17 resultados para Fama-MacBeth regressions


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The tropical abalone Haliotis asinina is a wild-caught and cultured species throughout the Indo-Pacific as well as being an emerging model species for the study of haliotids. H. asinina has the fastest recorded natural growth rate of any abalone and reaches sexual maturity within one year. As such, it is a suitable abalone species for selective breeding for commercially important traits such as rapid growth. Estimating the amount of variation in size that is attributable to heritable genetic differences can assist the development of such a selective breeding program. Here we estimated heritability for growth-related traits at 12 months of age by creating a single cohort of 84 families in a full-factorial mating design consisting of 14 sires and 6 dams. Of 500 progeny sampled, 465 were successfully assigned to their parents based on shared alleles at 5 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Using an animal model, heritability estimates were 0.48 ± 0.15 for shell length, 0.38 ± 0.13 for shell width and 0.36 ± 0.13 for weight. Genetic correlations were > 0.98 between shell parameters and weight, indicating that breeding for weight gains could be successfully achieved by selecting for shell length.


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A field experiment was carried out in southeastern Australia to assess the short-term mortality and stress incurred by juvenile school prawns (Metapenaeus macleayi) discarded from an estuarine trawler. Some 35% of the prawns died up to 72 h after being caught in a trawl, exposed to air during sorting and separation from the retained catch (as per normal commercial procedures), then discarded into replicate cages. Total mortality was partitioned into that caused by trawling (about 16% of mortalities), and by subsequent sorting and grading (about 19%). Assuming that the majority of the non-penaeid bycatch is excluded from trawls (by the use of bycatch reduction devices), the latter mortalities could be almost eliminated by sorting and separating unwanted school prawns in water-filled compartments. Emersion stress was measured as concentrations of l-lactate in the haemolymph, which were elevated for at least 40 min following capture, but similar among all trawled treatments. l-lactate levels decreased within the first 24 h post-capture, then remained constant over at least the next 48 h, and were greater than baseline levels. The potential benefits associated with subtle changes to handling practices onboard estuarine trawlers are discussed.


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Captive-reared broodstock of the black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) have exhibited poor reproductive performance limiting attempts to domesticate this species. The potential for improved reproductive performance was assessed by determining heritabilities of four measures of reproductive performance, their genetic correlations with each other and with growth rate and weight at age. Heritability estimates (h2 ± S.E.) obtained from √ (days to spawn), √ (egg number), √ (nauplii number) and arcsin √ (proportion hatched) were 0.47 ± 0.15, 0.41 ± 0.18, 0.27 ± 0.16, and 0.18 ± 0.16, respectively. Estimates of genetic correlations between reproductive traits and weight at age, or growth rate were less than 0.5 except for √ (egg number) and weight at 54 weeks (0.93 ± 0.19) and √ (egg number) and 16-54-week growth (0.63 ± 0.29).


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The variation in liveweight gain in grazing beef cattle as influenced by pasture type, season and year effects has important economic implications for mixed crop-livestock systems and the ability to better predict such variation would benefit beef producers by providing a guide for decision making. To identify key determinants of liveweight change of Brahman-cross steers grazing subtropical pastures, measurements of pasture quality and quantity, and diet quality in parallel with liveweight were made over two consecutive grazing seasons (48 and 46 weeks, respectively), on mixed Clitoria ternatea/grass, Stylosanthes seabrana/grass and grass swards (grass being a mixture of Bothriochloa insculpta cv. Bisset, Dichanthium sericeum and Panicum maximum var. trichoglume cv. Petrie). Steers grazing the legume-based pastures had the highest growth rate and gained between 64 and 142 kg more than those grazing the grass pastures in under 12 months. Using an exponential model, green leaf mass, green leaf %, adjusted green leaf % (adjusted for inedible woody legume stems), faecal near infrared reflectance spectroscopy predictions of diet crude protein and diet dry matter digestibility, accounted for 77, 74, 80, 63 and 60%, respectively, of the variation in daily weight gain when data were pooled across pasture types and grazing seasons. The standard error of the regressions indicated that 95% prediction intervals were large (+/- 0.42-0.64 kg/head.day) suggesting that derived regression relationships have limited practical application for accurately estimating growth rate. In this study, animal factors, especially compensatory growth effects, appeared to have a major influence on growth rate in relation to pasture and diet attributes. It was concluded that predictions of growth rate based only on pasture or diet attributes are unlikely to be accurate or reliable. Nevertheless, key pasture attributes such as green leaf mass and green leaf% provide a robust indication of what proportion of the potential growth rate of the grazing animals can be achieved.


