39 resultados para fibre properties


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Information on the effects of growing cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)-based crop rotations on soil quality of dryland Vertisols is sparse. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of growing cereal and leguminous crops in rotation with dryland cotton on physical and chemical properties of a grey Vertisol near Warra, SE Queensland, Australia. The experimental treatments, selected after consultations with local cotton growers, were continuous cotton (T1), cotton-sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) (T2), cotton-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) double cropped (T3), cotton-chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) double cropped followed by wheat (T4) and cotton-wheat (T5). From 1993 to 1996 land preparation was by chisel ploughing to about 0.2 m followed by two to four cultivations with a Gyral tyne cultivator. Thereafter all crops were sown with zero tillage except for cultivation with a chisel plough to about 0.07-0.1 m after cotton picking to control heliothis moth pupae. Soil was sampled from 1996 to 2004 and physical (air-filled porosity of oven-dried soil, an indicator of soil compaction; plastic limit; linear shrinkage; dispersion index) and chemical (pH in 0.01 M CaCl2, organic carbon, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Na contents) properties measured. Crop rotation affected soil properties only with respect to exchangeable Na content and air-filled porosity. In the surface 0.15 m during 2000 and 2001 lowest air-filled porosity occurred with T1 (average of 34.6 m3/100 m3) and the highest with T3 (average of 38.9 m3/100 m3). Air-filled porosity decreased in the same depth between 1997 and 1998 from 45.0 to 36.1 m3/100 m3, presumably due to smearing and compaction caused by shallow cultivation in wet soil. In the subsoil, T1 and T2 frequently had lower air-filled porosity values in comparison with T3, T4 and T5, particularly during the early stages of the experiment, although values under T1 increased subsequently. In general, compaction was less under rotations which included a wheat crop (T3, T4, T5). For example, average air-filled porosity (in m3/100 m3) in the 0.15-0.30 m depth from 1996 to 1999 was 19.8 with both T1 and T2, and 21.2 with T3, 21.1 with T4 and 21.5 with T5. From 2000 to 2004, average air-filled porosity (in m3/100 m3) in the same depth was 21.3 with T1, 19.0 with T2, 19.8 with T3, 20.0 with T4 and 20.5 with T5. The rotation which included chickpea (T4) resulted in the lowest exchangeable Na content, although differences among rotations were small. Where only a cereal crop with a fibrous root system was sown in rotation with cotton (T2, T3, T5) linear shrinkage in the 0.45-0.60 m depth was lower than in rotations, which included tap-rooted crops such as chickpea (T4) or continuous cotton (T1). Dispersion index and organic carbon decreased, and plastic limit increased with time. Soil organic carbon stocks decreased at a rate of 1.2 Mg/ha/year. Lowest average cotton lint yield occurred with T2 (0.54 Mg/ha) and highest wheat yield with T3 (2.8 Mg/ha). Rotations which include a wheat crop are more likely to result in better soil structure and cotton lint yield than cotton-sorghum or continuous cotton.


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Characterisation and investigation of a number of key wood properties, critical for further modelling work, has been achieved. The key results were: • Morphological characterisation, in terms of fibre cell wall thickness and porosity, was completed. A clear difference in fibre porosity, size, wall thickness and orientation was evident between species. Results were consistent with published data for other species. • Viscoelastic properties of wood were shown to differ greatly between species and in the radial and tangential directions, largely due to anatomical and chemical variations. Consistent with published data, the radial direction shows higher stiffness, internal friction and glass transition temperature than the tangential directions. The loss of stiffness over the measured temperature range was greater in the tangential direction than the radial direction. Due to time dependant molecular relaxation, the storage modulus and glass transition temperature decreased with decreasing test frequency, approaching an asymptotic limit. Thus the viscoelastic properties measured at lower frequencies are more representative of static material. • Dynamic interactions between relative humidity, moisture content and shrinkage of four Australian hardwood timbers can be accurately monitored on micro-samples using a specialised experimental device developed by AgroParisTech – ENGREF. The device generated shrinkage data that varied between species but were consistent (repeatable) within a species. Collapse shrinkage was clearly evident with this method for Eucalyptus obliqua, but not with other species, consistent with industrial seasoning experience. To characterise the wood-water relations of this species, free of collapse, thinner sample sections (in the R-T plane) should be used.


