2 resultados para performative

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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Almost thirty years have passed since the City Council of Madrid approved the first Municipal Plan against Drugs, thus laying the foundations of the current commitment to offer assistance to drug addicts. A Service that has been continuously growing (in funding), maturing (in organizations) and diversifying (in actions) during these decades, in the same manner as the scenario in which these actions are deployed has been evolving. But, what can be said today about the status of drugaddiction intervention? This study adopts a sociological approach that starts with and is focused on what has been defined as the hegemonic vision on drug addiction, with the aim of studying (precisely and progressively) the different and most widely accepted theoretical-practical developments and to understand how certain conceptions or positions determine the form of this social fact. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to understand and evaluate the performative effects of certain practices, techniques and professionals on defining and addressing a reality that is in question and/or in conflict, as a social problem. In addition, this study is focused on identifying a series of fundamental elements to address what is understood as the state of the issue of drug addiction in depth (discourse of drugs Vs. discourse on drugs) in order to offer a series of sociological questions and insights to focus attention onto this reality. For this purpose, once its intentions have been defined and due to the social nature of the object under study, the present research deploys qualitative methodology as a tool for approximation, delimiting the scope that professional technicians assume regarding the issue in question as well as their own professional practices within their organizations. Thus, we have contacted certain public as well as non-governmental organizations with long-term experience in drug addiction, so as to find out first hand, in addition to their writings, the different meanings they find in the performance of their specific practice (micro) as well as the framework within which their practice is defined and materialised (macro) on a population defined or characterised by (drug) addiction...


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Many works deal with the study of Greek epigrams. These texts gather precious historical, religious and epigraphic content whose analysis has been addressed from a literary point of view. The degree of dependence of Hellenistic epigrams of earlier period epigrams are of great interest, as shown by recent and numerous papers on this matter (Harder et al . 1998; 2002; 2006; 2012; Bing and Bruss 2007; Baumbach et al. 2010). Another major line of research is focused on the origin of epigrams and their relation to elegy (Gentilli 1968; Passa 1998b) or to hexametric poetry and the oral-formulaic language inherited from Homeric tradition (di Tillio 1969; Moranti 1971, 1972; Gentili and Giannini 1977). Furthermore, other authors, such as Day (2010), have pointed out the significance of the performative and ritual nature of epigrams. Likewise, this field of study has undergone a renewal because of new papyrological findings enriching the existing epigram collection corpora. Compared to all these works, monographs and studies dedicated to the analysis of the language of the verse inscriptions are fewer. Many of them explore the linguistic differences between literary epigrams and those epigrams preserved by epigraphic means, as well as the degree of intervention of later tradition on such texts (Tiberi 1996, del Barrio Vega 2008; Kaczko 2009). The first exclusively linguistic reviews were published by the end of the 19th century (Wagner 1883; Fengler 1892), however, they are descriptive analyses lacking from an independent methodology. Kock(1910) was the first researcher who systematized and suggested a linguistic hypothesis and upheld the use of epichoric dialects by poets. His theory was supported by adepts such as Kretschmer (1913; 1915) although some discordant voices appeared soon, such as Buck (1923) who denied the existence of a linguistic standard and endorsed the importance of the Ionic model over the epichoric one. Traditionally, Greek language manuals point out the significance of the Ionic model and accept the adaptation of Homeric language to epichoric dialect. The study of verse inscription language was not systematically resumed until Mickey's publications (1981a; 1981b). According to this researcher, epigraphic poetry consists of a tempered version of the epichoric dialect where the dialect-characteristic features are avoided. Following the same line but with some differences, Alonso Déniz and Nieto Izquierdo (2009) conclude that the most distinctive features of Argolic are not avoided, at least at the metrical inscriptions from Argolid...