23 resultados para Fat Studies


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Changes in chemical composition, physical and sensory characteristics were followed in two pecan cultivars Wichita and Western Schley harvested from a commercial orchard at Gatton in Queensland seven times during 1996.Testa colour of both pecan cultivars darkened and opalescence decreased as the nuts matured. Bitterness of Western Schley pecans decreased with maturity. Colour of shuck, shell and kernel of both cultivars developed as the nuts matured. Wichita pecans were larger than Western Schley at all harvest times. Both nut-in-shell and kernel moisture decreased with maturity, whereas oil and sucrose contents increased. Both pecan cultivars had reached advanced maturation by the first harvest on March 18.


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Land application of piggery effluent (containing urine, faeces, water, and wasted feed) is under close scrutiny as a potential source of water resource contamination with phosphorus (P). This paper investigates two case studies of the impact of long-term piggery effluent-P application to soil. A Natrustalf (Sodosol) at P1 has received a net load of 3700 kg effluent P/ha over 19 years. The Haplustalf (Dermosol) selected (P2) has received a net load of 310 000 kg P/ha over 30 years. Total, bicarbonate extractable, and soluble P forms were determined throughout the soil profiles for paired (irrigated and unirrigated) sites at P1 and P2, as well as P sorption and desorption characteristics. Surface bicarbonate (PB, 0 - 0.05 m depth) and dilute CaCl2 extractable molybdate-reactive P (PC) have been significantly elevated by effluent irrigation (P1: PB unirrigated 23±1, irrigated 290±6; PC unirrigated 0.03±0.00, irrigated 23.9±0.2. P2: PB unirrigated 72±48, irrigated 3950±1960; PC unirrigated 0.7±0.0, irrigated 443±287 mg P/kg; mean±s.d.). Phosphorus enrichment to 1.5 m, detected as PB, was observed at P2. Elevated concentrations of CaCl2 extractable organic P forms (POC; estimated by non-molybdate reactive P in centrifuged supernatants) were observed from the soil surface of P1 to a depth of 0.4 m. Despite the extent of effluent application at both of these sites, only P1 displayed evidence of significant accumulation of POC. The increase in surface soil total P (0 - 0.05 m depth) due to effluent irrigation was much greater than laboratory P sorption (>25 times for P1; >57 times for P2) for a comparable range of final solution concentrations (desorption extracts ranged from 1-5 mg P/L for P1 and 50-80 mg P/L for P2). Precipitation of sparingly soluble P phases was evidenced in the soils of the P2 effluent application area.


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The rise in demand by domestic and export markets for a high quality uniform beef carcase has led to more steers being finished in feedlots. However, the profitability of feedlotting is small and economic survival hinges on efficiency (Ryan 1990). Lack of published data prevents conclusions being drawn about the level of efficiency of Australian feedlotting operations but the few studies reported show considerable variation in liveweight performance and carcase characteristics such as fat depth and marbling (Baud et al.) 21st Biennial Conference. 8-12 July, University of Queensland, Brisbane.


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An apparatus is described that facilitates the determination of incorporation levels of isotope labelled, gaseous precursors into volatile insect-derived metabolites. Atmospheres of varying gas compositions can be generated by evacuation of a working chamber followed by admission of the required levels of component gases, using a precision, digitised pressure read-out system. Insects such as fruit-flies are located initially in a small introduction chamber, from which migration can occur downwards into the working chamber. The level of incorporation of labelled precursors is continuously assayed by the Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) technique and GC-MS analyses. Experiments with both Bactrocera species (fruit-flies) and a parasitoid wasp, Megarhyssa nortoni nortoni (Cresson) and oxygen-18 labelled dioxygen illustrate the utility of this system. The isotope effects of oxygen-18 on the carbon-13 NMR spectra of 1,7- dioxaspiro[5,5]undecane are also described.


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As part of a feasibility study of the commercialization potential of C. indicum nuts as Agroforestry Tree Products in Papua New Guinea, preliminary characterization studies have examined the tree-to-tree variation in morphological traits (nut and kernel mass and kernel:nut ratio), as well as nutritional (carbohydrate, fat, protein, sodium, vitamin E) and medicinal traits (anti-oxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity and phenolic content) of kernels from 18 to 72 trees in a small number of different villages of Papua New Guinea (East New Britain Province). There was continuous variation in these traits indicating opportunities for multiple trait cultivar development targeted at food and pharmaceutical markets. Certain traits, for example anti-inflammatory activity, in which tree-to-tree variation was highly significant, present greater opportunities than others, such as saturated:unsaturated fatty acid ratio. This intraspecific variation was greater within populations than between populations. The data presented has allowed the development of a strategy to domesticate C. indicum for cultivation in homegardens and cocoa-coconut agroforests, using a participatory approach aimed at the production of agroforestry tree products (AFTPs) to empower small-holders and enhance their livelihoods and income.


