28 resultados para Colorado and Southern Railway


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For many years Australian forest pathologists and other scientists have dreaded the arrival of the rust fungus, Puccinia psidii, commonly known as Myrtle Rust, in Australia. This pathogen eventually did arrive in that country and was first detected in New South Wales in 2010 on Willow Myrtle (Agonis flexuosa). It is generally accepted that it entered the country on an ornamental Myrtales* host brought in by a private nursery. Despite efforts to eradicate the invasive rust, it has already spread widely, now occurring along the east coast of Australia, from temperate areas in Victoria and southern North South Wales to tropical areas in north Queensland.


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Climate projections over the next two to four decades indicate that most of Australia’s wheat-belt is likely to become warmer and drier. Here we used a shire scale, dynamic stress-index model that accounts for the impacts of rainfall and temperature on wheat yield, and a range of climate change projections from global circulation models to spatially estimate yield changes assuming no adaptation and no CO2 fertilisation effects. We modelled five scenarios, a baseline climate (climatology, 1901–2007), and two emission scenarios (“low” and “high” CO2) for two time horizons, namely 2020 and 2050. The potential benefits from CO2 fertilisation were analysed separately using a point level functional simulation model. Irrespective of the emissions scenario, the 2020 projection showed negligible changes in the modelled yield relative to baseline climate, both using the shire or functional point scale models. For the 2050-high emissions scenario, changes in modelled yield relative to the baseline ranged from −5 % to +6 % across most of Western Australia, parts of Victoria and southern New South Wales, and from −5 to −30 % in northern NSW, Queensland and the drier environments of Victoria, South Australia and in-land Western Australia. Taking into account CO2 fertilisation effects across a North–south transect through eastern Australia cancelled most of the yield reductions associated with increased temperatures and reduced rainfall by 2020, and attenuated the expected yield reductions by 2050.


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The prospect of climate change has revived both fears of food insecurity and its corollary, market opportunities for agricultural production. In Australia, with its long history of state-sponsored agricultural development, there is renewed interest in the agricultural development of tropical and sub-tropical northern regions. Climate projections suggest that there will be less water available to the main irrigation systems of the eastern central and southern regions of Australia, while net rainfall could be sustained or even increase in the northern areas. Hence, there could be more intensive use of northern agricultural areas, with the relocation of some production of economically important commodities such as vegetables, rice and cotton. The problem is that the expansion of cropping in northern Australia has been constrained by agronomic and economic considerations. The present paper examines the economics, at both farm and regional level, of relocating some cotton production from the east-central irrigation areas to the north where there is an existing irrigation scheme together with some industry and individual interest in such relocation. Integrated modelling and expert knowledge are used to examine this example of prospective climate change adaptation. Farm-level simulations show that without adaptation, overall gross margins will decrease under a combination of climate change and reduction in water availability. A dynamic regional Computable General Equilibrium model is used to explore two scenarios of relocating cotton production from south east Queensland, to sugar-dominated areas in northern Queensland. Overall, an increase in real economic output and real income was realized when some cotton production was relocated to sugar cane fallow land/new land. There were, however, large negative effects on regional economies where cotton production displaced sugar cane. It is concluded that even excluding the agronomic uncertainties, which are not examined here, there is unlikely to be significant market-driven relocation of cotton production.


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Few data exist on direct greenhouse gas emissions from pen manure at beef feedlots. However, emission inventories attempt to account for these emissions. This study used a large chamber to isolate N2O and CH4 emissions from pen manure at two Australian commercial beef feedlots (stocking densities, 13-27 m(2) head) and related these emissions to a range of potential emission control factors, including masses and concentrations of volatile solids, NO3-, total N, NH4+, and organic C (OC), and additional factors such as total manure mass, cattle numbers, manure pack depth and density, temperature, and moisture content. Mean measured pen N2O emissions were 0.428 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.252-0.691) and 0.00405 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (95% CI, 0.00114-0.0110) for the northern and southern feedlots, respectively. Mean measured CH4 emission was 0.236 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (95% CI, 0.163-0.332) for the northern feedlot and 3.93 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (95% CI, 2.58-5.81) for the southern feedlot. Nitrous oxide emission increased with density, pH, temperature, and manure mass, whereas negative relationships were evident with moisture and OC. Strong relationships were not evident between N2O emission and masses or concentrations of NO3- or total N in the manure. This is significant because many standard inventory calculation protocols predict N2O emissions using the mass of N excreted by the animal.


