110 resultados para Broilers (Chickens) -- Growth


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The aim of this study was to develop and validate an ELISA for detecting chicken antibodies to Eimeria tenella. An initial comparison of merozoite and sporozoite antigen preparations revealed few differences in their ability to monitor the onset, kinetics and magnitude of the antibody response suggesting that both antigens would be equally useful for development of an ELISA. Furthermore the cross-reactivity of these antigens with sera from birds infected with chicken Eimeria species was similar. The merozoite antigen was selected for further evaluation because it was easier to prepare. Discrimination between sera from birds experimentally infected with E. tenella and birds maintained in an Eimeria-free isolation facility was excellent. In sera collected from free-range layers and commercial broilers there also appeared to be clear discrimination between infected and uninfected birds. The ELISA should prove useful for monitoring infectivity in vaccination programmes in layer and breeder flocks and for assessing the effectiveness of biosecurity measures in broiler flocks.


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Sufficient evidence tended to indicate that at least four factors can negatively influence broiler performance when offered sorghum-based diets; in particular energy utilisation of sorghum in young birds. It was proposed that mainly CT would further influence sorghum grain AME values when consumed by young chicks (0-7 and 7-14 d old). Overall, birds consuming sorghum-based diets during the starter phase (0-21 d), did not match the performance of birds offered wheat-based diets. The use of phytase enzymes in sorghum-based diets tended to improve bird performance. However, reducing the obtained AME of sorghum grains by -0.8 MJ during the 0-21 d period appears to be a practical solution.


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Two isolates of haemophilic bacteria originally isolated in the 1980s from chickens were re-examined. The addition of a 10% sterile filtrate from an overnight culture of Staphylococcus epidermidis allowed growth of both isolates in solid and liquid media that were otherwise not capable of supporting the growth of these isolates. Using the modified media, genotypic and serotypic studies were performed, which confirmed both isolates to be Avibacterium paragallinarum, with one isolate being serovar A and the other serovar C. The unusual growth requirements of these two isolates reinforces the need for careful interpretation by diagnostic laboratories examining chickens showing signs of upper respiratory tract disease.


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Sleepy cod Oxyeleotris lineolatus is a species of freshwater goby in demand in Australian markets by consumers of Asian origin. It is related to marble goby Oxyeleotris marmoratus, the most expensive freshwater food fish in Asia, which is cultured throughout southeast Asia in ponds and cages. The performance of sleepy cod in culture conditions was investigated to assess the viability of farming them in northern Australia. Sleepy cod fingerlings (62.8 +/- 0.8 mm total length and 2.56 +/- 0.095 g) were stocked into experimental ponds at 32,857 fish/ha, and grown out for 8 mo. Shelter was provided in each of three replicate ponds and was absent in three control ponds. The provision of shelter in juvenile growout was found to be of no benefit, although fish in ponds provided with shelter weighed slightly more per unit length than fish in ponds without shelter. Cannibalism was not a problem in growout, and survival was close to 100%. After the shelter trial was completed, fish were graded into large and small classes (three replicates of each), and grown out without shelter at the same density for 158 d. Following that, fish were again graded, and the largest 30% retained from growout at a density of 8,857 fish/ha (large, 198 +/-6.44 g) or 10,000 fish/ha (small, 48.9 +/-1.27 g). These were grown out for 188 d. Growth of selected stock at low densities was slower than earlier growth rates, although smaller fish gained weight more rapidly than larger fish. Growth rates were better than the only published data for marble goby. Further investigation into high density culture and different genotypes of sleepy cod needs to be undertaken to determine the viability of pond culture.


