19 resultados para Flower pattern optimisation


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Five species of commercial prawns Penaeus plebejus, P. merguiensis, P. semisulcatus/P. esculentus and M. bennettae, were obtained from South-East and North Queensland, chilled soon after capture and then stored either whole or deheaded on ice and ice slurry, until spoilage. Total bacterial counts, total volatile nitrogen, K-values and total demerit scores were assessed at regular intervals. Their shelf lives ranged from 10-17 days on ice and >20 days on ice slurry. Initial bacterial flora on prawns from shallower waters (4-15m) were dominated by Gram-positives and had lag periods around 7 days, whereas prawns from deeper waters (100m) were dominant in Pseudomonas spp. with no lag periods in bacterial growth. The dominant spoiler in ice was mainly Pseudomonas fragi whereas the main spoiler in ice slurry was Shewanella putrefaciens. Bacterial interactions seem to play a major role in the patterns of spoilage in relation to capture environment and pattern of storage


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The Queensland Great Barrier Reef line fishery in Australia is regulated via a range of input and output controls including minimum size limits, daily catch limits and commercial catch quotas. As a result of these measures a substantial proportion of the catch is released or discarded. The fate of these released fish is uncertain, but hook-related mortality can potentially be decreased by using hooks that reduce the rates of injury, bleeding and deep hooking. There is also the potential to reduce the capture of non-target species though gear selectivity. A total of 1053 individual fish representing five target species and three non-target species were caught using six hook types including three hook patterns (non-offset circle, J and offset circle), each in two sizes (small 4/0 or 5/0 and large 8/0). Catch rates for each of the hook patterns and sizes varied between species with no consistent results for target or non-target species. When data for all of the fish species were aggregated there was a trend for larger hooks, J hooks and offset circle hooks to cause a greater number of injuries. Using larger hooks was more likely to result in bleeding, although this trend was not statistically significant. Larger hooks were also more likely to foul-hook fish or hook fish in the eye. There was a reduction in the rates of injuries and bleeding for both target and non-target species when using the smaller hook sizes. For a number of species included in our study the incidence of deep hooking decreased when using non-offset circle hooks, however, these results were not consistent for all species. Our results highlight the variability in hook performance across a range of tropical demersal finfish species. The most obvious conservation benefits for both target and non-target species arise from using smaller sized hooks and non-offset circle hooks. Fishers should be encouraged to use these hook configurations to reduce the potential for post-release mortality of released fish.


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Cat’s claw creeper, Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry (Bignoniaceae) is a major environmental weed of riparian areas, rainforest communities and remnant natural vegetation in coastal Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. In densely infested areas, it smothers standing vegetation, including large trees, and causes canopy collapse. Quantitative data on the ecology of this invasive vine are generally lacking. The present study examines the underground tuber traits of M. unguis-cati and explores their links with aboveground parameters at five infested sites spanning both riparian and inland vegetation. Tubers were abundant in terms of density (~1000 per m2), although small in size and low in level of interconnectivity. M. unguis-cati also exhibits multiple stems per plant. Of all traits screened, the link between stand (stem density) and tuber density was the most significant and yielded a promising bivariate relationship for the purposes of estimation, prediction and management of what lies beneath the soil surface of a given M. unguis-cati infestation site. The study also suggests that new recruitment is primarily from seeds, not from vegetative propagation as previously thought. The results highlight the need for future biological-control efforts to focus on introducing specialist seed- and pod-feeding insects to reduce seed-output.


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Only small quantities of Ananas have been marketed as cut flowers or as potted plants for garden use in Australia. Worldwide there have, until very recent times, been no breeding programs to develop ornamental characteristics and hence the choice of cultivars has been limited mainly to semi-domesticated selections or those developed by amateur enthusiasts. Interest in developing Ananas selections specifically for the ornamental market is now increasing. A small program has operated in Australia since 1995. In this program, a total of 4,700 seedlings were generated over three generations using various parental combinations of Ananas comosus var. comosus, A. comosus var. bracteatus, A. comosus var. ananassoides 'FRF223', A. comosus var. erectifolious 'Selvagem 6' and Ananas macrodontes 'I.26-803'. Several selections have been developed for the garden and or cut-flower market. Characteristics represented include a pink or red syncarp, dark red-brown foliage and a dwarf, clumping growth habit. While a surprising display of ornamental diversity exists within Ananas, the genus is limited in comparison to the other bromeliad genera. Opportunity might exist however to introgress characteristics such as additional foliage colours, plant morphology and syncarp colours from other genera into Ananas.