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Patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were used to analyse the population genetic structure of southwestern Indian Ocean green turtle (Chelonia mydas) populations. Analysis of sequence variation over 396 bp of the mtDNA control region revealed seven haplotypes among 288 individuals from 10 nesting sites in the Southwest Indian Ocean. This is the first time that Atlantic Ocean haplotypes have been recorded among any Indo-Pacific nesting populations. Previous studies indicated that the Cape of Good Hope was a major biogeographical barrier between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans because evidence for gene flow in the last 1.5 million years has yet to emerge. This study, by sampling localities adjacent to this barrier, demonstrates that recent gene flow has occurred from the Atlantic Ocean into the Indian Ocean via the Cape of Good Hope. We also found compelling genetic evidence that green turtles nesting at the rookeries of the South Mozambique Channel (SMC) and those nesting in the North Mozambique Channel (NMC) belong to separate genetic stocks. Furthermore, the SMC could be subdivided in two different genetic stocks, one in Europa and the other one in Juan de Nova. We suggest that this particular genetic pattern along the Mozambique Channel is attributable to a recent colonization from the Atlantic Ocean and is maintained by oceanic conditions in the northern and southern Mozambique Channel that influence early stages in the green turtle life cycle.


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Wheat is one of the major food crops in the world. It is Australia's largest crop and most important agricultural commodity. In Australia the crop is grown under rainfed conditions with inherently important regional environmental differences; wheat growing areas are characterized by winter dominant rainfall in southern and western Australia and summer rainfall in northern Australia. Maximizing yield potential across these diverse regions is dependent upon managing, either genetically or agronomically, those factors in the environment that limit yield. The potential of synthetic backcross lines (SBLs) to increase yield in the diverse agroecological zones of Australia was investigated. Significant yield advantages were found for many of the SBLs across diverse environments. Depending on the environment, the yield of the SBLs ranged from 8% to 30% higher than the best local check in Australia. Apart from adaptation to semiarid water stressed conditions, some SBLs were also found to be significantly higher yielding under more optimal (irrigated) conditions. The four testing environments were classified into two groups, with the northern and southern environments being in separate groups. An elite group of SBLs was identified that exhibited broad adaptation across all diverse Australian environments included in this study. Other SBLs showed specific adaptation to either northern or southern Australia. This study showed that SBLs are likely to provide breeders with the opportunity to significantly improve wheat yield beyond what was previously possible in a number of diverse production environments.


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Because of the variable and changing environment, advisors and farmers are seeking systems that provide risk management support at a number of time scales. The Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit, Toowoomba, Australia has developed a suite of tools to assist advisors and farmers to better manage risk in cropping. These tools range from simple rainfall analysis tools (Rainman, HowWet, HowOften) through crop simulation tools (WhopperCropper and YieldProphet) to the most complex, APSFarm, a whole-farm analysis tool. Most are derivatives of the APSIM crop model. These tools encompass a range of complexity and potential benefit to both the farming community and for government policy. This paper describes, the development and usage of two specific products; WhopperCropper and APSFarm. WhopperCropper facilitates simulation-aided discussion of growers' exposure to risk when comparing alternative crop input options. The user can readily generate 'what-if' scenarios that separate the major influences whilst holding other factors constant. Interactions of the major inputs can also be tested. A manager can examine the effects of input levels (and Southern Oscillation Index phase) to broadly determine input levels that match their attitude to risk. APSFarm has been used to demonstrate that management changes can have different effects in short and long time periods. It can be used to test local advisors and farmers' knowledge and experience of their desired rotation system. This study has shown that crop type has a larger influence than more conservative minimum soil water triggers in the long term. However, in short term dry periods, minimum soil water triggers and maximum area of the various crops can give significant financial gains.