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Considerable concern has been expressed by the Australian wool industry regarding the contamination of the clip with coloured or kempy fibres from imported breeds of sheep. As part of the evaluation of imported sheep meat breeds in western Queensland, a study is examining fibre growth and transfer of fibres and the potential to cause physical contamination of Merino fleeces. The breeds of concern in this study are the Damara, a fat-tailed breed with a hairy, coloured fleece and the Dorper which has both pigmented fibres and a kempy fleece which is shed cyclically. Three groups of Merino 27 ewes were mated to Merino, Damara and Dorper rams respectively and fibre transfer to the Merino ewes during mating, from lambing to weaning and during grazing, assessed. Both a direct field method and a laboratory method (Hatcher 1995) are being used. Those measured by direct count were measured immediately after joining and 2, 4 and 8 weeks subsequently. and the other ewes were shorn and sampled and measured in the laboratory using the dark fibre detector. This paper presents preliminary findings of those ewes monitored by the direct field method. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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A total of 27 isolates of Histophilus somni from Australian cattle were tested for in vitro sensitivity to tilmicosin by an agar dilution methodology. All 27 isolates were found to be sensitive.


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As part of a feasibility study of the commercialization potential of C. indicum nuts as Agroforestry Tree Products in Papua New Guinea, preliminary characterization studies have examined the tree-to-tree variation in morphological traits (nut and kernel mass and kernel:nut ratio), as well as nutritional (carbohydrate, fat, protein, sodium, vitamin E) and medicinal traits (anti-oxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity and phenolic content) of kernels from 18 to 72 trees in a small number of different villages of Papua New Guinea (East New Britain Province). There was continuous variation in these traits indicating opportunities for multiple trait cultivar development targeted at food and pharmaceutical markets. Certain traits, for example anti-inflammatory activity, in which tree-to-tree variation was highly significant, present greater opportunities than others, such as saturated:unsaturated fatty acid ratio. This intraspecific variation was greater within populations than between populations. The data presented has allowed the development of a strategy to domesticate C. indicum for cultivation in homegardens and cocoa-coconut agroforests, using a participatory approach aimed at the production of agroforestry tree products (AFTPs) to empower small-holders and enhance their livelihoods and income.


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In previous experiments, increased leaf-Phosphorus (P) content with increasing P supply enhanced the individual leaf expansion and water content of fresh cotton leaves in a severely drying soil. In this paper, we report on the bulk water content of leaves and its components, free and bound water, along with other measures of plant water status, in expanding cotton leaves of various ages in a drying soil with different P concentrations. The bound water in living tissue is more likely to play a major role in tolerance to abiotic stresses by maintaining the structural integrity and/or cell wall extensibility of the leaves, whilst an increased amount of free water might be able to enhance solute accumulation, leading to better osmotic adjustment and tolerance to water stress, and maintenance of the volumes of sub-cellular compartments for expansive leaf growth. There were strong correlations between leaf-P%, leaf water (total, free and bound water) and leaf expansion rate (LER) under water stress conditions in a severely drying soil. Increased soil-P enhanced the uptake of P from a drying soil, leading to increased supply of osmotically active inorganic solutes to the cells in growing leaves. This appears to have led to the accumulation of free water and more bound water, ultimately leading to increased leaf expansion rates as compared to plants in low P soil under similar water stress conditions. The greater amount of bound and free water in the high-P plants was not necessarily associated with changes in cell turgor, and appears to have maintained the cell-wall properties and extensibility under water stressed conditions in soils that are nutritionally P-deficient.