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Replicable experimental studies using a novel experimental facility and a machine-based odour quantification technique were conducted to demonstrate the relationship between odour emission rates and pond loading rates. The odour quantification technique consisted of an electronic nose, AromaScan A32S, and an artificial neural network. Odour concentrations determined by olfactometry were used along with the AromaScan responses to train the artificial neural network. The trained network was able to predict the odour emission rates for the test data with a correlation coefficient of 0.98. Time averaged odour emission rates predicted by the machine-based odour quantification technique, were strongly correlated with volatile solids loading rate, demonstrating the increased magnitude of emissions from a heavily loaded effluent pond. However, it was not possible to obtain the same relationship between volatile solids loading rates and odour emission rates from the individual data. It is concluded that taking a limited number of odour samples over a short period is unlikely to provide a representative rate of odour emissions from an effluent pond. A continuous odour monitoring instrument will be required for that more demanding task.


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Mycotoxin contamination of Australian maize is neither common nor extensive, but has the capacity to seriously disrupt marketing. Low to moderate levels of aflatoxins and fumonisins can be widespread in some seasons, but zearalenone, nivalenol and deoxynivalenol are usually confined to small growing localities. Possible approaches to such situations were tested by an analysis of several case studies. It is concluded that communication and coordination across the industry, prediction and prevention of contamination, rapid detection and assessment of contamination, effective use of contaminated maize and breeding for resistance comprise a useful set of strategies for managing mycotoxins in maize.


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Thirty-one isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae were bioassayed against the cattle tick (Boophilus microplus). More than half of the isolates showed a high degree of virulence to ticks. Radial growth curves for growth between 20 °C and 40 °C were obtained for all isolates. This information together with information on virulence will be important for the selection of isolates suitable to kill ticks on the surface of cattle. A biopesticide for cattle ticks must kill ticks rapidly at temperatures within the upper end of most isolates' growth curves. It was also found that the time taken to achieve 100% tick mortality in vitro using a virulent isolate could be halved by applying conidia in a 10% oil emulsion. Scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy were used to investigate and compare the germination and penetration of conidia formulated in aqueous and oil formulations. It was found that conidia in both formulations were able to germinate and produce appressoria on the surface of ticks in less than 11 h. Marked weakness within 26 h, followed by extensive hyphal growth on the cuticle characterised the invasion of ticks by M. anisopliae.


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Three field trials were conducted over 12 months to assess the pathogenicity of Metarhizium anisopliae to parasitic stages of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus on dairy heifers under different environmental conditions. Two isolates were selected based on their high optimal growth temperature (30 °C), good spore production characteristics and ability to quickly kill adult engorged ticks in the laboratory. Spores were formulated in an oil emulsion and applied using a motor driven spray unit. Surface temperatures of selected animals were monitored, as were the ambient temperature and relative humidity. Unengorged ticks sampled from each animal immediately after treatment were incubated in the laboratory to assess the efficacy of the formulation and application. Egg production by engorged ticks collected in the first 3 days after treatment was monitored. Side counts of standard adult female ticks were conducted daily, before and after treatment to assess the performance of the fungus against all tick stages on the animals. In each trial the formulation rapidly caused 100% mortality in unengorged ticks that were removed from cattle and cultured in the laboratory. A significant reduction in egg production was recorded for engorged ticks collected in the 3 days post-treatment. However, there was little effect of the formulation on the survival of ticks on cattle, indicating that there is an interaction between the environment of the ticks on the cattle and the biopesticide, which reduces its efficacy against ticks.


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Herpesviral haematopoietic necrosis is a disease of goldfish, Carassius auratus, caused by Cyprinid herpesvirus-2 (CyHV-2) infection. Quantitative PCR was carried out on tissue homogenates from healthy goldfish fingerlings, broodfish, eggs and fry directly sampled from commercial farms, from moribund fish submitted to our laboratory for disease diagnosis, and on naturally-infected CyHV-2 carriers subjected to experimental stress treatments. Healthy fish from 14 of 18 farms were positive with copy numbers ranging from tens to 10(7) copies mu g(-1) DNA extracted from infected fish. Of 118 pools of broodfish tested, 42 were positive. The CyHV-2 was detected in one lot of fry produced from disinfected eggs. Testing of moribund goldfish, in which we could not detect any other pathogens, produced 12 of 30 cases with 10(6)-10(8) copies of CyHV-2 mu g(-1) DNA extracted. Subjecting healthy CyHV-2 carriers to cold shock (22-10 degrees C) but not heat, ammonia or high pH, increased viral copy numbers from mean copy number (+/- SE) of 7.3 +/- 11 to 394 +/- 55 mu g(-1) DNA extracted after 24 h. CyHV-2 is widespread on commercial goldfish farms and outbreaks apparently occur when healthy carriers are subjected to a sharp temperature drop followed by holding at the permissive temperature for the disease.


