168 resultados para Phytopatogens control
Weed management is the major challenge to the success of dry-seeded rice (DSR). A field study was conducted during the dry seasons of 2013 and 2014at the International Rice Research Institute to evaluate the performance of herbicides combined with mechanical weeding in DSR. The lowest weed density and biomass were found in the treatment oxadiazon followed by (fb) fenoxaprop+ethoxysulfuron fb 2,4-D fb mechanical weeding (MW) at 42 days after sowing (DAS). However, this treatment had similar weed density and biomass to the treatments oxadiazon fb bispyribac-sodium fb fenoxaprop+ethoxysulfuron fb 2,4-D,oxadiazon fb bispyribac-sodium fb 2,4-D, and oxadiazon fb MW (28 DAS) fb MW (42 DAS). The highest weed density and biomass were recorded in the treatment oxadiazon fb MW (28 DAS) and oxadiazon fb 2,4-D. Higher grain yield (5.3-5.8tha-1) was produced in the plots that received oxadiazon fb fenoxaprop+ethoxysulfuron fb 2,4-D fb MW(42 DAS) and oxadiazon fb bispyribac-sodium fb fenoxaprop+ethoxysulfuron fb 2,4-D. The results of this study provide sustainable weed management options to farmers growing DSR.
Lower water availability coupled with labor shortage has resulted in the increasing inability of growers to cultivate puddled transplanted rice (PTR). A field study was conducted in the wet season of 2012 and dry season of 2013 to evaluate the performance of five rice establishment methods and four weed control treatments on weed management, and rice yield. Grass weeds were higher in dry-seeded rice (DSR) as compared to PTR and nonpuddled transplanted rice (NPTR). The highest total weed density (225-256plantsm-2) and total weed biomass (315-501gm-2) were recorded in DSR while the lowest (102-129plantsm-2 and 75-387gm-2) in PTR. Compared with the weedy plots, the treatment pretilachlor followed by fenoxaprop plus ethoxysulfuron plus 2,4-D provided excellent weed control. This treatment, however, had a poor performance in NPTR. In both seasons, herbicide efficacy was better in DSR and wet-seeded rice. PTR and DSR produced the maximum rice grain yields. The weed-free plots and herbicide treatments produced 84-614% and 58-504% higher rice grain yield, respectively, than the weedy plots in 2012, and a similar trend was observed in 2013.
Recently argued that observed positive relationships between dingoes and small mammals were a result of top-down processes whereby lethal dingo control reduced dingoes and increased mesopredators and herbivores, which then suppressed small mammals. Here, I show that the prerequisite negative effects of dingo control on dingoes were not shown, and that the same positive relationships observed may simply represent well-known bottom-up processes whereby more generalist predators are found in places with more of their preferred prey. Identification of top-predator controlinduced trophic cascades first requires demonstration of some actual effect of control on predators, typically possible only through manipulative experiments with the ability to identify cause and effect.