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Sequestration of parasite-infected red blood cells (RBCs) in the microvasculature is an important pathological feature of both bovine babesiosis caused by Babesia bovis and human malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Surprisingly, when compared with malaria, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie this abnormal circulatory behaviour for RBCs infected with B. bovis have been relatively ignored. Here, we present some novel insights into the adhesive and mechanical changes that occur in B. bovis-infected bovine RBCs and compare them with the alterations that occur in human RBCs infected with P. falciparum. After infection with B. bovis, bovine RBCs become rigid and adhere to vascular endothelial cells under conditions of physiologically relevant flow. These alterations are accompanied by the appearance of ridge-like structures on the RBC surface that are analogous, but morphologically and biochemically different, to the knob-like structures on the surface of human RBCs infected with P. falciparum. Importantly, albeit for a limited number of parasite lines examined here, the extent of these cellular and rheological changes appear to be related to parasite virulence. Future investigations to identify the precise molecular composition of ridges and the proteins that mediate adhesion will provide important insight into the pathogenesis of both babesiosis and malaria.


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Fibre diameter can vary dramatically along a wool staple, especially in the Mediterranean environment of southern Australia with its dry summers and abundance of green feed in spring. Other research results have shown a very low phenotypic correlation between fibre diameter grown between seasons. Many breeders use short staples to measure fibre diameter for breeding purposes and also to promote animals for sale. The effectiveness of this practice is determined by the relative response to selection by measuring fibre traits on a full 12 months wool staple as compared to measuring them only on part of a staple. If a high genetic correlation exists between the part record and the full record, then using part records may be acceptable to identify genetically superior animals. No information is available on the effectiveness of part records. This paper investigated whether wool growth and fibre diameter traits of Merino wool grown at different times of the year in a Mediterranean environment, are genetically the same trait, respectively. The work was carried out on about 7 dyebanded wool sections/animal.year, on ewes from weaning to hogget age, in the Katanning Merino resource flocks over 6 years. Relative clean wool growth of the different sections had very low heritability estimates of less than 0.10, and they were phenotypically and genetically poorly correlated with 6 or 12 months wool growth. This indicates that part record measurement of clean wool growth of these sections will be ineffective as indirect selection criteria to improve wool growth genetically. Staple length growth as measured by the length between dyebands, would be more effective with heritability estimates of between 0.20 and 0.30. However, these measurements were shown to have a low genetic correlation with wool grown for 12 months which implies that these staple length measurements would only be half as efficient as the wool weight for 6 or 12 months to improve total clean wool weight. Heritability estimates of fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature were relatively high and were genetically and phenotypically highly correlated across sections. High positive phenotypic and genetic correlations were also found between fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature of the different sections and similar measurements for wool grown over 6 or 12 months. Coefficient of variation of fibre diameter of the sections also had a moderate negative phenotypic and genetic correlation with staple strength of wool staples grown over 6 months indicating that coefficient of variation of fibre diameter of any section would be as good an indirect selection criterion to improve stable strength as coefficient of variation of fibre diameter for wool grown over 6 or 12 months. The results indicate that fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature of wool grown over short periods of time have virtually the same heritability as that of wool grown over 12 months, and that the genetic correlation between fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature on part and on full records is very high (rg > 0.85). This indicates that fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature on part records can be used as selection criteria to improve these traits. However, part records of greasy and clean wool growth would be much less efficient than fleece weight for wool grown over 6 or 12 months because of the low heritability of part records and the low genetic correlation between these traits on part records and on wool grown for 12 months.


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Sensory analysis of food involves the measurement, interpretation and understanding of human responses to the properties of food perceived by the senses such as sight, smell, and taste (Cozzolino et al. 2005). It is important to have a quantitative means for assessing sensory properties in a reasonable way, to enable the food industry to rapidly respond to the changing demands of both consumers and the market. Aroma and flavour are among the most important properties for the consumer and numerous studies have been performed in attempts to find correlations between sensory qualities and objective instrumental measurements. Rapid, non-destructive instrumental methods such as near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) might be advantageous to predict quality of food and agricultural products due to the speed of analysis, minimum sample preparation and low cost. The advantages of such technologies are not only to assess chemical structures but also to build a spectrum, characteristic of the sample, which behaves as a “finger print”.


