22 resultados para thailand


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Asia's increasing demand for both tropical and temperate fruit is projected to grow significantly. Compared with most developed countries, the production of temperate fruits (peach, nectarine, plum and apple) has expanded rapidly in China over the past 20 years. In contrast, current production of plums and peaches in neighbouring countries (Thailand and Vietnam) is very low but their fruit enters the market earlier. Thailand and Vietnam have enormous potential to satisfy a market window in the northern hemisphere period from March to May inclusive when there is little or no stone fruit on the Asian market. In Vietnam, fruit is harvested in an immature state to avoid disease and fruit fly problems and consequently lacks size and flavour. Approximately 30-40% of locally produced fruit in Vietnam does not reach market due to disease and poor handling during picking and transport. In Thailand, much of the infrastructure needed to transport, store, process and market temperate fruits successfully are now in place. However, there are currently no cool chain management or quality assurance systems to ensure a fresh product reaches the consumer with minimal deterioration. In Vietnam, growing stone fruit under the traditional system with little or minimal inputs, the farmer may receive between AUD3,000-5,000 per ha. In comparison, under higher input systems incorporating fertiliser, irrigation and pest and disease management, net returns can be increased seven-fold. Strengths and weaknesses of the current supply chains in these two countries are discussed.


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An annotated checklist of the smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes) from Thailand has been compiled after an examination of the scientific literature, previously deposited herbarium specimens and specimens collected by the authors during a survey in December 2005. Fifty-two species of smut fungi are listed, including 11 species which were newly discovered during our survey. Most of these smut fungi are reported for the first time from Thailand. Several species are very rare, being known only from the type material or a limited number of collections.


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Accurate identification of pests is essential for practically all aspects of agricultural development and is critical to the operations of biosecurity that safeguard agricultural integrity and facilitate trade. Diagnostic capability is at the forefront of and complementary to, activities such as border protection, incursion management, surveillance and pest and disease certification. The efficiency of a biosecurity system therefore depends largely on the feedback between these activities and diagnostics. Australian scientists will train Thai scientists in diagnostics and surveillance to provide the Thai DOA with skills that will aid in the development of a Thai Diagnostic Network. The skills will be taught using a range of pests, including some which have particular biosecurity importance for both Australia and Thailand such as citrus canker, potato viruses and fruit flies.


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Viral diseases of cotton are of economic significance in many parts of the world and several of these remain biosecurity threats to the Australian cotton industry, including Cotton Leaf Roll Virus (CLRV) from South East Asia. The proposed project will result in a greater understanding of the field symptoms of CLRV in Thailand and diagnostic assays used for its detection. I will also determine if the diagnostic assay being developed for Brazilian CLRDV as part of the CRDC project (11-12FRP00062) may also detect Thailand CLRV. It will provide educational opportunities to increase the knowledge base of staff currently working on cotton virus research and in doing so help to protect the Australian cotton industry from incursions of exotic viruses.


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Partial virus genome sequence with high nucleotide identity to Cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV) was identified from two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) samples from Thailand displaying typical cotton leaf roll disease symptoms. We developed and validated a PCR assay for the detection of CLRDV isolates from Thailand and Brazil.


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The pharaoh cuttle Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg, 1831 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda: Sepiida) is a broadly distributed species of substantial fisheries importance found from east Africa to southern Japan. Little is known about S. pharaonis phylogeography, but evidence from morphology and reproductive biology suggests that Sepia pharaonis is actually a complex of at least three species. To evaluate this possibility, we collected tissue samples from Sepia pharaonis from throughout its range. Phylogenetic analyses of partial mitochondrial 16S sequences from these samples reveal five distinct clades: a Gulf of Aden/Red Sea clade, a northern Australia clade, a Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea clade, a western Pacific clade (Gulf of Thailand and Taiwan) and an India/Andaman Sea clade. Phylogenetic analyses including several Sepia species show that S. pharaonis sensu lato may not be monophyletic. We suggest that "S. pharaonis" may consist of up to five species, but additional data will be required to fully clarify relationships within the S. pharaonis complex.


