249 resultados para Works in Progress
Development of a Gulf community based natural resource monitoring program, with sawfish as an initial focus.
Toxic Pimelea species (desert riceflower) are naturally occurring species found throughout beef cattle regions of Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Three species of Pimelea (simplex, elongata, and trichostachya) are poisonous to livestock and potentially fatal to cattle, with serious economic consequences through the loss of production, stock deaths and the costs of agistment. A better understanding of the ecology of the plant/disease is required to develop best practice to manage Pimelea in cattle-producing areas. Development of a chemical assay for the toxin (simplexin) is a key component of the current research project enabling toxin levels to be related to stage of plant growth, environmental and climatic factors.
The purpose of the trial is to assess the growth and production level of cultured Polychaetes, and wastewater remediation properties of Polychaete beds at a commercial prawn farm.
Management of insecticide resistance.
R&D to increase growth of Bali calves in the Eastern Islands of Indonesia.
This project will contribute to providing scientifically-based ecological assessments of fisheries stocks and habitats required under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999.
The Wambiana grazing trial started in 1997 to test and develop sustainable and profitable grazing strategies to manage for rainfall variability. It is important that this trial continue as the results are still relatively short-term relative to rainfall cycles and significant treatment changes are still occurring. This new proposal will maintain baseline treatments but will modify others based on trial learning’s to date. It builds on treatment differences and evidence collected over the last 12 years to deliver evidence-based guidelines and principles for sustainable and productive management. The trial also links to other projects modelling water quality, climate change, methane emissions and soil C sequestration on grazing lands.
Eel tailed catfish, silver perch and Murray cod are three key recreational fishing species that have declined in the Murray-Darling Basin region. This research project will be an important step towards developing methods to restore and enhance stocks of these fish.
Efficacy and effectiveness of practical vaccination protocols to protect heifers against calf losses.
Investigation of potential for fungal control of small hive beetles.
Management of insecticide resistance.
Establish a greenhouse gas pond cover and collection system providing data on methane and CO2 emissions.
Spotted gum nutrition in the Burnett Region of Queensland.
Study to investigate the use of cypress pine extractives as a novel timber preservative.
Support Horticulture and Forestry Science tree improvement activities with sampling and evaluation of wood properties to rank for wood quality for specified product types (pulp and paper, solid wood, veneer etc).