9 resultados para meccanica_quantistica rappresentazioni_o_pictures evoluzione_temporale schrodinger heisenberg dirac

em Universidade Complutense de Madrid


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We have investigated the phase transition in the Heisenberg spin glass using massive numerical simulations to study very large sizes, 483. A finite-size scaling analysis indicates that the data are compatible with the most economical scenario: a common transition temperature for spins and chiralities.


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We study the effects of finite temperature on the dynamics of non-planar vortices in the classical, two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with XY- or easy-plane symmetry. To this end, we analyze a generalized Landau-Lifshitz equation including additive white noise and Gilbert damping. Using a collective variable theory with no adjustable parameters we derive an equation of motion for the vortices with stochastic forces which are shown to represent white noise with an effective diffusion constant linearly dependent on temperature. We solve these stochastic equations of motion by means of a Green's function formalism and obtain the mean vortex trajectory and its variance. We find a non-standard time dependence for the variance of the components perpendicular to the driving force. We compare the analytical results with Langevin dynamics simulations and find a good agreement up to temperatures of the order of 25% of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature. Finally, we discuss the reasons why our approach is not appropriate for higher temperatures as well as the discreteness effects observed in the numerical simulations.


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We discover novel topological effects in the one-dimensional Kitaev chain modified by long-range Hamiltonian deformations in the hopping and pairing terms. This class of models display symmetry-protected topological order measured by the Berry/Zak phase of the lower-band eigenvector and the winding number of the Hamiltonians. For exponentially decaying hopping amplitudes, the topological sector can be significantly augmented as the penetration length increases, something experimentally achievable. For power-law decaying superconducting pairings, the massless Majorana modes at the edges get paired together into a massive nonlocal Dirac fermion localized at both edges of the chain: a new topological quasiparticle that we call topological massive Dirac fermion. This topological phase has fractional topological numbers as a consequence of the long-range couplings. Possible applications to current experimental setups and topological quantum computation are also discussed.


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We study numerically the dynamics of a one-electron wavepacket in a two-dimensional random lattice with long-range correlated diagonal disorder in the presence of a uniform electric field. The time-dependent Schrodinger equation is used for this purpose. We find that the wavepacket displays Bloch-like oscillations associated with the appearance of a phase of delocalized states in the strong correlation regime. The amplitude of oscillations directly reflects the bandwidth of the phase and allows us to measure it. The oscillations reveal two main frequencies whose values are determined by the structure of the underlying potential in the vicinity of the wavepacket maximum.


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We introduce a model of a nonlinear double-barrier structure to describe in a simple way the effects of electron-electron scattering while remaining analytically tractable. The model is based on a generalized effective-mass equation where a nonlinear local field interaction is introduced to account for those inelastic scattering phenomena. Resonance peaks seen in the transmission coefficient spectra for the linear case appear shifted to higher energies depending on the magnitude of the nonlinear coupling. Our results are in good agreement with self-consistent solutions of the Schrodinger and Poisson equations. The calculation procedure is seen to be very fast, which makes our technique a good candidate for a rapid approximate analysis of these structures.


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We study electron dynamics in a two-band δ-doped semiconductor within the envelope-function approximation. Using a simple parametrization of the confining potential arising from the ionized donors in the δ -doping layer, we are able to find exact solutions of the Dirac-type equation describing the coupling of host bands. As an application we then consider Si δ -doped GaAs. In particular we find that the ground subband energy scales as a power law of the Si concentration per unit area in a wide range of doping levels. In addition, the coupling of host bands leads to a depression of the subband energy due to nonparabolicity effects.


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We consider the electron dynamics and transport properties of one-dimensional continuous models with random, short-range correlated impurities. We develop a generalized Poincare map formalism to cast the Schrodinger equation for any potential into a discrete set of equations, illustrating its application by means of a specific example. We then concentrate on the case of a Kronig-Penney model with dimer impurities. The previous technique allows us to show that this model presents infinitely many resonances (zeroes of the reflection coefficient at a single dimer) that give rise to a band of extended states, in contradiction with the general viewpoint that all one-dimensional models with random potentials support only localized states. We report on exact transfer-matrix numerical calculations of the transmission coefFicient, density of states, and localization length for various strengths of disorder. The most important conclusion so obtained is that this kind of system has a very large number of extended states. Multifractal analysis of very long systems clearly demonstrates the extended character of such states in the thermodynamic limit. In closing, we brieBy discuss the relevance of these results in several physical contexts.


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We propose and examine an integrable system of nonlinear equations that generalizes the nonlinear Schrodinger equation to 2 + 1 dimensions. This integrable system of equations is a promising starting point to elaborate more accurate models in nonlinear optics and molecular systems within the continuum limit. The Lax pair for the system is derived after applying the singular manifold method. We also present an iterative procedure to construct the solutions from a seed solution. Solutions with one-, two-, and three-lump solitons are thoroughly discussed.


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The Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm is adapted to the simulation of a system of classical degrees of freedom coupled to non self-interacting lattices fermions. The diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix is avoided by introducing a path-integral formulation of the problem, in d + 1 Euclidean space–time. A perfect action formulation allows to work on the continuum Euclidean time, without need for a Trotter–Suzuki extrapolation. To demonstrate the feasibility of the method we study the Double Exchange Model in three dimensions. The complexity of the algorithm grows only as the system volume, allowing to simulate in lattices as large as 163 on a personal computer. We conclude that the second order paramagnetic–ferromagnetic phase transition of Double Exchange Materials close to half-filling belongs to the Universality Class of the three-dimensional classical Heisenberg model.