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The influence of barley and oat grain supplements on hay dry matter intake (DMI), carcass components gain and meat quality in lambs fed a low quality basal diet was examined. Thirty five crossbred wether lambs (9 months of age) were divided into four groups. After adaptation to a basal diet of 85% oat hay and 15% lucerne hay for one week, an initial group of 11 was slaughtered. The weights of carcass components and digesta-free empty body weight (EBW) of this group was used to estimate the weight of carcass components of the other three experimental groups at the start of the experiment. The remaining three groups were randomly assigned to pens and fed ad libitum the basal diet alone (basal), basal with 300 g air dry barley grain (barley), basal with 300 g air dry oat grain (oat). Supplements were fed twice weekly (i.e., 900 g on Tuesday and 1200 g on Friday). After 13 weeks of feeding, animals were slaughtered and, at 24 h post-mortem meat quality and subcutaneous fat colour were measured. Samples of longissimus muscle were collected for determination of sarcomere length and meat tenderness. Hay DMI was reduced (P<0.01) by both barley and oat supplements. Lambs fed barley or oat had a higher and moderate digestibility of DM, and a higher intake of CP (P<0.05) and ME (P<0.01) than basal lambs. Final live weight of barley and oat lambs was higher (P<0.05) than basal, but this was not reflected in EBW or hot carcass weight. Lambs fed barley or oat had increases in protein (P<0.01) and water (P<0.001) in the carcass, but fat gain was not changed (P>0.05). There were no differences in eye muscle area or fat depth (total muscle and adipose tissue depth at 12th rib, 110 mm from midline; GR) among groups. The increased levels of protein and water components in the carcass of barley and oat fed lambs, associated with improved muscle production, were small and did not alter (P>0.05) any of the carcass/meat quality attributes compared to lambs fed a low quality forage diet. Feeding barley or oat grain at 0.9–1% of live weight daily to lambs consuming poor quality hay may not substantially improve carcass quality, but may be useful in maintaining body condition of lambs through the dry season for slaughter out of season


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A recently developed radioimmunoassay (RIA) for measuring insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) in a variety of fish species was used to investigate the correlation between growth rate and circulating IGF-I concentrations of barramundi (Lates calcarifer), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Southern Bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii). Plasma IGF-I concentration significantly increased with increasing ration size in barramundi and IGF-I concentration was positively correlated to growth rates obtained in Atlantic salmon (r2=0.67) and barramundi (r2=0.65) when fed a variety of diet formulations. IGF-I was also positively correlated to protein concentration (r2=0.59). This evidence suggested that measuring IGF-I concentration may provide a useful tool for monitoring fish growth rate and also as a method to rapidly assess different aquaculture diets. However, no such correlation was demonstrated in the tuna study probably due to seasonal cooling of sea surface temperature shortly before blood was sampled. Thus, some recommendations for the design and sampling strategy of nutritional trials where IGF-I concentrations are measured are discussed


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From the findings of McPhee et al. (1988), there is an expectation that selection in the growing pig for bodyweight gain measured on restricted feeding will result in favourable responses in the rate and efficiency of growth of lean pork on different levels of feeding. This paper examines this in two lines of Australian Large White pigs which have undergone 3 years of selection for high and for low growth rate over a 6-week period starting at 50 kg liveweight. Over this test period, pigs of both lines are all fed the same total amount of grower food, restricted to an estimated 80% of average ad libitum intake. 'Animal production for a consuming world': proceedings of 9th Congress of the AAAAP Societies and 23rd Biennial Conference of the ASAP and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, (DRF). Sydney, Australia.


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In many designed experiments with animals liveweight is recorded several times during the trial. Such data are commonly referred to as repeated measures data. An aim of such experiments is generally to compare the growth patterns for the applied treatments. This paper discusses some of the methods of analysing repeated measures data and illustrates the use of cubic smoothing splines to describe irregular cattle growth data. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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Dry-season weight loss in grazing cattle in northern Australia has been attenuated using a number of strategies (Hunter and Vercoe, 1987, Sillence et al. 1993, Gazzola and Hunter, 1999). Furthermore, the potential to improve efficiency of feed utilisation (and thus, dry-season performance) in ruminants through conventional modulation of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis (Oddy and Owens, 1997, Hill et al., 1999) and through immunomodulation of the IGF axis (Hill et al., 1998a,b) has been demonstrated. The present study investigated the use of a vaccine directed against IGFBP-1 in Brahman steers which underwent a period of nutritional restriction followed by a return to wet-season grazing.