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Aim: Birds play a major role in the dispersal of seeds of many fleshy-fruited invasive plants. The fruits that birds choose to consume are influenced by fruit traits. However, little is known of how the traits of invasive plant fruits contribute to invasiveness or to their use by frugivores. We aim to gain a greater understanding of these relationships to improve invasive plant management. Location: South-east Queensland, Australia. Methods: We measure a variety of fruit morphology, pulp nutrient and phenology traits of a suite of bird-dispersed alien plants. Frugivore richness of these aliens was derived from the literature. Using regressions and multivariate methods, we investigate relationships between fruit traits, frugivore richness and invasiveness. Results: Plant invasiveness was negatively correlated to fruit size, and all highly invasive species had quite similar fruit morphology [smaller fruits, seeds of intermediate size and few (<10) seeds per fruit]. Lower pulp water was the only pulp nutrient trait associated with invasiveness. There were strong positive relationships between the diversity of bird frugivores and plant invasiveness, and in the diversity of bird frugivores in the study region and another part of the plants' alien range. Main conclusions: Our results suggest that weed risk assessments (WRA) and predictions of invasive success for bird-dispersed plants can be improved. Scoring criteria for WRA regarding fruit size would need to be system-specific, depending on the fruit-processing capabilities of local frugivores. Frugivore richness could be quantified in the plant's natural range, its invasive range elsewhere, or predictions made based on functionally similar fruits.


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Steer liveweight gains were measured in an extensive grazing study conducted in a Heteropogon contortus (black speargrass) pasture in central Queensland between 1988 and 2001. Treatments included a range of stocking rates in native pastures, legume-oversown native pasture and animal diet supplement/spring-burning pastures. Seasonal rainfall throughout this study was below the long-term mean. Mean annual pasture utilisation ranged from 13 to 61%. Annual liveweight gains per head in native pasture were highly variable among years and ranged from a low of 43 kg/steer at 2 ha/steer to a high of 182 kg/steer at 8 ha/steer. Annual liveweight gains were consistently highest at light stocking and decreased with increasing stocking rate. Annual liveweight gain per hectare increased linearly with stocking rate. These stocking rate trends were also evident in legume-oversown pastures although both the intercept and slope of the regressions for legume-oversown pastures were higher than that for native pasture. The highest annual liveweight gain for legume-oversown pasture was 221 kg/steer at 4 ha/steer. After 13 years, annual liveweight gain per unit area occurred at the heaviest stocking rate despite deleterious changes in the pasture. Across all years, the annual liveweight advantage for legume-oversown pastures was 37 kg/steer. Compared with native pasture, changes in annual liveweight gain with burning were variable. It was concluded that cattle productivity is sustainable when stocking rates are maintained at 4 ha/steer or lighter (equivalent to a utilisation rate around 30%). Although steer liveweight gain occurred at all stocking rates and economic returns were highest at heaviest stocking rates, stocking rates heavier than 4 ha/steer are unsustainable because of their long-term impact on pasture productivity.