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A recent study using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates found a sequence type (ST60) to be common to both Thailand and Australia, contradicting earlier studies showing complete distinction between isolates from these regions. The ST60 isolates reportedly from Australia had been obtained for MLST from United Kingdom and U.S. collections. We have located and characterized the original Australian isolates; they were collected in 1983, and they are neither ST60 nor B. pseudomallei isolates. The B. pseudomallei MLST database has been corrected, and there is no ST common to isolates verified as obtained from Australia or from Thailand.


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The detection, distribution, molecular and biological properties, vector relations and control of tospoviruses present in Australia, including Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) and Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV), are reviewed. TSWV occurs throughout Australia where it has caused serious sporadic epidemics since it was first described in the 1920s. The frequency and distribution of outbreaks has increased in the 1990s, with the arrival and dispersal of the western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) being one factor favouring this situation. The crops most frequently and severely affected are capsicum, lettuce, tomato, potato and several species of ornamentals. Minimal differences were found between the nucleocapsid (N) gene amino acid sequences of Australian isolates and these were most closely related to a clade of northern European isolates. CaCV was first detected in Australia in 1999 and is most closely related to Watermelon silver mottle virus, a serogroup IV tospovirus. The natural hosts include capsicum, tomato, peanut and Hoya spp. The virus also occurs in Thailand and Taiwan. IYSV was first found in Australia in 2003, infecting onion and leek, with the distribution in three States suggesting that the virus has been present for some time.


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The north Queensland banana industry is under pressure from government and community expectations to exhibit good environmental stewardship. The industry is situated on the high-rainfall north Queensland coast adjacent to 2 natural icons, the Great Barrier Reef to the east and World Heritage-listed rain forest areas to the west. The main environmental concern is agricultural industry pollutants harming the Great Barrier Reef. In addition to environmental issues the banana industry also suffers financial pressure from declining margins and production loss from tropical cyclones. As part of a broader government strategy to reduce land-based pollutants affecting the Great Barrier Reef, the formation of a pilot banana producers group to address these environmental and economic pressures was facilitated. Using an integrated farming systems approach, we worked collaboratively with these producers to conduct an environmental risk assessment of their businesses and then to develop best management practices (BMP) to address environmental concerns. We also sought input from technical experts to provide increased rigour for the environmental risk assessment and BMP development. The producers' commercial experience ensured new ideas for improved sustainable practices were constantly assessed through their profit-driven 'filter' thus ensuring economic sustainability was also considered. Relying heavily on the producers' knowledge and experience meant the agreed sustainable practices were practical, relevant and financially feasible for the average-sized banana business in the region. Expert input and review also ensured that practices were technically sound. The pilot group producers then implemented and adapted selected key practices on their farms. High priority practices addressed by the producers group included optimizing nitrogen fertilizer management to reduce runoff water nitrification, developing practical ground cover management to reduce soil erosion and improving integrated pest management systems to reduce pesticide use. To facilitate wider banana industry understanding and adoption of the BMP's developed by the pilot group, we conducted field days at the farms of the pilot group members. Information generated by the pilot group has had wider application to Australian horticulture and the process has been subsequently used with the north Queensland sugar industry. Our experiences have shown that integrated farming systems methodologies are useful in addressing complex issues like environmental and economic sustainability. We have also found that individual horticulture businesses need on-going technical support for change to more sustainable practices. One-off interventions have little impact, as farm improvement is usually an on-going incremental process. A key lesson from this project has been the need to develop practical, farm scale economic tools to clarify and demonstrate the financial impact of alternative management practices. Demonstrating continued profitability is critical to encourage widespread industry adoption of environmentally sustainable practices


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‘A-1’ was selected from a breeding population of 40 seedling Zoysia matrella plants from various parts of Southeast Asia (Japan, Philippines, China, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand). The original plants were vegetatively propagated and evaluated first in pots. A shortlist of selected genotypes was expanded to field plantings at Sheldon, QLD and evaluated against existing Z. matrella and Z. matrella x Z. japonica hybrid cultivars under mowing heights from 10 to 25mm and under shade levels ranging from 0 to 80%. ‘A-1’ showed higher tiller density and a more prostrate growth habit than the parent ecotype, and was selected from the subsequent breeding population on the basis of its superior turf colour and quality under mowing for 6 years and its shade tolerance as shown by its ability to maintain density of the mown sward under greatly reduced light levels (70-80% shade). Additional observations regarding climatic adaptation were made in Cairns, QLD, and Melbourne, VIC, respectively. Breeder: Donald S Loch, Alexandra Hills, QLD. PBR Certificate Number 3649, Application Number 2008/091, granted 16 December 2008.