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In recent years significant numbers of Australian goats have been harvested from the feral population to supply a strong demand for export of meat. In addition large numbers of feral does have been domesticated to increase breeding herds in western Queensland. Introduction of the Boer breed to Australia as a specialist meat goat may provide a genetic means for improving the productive performance of the Australian feral. The present paper reports growth and carcase attributes of feral and Boer x feral genotypes born in 1998 and birthweight of those born in 1999. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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The recent introduction to Australia of superior sheep meat breeds from South Africa provides a basis for improving the quality and amount of sheep meat grown in Queensland’s semi arid area. Alternatively suitable breeds from existing Australian stocks of dual purpose and traditional terminal meat sheep may bring the desired attributes required by the market place. There has been no critical assessment of sheep meat breeds suitably adapted to the rangeland environment of western Queensland. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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Mould growth in field crops or stored grain reduces starch and lipid content, with consequent increases in fibre, and an overall reduction in digestible energy; palatability is often adversely affected. If these factors are allowed for, and mycotoxin concentrations are low, there are sound economic reasons for using this cheaper grain. Mycotoxins are common in stock feed but their effects on animal productivity are usually slight because either the concentration is too low or the animal is tolerant to the toxin. In Australia, aflatoxins occur in peanut by-products and in maize and sorghum if the grain is moist when stored. Zearalenone is found in maize and in sorghum and wheat in wetter regions. Nivalenol and deoxynivalenol are found in maize and wheat but at concentrations that rarely affect pigs, with chickens and cattle being even more tolerant. Other mycotoxins including cyclopiazonic acid, T-2 toxin, cytochalasins and tenuazonic acid are produced by Australian fungi in culture but are not found to be significant grain contaminants. Extremely mouldy sorghum containing Alternaria and Fusarium mycotoxins decreased feed conversion in pigs and chickens by up to 14%. However, E moniliforme- and Diplodia maydis-infected maize produced only slight reductions in feed intake by pigs and Ustilago- infected barley produced no ill effects. Use of these grains would substantially increase profits if the grain can be purchased cheaply.


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Two isolates of Haemophilus paragallinarum were obtained from a layer chicken in Mexico. The isolates were confirmed as H. paragallinarum by polymerase chain reaction and conventional biochemical identification. The isolates were nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) independent—growing on blood agar without the need of a nurse colony as well as on a complex medium that lacked both NAD and chicken serum. Both isolates were pathogenic, causing the typical clinical signs of infectious coryza in susceptible chickens. One isolate was Page serovar B/Kume serovar B-1 and the other isolate was Page serovar C/Kume serovar C-2. The isolates were associated with a field outbreak that involved an egg drop of 20% over a 3 wk period and a doubling of weekly mortality (from 0.1% to 0.2%). This is the first report of NAD-independent H. paragallinarum outside South Africa and is the first time that NADindependent H. paragallinarum of serovar B has been reported. Abbreviations: NAD ¼ nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NAM ¼ nicotinamide; PCR ¼ polymerase chain reaction; TM ¼ complete growth medium without chicken serum or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; TM/SN ¼ complete growth medium that contains both chicken serum and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide


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In the dry tropics of northern Australia heifers are generally weaned mid-year at about six months of age and experience two dry seasons and a wet season prior to first mating at 2 years of age when only 60% are likely to conceive (Entwistle 19830. Pre-mating liveweight (PMLW) explains much of the variation in conception rate, but year effects explain further variations (Rudder et al 1985).


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Tick infestation occurs over 1.3 x 106 km2 in northern Australia. It has been difficult to estimate the economic effects of ticks due to a lack of information on their effects on growth and reproduction (Anon 1975). 12th Biennial Conference. February 1978. Melbourne, Victoria