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Phytophthora root rot (PRR), caused by P. cinnamomi, is a primary constraint on avocado productivity in Australia. Numerous field trials at sites in northern NSW and southern QLD have demonstrated significant variation in tree health amongst commercial rootstocks and recently selected material, grown under high PRR disease pressure. Selections 'SHSR-02', 'SHSR-04', ungrafted 'Hass' (rooted cuttings from clonal propagation) and the commercial rootstock 'DusaTM' were significantly healthier over time than other rootstocks, many of which died during the course of the trials. 'Reed' was consistently highly susceptible. In many cases superior tree health was associated with increased tree height and trunk girth. The trials also clearly demonstrate the negative impact of Phytophthora root rot on establishment of new avocado production blocks, and the importance of identifying and selecting avocado rootstock material that can withstand high P. cinnamomi disease pressure.


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To adapt to climate variability and a lack of irrigation water, businesses and growers in southern Australia, northern New South Wales and southern Queensland are, or are considering, migrating their businesses to northern Australia.


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This project has delivered outcomes that address major agronomic and crop protection issues closely linked to the profitability and sustainability of cotton production enterprises in CQ. From an agronomic perspective, the CQ environment was always though to support economically viable cotton production in a wide sowing window from the middle of September to early January prior to this research. The ideal positioning of Bollgard II varieties in the CQ planting window was, therefore, critical to the future of the local cotton industry because growers needed baseline information to determine how best to take advantage of the higher yield potential offered by the Bt cotton technology, optimise irrigation water use and fibre characteristics. The project’s outputs include a number of key agronomic findings. Over three growing seasons, Bollgard II crop planted in the traditional sowing window from the middle of September to the end of October consistently produced the highest yields. The project delivers a clear and quantitative assessment of the impacts of planting outside the traditional cropping window - a yield penalty of between 1-4 bales/ha for November and December planted cotton. Whilst yield penalties associated with December-planted crops are clearly linked to declining heat units in the second half of the crop and a cool finish, those associated with November-planted cotton are not consistent with the theoretical yield potential for this sowing date. Further research to understand and minimize the physiological constraints on November-planted cotton would give CQ cotton growers far greater flexibility to develop mixed/double/rotation cropping farming systems that are relevant to the rapidly evolving nature of Agricultural production in Australia. The equivalence of cultivar types with clearly distinguishable, genetically based growth habits, demonstrated in this project, gives growers important information for making varietal choices. The entomological outcomes of this project represent strategic and tactical tools that are highly relevant to the viability and profitability of the cotton industry in Australia. The future of the cotton industry is inextricably linked to the survival and efficacy of GM cotton. Research done in the Callide irrigation area demonstrates the unquestionable potential for development of alternative and highly effective resistance management strategies for Bollgard II using novel technologies and strategies based on products such as Magnet®. Magnet® and similar technologies will be increasingly important in strategies to preserve the shelf life and efficacy of current and future generations of GM technology. However, more research will be required to address logistical and operational issues related to these new technologies before they can be fully exploited in commercial production systems. From an economic perspective, SLW is the sleeping giant in terms of insect nemeses of cotton, particularly from the standpoint of climate change and an increasingly warmer production environment. An effective sampling and management strategy for SLW which has been delivered by this project will go a long way towards minimising production costs in an environment characterised by rapidly rising input costs. SLW has the potential to permanently debilitate the national cotton industry by influencing market sentiment and quality perceptions. Field validation of the SLW population sampling models and management options in the Dawson irrigation area cotton and southern Queensland during 2006-07 documents the robustness of the entomological research outcomes achieved through this project.