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Rice flower, an Australian native species, has been cultivated in appreciable quantities as a cut flower crop since 1991. Although the plant can be highly productive, achieving consistently high commercial yields can prove elusive. Rice Flower production guidelines for growers is essential reading for producers who would aspire to grow and market rice flower well. For anyone with an interest in new crop development, this book provides a valuable insight into the intricacies of growing an indigenous species commercially.


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Field trial of new cut flower, floriculture, foliage varieties.


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Contribute to the current understanding of climate impacts on cut flower and foliage growing in Queensland.


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This book contains guidelines on market-driven production for export markets, with information on how the marketing chain operates and what risks are involved. Using rice flower as an example, the book gives growers strategies to enhance their market performance and improve the profitability of their enterprises. It outlines some practical suggestions for marketing rice flower in Japan, the United States, Taiwan and Hong Kong as well as in Australia, and also provides a draft standard for rice flower for export markets.


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Background: Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni, is the major pest fruit fly in Australia. Protein bait sprays, where insecticides are mixed with spot applications of a protein based food lure, are one of the sustainable pre-harvest fruit fly management strategies used in Australia. Although protein bait sprays do manage fruit fly infestation in the field, there is little science underpinning this technique and so improving its efficacy is difficult. Lacking information includes where and when to apply protein bait in order to best target foraging B. tryoni. As part of new work in this area, we investigated the effect of height of protein on tree and host plant fruiting status on the spatial and temporal protein foraging patterns of B. tryoni. MEthod: The work was conducted in the field using nectarine and guava plants and wild B. tryoni at Redland Bay, Queensland, Australia. Spot sprays of protein bait were applied to the foliage of randomly selected fruiting and non-fruiting trees. Each tree received protein bait spot sprays on the lower and higher foliage at 0530hrs. The number, sex and species of flies that fed on each protein spot were recorded hourly from 0600hrs through to 1800hrs.Results: For nectarines, there was a significant difference in the number of B. tryoni feeding on protein bait placed at different locations within the tree (ANOVA, F = 8.898, p = 0.001). More flies fed on protein placed on higher foliage relative to lower, irrespective of the fruiting status of the nectarine trees. A significant difference was also observed in the diurnal protein feeding pattern of B. tryoni (ANOVA, F = 2.164, p = 0.024), with more flies feeding at 1600hrs. Results for guava are still being collected and will be presented at the meeting.Conclusions: We conclude that B. tryoni effectively forages for protein at heights higher than 1.3m from ground, indicating greater efficacy of protein bait when applied at foliage higher in the canopy. Bactrocera tryoni actively forages for protein throughout the day, with a highest feeding peak at 1600hrs. The lack of significant difference in the spatial protein foraging pattern between fruiting and non-fruiting nectarine trees may be a real result, or may have resulted from the fruiting tree being very close (within 1 – 2 metres) of the non-fruiting tree. This hypothesis is being tested in the guava trial.