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Drought during the pre-flowering stage can increase yield of peanut. There is limited information on genotypic variation for tolerance to and recovery from pre-flowering drought (PFD) and more importantly the physiological traits underlying genotypic variation. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of moisture stress during the pre-flowering phase on pod yield and to understand some of the physiological responses underlying genotypic variation in response to and recovery from PFD. A glasshouse and field experiments were conducted at Khon Kaen University, Thailand. The glasshouse experiment was a randomized complete block design consisting of two watering regimes, i.e. fully-irrigated control and 1/3 available soil water from emergence to 40 days after emergence followed by adequate water supply, and 12 peanut genotypes. The field experiment was a split-plot design with two watering regimes as main-plots, and 12 peanut genotypes as sub-plots. Measurements of N-2 fixation, leaf area (LA) were made in both experiments. In addition, root growth was measured in the glasshouse experiment. Imposition of PFD followed by recovery resulted in an average increase in yield of 24 % (range from 10 % to 57 %) and 12 % (range from 2 % to 51 %) in the field and glasshouse experiments, respectively. Significant genotypic variation for N-2 fixation, LA and root growth was also observed after recovery. The study revealed that recovery growth following release of PFD had a stronger influence on final yield than tolerance to water deficits during the PFD. A combination of N-2 fixation, LA and root growth accounted for a major portion of the genotypic variation in yield (r = 0.68-0.93) suggesting that these traits could be used as selection criteria for identifying genotypes with rapid recovery from PFD. A combined analysis of glasshouse and field experiments showed that LA and N-2 fixation during the recovery had low genotype x environment interaction indicating potential for using these traits for selecting genotypes in peanut improvement programs.


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Mitochondrial DNA D-loop (control) region (426-bp) was used to infer the genetic structure of Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) from populations in Southeast Asia (Brunei, East and West Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, and China) and northern Australia (including western Timor). An east–west division along Wallace’s Line was strongly supported by a significant AMOVA, with 43% of the total sequence variation partitioned among groups of populations. Phylogenetic and network analyses supported two clades: clade A and clade B. Members of clade A were found in Southeast Asia and northern Australia, but not in locations to the west (Gulf of Thailand) or north (China). Clade B was found exclusively in Southeast Asia. Genetic division along Wallace’s Line suggests that co-management of S. commerson populations for future sustainability may not be necessary between Southeast Asian nations and Australia, however all countries should share the task of management of the species in Southeast Asia equally. More detailed genetic studies of S. commerson populations in the region are warranted.


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Plant records, derived largely from field studies in Thailand and Malaysia from 1986-94, are provided for 131 species of Southeast Asian Tephritidae.


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Fruit size and quality are major problems in early-season stonefruit cultivars grown in Australia and South-East Asia. In Australia, Thailand and Vietnam, new training and trellising systems are being developed to improve yield and fruit quality. Australian trials found that new training systems, such as the Open Tatura system, are more productive compared with standard vase-trained trees. We established new crop-loading indices for low-chill stonefruit to provide a guide for optimum fruit thinning based on fruit number per canopy surface and butt cross sectional area. Best management practices were developed for low-chill stonefruit cultivation using growth retardants, optimizing leaf nitrogen concentrations and controlling rates and timing of irrigation. Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) improved fruit sugar concentrations by restricting water application during stage II of fruit growth. New pest and disease control measures are also being developed using a new generation of fruit fly baits. Soft insecticides such as (Spinosad) are used at significantly lower concentrations and have lower mammalian toxicity than the organophosphates currently registered in Australia. In addition, fruit fly exclusion netting effectively eliminated fruit fly and many other insect pests from the orchard with no increase in diseases. This netting system increased sugar concentrations of peach and nectarine by as much as 30%. Economic analyses showed that the break-even point can be reduced from 12 to 6 years Open Tatura trellising and exclusion netting.