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Physical and chemical properties of sap and sap concentrations of constitutive alk(en)ylresorcinols were determined in several varieties of mango grown in different locations in Queensland, Australia, over two consecutive cropping seasons. Sap weight from individual fruit, sap pH, percentage of non-aqueous sap and concentrations of constitutive alk(en)ylresorcinols (5-n-heptadecenylresorcinol and 5-n-pentadecylresorcinol) in sap varied significantly among the varieties. 'Calypso', 'Keitt', 'Kensington Pride' and 'Celebration' had the greatest proportion of non-aqueous sap, whereas 'Nam Doc Mai' had the least. The highest concentrations of 5-n-heptadecenylresorcinol were found in the sap of 'Kensington Pride', and the lowest in 'Honey Gold' and 'Nam Doc Mai'. Highest concentrations of 5-n-pentadecylresorcinol were found in sap of 'Calypso' and 'Celebration', and the lowest levels were in 'Honey Gold' and 'Nam Doc Mai'. There was a direct relationship between the percentage of non-aqueous sap and the concentrations of alk(en)ylresorcinols (r(2) = 0.77 for 5-n-heptadecenylresorcinol, and r(2) = 0.87 for 5-n-pentadecylresorcinol). The alk(en)ylresorcinols were distributed mainly in the upper non-aqueous phase of 'Kensington Pride' sap. Growing location also had significant effects on the composition of mango sap but the effects appeared to be related to differences in maturity. Sap removal is necessary to prevent sapburn, but considerable quantities of alk(en)ylresorcinols that assist in protecting the harvested fruit from anthracnose disease are also removed.


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While the genetic control of wheat processing characteristics such as dough rheology is well understood, limited information is available concerning the genetic control of baking parameters, particularly sponge and dough (S&D) baking. In this study, a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was performed using a population of doubled haploid lines derived from a cross between Australian cultivars Kukri x Janz grown at sites across different Australian wheat production zones (Queensland in 2001 and 2002 and Southern and Northern New South Wales in 2003) in order to examine the genetic control of protein content, protein expression, dough rheology and sponge and dough baking performance. The study highlighted the inconsistent genetic control of protein content across the test sites, with only two loci (3A and 7A) showing QTL at three of the five sites. Dough rheology QTL were highly consistent across the 5 sites, with major effects associated with the Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci. The Glu-D1 5 + 10 allele had consistent effects on S&D properties across sites; however, there was no evidence for a positive effect of the high dough strength Glu-B1-al allele at Glu-B1. A second locus on 5D had positive effects on S&D baking at three of five sites. This study demonstrated that dough rheology measurements were poor predictors of S&D quality. In the absence of robust predictive tests, high heritability values for S&D demonstrate that direct selection is the current best option for achieving genetic gain in this product category.


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Listeria and Salmonella are important foodborne pathogens normally associated with the shrimp production chain. This study investigated the potential of Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Senftenberg, and Listeria monocytogenes (Scott A and V7) to attach to and colonize shrimp carapace. Attachment and colonization of Listeria and Salmonella were demonstrated. Shrimp abdominal carapaces showed higher levels of bacterial attachment (P < 0.05) than did head carapaces. Listeria consistently exhibited greater attachment (P < 0.05) than did Salmonella on all surfaces. Chitinase activity of all strains was tested and found not to occur at the three temperatures (10, 25. and 37 degrees C) tested. The surface physicochemical properties of bacterial cells and shrimp carapace were Studied to determine their role in attachment and colonization. Salmonella had significantly (P < 0.05) more positive (-3.9 and -6.0 mV) cell surface charge than Listeria (-18 and -22.8 mV) had. Both bacterial species were found to be hydrophilic (<35%) when measured by the bacterial adherence to hydrocarbon method and by contact angle (theta) measurements (Listeria, 21.3 and 24.8 degrees, and Salmonella, 14.5 and 18.9 degrees). The percentage of cells retained by Pheryl-Sepharose was lower for Salmonella (12.8 to 14.8%) than it was for Listeria (26.5 to 31.4%). The shrimp carapace was found to be hydrophobic (theta = 74.5 degrees), and a significant (P < 0.05) difference in surface roughness between carapace types was noted. There was a linear correlation between bacterial cell Surface charge (r(2) = 0.95) and hydrophobicity (r(2) = 0.85) and initial attachment (P < 0.05) of Listeria and Salmonella to carapaces. However, the same properties Could not be related to subsequent colonization.