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Root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) significantly reduces wheat yields in the northern Australian grain region. Canola is thought to have a 'biofumigation' potential to control nematodes; therefore, a field experiment was designed to compare canola with other winter crops or clean-fallow for reducing P. thornei population densities and improving growth of P. thornei-intolerant wheat (cv. Batavia) in the following year. Immediately after harvest of the first-year crops, populations of P. thornei were lowest following various canola cultivars or clean-fallow (1957-5200 P. thornei/kg dry soil) and were highest following susceptible wheat cultivars (31 033-41 294/kg dry soil). Unexpectedly, at planting of the second-year wheat crop, nematode populations were at more uniform lower levels (<5000/kg dry soil), irrespective of the previous season's treatment, and remained that way during the growing season, which was quite dry. Growth and grain yield of the second-year wheat crop were poorest on plots previously planted with canola or left fallow due to poor colonisation with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, with the exception of canola cv. Karoo, which had high AM fungal colonisation and low wheat yields. There were significant regressions between growth and yield parameters of the second-year wheat and levels of AMF following the pre-crop treatments. Thus, canola appears to be a good crop for reducing P. thornei populations, but AM fungal-dependence of subsequent crops should be considered, particularly in the northern Australian grain region.


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Manual grading of prawns restricts the number that can be harvested. A restricted harvest size places a limit on the opposing within family and between family sources of selection pressure. A simulation study with inbreeding constrained at 0.5% per generation, a harvest size of 2000, heritability of 0.3, common family environmental effect of 0.1, indicates that maximum response to selection could be achieved with as few as 40 families. Increasing the number of families above 80 may reduce total selection response. It is important to be aware that increasing the number of families may not always yield a greater genetic response.


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The project has provided management and other stakeholders with information necessary to make informed decisions about the management of four of the key exploited shark species caught in the Queensland inshore net fishery and northern New South Wales line fishery. The project has determined that spatial management of milk sharks within Queensland, and scalloped hammerhead, common black tip and Australian black tip sharks within Queensland and New South Wales is appropriate. The project has determined that both black tip shark species are likely to require co-operative management arrangements between Queensland and New South Wales. For scalloped hammerheads separate stocks between the two jurisdictions were identified from the fisheriesdependent samples, however genetic exchange across borders is likely to be facilitated by movement of adult females and perhaps larger males to a lesser extent. This information will greatly assist compliance with the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) for shark fisheries in north-eastern Australia by providing the necessary basis for robust assessment of the status of stocks of the study species, thereby helping to deliver their sustainable harvest. It also helps to achieve objectives of the Australian National Shark Plan. The project provides the appropriate spatial framework for future monitoring and assessment of the study species. This is at a time when shark fisheries are receiving close attention from all sectors and when monitoring programs are being implemented, aimed at better assessment of stock status. This project has provided the crucial information for developing an appropriate monitoring design as well as the necessary basis for making statements about stock status. The project has addressed research priorities identified by the Queensland Fisheries Research Advisory Board, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and Queensland Fisheries. Previously management has assumed a single stock for each species on the east coast of Queensland, and management of shark fisheries in New South Wales (NSW) and Queensland has been independent of one another. The project has been able to enhance and develop links between research, management and industry. Strong positive relationships with commercial fishers were crucial in the collection of samples throughout the study area and fisheries managers were part of the project team throughout the study period. During the project the study area was extended to include both Queensland and NSW waters, creating mutualistic and positive links between the States’ research and management agencies. Extension of project results included management representatives from NSW and Queensland, as well as the Northern Territory where similar shark fisheries operate and similar species are targeted. The project was able to provide significant human capital development opportunities providing considerable value to the project outcomes. Use of vertebral microchemistry and life history characteristics as stock determination methods provided material for two PhD students based at James Cook University: Ron Schroeder, vertebral chemistry; and Alastair Harry, life history characteristic. The project has developed novel research methods that have great capacity for future application, including: • Development of a simple and rapid genetic diagnostic tool (RT-HRM-PCR assay) for differentiating among the black tip shark species, for which no simple morphological identifier exists; and • Development of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) methods for analysing and interpreting microchemical composition of shark vertebrae. The study has provided further confirmation of the effectiveness of using a holistic approach in stock structure studies and justifies investment into such studies.


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Rapid genetic gains for growth in barramundi ( Lates calcarifer) appear achievable by starting a breeding programme using foundation stock from progeny tested broodstock. The potential gains of this novel breeding design were investigated using biologically feasible scenarios tested with computer simulation models. The design involves the production of a large number of full-sib families using artificial mating which are compared in common growout conditions. The estimated breeding values of their paternal parents are calculated using a binomial probit analysis to assess their suitability as foundation broodstock. The programme can theoretically yield faster rates of genetic gain compared to other breeding programmes for aquaculture species. Assuming a heritability of 0.25 for growth, foundation broodstock evaluated in two years had breeding values for faster growth ranging from 21% to 51% depending on the genetic diversity of stock under evaluation. As a comparison it will take between nine and twenty-two years to identify broodstock with similar breeding values in a contemporary barramundi breeding programme.