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Sustainable management of sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) fisheries needs to account for recent observations of regional-scale differentiation. Population genetic analysis is sought to assess the situation of this ecologically and economically important fish species in eastern Australian waters. Here, we report (i) new population genetic markers [single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and potential microsatellites], (ii) first estimates of spatial genetic differentiation and (iii) prospective power tests for designing more comprehensive studies. Six DNA samples from three sampling regions (North Queensland, South Queensland and central New South Wales) on the eastern coast of Australia were used to prepare restriction site associated DNA (RAD) tag libraries from genomic DNA digested with EcoRI and MseI. A pooled sample of regional RAD tag libraries was sequenced using the Roche GS-FLX Titanium platform. A total of 172837 raw reads (17.4Mbp) were retrieved, 95500 of which were used to discover 1267 SNPs and 1417 microsatellites. A subset of 161 SNPs was validated based on 63 additional DNA samples genotyped using the Sequenom MassArray (iPLEX Gold chemistry). Altogether 92 SNPs (57%) were confirmed, with 40% of these marking fixed variants between northern and southern sampling regions. Our preliminary findings indicate a multispecies fishery stock of M. cephalus in eastern Australian waters, but suggest that strong genetic differentiation occurs north of major fishing grounds. Low potential differentiation within major fishing grounds (e.g. FST=0.0025) can be resolved with a likely power 67% by using standard sample sizes of 50 and validated subsets of available markers.


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Summary: This research represents the first age-based demographic assessment of pearl perch, Glaucosoma scapulare (Ramsay, 1881), a highly valued species endemic to coastal waters off central eastern Australia. The study was conducted across the species' distribution that encompasses two state jurisdictions (Queensland in the north and New South Wales in the south) using data collected approximately 10 years apart in each state. Estimates of age were made by counting annuli (validated using marginal increment ratios) in sectioned sagittal otoliths. The maximum estimated age was 19 years. Pearl perch attained approx. 12 cm fork length (FL) after one year, 21 cm FL after 2 years and 29 cm FL after 3 years. Fish from the southern end of the species' distribution grew significantly more slowly than those from the northern part of its range. Commercial landings in the north were characterized by greater proportions of larger (>40 cm FL) and older (>6 years) fish than those in the south, with landings mainly of fish between 3 and 6 years of age. The observed variations in age-based demographics of pearl perch highlight the need for a better understanding of patterns of movement and reproduction in developing a model of population dynamics and life-history for this important species. There is a clear need for further, concurrent, age-based studies on pearl perch in the northern and southern parts of its distribution to support the conclusions of the present study based on data collected a decade apart. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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The root-lesion nematodes (RLN) Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus are widely distributed in Australian grain producing regions and can reduce the yield of intolerant wheat cultivars by up to 65 , costing the industry ~123 M AUD/year. Consequently, researchers in the northern, southern and western regions have independently developed procedures to evaluate the resistance of cereal cultivars to RLN. To compare results, each of the three laboratories phenotyped a set of 26 and 36 cereal cultivars for relative resistance/susceptibility to P. thornei and P. neglectus respectively. The northern and southern regions also investigated the effects of planting time and experiment duration on RLN reproduction and cultivar ranking. Results show the genetic correlation between cultivars tested using the northern and southern procedures evaluating P. thornei resistance was 0.93. Genetic correlations between experiments using the same procedure, but with different planting times, were 0.99 for both northern and southern procedures. The genetic correlation between cultivars tested using the northern, southern and western procedures evaluating P. neglectus resistance ranged from 0.71 to 0.95. Genetic correlations between experiments using the same procedure but with different planting times ranged from 0.91 to 0.99. This study established that, even though experiments were conducted in different geographic locations and with different trial management practices, the diverse nematode resistance screening procedures ranked cultivars similarly. Consequently, RLN resistance data can be pooled across regions to provide national consensus ratings of cultivars.