298 resultados para Employment (Economic theory)
Phytophthora root rot of avocados and is the major limiting factor to avocado production in Australia. The disease has a significant impact on productivity. An integrated program is recommended for Phytophthora root rot management with phosphorus acid a key component of this strategy. Monthly root analyses will be conducted on 5 avocado orchards across a range of growing environments on the Atherton Tablelands. Detailed tree phenology data will be collected orchard at the same time the root sampling occurs. In conjunction with the phenological data, decay curves will allow the development of recommendations to optimize phosphorous acid applications for the management of Phytophthora root rot in Shepard avocados.
Regional variety trials (RVT) established in 1983 and again in 1997 identified superior varieties for the macadamia industry. From the 1983 trials, guidelines were developed to assist growers to select the most appropriate new varieties for their particular orchards and many of these superior varieties have been enthusiastically adopted by industry. This is also being done for varieties in the 1997 trials. Many of the best cultivars have already been adopted by growers on the basis of annual reports of yield and quality. Industry development over the next 10 to 20 years will be largely dependent on new, superior varieties selected in these RVT5, including new selections from the macadamia industry breeding program.
The purpose of this proposal is to detail the proposed service provision project to be undertaken by staff from the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI – formerly DPI&F) to the Flower Association of Queensland Inc (FAQI). FAQI to successfully fulfil FAQI’s requirements under the Rural Water Use Efficiency 4 project.
Up to 80% of avocados on the retail shelf have defects in the flesh which reduces consumer satisfaction. Flesh bruising is the single most important contributor. Avocados also develop skin spotting during harvesting and packing which can reduce domestic and international customer confidence. This project will identify where bruising occurs, develop decision aid tools to help industry reduce flesh bruising in ripe fruit, and understand the commercial impacts of skin spotting. The project will include a PhD student with stipend coming from an international scholarship and in kind support from the University of Queensland.
Mealybug contamination is a major hurdle for access to profitable export markets. This project seeks to review worldwide research into management options for mealybug in persimmon and other cropping systems.
Grey mould, powdery mildew and stem-end rot are major diseases affecting the strawberry industry. Some of the chemicals used are ineffective under wet weather, have limits to the number of applications allowed in a season or may become ineffective in the long-term because of the development of resistance in the fungi. We will assess the effectiveness of the chemicals currently used by the strawberry industry and whether the fruit rot fungi are resistant to these fungicides. We will screen other chemicals that are used to control these diseases in related crops. We will also evaluate new chemicals in collaboration with the crop protectant industry. We will also undertake similar work to control nematodes in strawberry fields.
This project has the overall aim of reducing the impacts of diseases of winter cereals, pulses, sunflower sorghum and nematodes on farming systems in the GRDC northern region. Integrated disease management packages which involve combinations of resistance, targeted fungicide applications, cultural practices such as rotations, and disease modelling will be developed and extended to clients. Structured surveillance activities will enable the monitoring of the distribution and importance of diseases and pathotypes, the early detection of significant outbreaks of endemic and exotic diseases, and a rapid and appropriate response to these outbreaks.
Provide diagnostic support for plant pathology projects, including the maintenance and preservation of reference specimens.
Short-term research projects on insect pest management in processed food.
The farming systems and agribusinesses of the inland Burnett and southern coastal cropping regions of Queensland are becoming increasingly interlinked as grain legume crops, a key component of dryland cropping systems, become more firmly entrenched in the coastal sugarcane cropping areas. Soybeans, peanuts and possibly winter cereals like barley have a real and demonstrated role in sugarcane rotations, and assistance with the integration of those crops into viable and sustainable cropping systems with sugarcane will be critical to the futuer development of these industries.
Sorghum grown in India in the post-rainy season (Rabi) relies on residual soil moisture, and the crop is commonly exposed to terminal drought stress. But there is a ready market for its high-quality grain and stover (used as fodder on dairy farms). Steps to improve productivity while maintaining quality offer an attractive opportunity for sorghum farmers to improve their incomes. Genetically improving the efficiency of using stored soil moisture is a prime target to maximise grain/stover production and quality of Rabi sorghum. This project aims to achieve this through the application of DNA sequences known as quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The project scientists will introduce marker-assisted introgression of stay-green QTLs into sorghum lines, enhancing both the quality and the quantity of grain/stover of postrainy sorghum. They will also use modelling to identify the key physiological traits involved in a higher, more stable yield across water-limited environments of India and Australia, and the key stay-green QTLs contributing to these traits. The publicly available QTL isolines lines developed in this project will be the basis of new varieties to be bred in a subsequent phase.
Development of a national diagnostic database for Emergency Plant Pests which will be web-accessible.
The project will produce practical and relevant benchmarks, protocols and recommendations for the adoption of remote sensing technologies for improved in season management and therefore production within the Australian sugar cane industry.
Develop nationally agreed, standard methods for insect sample collection, resistance testing, and data management as a basis for a statistically robust and informative national resistance monitoring program.
The objectives of this projects are: 1)To ensure the identification of genomic DNA markers for phosphine resistance in Rhyzopertha dominica and Tribolium castaneum; 2) To determine gene function of identified phosphine resistance genes in Rhyzopertha dominica and Tribolium castaneum; and 3) Predict future problems by characterising international resistances using our genes as a starting point to determine strong resistance can get by determining similarities with Australia.