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Extract from the executive summary: A collaborative scoping research project to identify plant oil species with potential value in the production of fibre composite resins and assess their suitability to Queensland’s regions has been conducted by QDPI&F, USQ and Loc Composites Pty Ltd. The use of plant-oil based resins in the production of fibre composites will contribute to the Queensland economy through establishing sustainable high technology building products from renewable sources while decreasing the reliance of resin production on fossil fuels. The main objective of this project was to indentify a suite of plant oil species that show agronomic adaptability to the Australian environment (e.g. climate, soils) and economic viability of extracting plant oils for resin production within a highly competitive supply and demand production market.


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A 2 × 2 factorial combination of thinned or unthinned, and pruned or unpruned 11-year-old Eucalyptus dunnii (DWG) and 12-year-old Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (CCV) was destructively sampled to provide 60 trees in total per species. Two 1.4 m long billets were cut from each tree and were rotary veneered in a spindleless lathe down to a 45 mm diameter core to expose knots which were classified as either alive, partially occluded or fully occluded. Non-destructive evaluation of a wider range of thinning treatments available in these trials was undertaken with Pilodyn and Fakopp tools. Disc samples were also taken for basic density and modulus of elasticity. Differences between treatments for all wood property assessments were generally small and not significantly different.Thinning and pruning had little effect on the stem diameter growth required to achieve occlusion, therefore occlusion would be more rapid after thinning due to more rapid stem diameter growth. The difference between the treatments of greatest management interest, thinned and pruned (T&P) and unthinned and unpruned (UT&UP) were small. The production of higher value clear wood produced after all knots had occluded, measured as the average stem diameter growth over occlusion of the three outermost knots, was approximately 2 centimetres diameter. Two of the treatments can be ruled out as viable management alternatives: (i) the effect of thinning without pruning (T&UP) is clear, leading to a large inner core of stem wood containing knots (large knotty core diameter) and (ii) pruning without thinning (UT&P) results in a small knotty core diameter, however the tree and therefore log diameters are also small.


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Optimal matching of species to sites is required for a sustainable hardwood plantation industry in the subtropics. This paper reports the performance and adaptation of 60 taxa (species, provenances and hybrids) across two rainfall zones and a range of soil types in southern Queensland. Specifically, performance of taxa is compared across five replicated taxon–site matching trials at age 6 y. Three trials are in a 1000-mm y–1 rainfall zone of the Wide Bay region near Miriam Vale and two in a drier (about 750 mm y–1) rainfall zone near Kingaroy in the South Burnett region. In the higher-rainfall zone, the taxa with the fastest growth in the three trials at age 6 y were Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata Woondum provenance, which ranked 1st, 6th and 5th respectively; E. longirostrata Coominglah provenance, ranked 3rd, 2nd and 3rd; and two sources of E. grandis, Copperlode provenance (ranked 4th and 1st) and SAPPI seed orchard (ranked 6th and 4th), which were planted in only two of the three trials. Similarly, in the lower-rainfall zone, E. grandis and its hybrids appear promising from the 6-y growth data., This excellent early growth, however, has not continued in either rainfall zone, with these taxa, 8 y after planting, now showing signs of stress and mortality. Based on trial results in these two rainfall zones, the taxon that appears the most promising for sustainable plantation development with high average annual volume index values and low incidence of borer attack is Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (6.7 m³ ha–1). Eucalyptus grandis and E. longirostrata both have better average annual volume indexes (8.2 m³ ha–1 and 7.4 m³ ha–1 respectively) but are very susceptible to borer attack. The current and long-term productivity and sustainability of plantation forestry in these rainfall zones is discussed. Further, the implications of predicted climate change (particularly reduced rainfall) for growing trees for fibre production and carbon sequestration are explored.