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The Davis Growth Model (a dynamic steer growth model encompassing 4 fat deposition models) is currently being used by the phenotypic prediction program of the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Beef Genetic Technologies to predict P8 fat (mm) in beef cattle to assist beef producers meet market specifications. The concepts of cellular hyperplasia and hypertrophy are integral components of the Davis Growth Model. The net synthesis of total body fat (kg) is calculated from the net energy available after accounting tor energy needs for maintenance and protein synthesis. Total body fat (kg) is then partitioned into 4 fat depots (intermuscular, intramuscular, subcutaneous, and visceral). This paper reports on the parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis of the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) logistic growth equations and the fat deposition first-order differential equations in the Davis Growth Model using acslXtreme (Hunstville, AL, USA, Xcellon). The DNA and fat deposition parameter coefficients were found to be important determinants of model function; the DNA parameter coefficients with days on feed >100 days and the fat deposition parameter coefficients for all days on feed. The generalized NL2SOL optimization algorithm had the fastest processing time and the minimum number of objective function evaluations when estimating the 4 fat deposition parameter coefficients with 2 observed values (initial and final fat). The subcutaneous fat parameter coefficient did indicate a metabolic difference for frame sizes. The results look promising and the prototype Davis Growth Model has the potential to assist the beef industry meet market specifications.


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Effective study in the native range to identify potential agents underpins all efforts in classical biological control of weeds. Good agents that demonstrate both a high degree of host specificity and the potential to be damaging are a very limited resource and must therefore be carefully studied and considered. The overseas component is often operationally difficult and expensive but can contribute considerably more than a list of herbivores attacking a particular target. While the principles underlying this foreign component have been understood for some time, recently developed technologies and methods can make very significant contributions to foreign studies. Molecular and genetic characterisations of both target weed and agent organism can be increasingly employed to more accurately define the identity and phylogeny of them. Climate matching and modelling software is now available and can be utilised to better select agents for particular regions of concern. Relational databases can store collection information for analysis and future enquiry while quantification of sampling effort, employment of statistical survey methods and analysis by techniques such as rarefaction curves contribute to efficient and effective searching. Obtaining good and timely identifications for discovered agent organisms is perhaps the most serious issue confronting the modern explorer. The diminishing numbers of specialist taxonomists employed at the major museums while international and national protocols demand higher standards of identity exacerbates the issue. Genetic barcoding may provide a very useful tool to overcome this problem. Native-range work also offers under-exploited opportunities for contributing towards predicting safety, abundance and efficacy of potential agents in their target environment.


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A strain of the rust Prospodium tuberculatum from Brazil was screened as a potential biocontrol agent against 40 Australian Lantana camara forms and 52 closely related, non-target plant species. Results under glasshouse conditions showed that the Brazilian rust strain is pathogenic to only two flower colour forms: pink and pink-edged red. Macro- and microsymptoms were recorded using 11 assessment categories and four susceptibility ratings. No macrosymptoms were observed on any of the non-target plants.


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The introduction describes productive forest in Queensland and summaries the principles of native forest management that achieve optimum productivity. Case study 1 deals with thinning an even-aged regrowth forest. It shows how thinning the stand actively manages the future composition and structure to improve productivity in the best stems and increase the commercial value of the next harvest. Case study 2 describes restoring productivity in a high-graded spotted gum - ironbark forest. It shows that defective and non-saleable trees should be removed so they do not repress the future stand; and that regeneration should be thinned, retaining the best trees in adequate growing space. Case study 3 discusses on-farm value adding for hardwood forests. It shows how long-term viability and maximum productivity and returns depend on the best management practices and knowing how to obtain the best returns from a range of forest products. Case study 4 examines integrated harvesting in a eucalypt forest. It shows how integrating the harvest enables the full range of timber products are harvested and sold for their maximum value while reducing the amount of waste.


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A 2000-03 study to improve irrigation efficiency of grassed urban public areas in northern Australia found it would be difficult to grow most species in dry areas without supplementary watering. Sporoboulus virginicus and sand couch, Zoysia macrantha, were relatively drought-tolerant. Managers of sporting fields, parks and gardens could more than halve their current water use by irrigating over a long cycle, irrigating according to seasonal conditions and using grasses with low water use and sound soil management practices that encourage deep rooting. The use of effluent water provides irrigation and fertiliser cost savings and reduced nitrogen and phosphorus discharge to local waterways. Projected savings are $8000/ha/year in water costs for a typical sporting field.