4 resultados para mainstream
em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
This research aims to show the main points of convergence between hegemonic schools of economic and sociological theory from the Scottish Enlightenment until today. To this end, on the one hand, we set three basic families of economic thought (the mainstream, the Austrian school and Marxism); and, on the other, we divide the history of sociology in five major generations (pioneers, founders, institutionalizers, compilers and constructivist). Subsequently, we set five historical periods as reference to our respective chapters and compare, within each of them, the theoretical contributions from these two areas. Thus, in the first chapter, called "the liberal parenthesis", we consider the relationship between the classical school of economics and the pioneers and founders of sociology. In the second, entitled "the social question" we analyze, on the one hand, the theoretical consistency of both the neoclassical school, as Austrian, with the principles defended by the institutionalizers of sociology; and, on the other, the influence of Karl Marx, as founder of sociology and classical economist, in the work of Soviet revolutionary theorists. In chapter three, called the "new industrial state", we demonstrate the theoretical proximity between both Keynesianism and the Austrian school of economics, with the doctrine defended by the generation of compilers in sociology. The fourth chapter, entitled "second industrial divide", refers to the similarities between the theoretical contributions of the monetarist Chicago school and the Austrian school with sociological constructivism. Finally, chapter five, the "global market", shows that the two hegemonic schools in economics, "integrated model", and sociology, "analytical sociology", are composed of the same three schools of thought: the rational choice, the neo-institutionalism and network approach. Thus, we can conclude that, if we look at their respective areas of influence, during this historical period occurs an manifest agreement between the theoretical contributions from the economic and sociological fields.
Desde que en 1981 la cadena norteamericana de televisión por cable MTV introdujera el videoclip como elemento transgresor en el entramado televisivo, no ha existido pieza audiovisual más permeable, impactante e innovadora en la reciente historia del audiovisual. Representante vivo de la sociedad postmoderna, heredero de las vanguardias y popular herramienta publicitaria; el vídeo musical ha conseguido aquello que el cine sigue intentando instaurar: llegar al “mainstream” social inculcando premisas artísticas. Actualmente, no hay artista musical que no tenga alguna obra vídeo musical que ilustre su trabajo. Forma parte de su imagen de marca y es una herramienta de marketing indispensable. El cantante pop no solo vende su música, vende una imagen que busca identificar a un público que, en consecuencia, consumirá su música. Pero, ¿en qué medida es cuantificable el éxito del videoclip? En los albores de dicha cadena televisiva, resultaba evidente la incidencia de videoclips como Thriller (John Landis, 1983) en las ventas de discos (Pérez-Yarza, 1996, 30). Hoy en día, el vídeo musical es más una inercia empresarial cuyos costes de producción han bajado de manera considerable y su éxito se mide en número de reproducciones...
This paper revises mainstream economic models which include time use in an explicit and endogenous manner, suggesting a extended theory which escape from the main problem existing in the literature. In order to do it, we start by presenting in section 2 the mainstream time use models in economics, showing their main features. Once this is done, we introduce the reader in the main problems this kind of well established models imply, within section 3, being the most highlighted the problem of joint production. Subsequently, we propose an extended theory which solves the problem of joint production; this is extensively described in section 4. Last, but not least, we apply this model to offer a time use analysis of the effect of a policy which increases the retirement age in a life-cycle perspective for a representative individual.
The consolidation of collaborative video platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo in recent years has significantly changed the way fashion brands communicate with their audiences. Fashion films have emerged as a new and revolutionary tool adopted by luxury brands at the start of the XXI Century to construct their brands. A sample of 62 fashion films from 2006 to 2016 was analyzed in order to describe fashion film’s anatomy and its main characteristics that constitute an especial type of branded content, originated by brands in their quest for exclusivity and authenticity. As a distinctive type of experiential marketing mostly used by luxury fashion brands, they would become a new communication strategy for mainstream brands, but also allow the discovery of a profound connection with consumers through audiovisual narration.