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Abstract of Macbeth, G. M., Broderick, D., Buckworth, R. & Ovenden, J. R. (In press, Feb 2013). Linkage disequilibrium estimation of effective population size with immigrants from divergent populations: a case study on Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson). G3: Genes, Genomes and Genetics. Estimates of genetic effective population size (Ne) using molecular markers are a potentially useful tool for the management of endangered through to commercial species. But, pitfalls are predicted when the effective size is large, as estimates require large numbers of samples from wild populations for statistical validity. Our simulations showed that linkage disequilibrium estimates of Ne up to 10,000 with finite confidence limits can be achieved with sample sizes around 5000. This was deduced from empirical allele frequencies of seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in a commercially harvested fisheries species, the narrow barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson). As expected, the smallest standard deviation of Ne estimates occurred when low frequency alleles were excluded. Additional simulations indicated that the linkage disequilibrium method was sensitive to small numbers of genotypes from cryptic species or conspecific immigrants. A correspondence analysis algorithm was developed to detect and remove outlier genotypes that could possibly be inadvertently sampled from cryptic species or non-breeding immigrants from genetically separate populations. Simulations demonstrated the value of this approach in Spanish mackerel data. When putative immigrants were removed from the empirical data, 95% of the Ne estimates from jacknife resampling were above 24,000.


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NeEstimator v2 is a completely revised and updated implementation of software that produces estimates of contemporary effective population size, using several different methods and a single input file. NeEstimator v2 includes three single-sample estimators (updated versions of the linkage disequilibrium and heterozygote-excess methods, and a new method based on molecular coancestry), as well as the two-sample (moment-based temporal) method. New features include the following: (i) an improved method for accounting for missing data; (ii) options for screening out rare alleles; (iii) confidence intervals for all methods; (iv) the ability to analyse data sets with large numbers of genetic markers (10000 or more); (v) options for batch processing large numbers of different data sets, which will facilitate cross-method comparisons using simulated data; and (vi) correction for temporal estimates when individuals sampled are not removed from the population (Plan I sampling). The user is given considerable control over input data and composition, and format of output files. The freely available software has a new JAVA interface and runs under MacOS, Linux and Windows.


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Background:Quantifying genetic diversity and metapopulation structure provides insights into the evolutionary history of a species and helps develop appropriate management strategies. We provide the first assessment of genetic structure in spinner sharks (Carcharhinus brevipinna), a large cosmopolitan carcharhinid, sampled from eastern and northern Australia and South Africa. Methods and Findings:Sequencing of the mitochondrial DNA NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene for 430 individuals revealed 37 haplotypes and moderately high haplotype diversity (h = 0.6770 ±0.025). While two metrics of genetic divergence (ΦST and FST) revealed somewhat different results, subdivision was detected between South Africa and all Australian locations (pairwise ΦST, range 0.02717–0.03508, p values ≤ 0.0013; pairwise FST South Africa vs New South Wales = 0.04056, p = 0.0008). Evidence for fine-scale genetic structuring was also detected along Australia’s east coast (pairwise ΦST = 0.01328, p < 0.015), and between south-eastern and northern locations (pairwise ΦST = 0.00669, p < 0.04).Conclusions: The Indian Ocean represents a robust barrier to contemporary gene flow in C. brevipinna between Australia and South Africa. Gene flow also appears restricted along a continuous continental margin in this species, with data tentatively suggesting the delineation of two management units within Australian waters. Further sampling, however, is required for a more robust evaluation of the latter finding. Evidence indicates that all sampled populations were shaped by a substantial demographic expansion event, with the resultant high genetic diversity being cause for optimism when considering conservation of this commercially-targeted species in the southern Indo-Pacific.