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Ptilotus nobilis (Lindl.) F. Muell. has potential in the floriculture industries as a cut flower crop. Ethylene production and respiration rates, fresh weight changes and volatile scent production from cut inflorescences of P. nobilis cultivars Passion (dark pink flowers) and Purity (white-green flowers) were measured during vase life. Inflorescence weight loss was significant (P<0.001) during vase life with wilting and colour loss being the primary reasons for loss of vase life. Inflorescences ready for the cut market stored and at 22 degrees C had vase lives of >12 d. Ethylene production by inflorescences was low to negligible. Treatment with silverthiosulphate (STS) and ethylene had no effects on vase life. Evidently, ethylene did not play a role in determining the postharvest longevity of cut P. nobilis flowers. Respiration rates of inflorescences were high at harvest (>700 mg CO2 kg(-1) FW h(-1)) and declined gradually there-after during vase life. Total volatile emissions followed a similar pattern. For Passion, respiration rates of immature florets were significantly greater (P=0.02) than florets from other developmental stages while the calyx produced the most CO2. For Purity, respiration rates of florets of different maturities did not differ and the reproductive tissue produced the most CO2. Only fully opened mature florets with their stigma and anthers revealed, emitted significant quantities of volatiles (P<0.001) and primarily from the calyx tissue for both cultivars. The individual volatiles differed somewhat for the two cultivars. However, both produced significant quantities of benzaldehyde, 3,5-dimethoxytoluene and benzyl alcohol. These. compounds have previously been associated with desirable floral scent. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), western flower thrips (WFT), is a major worldwide pest of vegetables and ornamental crops. The biology of WFT was examined on gerberas, chrysanthemums and roses in relation to plant stage (flowering and non-flowering), pupation site, soil moisture and plant parts often inhabited by adult and immature thrips. Four foliage thrips predators ( Transeius montdorensis (Schicha), Orius armatus (Gross), Mallada signata (Schneider) and Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans)) and three soil predators ( Geolaelaps aculeifer (Canestrini), Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) and Dalotia coriaria (Kraatz)) were studied to determine their ability to reduce the numbers of WFT on gerberas, chrysanthemums and roses. There was no difference in the number of adults that emerged from growing media of high or low moisture content on any host plant. There were also no differences in the total numbers of WFT recaptured from flowering gerberas, chrysanthemums or roses. However, about seven times the number of thrips were collected from flowering chrysanthemums compared with non-flowering chrysanthemums, indicating that the flowering plants were more suitable hosts. Of all thrips recollected, the greatest percentage was immature (larval and pupal) thrips (70%, 71% and 43%) on the flowers for gerberas, chrysanthemums and roses, respectively. The mean percentage of thrips that emerged as adults from the soil was very low (5.31.2, 8.52.9, 20.59.1 and 28.25.6%) on gerberas, flowering and non-flowering chrysanthemums, and roses, respectively. Simultaneous release of foliage and soil predators did not reduce the number of thrips beyond that caused by foliage predators alone. Of the foliage predators, T. montdorensis, O. armatus and N. cucumeris performed best, significantly reducing the numbers of adult and immature thrips on flowers and foliage by 30-99%. Further research is required to determine the most cost-effective rates of release in cut flower crops.


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The objective of this study was to investigate patterns of soil water extraction and drought resistance among genotypes of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) a perennial C-4 grass. Four wild Australian ecotypes (1-1, 25a1, 40-1, and 81-1) and four cultivars (CT2, Grand Prix, Legend, and Wintergreen) were examined in field experiments with rainfall excluded to monitor soil water extraction at 30-190 cm depths. In the study we defined drought resistance as the ability to maintain green canopy cover under drought. The most drought resistant genotypes (40-1 and 25a1) maintained more green cover (55-85% vs 5-10%) during water deficit and extracted more soil water (120-160 mm vs 77-107 mm) than drought sensitive genotypes, especially at depths from 50 to 110 cm, though all genotypes extracted water to 190 cm. The maintenance of green cover and higher soil water extraction were associated with higher stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate and relative water content. For all genotypes, the pattern of water use as a percentage of total water use was similar across depth and time We propose the observed genetic variation was related to different root characteristics (root length density, hydraulic conductivity, root activity) although shoot sensitivity to drying soil cannot be ruled out.


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* Plant response to drought is complex, so that traits adapted to a specific drought type can confer disadvantage in another drought type. Understanding which type(s) of drought to target is of prime importance for crop improvement. * Modelling was used to quantify seasonal drought patterns for a check variety across the Australian wheatbelt, using 123 yr of weather data for representative locations and managements. Two other genotypes were used to simulate the impact of maturity on drought pattern. * Four major environment types summarized the variability in drought pattern over time and space. Severe stress beginning before flowering was common (44% of occurrences), with (24%) or without (20%) relief during grain filling. High variability occurred from year to year, differing with geographical region. With few exceptions, all four environment types occurred in most seasons, for each location, management system and genotype. * Applications of such environment characterization are proposed to assist breeding and research to focus on germplasm, traits and genes of interest for target environments. The method was applied at a continental scale to highly variable environments and could be extended to other crops, to other drought-prone regions around the world, and to quantify potential changes in drought patterns under future climates.