to be developed to minimise the further development and spread of resistance. © 2013.


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Six tetraploid hybrids from Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola (FHIA) were evaluated in Australia over a five year period. They included three AAAA hybrids (FHIA-02, FHIA-17 and FHIA-23) and three AAAB hybrids (FHIA-01, FHIA-18 and SH-3640.10) and they were compared with industry standards, ‘Williams’ (AAA, Cavendish subgroup) and ‘Lady Finger’ (AAB, Pome subgroup). They were screened for their resistance to Fusarium wilt race 1 and subtropical race 4 caused by the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense and they were also grown for several cycles on farms not infested with Fusarium wilt to record their agronomic characteristics. The AAAB hybrids, all derived from female parent ‘Prata Anã’ (AAB, Pome subgroup) were the most resistant to both races of Fusarium wilt and were very productive in the subtropics. They were significantly more productive than ‘Lady Finger’, which was susceptible to both races of Fusarium wilt. The AAAA hybrids, with the exception of FHIA-02 which was very susceptible to Fusarium wilt and displayed the poorest agronomic traits of the six hybrids, produced bunch weights as good as Cavendish but were significantly slower to cycle. FHIA-17 and FHIA-23, both derived from the female parent ‘Highgate’ (AAA, Gros Michel subgroup), were also significantly more resistant to Fusarium wilt than ‘Gros Michel’, while FHIA-17 demonstrated a level of resistance similar to ‘Williams’ and FHIA-23 was intermediate between ‘Lady Finger’ and ‘Williams’


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Key message: Evaluation of resistance toPyrenophora teresf.maculatain barley breeding populations via association mapping revealed a complex genetic architecture comprising a mixture of major and minor effect genes. Abstract: In the search for stable resistance to spot form of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres f. maculata, SFNB), association mapping was conducted on four independent barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeding populations comprising a total of 898 unique elite breeding lines from the Northern Region Barley Breeding Program in Australia for discovery of quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing resistance at seedling and adult plant growth stages. A total of 29 significant QTL were validated across multiple breeding populations, with 22 conferring resistance at both seedling and adult plant growth stages. The remaining 7 QTL conferred resistance at either seedling (2 QTL) or adult plant (5 QTL) growth stages only. These 29 QTL represented 24 unique genomic regions, of which five were found to co-locate with previously identified QTL for SFNB. The results indicated that SFNB resistance is controlled by a large number of QTL varying in effect size with large effects QTL on chromosome 7H. A large proportion of the QTL acted in the same direction for both seedling and adult responses, suggesting that phenotypic selection for SFNB resistance performed at either growth stage could achieve adequate levels of resistance. However, the accumulation of specific resistance alleles on several chromosomes must be considered in molecular breeding selection strategies.


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The prevalence of resistance to phosphine in the rust-red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, from eastern Australia was investigated, as well as the potential fitness cost of this type of resistance. Discriminating dose tests on 115 population samples collected from farms from 2006 to 2010 showed that populations containing insects with the weakly resistant phenotype are common in eastern Australia (65.2 of samples), although the frequency of resistant phenotypes within samples was typically low (median of 2.3). The population cage approach was used to investigate the possibility that carrying the alleles for weak resistance incurs a fitness cost. Hybridized populations were initiated using a resistant strain and either of two different susceptible strains. There was no evidence of a fitness cost based on the frequency of susceptible phenotypes in hybridized populations that were reared for seven generations without exposure to phosphine. This suggests that resistant alleles will tend to persist in field populations that have undergone selection even if selection pressure is removed. The prevalence of resistance is a warning that this species has been subject to considerable selection pressure and that effective resistance management practices are needed to address this problem. The resistance prevalence data also provide a basis against which to measure management success.